ISSN 1897-5577 Ius Novum Vol. 12 Number 3 2018 july–september DOI: 10.26399/iusnovum.v12.3.2018 english version QUARTERLY OF THE FACULTY OF LAW AND ADMINISTRATION OF LAZARSKI UNIVERSITY Warsaw 2018 RADA NAUKOWA / ADVISORY BOARD President: Prof., Maria Kruk-Jarosz, PhD hab., Lazarski University in Warsaw (Poland) Prof. Sylvie Bernigaud, PhD hab., Lumière University Lyon 2 (France) Prof. Vincent Correia, PhD hab., University of Paris-Sud, University of Poitiers (France) Prof. Bertil Cottier, PhD hab., Università della Svizzera italiana of Lugano (Switzerland) Prof. Regina Garcimartín Montero, PhD hab., University of Zaragoza (Spain) Prof. Juana María Gil Ruiz, PhD, University of Granada (Spain) Prof. Stephan Hobe, PhD hab., University of Cologne (Germany) Prof. Brunon Hołyst, PhD hab., honoris causa doctor, Lazarski University in Warsaw (Poland) Prof. Michele Indellicato, PhD hab., University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy) Prof. Hugues Kenfack, PhD hab., Toulouse 1 Capitole University of Toulouse (France) Rev. Prof. Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier, PhD hab., Jagiellonian University in Kraków (Poland) Prof. Pablo Mendes de Leon, PhD hab., Leiden University (Netherlands) Prof. Adam Olejniczak, PhD hab., Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland) Prof. Ferdinando Parente, PhD, University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy) Prof. Grzegorz Rydlewski, PhD hab., University of Warsaw (Poland) Prof. Vinai Kumar Singh, PhD hab., New Delhi, Indian Society of International Law (India) Prof. Gintaras Švedas, PhD hab., Vilnius University (Lithuania) Prof. Anita Ušacka, PhD hab., judge of the International Criminal Court in the Hague (Netherlands) Ewa Weigend, PhD, Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg (Germany) REDAKCJA / EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ryszard A. Stefański, PhD hab., Lazarski University in Warsaw Secretary: Jacek Kosonoga, PhD hab., Professor of Lazarski University in Warsaw Członkowie / Members Prof. Juan Carlos Ferré Olivé, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Huelva (Spain) Prof. Carmen Armendáriz León, PhD, Faculty of Law of the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) Redaktorzy językowi / Linguistic Editors Belarusian – Natallia Artsiomenka, English – Anna Sorówka-Łach, French – Jadwiga Ziębowicz, German – Martin Dahl, Polish – Maria Furman, Russian – Elwira Stefańska Redaktorzy tematyczni / Thematic Editors Criminal law and procedure – Barbara Nita-Światłowska, PhD hab., Professor of Cracow University of Economics Civil law – Helena Ciepła, PhD Administrative law – Prof. Stanisław Hoc, PhD hab. Constitutional law – Jacek Zaleśny, PhD hab. International law – Dominika Harasimiuk, PhD Statistics – Krystyna Bąk, PhD Redaktor prowadzący / Executive Editor Jacek Dąbrowski, PhD Pełne teksty artykułów w języku polskim wraz ze spisem treści i streszczeniami w językach polskim i angielskim są zamieszczone na stronie internetowej: https://iusnovum.lazarski.pl/ius-novum-online/archiwum/ oraz w serwisie The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities: http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl/ Full texts of articles in the Polish language with the given issue contents and abstracts in Polish and English are available on: https://iusnovum.lazarski.pl/ius-novum-online/archiwum/ and the service of the Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities: http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl/ Copyright © by Uczelnia Łazarskiego, Warszawa 2018 ISSN 1897-5577 Tłumaczenie opublikowanych materiałów oraz redakcja anglojęzyczna czasopisma w latach 2017/2018 zostały sfinansowane z grantu przyznanego przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (Decyzja nr 769/P-DUN/2017). The translation of the publications and linguistic editing of the English version of this journal in 2017/2018 were financed from the grant awarded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Administrative decision 769/P-DUN/2017). Desktop publishing, print and cover: LAZARSKI UNIVERSITY PRESS ELIPSA Publishing House 02-662 Warsaw, ul. Świeradowska 43 ul. Infl ancka 15/198, 00-189 Warsaw tel. +48 22 54 35 450 tel. +48 22 635 03 01, +48 22 635 17 85 www.lazarski.pl e-mail: [email protected], www.elipsa.pl [email protected] IUS NOVUM 3/2018 CONTENTS ARTICLES Marek Mozgawa Crime of animal abuse . 7 Agnieszka Kania Conditions for lawfulness of abortion . 32 Sebastian Kowalski Statutory limits to penalty for misdemeanours against the provisions of the Act on employment promotion and labour market institutions . 53 Kamil Dąbrowski Formal defence in disciplinary proceedings against legal counsels . 70 Marta Roma Tużnik Participation of the Military Police in fiscal penal proceedings . 87 Agnieszka Baran Legal aspects of patenting nanotechnological inventions . 