®l]e Pni6i>rsity oi (fitcmislaith ;^tubcntgi' ^efospctp:. CIRCULATION PROVED BY UNISSUED CHALLENGE TO BE GREATER THAN THAT OF ANY OTHER WEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE 'VARSITY. Vol. TL, No. 21 Friday. Tst Sejitember, mvi. Price 2d. AUSTRALIAN UNIVERSITIES 1e;!in won 20 points to PI. Diinhtp led CARNIVAL. (II.- !'i>M-er<ities" team, 'with Haye- vice- WHAT'S ON cartain. The play was keen, but as was The Kyogle mail for Sydney on Sun­ only to he expected both >ide> .siilfercd day, .-\ngnst ^'\ was croAvded. The Ex- FRIDAY. Isl Sept. — l.^f) p.m. in the Avay of eoiiihination, ov tin: players h.ibition had concluded here and many S.C.:\l. Address- had not peen to^-ether. Haye-i. Minnis, people' were anxious to "movc> on." At Philosophy Poom. Winrisor, Si'cock. Wilson. Ciimiore. and the end of the long train the Onveriior- Ryan were chosen from Queensland. (iinerars ear was attached, and <tuite SAT CR DAY. 2nd Sept. — S p.m. Theodore Avas [iiiabh' lo play fni .•leeoimf near the enji'ine in one carriage. thon<rb Men's Cluh Fancv Dress Dance of a'l iiiinry. --o Cutmore moveil into the in dilferent ecmipartiiKMits. Avere Univer­ -^:\laiii Hall. Sydnc.v "hookers" position. Py;in look sity footballers and side show artists and Cnlinorc's position front I'ow. When artistes. The booking elevk had made a MOXD.\Y. -Ith Kept. — 1.2ri p.m. hc^'jelt wes forced to relir,- early in the serious nii.stake. The foriiKn' wer(> on I.R.I.'. Discussion Group: lo'M'-h and !^liep!ierd dropped hack info holiday bent, whereas the latter Avere ''Organisation of th(> Leau'iie Mie full hack position, AViinhor t.''ot his over-tired after endeavouring to draAV of Nations."' L'tnofdniily bv filling th(> po'-ition iiiadt' crowds to one liartieiilar side show af the —]\lods. Koom. v:'c:i)if by Shejiherd. Exhibition. Oranges are proeiirabh' at Coinnn'c Pyan and O'Connor scored many stations iu New Hoiith Wales, Ihey TfESDAV. .'lib Sept. — 1.5 p.m. Ir'cs for I'liiver^itie-, Leti'iir* and Minnis are said to contain vitamin P> and most Men's C^nb A.C..M.~ c;'ch converted one. nourishing even for footballers. We all Men'.s Coni'inon Poom. On Friday nioniinn' we saiiinlerl al' tin' know the trouble the apple eaused in the "(H'fl lliings at Toohey's Prewcry. and WKDXKSDAY. (ith Sept— Cardeii of Ecbni. surely as we know the (Itni-uj- il)e afternoon we were entertained 1.20 p.m. trouble the orange skins may liave caused bv Ihe X'ew South Wales Coveriinient on on the TCyogle mail. Musical Society— the laiineh "Premier," To this day the W(> woke ^londay morning fo see the Mods. Tiooin. eaiitaiii wond'M's why his ship did not beauties of flu; llawkesbitry Hiver. It »'|«$0 K2=> t€:Kt >-^C^ l-f^iM- ics:k-*4t:D- »«••» • keen the eo\irvo set. Perhajis some of the Avas a wonderful sight at dawn. As -vve v'sitoi's Icnow why. ap]iroaelied Sydney Ave met the early Saturday aflerno(ni .Vde'aide and ATel- trains to Ilornsby and other suhiirfis. of points to (). S;iUiock scored fonr honriii jilayed the ('ir'y match. .\f1er Arriving on time wc had snil'ieient time tries. Kvaiis. ilinnis. and Pearce tries, le.'MliiMr P*^ Doiiils to :> :i1 Ini'f-time. 'Me'- to liavi> breakfast at the Oriental Hold. KVans converted five and kicked a hourne defeated .\delaide by 2!> points fo The Alelbourne men bad arrived on Sun­ pi'iially goal. Davey kicked iwo penalty (!. .\(b'laide tlioiprh outelass(>il nlaved day, and the Adelaiile nieii were dnc ;ii goals fnr Adelaide. Al ni).di1 we reste-.l htiii.v Hiuu iu the match au'aiiist Queeus- n o'ldock. onr weary bones at the Plaza Picture h'lid. The team showed that it Avas Before noon the Lord Alaytn- of Sydney Theatre and awaited the selection for the h'.''i'niiu'' to tackle low iiisti-ad of 'eapincT had conferred on us the Freedom of tlu' combined matches on Thnrsday. ;it till oi^iKMieiits' shoulder^'. The .\de- City. We Avere told it Avas the first occa­ Weilnesday niorning we were guests of hiide forwai'ds sr>emed to have a beter sion on Avhicli a i\Iaynral reception Inid the Sydney I'liiversity Football Club at •'b"t of lh,v traine. For ATelboiirne Charl­ been extended to footballers. morning tea at Farmer's. Some of us met ton s(.oi'ed ?> tries. Frew Rolt and Wilson Monday afternoon we bad a run on the nuMuliors of the Ijadies' Auxiliary Com­ .'1 trv each. Laurie k'ek'ed ."i u-oals. Porter Sydney r)val, and frnni there AV(. Avoiit to inittee. .•iiid .