McPberaoe, M pretext! Clerk tf the aeeond vessel that hM ttuw reached New York from tbe ' 1ERP3ICH0KEAH VOTB& Itr re-election, win what knqmi rt- ¦OUO AND TOT DRAKA SHIPPING NEWS. Celestial Empire laden with tea. 18(0 there were built Distrlet of Ulnctaeatl WASHINGTON. i to Mwd. They are anxloua to have Judge During in the The buB season, which opened so brilllantty, aad » steam vessels, with a of 11,CM tone; 1» bargee > Chairatan of the Ways tndlMoans Con- The Kraal and uMnalUlod mw of the Rachel tonnage of the Of¦¦ Mac*. Ml in that which many believed had reached the aenlth in the ¦c for NHr Twk-TUi Day. tonnage 8,1111 tone; 9 oaaal boat*, tonuaue 408 tone; total, id It ti jrat potaiblt that, to effect this, BwWO, seems to have be- tone. '¦down towneat" or til theatre*, the Stadt, la an irr* grand ball of the Amarlcua Club, 10,138 This statement compare* favorably with 1889, be compelled to mate oentli oombina- Sun 7 22 Moon rises, morn 2 88 a revival Hie St Durfigo Conmls&km Ed But* of what can eoaet la thia come more than ever a furore in the entertainment* ehowlng of boatbuilding la the Weet, which pmaa i the and other officers which will fragtbie proof gonna otty. 8«!d lets. 4 59 water...eve 4 14 leee a more abundant of meet the Speaker mm which, leas grand but more frequent, duster about High supply tonnage to require¬ off tltotr from the C1«t1l Blaine la Weautden, who probably InM of the stadt ment* of river oommerce. (01 New Yak. strength their the devious srsry night in the week. Many of those to whom the only candidate that haa yet been mentioned tor before, pick way nightly through OCEAN STBAMERS. The following will chow the expert* (exclusive of specie) > load to the card*of Invitation have already been issued would, which . Speaker. He li no strong, and haa made aa streets democratic highway, and from Yew York to foreign porta for the week ending Jan 10, allow theaaema to ho carried to toe in an ordinary winter, be designated DATS OF DBPAHTCU8 VIOH NSW YORK FOR TBS and elnee the of the capable an ofiHw withal, that It H doubtful if topmoat MOUTH OF JANUARY. beginning year:. heights of enthusiasm in their desire to see OMAND balls; um. 1870. 1871. m WAX'S VIEWS AND MTEM1M. any man win be found bold enough to oppose him. but following the magnificent aflhlr which filled the Office. For the week tp8.876,«#l *8,61H,7.i8 $«,774,187 Captain Soxton, of New York, will probably be mis queen of the stage. Last week the Previously reported 1,1*14,240 -',174,518 4,187,73V "business" was surprtttns thla week it Academy and Irving Hall with snch a wealth of Nebraska IJan 18.. Liverpool. » Broadway. preaaed for re-election as Doorkeeper by toe Mew flowers and perfume, such a dazzle of diamonds and yui* da Parte. Jan ¦¦ Htm...,, 68 Broadway- Since Jan 1..... f8,803,920 *»,«.«,27* *8.981/128 to bent wui be more so, when wT look at the Liverpool. 69 Broadway. tne York deiepattou. The West jieems be upon snch a of beauty, they have paled In glery. JtnHH 16 A curious coincidence 1* related of recent yellow fever CiM Not UnfiiTorablc to following programme of novelties:.Hondar, "Ro¬ galaxy Fruoi Liverpool. Broadway. in 1* that in 1821. when the disease having the 8ergeant»at-arma and the Postmaster. If Among those which have recently occurred one can¬ Jan 21 ¦ Liverpool. 09 Broadway. ¦ epidemic Barcelona. It meo and Juliet;" Tuesday, "Dorr und Stadt," Bler- Britannia Jan St.. Glasgow... 7 Bowling Greeu la»t visited that broke out on the same of the Annexation. they win be satisfied with thia the members from not mention a more than that City of Baltlm're 34.. 16 ¦ oity.it day pfeiJTer; Wednesday, "The Bobbers;" Thursday, charming gathering MuluUu [JanJan Liverpool Broadway. month a* thii year; in the lame street; suddenly Increased the Eaat wui concede It to them for the sahe of get¬ or the which came at Irving Hall on Liverpooliverpool... 29 Broadway. ¦ the "Taming or the Shrew;" Friday, "Adrionno Lecouv- Caledonians, ojr Iowa... Glasgow 7 Howling Green on the same day ; and attained its maximum of viotlmt on the the Clerk and tbe Doorkeeper, . ting Speaker, Friday evening last. The laddies appearing In Deutschland. iSS:: Bremen..... 68 Broad st. ¦¦ the same three officers of the House. In toe reur;" Saturday (Mme. Becbach'a only benefit), Washington Jan 38.. Havre 68 Broadway. ¦ day. leading meetings Scotch Tartan robes and turtles.with blonde India.77. Jan 88.. (irecn Marine ftliwfrs, ILLNESS OF ADMIRAL POSTER of the several and In the other comblns- "Joan of Arc." With such support as Veneta and plaids. 