100 Marcin Pączek On (in)admissibility of unilateral withdrawal from the United Nations . 117 Viktoria Serzhanova Influence of the European integration on the shape and functions of a contemporary state . 130 Bartosz Chabior Communisation of state property and PKP property enfranchisement: comments on the Supreme Administrative Court ruling of 27 February 2017, I OPS 2/16 . 153 Jarosław Skowyra Right to privacy in the March Constitution of Poland of 1921 and its bills . 182 IUS NOVUM 3/2018 GLOSS Katarzyna Nazar Gloss on the Supreme Court ruling of 14 September 2017, I KZP 7/17 . 194 Notes on the Authors . 205 IUS NOVUM 3/2018 SPIS TREŚCI ARTYKUŁY Marek Mozgawa Przestępstwo znęcania się nad zwierzętami . 7 Agnieszka Kania Warunki legalności przerywania ciąży . 32 Sebastian Kowalski Ustawowe granice kary za wykroczenia przeciwko przepisom ustawy o promocji zatrudnienia i instytucjach rynku pracy . 53 Kamil Dąbrowski Obrona formalna w postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym radców prawnych . 70 Marta Roma Tużnik Udział Żandarmerii Wojskowej w postępowaniu karnym skarbowym . 87 Agnieszka Baran Prawne aspekty patentowania wynalazków nanotechnologicznych . 100 Marcin Pączek Prawna (nie)dopuszczalność dobrowolnego wystąpienia z Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych . 7 11 Viktoria Serzhanova Oddziaływanie integracji europejskiej na kształt i funkcje współczesnego państwa . 130 Bartosz Chabior Komunalizacja mienia państwowego oraz uwłaszczenie PKP – uwagi na kanwie uchwały Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego z dnia 27 lutego 2017 r ., sygn . akt I OPS 2/16 . 153 Jarosław Skowyra Prawo do prywatności w Konstytucji marcowej i jej projektach . 182 IUS NOVUM 3/2018 GLOSA Katarzyna Nazar Glosa do postanowienia Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 14 września 2017 r., I KZP 7/17 . 194 Noty o Autorach . 206 IUS NOVUM 3/2018 CRIME OF ANIMAL ABUSE MAREK MOZGAWA* DOI: 10.26399/iusnovum.v12.3.2018.21/m.mozgawa 1. HISTORY Article 1 of the Regulation of the President of the Republic of Poland of 22 March 1928 on the protection of animals1 banned animal abuse and defined the concept of animals2. Another provision (Article 2) defined the concept of animal abuse pro- viding examples of abuse3 (subparagraphs (a) to (i)); however, the above-mentio- * Prof., PhD hab., Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law and Administration of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin; e-mail: mmozgawa@ poczta.umcs.lublin.pl 1 Journal of Laws [Dz.U.] of 1932, No. 42, item 417, as amended. For more on the legislation concerning the protection of animals, compare A. Habuda, W. Radecki, Przepisy karne w ustawach o ochronie zwierząt oraz o doświadczeniach na zwierzętach, Prokuratura i Prawo No. 5, 2008, pp. 23–24. 2 The provision of Article 1 stipulated: “Animal abuse shall be prohibited. Animals, in the meaning of this Regulation, are all domestic and domesticated animals and birds as well as wild animals and birds, and fish, reptiles, insects, etc.” 3 In accordance with Article 2, “Animal abuse should be understood as: a) using sick, injured or lame animals to work and keeping them in the state of exceptional untidiness; b) beating animals on the head, abdomen and lower parts of limbs; c) beating animals with the use of hard and sharp objects or ones having devices designed to inflict extraordinary pain; d) overloading draft or pack animals with loads that are inadequate to their strength or the state of routes, or forcing those animals to run too fast, inadequately to their strength; e) transporting, carrying or herding animals in the way, in the position or in conditions causing unnecessary suffering; f) using a harness, chains, tethers, etc. causing pain or using them in the way that may cause pain or body injury, with the exception of situations when the use of such objects is necessary because of and in the course of training in the interest of the public; g) using animals for all types of experiments causing death, body injury or physical pain with the exception of cases laid down in Article 3; h) conducting operations on animals with the use of inappropriate tools and without necessary carefulness and prudence in order to save them unnecessary pain; i) malicious threatening or teasing animals; j) inflicting all kinds of suffering on animals without really important and justified purposes”. 8 MAREK MOZGAWA ned listing was not exhaustive because in subparagraph (j) it was added that any cruelty to animals in general without a serious and real need constitutes abuse. The provision of Article 3 Regulation stipulated that experiments conducted for scientific purposes, provided they were necessary for serious scientific work and research and were conducted by authorised persons, did not constitute abuse. In accordance with Article 4, animal abuse could be subject to a fine of PLN 2,000 or imprisonment
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