State Police divers recover suspected weapon in W ilcox Lake Hartwig trial date scheduled BY KEN VOYLES Village resident, Darcelle Payne, who had f Ronald Hartwig, 32, accused killer of apparently, been approached by Hartwig Stacey Hurrelbrink, 21, will go on trial after the crime. before ^ayne County Circuit Court In other developments the Michigan Judge Michael J. Connors Oct. 13 at 9 State Police crime lab is currently a.m. studying a possible murder weapon . Preliminary proceedings were con­ recovered by an MSP diving team from ducted Thursday at Detroit’s Circuit the east end of Wilcox Lake last Tuesday. Court where the prosecution offered to Divers combed the lake bottom for over drop charges from first degree murder to an hour before recovering a claw ham­ second degree murder against Hartwig. mer, which it is believed was used on Hartwig’s court-appointed lawyer, Hurrelbrink the night of Aug. 22. Patrick Devine, had no comment on the Plymouth’s Acting Police Chief Carl change in charges, but added that he is in Berry said Monday that the MSP lab is the process of discussing the matter with still studying the weapon, but added his client to accept or reject the offer. that "if nothing positive had come up First degree murder is considered on the weapon we would have heard by premeditated, while second degree now.’* murder is considered "with malice’’ but Berry would not comment on where the without premeditation. tip came from concerning the Hartwig was arrested early in the whereabouts of the weapon. Hartwig had morning of Aug. 23 outside the Old been scheduled to take a polygraph test Village Inn after Plymouth Police by the MSP last week before his received information that he had been preliminary hearing in Circuit Court, but involved in the death of Hurrelbrink. police would not reveal the results of the That information came from another Old test. Knollwood court action adjourned once more BY DICK BROWN Sam Tocco, owner of the troubled ' The Knollwood Cemetery hearing cemetery, maintains that the state’s before Wayne County Circuit Judge figures are all wrong. Henry J. Szymanski set for Sept. 1-1, was The state’s attorney general office, again postponed. representing the state cemetery com­ The postponement, which was to have mission, has charged that Knollwood has taken up the request of the Michigan not set aside enough monies in the trust Cemetery Commission, was agreed to in fund from cemetery plot and merchandise order to come up with an audit on the sales "in advance of need" to satisfy the Canton cemetery’s trust fund. The state state law governing cemeteries. cemetiery commission has charged that In an interview Wednesday with Tocco the trust fund is 5300,000 short. and his attorney, Stephen M. Losh of Hazel Park, Tocco maintained that the state commission’s figures were way off. POSSIBL|E MURDER WEAPON used in the hammer slaying of Stacey He cited the fact that since the trust fund Hurrelbrink was turned up by Michigan State Police divers Tuesday af­ issue was. initiated the state has not ternoon. Trooper Mark Slussher recovered a claw hammer from the east end conducted an audit and that the state had of Wilcox Lake in approximately five feet of water about 50 yards off shore. not taken into account "canceled sales The diving team worked in extremely murky water feeling their Way along contracts for lots.” the muddy bottom before finding the hammer. The alleged weapon was taken He also charged that the state has not to the Northville State Police crime lab for tests. jO ier photo by Boh Lameronl taken into consideration what he termed F a ll F e s t "buy-backs,” which occur when finance companies which buy the contracts -on TV snafu develops at Fall Festival ronditional cemetery lot sales, exercise photo memories the provision calling lor the cemetery to' A communications problem developed last Wednesdav whinh altered video coverage buv back those lots which buyers have plans for the Plymouth Fall Festival. Omnicom cable TV and Faglevisum bumped into a failed to pay for. „ problem with the Fall Festival board over '.potting an Ommcnrn cable \ van ie the "Knollwood has not been given a fair festival area Wednesday. shake,” Tocco and Losh both insisted: The Fall Festival board hud not been notdied that Omnicom runted a -.pot tor die va>, Tocco was emphatic in stating, which’ was to have been used bv both (>1000 ,101 arid Kagb » :-n a1 Hv itm hoa tie "Knollwood is npt for sale, contrary to problem was ironed out Thursdav, it was too late 1 >>r (Imniniai to -t l ■ B a b (I o01 inor some rumors and published reports.” and Faglevision hirm-ii the (estival with mini-cameras. He also emphasized that "Knollwood The E a g le vision video tape viewing s< hedule will be announced m 1 in (.tier next Cont. on pg 