ISSN 0016-7029, Geochemistry International, 2016, Vol. 54, No. 5, pp. 475–483. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2016. Original Russian Text © V.V. Ermakov, S.V. Baboshkina, 2016, published in Geokhimiya, 2016, No. 5, pp. 484–492. CHRONICLE 9th International Biogeochemical School V. V. Ermakova, * and S. V. Baboshkinab, ** aVernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Kosygina 19, Moscow, 119991 Russia bInstitute of Water and Environmental Problems, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Molodezhnaya 1, Barnaul, 656038 Russia *e-mail: [email protected] **e-mail: [email protected] Received November 15, 2015; accepted November 18, 2015 DOI: 10.1134/S0016702916050025 INTRODUCTION —biogeochemistry of aquatic ecosystems and The 9th International Biogeochemical School “Bio- influence of biogeochemical processes on catchments geochemistry of Technogenesis and Modern Problems on the formation of hydrochemical runoff; of Geochemical Ecology” was held on August 24–28, —problems of ecological monitoring of toxicant 2015 at the Institute of Water and Environmental Prob- loading on the environment and new approaches to lems, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences the organization of biogeochemical monitoring; (IVEP) in Barnaul. The school was organized by IVEP —biogeochemical problems in medicine and agri- in cooperation with the Vernadsky Institute of Geo- culture; chemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy —methods of the analysis of chemical elements of Sciences (GEOKhI); Institute of Soil Science and and compounds in natural and anthropogenic objects; Agricultural Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian —biogeochemistry of soils and problems and pros- Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk); Tomsk National pects of the restoration and phytoremediation of con- Research Polytechnic University (NITPTU); Gornyi taminated soils of anthropogenic landscapes; and Altai State University (GAGU, Gorno-Altaisk); and Altai Agrarian State University (AGU, Barnaul) and —biogeochemical problems of the Arctic. was sponsored by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Department of Earth Sciences of the PLENARY SESSION Russian Academy of Sciences. The school was attended by researchers from 82 scientific and educational insti- Twenty plenary lectures were presented. In the tutions, as well as museums and applied scientific orga- report “Technogenesis and Biogeochemical Evolution nizations of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Lithua- of Biospheric Taxons”, V.V. Ermakov and Yu.V. Koval- nia, Bulgaria, France, Sweden, Israel, Germany, Mol- sky (Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analyt- dova, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. The ical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Mos- program included 165 presentations. The school was cow) noted that biogeochemistry is one of the most opened by the Director of IVEP Prof. Yu.I. Vinokurov, important systems sciences dealing with the elemental who pointed out the urgency of the 9th International composition of living matter and biogenic migration of Biogeochemical School and considerable contribution chemical elements and their compounds in the bio- of scientists to the progress of biogeochemistry and geo- sphere. Their lecture focused on the anthropogenic chemical ecology. transformation of the biosphere, its consequences, need for the adaptation of economy, and development The 9th Biogeochemical School focused on the of geochemical ecology, a modern scientific field pro- problems of anthropogenic alteration of biospheric viding a basis for the biogeochemical investigation of taxons, evaluation of the role of biogeochemistry in biospheric taxons, their zoning, and regulation. In economy, and development of modern biogeochemi- addition, Ermakov highlighted the concept of the bal- cal techniques. These topics were discussed in plenary ance of biogeochemical cycles, the energy state of the lectures and the following sessions of the school: biosphere and its adaptation to anthropogenic factors, —biogeochemistry of major and trace elements and the importance of investigations on the identifica- and radionuclides; their global and local cycles; tion and correction of biogeochemical endemic dis- —regional and global problems of the technogene- eases. He pointed out the most acute problems in the sis of the biosphere and its taxons; development of the science. 