Language Policy and Practice at a Secondary School in Manzini: The Case of Teaching and Learning in Form 4 By Siphiwe Monicah Dlamini 214581382 B.A. Hum, P.G.C.E., M.Ed. In fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Language Education UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU-NATAL Durban (Edgewood campus) Supervisor: Professor A. Sheik i DECLARATION o The research reported in this thesis is my own original work, except for cases where due reference is made. The work was completed by the author between June 2016 and December 2020. It does not contain any person’s data, tables or any other information except where specifically acknowledged. It will not, and has never been submitted for any award at any university for any diploma or degree except at the University of KwaZulu- Natal. Signed by me, Siphiwe Dludlu, on this 12th day of December of 2020. Signature: Supervisor’s signature …………………………………………………. ii DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my children Mayenzeke, Mayenziwe and Mzomuhle. Your support, understanding and reassurance that mommy must pass so we can go for her graduation cannot go unnoticed. I want you to know that knowledge is power, and with dedication and focus, anything is possible. May you be inspired to achieve greater things in life. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It has been an arduous journey but finally, it has come to an end. I give honour and praise to the almighty God. Special thanks and gratitude go to my supervisor, Professor A. Sheik for the mentoring and support throughout. Thank you for taking me under your wing and for your encouragement. I am forever grateful to the care and support you accorded me during the Covid era. Here it is Prof! I also extend my gratitude to the Ministry of Education and the head teacher for allowing me permission to collect data for the study. Humble appreciation also goes to the teachers and the learners for the rich and informative data they provided for this research - thank you all so much. In particular, I want to thank my parents for the sacrifices they made to see all of us through school. Your contribution cannot go unnoticed. Thank you so much. To all my siblings, be encouraged to achieve more. I would also like to thank my husband for allowing me to pursue this journey. I appreciate your support and understanding in assisting me to complete my studies. To my children, finally we will attend graduation! Be inspired as well. Finally, I would like to extend great appreciation to my friends and colleagues for their constructive ideas and criticism. Special appreciation goes to my colleague and PhD fellow Vuvu for the valuable advice and support throughout my journey. Be all blessed bountifully. iv ABSTRACT The thesis explored language policy and practice at a secondary school in the Manzini region of eSwatini. Studies have shown that language policy is a key determining factor for learner-academic performance, yet no study has endeavoured to look into the experiences of teachers and learners in using the language policy currently operant in education in eSwatini. The majority of learners in the eSwatini EGCSE exit examination fail to pass English yet language testing constitutes a high-stake examination that impacts the future of learners. The purpose of the study was to document teachers and learners’ perceptions of the language policy currently operant in the country. It was a qualitative case study grounded on the interpretive paradigm which utilised document analysis, observation and one-on-one interviews to collect data. The study was informed by Cobarrubias’ four language planning ideologies and the micro language planning framework. There were six teachers who were purposively sampled and ten learners selected using systematic random sampling. Data was thematically analysed using content analysis. Interview data revealed that teachers and learners have positive sentiments towards the eSwatini language policy. Moreover, teachers and learners were equally divided on the issue of language and academic performance, with some arguing that English competency does affect learner-performance whilst others believed this did not. The researcher also established that teachers and learners codeswitched between English and siSwati for clarity during teaching and learning. It was therefore concluded that codeswitching is a useful and essential instructional tool for effective teaching and learning to take place. The study then recommended a teaching and learning model for effective pedagogic purposes. v IQOQA Lolucwaningo lolu lubukeze izindaba zolimi nokusetjenziswa kwalo ezikoleni eziphakemeyo esigodini saKwa-Manzini ezweni laseSwazini. Ucwaningo luveza ukuthi ulimi okufundiswa ngalo ludlala inzima enkulu kakhulu ukuze kuthi umfundi aphase ekufundeni kwakhe isikole kodwa