7 rlowllng delegations boautiea and brawny Gaels, with the shrill notes of Wyoming [Jan 28.. GlasgowIverpool. .. [29 Broadway. ¦ 8bip Anueliqub (Br), MoBurnle, rrora London for Hos- ttona with reference to the selection or Harry, and her own overspreading genius, tn i not New York, a* stated yesterday), svas at Bermuda forming gvea^ the pibroch mingling In tne more voluptuous music 8th |nst, short ot offloers for the new House not a word has been said Seebach must needi make her farewell season in provisions. Washtnotoh, Jan. 16, 1871. of the South, presented a scene remarkably eflectlve PORT OF HEW VOftK, J1IIJ1RV I8T1. Bark Sarah M Smith. -Advice* to 2 PM of the Uth Inst revenue In fact, that New York one to be remembered as an on our 1ft, from the Krltlsb bark The Co.iwln WfMI about the reform movement. ' epoch in the of colors and Sarah 11 Smith, ashore on Shovelful DmMh and stage. blending gay Slioal, represent that about 400 toil* of tier cargo h ive beci Thm CaWil Not On>M< to AmbwIKo. buaineae aeons to have fluted out completely, SYMPHONY OF 8WKET SOUNDS. discharged andoarrled to Nantucket. heard of It more than If it had never been "Saratoga," with crowdoa houses and no flagging ARRIVALS. Bx-senator Wade and Professor White, of tfee St. nothing la Among the balls t< ake Place within the few Babx VOLUNTIBB-Provlnoetown,- Jan 14.There were mentioned. To be rare the gentlemen elected upon of enthusiasm, still runa Its uninterrupted course at REPORTED BT taken irom the Itark Volunteer vttalerdav 177 boxi-a lemoun, Poaiogo Committee, left tore to-night fot Mew not been con¬ nights following and which deserve especial men¬ THE HERALD STEAM YACHTS. lH do orange*, 61 sacks almnnd.s and about 1UU0 boxes rat- this Issue In the last canvaaa have Dale's Fifth Avenue. There w something so utterly Steamship City of Baltimore Delamotte, The bark York, accompanied by their 8ecreury, Allan O. sulted in these little arrangements, for tion are those enumerated below:. Dec 111, (Br), Liverpool SUW. remains about the same. preliminary unlike stage pieces In this dehoious piece of non¬ Queenstown Jau 1, via Halifax lktb, with mdae and Tobhid oI Kentucky. In Mew York will be ubo reaaon that comparatively few of them are here, The fourth annual invitation ball of the Adams to John G Dale. Had very rough weather to Bbio Zonk, from Demarara for Philadelphia (no4 Barton, they are re-elected will be sense that the take bold of It as a ran natural |aasengers, Baltimore), was at Bermuda 8th lust with rudder bead gone joined by Dr. 8. G. Howe, the ether member of the bat the old members who pobllo Printers. and leaking. likely to lead their new brethren in this as In other specimen. If It was constructed according to stage Press Steamship Alexandria (Br), Lees, Palermo, Trieste, Mar¬ oommtssion, who haa not been hem. secretary matters. Tne founer have the experience and THE THOMAS OOMAN ASSOCIATION, seilles. Messina, and Gibraltar Deo 291, via St Michaels Bbio ELl.X)r H (of tt John, NB) wa* at Bermuda 8th lnit, of and oaneus tactics on laws it would be a failure, but, being a kaleidoscope (Atores) Jan 1, with fruit and M passengers, to Henderion having been run into Mat ult by ati uuinown venel. Bobeoon and General Porter, the President's pmate knowledge parliamentary organized and named In honor of the popular pre¬ Bros. Dee M and IB, In lat M 13, 1 on 10 62, experienced a 8cu it Ai.tiiea. from their (tide, which Is nine points of the law. of watering plaoe frivolity, it takes hold, and no one sale from N Smith, Areclbo, PR, tor . put .eomary, are In New (or the pnrpoae er officer of the Board of comes off heavy W, with heavy tea. nto Bermuda 8d Inst In distress, of what nature not stated. York, giv¬ The ftsai dtatwaat tvm the can tell when it will consent to make way for.Boucl- siding Aldermen, Steamship City of Rio Janeiro (Bri, Halrby, Buenoe Ayrea attention to the arrangements made by Charpeaalmg at Hail. The invitation notes to Nov ST, Montevideo 80th, via Rio Janeiro Dec 16, and Bahla SciiR Union (of St Martin*\ Holm, 23 days from St l>o ing personal cault's last and m6st remarkable "Jesse this evening Irving a the of the Tennessee lor the oomfttt and Peat Mm Ptpni feet. eaaar, bel." 32d, with mdae and 7 passsngers, to Busk A Jevous. Had mlngo tor New York,'with cargo of logwood, arrived off captain Tne resetntlnn ottered in the Boom of Represen¬ So much for American talent,and American pluck this affair are printed from a very neatly-engraved fine weather throughout.
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