The • OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BARBERSHOP HARMONY SOCIETY NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1986 Season's Greetings Join The Rural Route 4 on a LOVE BOAT HARMONY CARIBBEAN CRUISE Puerto Rico. Martinique Barbados. St. Maarten St. Thomas. Mayreau Island MAY 2 - 9,1987 Sing along with the 1986-87 International Champions The Rural Route 4 are sailing to the romantic and You'll love the Sun Princess. It's the ship originally enchanting Caribbean! On the Love Boat! The Sun used in the filming 01 the T.V. Love Boat series. It's Princess will never be the same! Just because these elegant, casual, friendly and bustling with things to do. boys are country, doesn't mean they're not Sun, swim, dance and sing. Don't forget the singing! sophisticated! To prove it they've even promised to And the entertainment. Something different every wear their blue VELVET bib overalls to the Captain's night. Broadway quality revues and -- on this cruise "Welcome aboard" cocktail party! only -- the great sound 01 the Rural Route 4. There'll be seven delightful days crammed with the And then there's food! Food! FOOD! You'll be wined magic and wonder that is the Caribbean. Sailing from and dined with award-winning cuisine impeccably San Juan (instead of Miami or New York) gives you served by the charming Italian staff. And you'll like the more time to explore the sparkling jewels of the friendly British crew. It's a week to pamper and delight Caribbean. You'll discover six ports in seven days. In you. The special group fare can save you almost addition to San Juan, there's 81. Maarlen (Dutch), $400.00 per person and includes air fare from most Barbados (British), Martinique (French), St. Thomas major American cities. (U.S.A.) and tiny Mayreau, an undiscovered tropical island paradise in the Grenadines, where we'll enjoya Tour sponsored by Harmony Services, Corp. mouth-watering barbecue on a palm studded white sand beach. MAIL THE COUPON TODAYI EDUCATIONAL TOURS INC. 6936 South Pulaski Road ~{ ~ Chicago, Illinois 60629 (3121 767-0477 or 767·9076 "THE WORLD IS OUR SCHOOLHOUSE" I want to go on Dear Fran.k: Please send me your brochure and complete details lor the Rural Route 4 the Caribbean Harmony Cruise in the Caribbean next May. NAME Cruise next May ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP _ The NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1986 VOL. XLVI No.6 (3farmonizer The HARMONIZER (ISSN 0017~7849) Is the officIal publication of the Society for the A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF Preservation and Encouragement of Barber S.P.E.B.S_Q_S.A., INC.• IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY. Shop Quartet SInging In America, Inc, (S.P.­ E.B,S.Q.S.A.l. It Is published In the months of January, March, May, July, September and Features November at 6315 - 3rd Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140-5199. Second-class postage paid at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Editorial and advertising offices are at the International Office. Advertising rates available upon request. 4 DOWN HOME ON THE FARM WITH THE RURAL ROUTE 4 Publisher assumes no responsibIlity for return The 1986 quartet champions welcome you into their homes and barns. of unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. NotIce by Jim Bagby. Willard Yoder. Calvin Yoder & Don Kahl of change of address should be submitted to the edltorlal offices of ThE HARMONIZER, 6315 - 3rd AVE., KENOSHA, WiSCONSIN 53140­ 8 THE FEEL OF FIRST GOLD 5199, at least thirty days before the next The 1986 chorus champions, Alexandria Harmonizers recall the events that publication date. A portion of each member's brought them to the gold. dues Is allocated to cover the magazine's sub­ by 80b Bates scription price. Subscription price to non­ members Is $6 yearly or $1 an Issue. Forolgn subscriptions are $12 yearly or $2 an Issue. 12 AMERIKA '86 AMERICAN-HOLLAND MUSIC LINE Copyright, 1986, by the Society for the Pre­ Barbershop singing brings groups together for concerts and friendships. servation and Encouragement of Barber Shop by James Conboy Quartet Singing In America, Inc. 15 A.I.C. OFFERS HARMONY COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP THE SONG IN THIS ISSUE ... 