nomakunjalo, alukho ucwaningo olwenziweyo kulelizwe laseSwazini olubuyekeza indima yolimi ekufundeni kwabafundi nokuthi bona abantwana nothisha babo banemibono ethini ngendaba yolimi lokufundisa ezikoleni. Kubonakele ukuba abafundi abaningi ababhala uhlolo lwe – EGCSE bayasifeyila isifundo seSingisi kanti lesi sifundo ngusona simcoka kwedlula zonke ezinye abazibhalayo, Futhi ngusona esikhombayo ukuthi ikusasa lomfundi lichakazile na noma cha. Inhloso yalolucwaningo lolu bewukubuyekeza imibono yo-thisha nabafundi mayelana nolimi lokufundisa olusetjenziswayo esikoleni sinye saseSwazini. Lolucwaningo lu – qualitative, lusebenzise i-interpretive paradigm kuthola umumvo wothisha nabafundi kanti lubuye lwasebenzisa ukucwaninga amabhuku, ukugoloza kanye nokukhulumisana nothisha nabafundi ngamunye ngamunye. Lolucwaningo luthathelwe emibhalweni ka- Cobarrubias (1983) ohlazulula imibhalo emine ulimi olungasetjenziswa ngalo kanye ne Micro language planning framework. Kusetjenziswe abothisha abayisithupha, nabafundi abayishumi abakhethwe ngenhloso kusetjenziswa ukusampula okungahleliwe. Abakukhulumileyo okuvelile kwimininingo kubuyekezwe ngokusebenzisa ukuhlaziya kokuqukethwe kanti okubonakeleyo wukuthi othisha nabafundi abakhulunyisiwe bayibona inguleyo ekahle kakhulu inqubomgomo yezemfundo yaseSwatini. Ngakulokunye, othisha nabafundi abavumelani ngokupheleleyo ukuthi ulimi umfundi afundiswa ngalo lunendima enkulu kabi ukuze umfundi aphase noma afeyile ezifundweni zakhe. Kubonakele futhi ukuthi kuningi ukushintja amakhodi kusetjenziswa iSingisi nesiSwati nabafundisa othisha. Lokhu kubonakalisa ukuthi ukusebenzisa ulimi lwendabuko kanye neSingisi uma kufundiswa kumcokwa kakhulu kuyabanceda nabafundi kuthi benze kahle ezifundweni zabo. Yingakho lolucwaningo luveza isifanekiso nesilinganiso sokufundisa esingasetjenziswa othisha nabafundi uma befunda ukuze benze kahle ezifundweni zabo. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page i Declaration ii Dedication iii Acknowledgements iv Abstract v Abstract in isiZulu vi Table of Contents vii Appendices xiv List of Tables xiv List of Figures xiv Acronyms xv Glossary xvi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1.0 Introduction to the chapter 1 1.1 Sociolinguistic context of the study 2 1.2 Eswatini’s political landscape 4 1.3 History of the education system in eSwatini 5 1.4 Defining language 6 1.5 Problem statement 8 1.6 Implementing language policies in Africa 9 1.6.1 Why language policy is important in education 10 1.7 Language planning and policy studies in eSwatini 11 1.8 Research objectives 12 1.9 Research questions 12 vii 1.10 Significance of the study 13 1.11 Delimitations of the study 14 1.12 Limitations of the study 14 1.13 Forthcoming chapters 15 1.14 Conclusion 16 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction 17 2.1 History of LPP research 18 2.1.1 Defining language planning 23 2.1.2 Types of language planning 24 Processes during language planning 26 2.1.3 The role of language planning 29 2.2 Defining language policy 30 2.2.1 Language practice, beliefs and Management 32 2.3 Language beliefs 32 2.4 Language policy in eSwatini 33 2.4.1 The linguistic ecology in eSwatini 36 2.5 Origins of language policies in Africa 37 2.5.1 Features of national language policies in Africa 39 2.5.2 Language policy in the SADC region 41 2.6 English as a status language 42 2.6.1 The value of siSwati in education 44 2.6.2 The SiSwati National Language Board (SNLB) 46 2.6.3 The status of English in eSwatini 47 2.7 Views on English as a language of teaching and learning 49 2.8 Language-in-Education policy in eSwatini 51 2.9 Issues in implementing language policies 53 viii 2.9.1 Implementing language policies 54 2.9.2 Endangered minority languages 54 2.9.3 Language management 55 2.10 Conclusion 56 CHAPTER 3 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 3.0 Introduction 57 3.1 Major concepts on language planning ideologies 58 3.2 The four language planning ideologies 60 3.2.1 The use of the four language planning ideologies in this study 63 3.3 Micro language planning framework 65 3.3.1 Fundamentals of micro-level language planning 67 3.3.2 Micro language planning in the current study 68 3.4 Previous research employing both frameworks 68 3.5 Conclusion 70 CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 4.0 Introduction 71 4.1 Research aims 71 4.2 Research design 72 4.2.1 Case study 73 4.2.2 Interpretive paradigm 74 4.2.3 The use of the interpretive paradigm in this study 76 4.2.4 Qualitative approach 77 4.3 Pilot testing 79 4.4 Data collection schedule 80 4.5 Sample and sampling procedure 80 4.6 Target school 83 4.7 Data generation methods 84 ix 4.7.1 Document analysis 85 4.7.2 Participant observation 87 4.7.3 Interviews 88 4.8 Recording 89 4.9 Data management 89 4.10 Research ethics 89 4.11
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