Drivers Vote to Accept Coji|r§c| ••= J'K'Srf>-:Sic-S ^-KXpSS^ Colder Precipitation ending, becom- THEDAILY ing cloudy, colder today. W Bant, Freehold / ffhtfli t ifflrtol night and tomorrow, (Set petilU. Put S) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years lOItENTS rot. 91, NO. 154 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1969 18 PAGES Fire Fatal to 3 Stirs By DORIS KULMAN Benigino Martinez, another Chief Watkins and Mon- worse tragedy. The two offi- tenant, is reported in fair, mouth County Fire Marshal cers, first on the .scene, led ^REDJ3ANEDJ3ANICMI J several" tenantrTout1-ai-rear^ quent inspection of rooming condition in Riverview Hospi- "Rotfard MaclTafeHprobing tal where he was admitted through the fire-blackened door to" safety and rushed houses and appointment of a Benigino Martinez and three fire marshal to enforce the .with second degree burns of hulk of the 22-room, 75-year- old converted house this other injured ..men to River- borough's fire prevention the face, neck and arms. view Hospital in patrol cars. code are being pushed in the morning, trying to fix the 2 Inspections cause of the blaze which sent Mr. Boyce was found dead. aftermath of the ravenous Fire Chief Willard W. Wat- in his bedroom in the south- blaze which raged out of con-« 10 other persons fleeing into 'kins Said yesterday he-will the morning sleet in their west corner of the second trol for ty2 hours Saturday, floor. The body of Mr. Rivera taking three lives and gutting recommend that the require- nightclothes. Some jumped ment for annual inspection of through third-floor and sec- was found on the floor near a three-story rooming house the bed in the third-floor room at 77 Oakland St. rooming houses be upped to ond-floor windows to escape at least two inspections a the hungry flames, -which he occupied only a fcw*ours. Funeral arrangements have • Mr. Lopez, who had been a been completed for the three year. Firmly supporting the leaped almost 100 feet into c hi e f's recommendation, the sky, snapping high tension tenant in the house a few men who died in the fire: weeks and was seeking an Clarence Boyce, 79, father of Mayor Daniel J. O'Hern de- ' wires and sending them clared he will press for ap- crackling down around bor- apartment so he could move the dwelling's owner, Mrs. his wife and child here, also Leonia Smith, who also lived pointment of a paid fire mar- ough firemen.. shal to assist the volunteer Credit Police occupied a third floor room. there, and two young restau-- In Stairwell rant. workers, Heriberto Fire Prevention Bureau, in Chief Watkins and Police Rivera Rodriguez, 21, who stringent enforcement of the Chief LeRoy McKnight cfedit He apparently was trying to quick action by two patrol- make his way downstairs was spending his first night local code, a move he said as a tenant in the house, and has been under - discussion men, Peter De Ponte and Wil- through the flames and Israel Lopez Martinez, 27. since December. liam Story with preventing a (See FATAL, Pg. 3, Col. 3) Create Jetport WALL OF FLAMES — Seconds before firemen arrived on the scene the front of this rooming house at 77 Oak- land St., Red Bank; ,w«TT^all"of flamei licking almost 100 feetinto the sky. Three persons dfed in the raging- Boardi With Authority blaze. Two borough patrolmen, first on the scene, had raced to the rear to help some tenants out back door to TRENTON >- Assembly- structionv to western Mon- York's Kennedy Internation- •the .report stresses these points: safety. • - • , ' . "... ; • .. ,. man Joseph Azzolina, R- mouth County. al. Monmouth, will introduce leg- Heading the Senate commit- Meanwhile, an Air Force -By next year McGuire Air islation today creating a Jet- tee is Sen. Richard R. Stout, study has concluded that a Force Base at Wrlghtstown port Authority empowered to Monmouth Republican who commercial jetport in central will be the major military air use its own judgment in se- also opposes the western Mon- logistics center in the nation New Jersey-would "comprtf- with four 18-plane squadrons lecting a site for what is ex- mouth limitation. rnise plans for national se- pected to be the world's larg- Assemblyman Azzolina's of giant C141 Starlifter trans- Long Mediation curity." according, to a. re- ports of the Military Airlift est commercial air Held. bill will be co-sponsored by -port ta the'TfcWMfc Sunflay «a Command, "which the Air "The best site," the Mid-' the entire Monmouth delega- News. dletown lawmaker declared, tion in the Assembly. Force underscores is a com- "is not western Monmouth. When completed, the pro- The story by aerospace bat command. This area is now being dis- posed