16 PIANO TECHNICIANS SING BARBERSHOP HARMONY 1906, the year of the San Francisco earthquake, Jack London's epic "White 18 BRING YOUR VOICE TO SARASOTA FOR THE MID-WINTER Fang," and Cohan's show "Forty-Five CONVENTION Minutes From Broadway," saw the intro· duction of a number of memorable songs 19 SPECIAL LICENSE PLATES ATTRACT ATTENTION - "School Days," "You're A Grand Old Flag." "Anchors Aweigh." "I Love 20 THE BARBERPOLE CAT PROGRAM IS CHANGING You Truly" and "A Lemon In The Gar­ den Of Love." Not so popular as these, 28 STATUE OF LIBERTY CELEBRATION FLAVORED WITH but a lot of fun, is "When The Circus BARBERSHOP HARMONY Comes To Town." Writers Earle Jones and Max Witt didn't collaborate on any big hits, their names are on many songs, but none Also In This Issue became well-known. Earle Jones shared the authorship of "On Mobile Bay" (19101 and "That Old Girl Of Mine" 24 IDEAS FROM THE 35 BARGAIN BASEMENT ADS (19121_ Max Witt achieved some fame for CHAPTERS "The Moth And The Flame" in 1899. and 36 HARTFORD REGISTRATION composed numerous instrumental waltzes 26 CHAPTERS IN ACTION and marches, 30 NEWS ABOUT QUARTETS CONVENTIONS INTERNATIONAL 1987 Hartford, Conn_ June 28-July 5 1988 San Antonio, Tex. July 3-10 1989 Kansas City. Mo. July 2-9 1990 San Francisco. Calif. July 1-8 MIDWINTER 1987 Sarasota, Fla. January 28-31 1988 Washington. D. C. January 27-30 1989 Honolulu. Hawaii To be scheduled 1990 Tucson. Ariz_ January 23-28 International Officers PresIdent, GHbert L. Lefholz, 13316 E. 51st Street, Kansas City, MO 64133 Immediate Past President, John T. GlIIesplo, Thinking Aloud 712 Newgate Road. Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Vice PresIdent, Jamos D. Richards, 1459 Clar­ mar Avenue, Rosovllle, MN 55113 by Hugh Ingraham, CAE Vice President, Darryl Flinn, P. O. BOl( 2879, 7975 Cleveland Avenue NW, N. Canton, Executive Director OH 44720 Vice President·Treasurer, James C. Warner, 6750 Poplar Avenue, Sulto 202, Memphis, TN 38138 Board Members Cardlnel, Roger Davidson, 1201 Arundel I recently attended a meeting of the quartet, there were some mixed quar· Dr., Kokomo, IN 46901 Central States, Ron Abel, 10232 Barton, Over­ Barbershop Pioneers in Chicago. Big tets, the judging was informal to say the land Park, KS 66214 deal, you say. Just who are the Pioneers? least, and everyone had a good time. I Dixie, Charles McCann, P. O. Box 40969, Nashville, TN 37204 Legitimate question, saw many old time friends I hadn't seen Evergreon, Tucker Goodwin, 7240 Gilhurst Crescent, Richmond, BC V7A 1N9 They were started by Tom Neal, a for years, got in a fair amount of singing, Far Western, Sam Barger, 610 Smithrldge Park, former Barbershopper from the Johnny and generally had a blast. Most there were Reno,.NV 89502 Illinois, Robert Coarnal. 416 North 9th, Mas­ Appleseed District who now lives in Cali· members but some were former Barber­ coutah, I L 62258 fornia. Tom sang baritone for years with shoppers. Lots of wives along. There was Johnny Appleseed, Roy Wergers, 86Bl Mock­ Ingbird Lane, CincinnatI, OH 45231 the Village Idiots, a favorite show quartet a golf tournament. But mostly it was Land 0' Lakes, Del Ryberg, 306 - 17th St., in the '60s and international competitors; singing and jawing. SW, Rochester, MN 55902 Mid-Atlantic, Don Vlenne, 5212 Farm Pond took the Euclid chorus to international What about groups such as the Bar­ Lana, Columbia, MD 21045 way back when; learned his barbershop Northeastern, Richard Young, Homestaed bershop Pioneers? (There's now talk of Farm, Moultonboro, NH 03254 at the knee of Society legend Deae Mar­ a similar group forming on the East Ontario, Dyson Plnhey, 16 Parkside Crescent, Ottawa, aNT K2G 385 tin; and is a Mid-States Four fanatic (they Coast,) Most fiercely defend barbershop Pioneer, James C. Gougeon, 38421 Harper, were international champs back in 1949.) harmony but I doubt there's much in­ Mt. Clemens. MI 48043 Rocky MountaIn, Fred Wlase, 3711 S. Harlan T om has little use for present day bar­ terest to become affiliated with the So· St., Denver, CO 80235 bershopping, Thinks all quartets sound ciety. As I said before, some are members Seneca Land, Jim Eldridge, 211 Jefferson St. Warren, PA 16365 alike, standardized vocal techniques have and some are not. They really just want Southwestern, Julian White, 4101 Glenmere, made for bland singing, and current to do their own thing and feel they can't N. Little Rock, AR 72116 Sunshine, L. Brott White, 1631 South Bayshore arrangements show little individuality. find what they want in their barbershop Court, Coconut Grove, FL 33133 Tom might disagree with my assessment community. For some it's an opportunity And Past International Presidents of his thinking, but I feel it's something to reminisce. To smile and remember how Hank Vomacka, 1881 Rose Street, Sarasota, like this: "Too many rules and too much it used to be. And how it used to sound. FL 33579 education have ruined the barbershop Some observations, for what they're Merritt Auman, 2400 Wanner Dr., Wost Lawn, PA 19609 broth." What we need is more macho worth. Burt Huish. 1531 Julie Lane, Twin Falls, 10 83301 barbershopping, -II It's interesting that even in this group So about four or five years ago, Tom of free-wheelers they do now have a International Office started the Barbershop Pioneers. They contest, had a Saturday night "show," HUGH A. INGRAHAM, CAE, ExcCfltive Director first met in the Muehlebach Hotel in Kan· held a meeting, and ask for minimal sas City, an appropriate spot since that's (voluntary) financial assistance.
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