ORDER Whereas, vide order no. 44 8/DDM A/CO VI D -19 <l uted 22-08-2021 the IJi strict Di ~uqter Mannge mcnl Au thori ty, Yamuna Nagar extended the"~ }-mt mm-lrr ITTtmrrrr· (Mul11111111rl Alcrt-Surnluiltit llaryurm) fo r a fo rt ni ght i.e., from 23 .08.2021 (05:00 AM onwnrd s) to 06.09 .2021 (Till 05: 00 AM ) in the Oi ~trk t Ynrnurrn Na g;i r ulongwitJ1 guideline~ to be implemented (durin g thi s pe ri od) . In co mpliance of the order no DM C-SPO-2020/9639 dated 28/08/2?2 I of Chief Secretary-cu m-C hairperson Haryana State Executive Committee . Now nfter duly Considering the fact although _the COVJD- 19 positi vity rate and the number of new COVID- t 9 positive c ases have declined, so a s to the preventive and the precautionary measures to contain the COVID- 19 pandemic, in exercise of power conferred under section 30 and 34 of the Di saster Management Act, 2005, I, Giri sh Arora, !AS, District Magistrate-Cum-Chairperson, District Disaster Management Authority, Yamuna Nagar h ereby direct, that the Anganwadi Centers and Creches run by Women and Child Development Department shall remain closed in the District upto 30.09.2021 . ~~.t·~ District Magistrate-cum­ Chairperson DDM+ Yamuna Nagar Endst. No. 453 /DDMA/Covid-19 Dated: 29/08/2021 A Copy is forwarded to the Following for necessary action and information please:- I. Hon ' ble M.P Ambala. 2. Hon 'ble M.P Kurukshetra. 3. Hon'ble Education & Tourism Minister Govt. OF Haryana. 4. Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana Chandigarh, 5. The Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana,Revenue & Disaster Management Deptt. Chandigarh. 6. The Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Home Deptt. Chandigarh. 7. The Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Health Deptt. Chandigarh. 8. Director General of Police Haryana Chandigarh. 9. The ADGP, CID Haryana Chandigarh. I 0. Commissioner, Ambala Division, Ambala Cantt. 11 . _The District & Session Judge, Yamuna Nagar. 12. MLA Yamuna Nagar/ Raduar /Sadhaura. 13. Mayor, MC Yamuna Nagar- Jagadhri. 14. Administrator, Zila Parishad, Yamuna Nagar. 15. Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Yamuna Nagar-Jagadhri. 16. All District Magistrates in the State. 17. Superintendent of Police, Yamuna Na gar. 18. Additional Deputy Commissioner, Yamuna Nagar. 19. CEO, Zita Parishad, Yamuna Nagar. 20. Sub Divisional Magistrates, Jagadhri, Bilaspur and Radaur. 21 . Estate Officer, HSVP, Jagadhri. 22. City Magistrate, Yamuna Nagar. 23 . General Manager Haryana Roadways, Yamuna Nagar. 24. District Transport Officer, Yamuna Nagar. 25. Civil Surgeon, Yamuna Nagar. 26. District Revenue Officer, Yamuna Nagar. 27. District Development & Panchayat Officer, Yamuna Nagar. 28. _Di strict Food & Supplies Controler, Yamuna Nagar. 29 • All Duty_ Magistrates cum Incident Commander in district Yamuna Nagar. 30. All Tehsrldar's and Naib Tehsildar's in District Yamuna Nagar 3 I. A~I B_. D.P.O 's in District Yamuna Nagar. 32. Dist~ict Information Officer, Yamuna Nagar. 33. Station Master, Railway Station Yamunanagar-Jagadhri. 34. Secretary, Municipal Committee, Radaur and Sadaura 35 . Drug Control Officer, Yamuna Nagar. 36. Secretary, Red Cross, Yamuna Nagar. 37. D.I .P.R.O, Yamuna Nagar for wide publicity in District Yamuna Nagnr 38. All H.O.Ds in District Yamunn Nagar. ' · 39. Steno to D.C/CTM Di strict Yamuna Nagar. Encls. As above \Jxv,.i-)J Di strict Magistrate-cuip- Chairperson DDMA g__ Yamuna Nagar Government of Haryana Haryana State Disaster Management Authority \Jo . DMC -SPO-2020/9639 ORDER Wher eas, vidc or·d er No. DMC-SP0-2020/9299 dated 22 August 20 21, t he Sta:2 Executive Committee extended the Mahamari Alert-Surakshit Haryana '-inrrirr~) 3@i'-wfmc=r bITTTUn' fo r a fortnighC i.e., from 23 August 2021 (05 :00 am onwards) to 06 September 2021 (till 05: 00 am) in the State of Haryana alongvv ilh guidelines to be ir-ip!emented ( during this period) , l'Jow , a:'ter du ly consldering the fact although the COVID-19 posit ivity r ate and rhc ,,u·11ber- o"' nev,1 CO\/1D-19 positive cases have declined, so as to t r.e preve.1ti•,;e anc the or·ec autionarv measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemk, ir exercise o~ me ;:i o.,,;; e:-s co nferred under Section 22(2)(h ) of the Disaster rv1anc1ger1ent Act, 20 05, : :ie undersigned ir- m·{ capacity as Chairpe rson, State· Ex ecutive Co mmittee hereby direc:s ::re~ ~he /l..nganwadi Ce nters and Creches run by \Homen and Chifd D eveloomcrtl Department shall remain cl osed in t he State upto 30.09.2021. 0·'~ (VIJAI VARDHAN) Chief Secr-etar·y-cum-Chairoerson Haryana State Exc:uti'.ic C~1'11mi ttee To .c.11 :he Aclminis:ra t r·JC Scc:-etcrics in the State of Harvana. ~- T1e Director General of Po lice. J A'I Dep:,it'f Corr rn iss icners in f 1e State of H:H"Vc: n ?.. .
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