5 week. , PG 2 It's Harvard Plymouth Twp. receives Square Shopping storm water report Plymouth Township Trustee Lee Fidge The area east of Sheldon Road, says the Center's and Township Planner Michael Bailey of progress report, is drained by storm Norman Dietrich Associates in Plymouth seWers and few of the nati ral open u // presented a progress report to the Board waterways remain. Conversely, the of Trustees on the township’s Storm developed areas west of Sheldon Road fHemiigfil tHadm» Water Management Plan at a meeting of have -allowed many of the natural THE COMMUNITY CRIER: Sept. 16,1981 the township board. waterways to remain as open dri ins, many The report gives a brief synopsis of of those still being in their original This Friday from 7 to 10P.M. some of the material covered so far by locations. Fidge’s committee. The six page With the exception of the Tonquish And You Could Win document identifies storm water Creek, most all future development of A Trip for Two problems, data collection and anyalysis significant size will occur in watersheds and alternate strategies. that will not influence existing developed To Toronto The report begins by citing Tonquish areas. "The adequacy of the storm Creek basin as one of the major storm­ drainage should remain unchanged water drainage problems. "These unless the intensity of the land use is problems are primarily from flooding due increased,” the report reads. to developed runoff from areas west of "The Tonquish Creek has been ex­ Sheldon Road in the -township and a cluded due to the fact that app oximately combination of developed runoff arid flow one half of the basin is presently restrictions in the City of Plymouth,” the developed. The City of Plymouih is also a report reads. large influence on this basin because of The second major problem, it con­ its developed state and existence of the tinues, is identified with the lack of enclosures of the north branch through Plus 300 FREE adequate storm drainage facilities in most of the city. certain areas of the township. The Possible strategies developed in the Kiddy SrW .*' problem was not found in largely un­ report suggest maintaining existing flood * ,„ * , '/ Z / ” '»*• ' developed areas (west of Canton Center plains and wetlands. Custard Cones Road), but in areas which are vacant or "Wet lands areas are a significant and will be may be redeveloped to a more intense sensitive component of good management land use.. planning. A review of information yielded given away. Those ares are mainly in the northeast a very limited amount of actual wetlands corner of the township. in the community. For this ijeason, the A third problem is related to design of plan will only acknowledge the presence stormwater control systems. The difficulty of these areas and probably rely on state is designing an acceptable stormwater and federal regulations - for their ponding basin for subdivisions without preservation,” says the report. open space or private parks and that are Other strategies include storm water in need of stormwater systems, says the detention areas for new developments report. and the preservation of open spaces to In section .two of the report, data help conserve flood plains. collection and anyalsis, it reads, As for Tonquish Creek, the office of the At Harvard Square's “Moonlight Madness" we have some CRAZY prices for you. You * 'Topographically the township is divided Wayne County Drain Commissioner has could even win a trip for two to Toronto. Just fill out the entry blank and drop it off at into 21 basins or watersheds. With the investigated the problems and may soon a participating dealer. Plus, there's 300 FREE kiddy custard cones to be given away from exception of five sub-basins which extend be ready to present an improvement 7 to 10 p.m. at King Custard. into Northville, all remaining 16 basins package. originate within the community. "The basic drainage pattern of the township is southeasterly. Excluding the Oakwood Hospital Johnson Drain, all of Plymouth Town­ MOONLIGHT MADNESS DRAWING ship’s runoff drains directly into the names administrator Rouge River or into Canton Township. SEPTEMBER 18 ! "This is significant in that the Oakwood Hospital has appointed David Win a trip for two to Toronto (2 nights. 3 days). Trip includes round trip train fare township is almost totally isolated from W. Salisbury, Troy, as Assistant ad- from Windsor and deluxe lodging. You must be at least 18 years old to enter. No -I drainage influences from beyond its ministrator of plant services for Oakwood purchase necessary. Drawing week of September 21st. Trip must be taken by I political boundaries, which put it in a Hospital facilities, includi: lg the new October 31, 1981.
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