jetport is expected to writer Albert M. Skea credits —Any type of limited war- Maiawan Teachers Pact (See JETPORT, Pg. 2, Col. 6) cussed because political pres- be five times the size of New , "informed sources" and says • MATAWAN TOWNSHIP^- "Therej^a negotiated set- be approved or rejected by with proportionate raises in sures have been exerted up- Four sessions totaling nearly tlement that will be recom- school district voters tomor-" between: on the- governor and others 50 hours of mediation ended mended to the teachers asso- row. i Teachers with bachelor's charged with solving our last night in Lloyd Road In- ciation for ratification this Acceptance Seen degrees, who now start at growing traffic jams in the termediate School. week," Dr. Benewitz de- Miss Marie Panos, presi- $6,000, will be paid $6,700. skies." clared. The bachelor scale goes Assemblyman Azzolina re- Bus Drivers Accept The Matawal Regional dent of the MRTA, looked Board of Education and the John J. Bradley, president happy as she stated that she through 12 steps to a maxi- called that earlier choices for Matawan Regional Teachers of the Board of Education, is "very optimistic" about ac- mum of $11,100. The master's the jetport site zeroed in on Association, guided by Dr. said the settlement will also ceptance of the settlement scale runs from $7,450 to a northern and southern New Maurice C, Benewitz, medi- be ratified by the board in by the teachers. top of $12,000 in 13 steps. Jersey locations. He added formal action this week. He The new -salary guide in- Teachers with master's de- that the state's consulting Renewal of Contract ator appointed by the state Public Employes Relations stressed that the settlement, cludes raises of $700 for be- grees plus 30 credits will be transportation engineer,.. Al- paid $7,800 to $12,600 in 13 bert E. Blomquist, admitted RED BANK — Boro Busses and were told fuel deliveries the drivers' association is a Commission, reached agree- a package estimated to total 'ginning teachers and in- possible sale of the Newark creases of $1,000 to,$l,200 for steps. Thursday might in Millstone drivers voted to accept the by Teamster drivers would be ment on salaries and fringe $380,000, will not increase the company's contract offer. Fri- held up until a new agree- Line to the New York-Keans- benefits. school budget for 1969-70, to teachers on the higher steps, The board has also agreed Township that western Mori- mouth actually was rated as day and service today should ment could be signed. burg Bus Company (the Blue to pay for family Blue Cross, ; be normal. In the past, Boro Busses and White Line). Blue-Shields-Rider —J- arid Jhe fourth best location. "We can readily recall the The" contract, identical- to drivers have votedfour times Fear Sale major medical insurance for the one expiring today, was not to go with the Teamsters. Drivers fear that if the line" all tgachers. governor^ untimely pledge not to'offend a block of north- agreed to by 64 per cent of Pro-union forces lost the bal- is sold, Blue and White would not retain the Boro Busses 14 Israeli Jet Planes —rflnusual in the settlement is ~em-voters~by_perinitting-con-- the ,men A* 5L per. cent no .lot-by three votes last sum- agreement-by the board and vote would " i5eL' -,_',!. .— "•-' -UI. uJ-...-. "Tir..Wa Wait jlie'. aUgadyr unionized drivers'iaFBlue aniT essiona relations committee^ is time t0 end ttls type ' second ballot would have been The Daily Register it was the White would refuse to let non- • older employes, men afraid union men drivel • 11 ta the district, with sub -comT-^gnnin r believe „„/*, needed for a strike or walk- mittees for each school, autonomous authority, com- out. they could not get other jobs No formal application for Raid because of their age, who the sale had been made, ac- The professional relations posed of aviation experts in- A walkout is still a possi- By ASSOCIATED PRESS -Baghdad Radio said one which the army said the pa- were responsible for the no- committee, which will consist stead of politicians, will exer- bility if the drivers do not cording to the Public Utilities An Iraqi mUitary spokes- Iraqi soldier was slight- trol was fired on. union and pro-contract votes. ' of three or four teachers and cise, the..type of effort and sign tfie agreement by 12:01 Commission whose' approval man claimed that 14 Israeli ly wounded in the alleged at- No Israeli casualties were One of the chief concerns of Is necessary. reported.lt was the first time three or four administrators, judgment necessary for the a.m. Wednesday, when it goes jet fighters attacked Iraqi tack today.
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