\'!eii scored teiees for Adelaide. see the interstate match on the North Syd­ On Thursday a cmnhined Australian Oneeiisland met Sydnev in the second ney Oval. rniversilies second team met the Hawlces- nvijch Sydney won by Ifl points fo 17. Tuesday mnrnins' the Xew South Wales biiry Agricultural Coileire team. Queens­ '•d'ter (^)ueeiisbiiid had led by 1-1 points io Piigby Fnion welcomed the three visit­ land Avas represented by Foote. 'Mann. P at hali'-tini". Qneensland was in the ing teams. In the afternoon the carnival Evans, Pearce, Stumm. and Atkinson. 1'^"d bv three Points until one minute of eommeneeod on tho Vn.iver^^itv Oval, P»arr(ni, the Sydney half-baek. Avas cap­ full time. whiMi ATaidvay senred a fry Sydney l'niversity defeated Melbourne tain, ami Pearce vice-caiitaiii. Play in which Westfield converted—a narroAv by 2.') points to o. Sydney lead by 22 Ihe first half was dull. It is difVieult to vicfor.v. Sydney won after a hard and points to nil at baM'-time. PiP'fil and obtain combination in llies<^ inatehes, and 'nterestiii<r frame. Queensbind Avas nn­ Pryke scored two tries eJieli for Svdiiey, the Cnl'ege did most of th(< attacking. lneky tn lose. The consensus of opinion Diival and Harris one each. Leggctt con­ The scores at half-time beiiii',' fi li» nil in wasj that Queensland played the better verted t"'o and also kick"d a penalty favcnir of the College team. In the fo(»tball diirinir most of the game. goal, For Melbourne Courtiiev scored second half the rniversities' team ]ilayed Qneensland put up a solid defence. "Mae­ a try 'wdiich Laurie converted. The later with more dash. The final scores A\'ere kay carried four opponents over the lino frame Avas bet.ween Oueensland and j\de- ColleiiC 11. rniversities -l Foote Ava.- "•hen be scored the Avinning try. The laide. It Avas the first time the latter forced to retire early in the game. P!ydii(>v I'nl' Inek fWestfiehP Avns re­ team was represented at the carnival. For the first time four Tniiversities sponsible for ^'^ nf Svdn<'v*s in points. The Adelaide men AA'cre inexperincd. and Avcre represented in the .•\ustraliaii rni­ I-'or Svdney. Shcphered. Westfield. and thus frratly ha'uliiwt'ied. Qiieenvbind versities' team. Avliich met a metropolitan .M'-'kay scored tries Westfield kicked 2 <roals and 2 ]ienaltyV goals. Stumm. led at"half-time by 20 to 3. and AVOU by L") at the Tiniversity Oval. The latter "SEMPER FLOREAT." Friday, 1st September, 1933- Windsor, and Minnis scored tries for land l'niversity men haA'^e left behind a of the most jovial nature. The appetites, Queensland. Evans kicked a goal and 2 record. In fact, it is held that no future were most extraordinary, in spite of the penalty goiils. carnival Avill a success unless Queensland fact that the authorities would persi.st The carnival was brought to a close is represented. Tn fhe combined matches in sending more bread instead of more on ."\Ionday. .August 21.'U'lieii Sydney met We secured stronger representation than meat. Adelaide in the early match and AVOII by W{? have ever done, and every man justi­ 42 points to :l, after leading by 2i) points fied his inclusion. Next 'week s(nncfliiiig If Avas agreed unanimon.sly that tho to nil ;it half-time. Rowe scored ;i Iries will be said of the Japanese tour. usual dinner conventions should be sus­ f(n' .Sydney. Saniiiells 2. Ibirry 2. Mat­ pended for the Aveek; that is, dressing for thews, McWhirler and Westfield tries, dinner Avas quite optional, although one o:' and Westfield kicked goals. The only try • member, so as not to lose his self respect altogether, always Avore his hat. Also for Adelaide Avas scored by the captain, AH! TO HELL! O'Cfutiior. jjrrrat license was fjiven in other direc­ tions; for example. Avashing was not in­ 'i)U(ensland defeated Alelbourne by 17 At 4 p.m. on the afternoon of fhe last sisted npim, but removing boots at night ])oiiits to !•; al half-time the score Avas f) Saturday of second term, nine or fen dis- Avas encnnraged. Some of the cam]i all. The visitors were feeling the strain coiisotat(> engineers might have been seen shaved Avhi'e they were there, but this; of loo nnieh football .and the after effects silting ill the gutter outside tlte Engin­ was unavoidable, as they had engage- of injuries caused by the hard ground. eering hiiiidiiig. They were ari'aycd in nieiils In loAvn Avhich demanded the strict­ Some Avere unlucky enough to have P>ulli a wide variety of costumes, from the mun­ est formality. }iois(niiiig.
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