475 476 ERMAKOV, BABOSHKINA The monitoring of food safety in the food industry istry of the Biosphere” and proposed a new interpreta- of Serbia was discussed by Prof. L.N. Jovanović (ALFA tion of experiments on the interaction of chemical ele- University, Beograd). She noted that the introduction ments with living matter. These experiments focused of the HACCP system in the Republic of Serbia on the sorption of chemical elements on biomass and became obligatory in 2011 in accordance with the Law mortmass of aquatic plants and biological detritus. It on Veterinary and the Food Safety Law. The main was concluded that the concept of the biogenic purpose of the study was the analysis of the main migration of chemical elements should be revised aspects of the HACCP methodology for its application with emphasis on their immobilization. Professor in Serbian companies. Each producer is obliged to N.V. Baranovskaya (Tomsk Polytechnic University) provide a certificate for food quality and safety. discussed modern biogeochemical ideas in her lecture The lecture of Prof. A.V. Puzanov “Biogeochemis- “Geochemistry of Living Matter” by the example of try of the Altai–Sayan Mountain Land” illustrated the the elemental composition of humans and demon- diversity and complexity of geomorphologic, geo- strated its dependence on the particular habitat. The logic, hydrographic, and climate conditions; the con- lecture of Prof. V.S. Besel (Institute of Plant and Ani- trasting lithochemical background; and the ecology of mal Ecology, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sci- mountain soil formation and related diverse soil- ences, Yekaterinburg) “Once More about Living Mat- forming processes in the system of vertical zoning of ter” concerned the existence of a system of histohe- the Altai–Sayan mountain land. These factors matic barriers in animal organisms. This results in resulted in a pronounced heterogeneity of the trace significant differences between the concentrations of a element composition of its soil and biogeochemical number of elements (Ca, Cr, Fe, Co, Br, Sb, La, Ce, characteristics of Mn, Zn, Cu, Co, and Hg migration and Sm) in organs (liver), placenta, and fetus in back- in regional soils, plants, and food products. ground and chemically polluted environments. This enables normal functioning of the reproductive system The presentation of Doctor in Agriculture of mammals and population sustainability under O.A. Elchininova (Gorno-Altaisk) “To the 85th Anni- extreme conditions. versary of the Birth of M.A. Malgin, a Prominent Sci- entist in the Field of Biogeochemistry” was concerned The character of anthropogenic metallization of with the biography and scientific achievements of the soils starting from mining activity was considered in renowned scientist not only in biogeochemistry, but the lecture of Prof. V.A. Alekseenko “Problem of the also in agricultural chemistry, soil science, and ecol- Technogenic Metallization of Soils”. Areas of differ- ogy. He had studied the biogeochemical situation in ent size with specific contents of metals in soils were southern Western Siberia for almost 50 years and distinguished within biospheric taxons. The formation authored or coauthored more than 160 scientific pub- of such areas begins from the mining of mineral depos- lications. Malgin was the first to address the problem its and continues up to the disposal of devices and of iodine deficit in environmental zones of the Altai– materials, which is accompanied by increasing soil Sayan mountain land and the potential danger of metallization in agricultural landscapes. Professor endemic goiter. G.G. Morkovkin (Altai Agrarian State University, Bar- naul) reported the results of a study on the estimation The history of radionuclide biogeochemistry was of heavy metal contents in the soils of the steppe zone discussed by Prof. L.P. Rikhvanov in the lecture “Geo- of Altai krai. chemistry of Nuclear Technogenesis”. He pointed out that the second half of the 20th century was marked by Professor E.V. Evstaf’eva (Georgievskii Crimean the beginning of a new stage in the evolution of the State Medical University, Simferopol) noted that, in biosphere related to the utilization of nuclear energy. line with the methodical recommendations of the Since the onset of the epoch of nuclear technogenesis, Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) artificial radioactive isotopes and elements (transura- Convention, critical loads are used as an ecological nium elements) have appeared in the biosphere. The parameter of the permissible level of pollutant impact local concentrations of alpha-emitting elements in the on different types of ecosystems; the critical loads biosphere have changed by factors of 2.5–3.0. Anthro- allow accounting for the natural diversity of ecosys- pogenic nuclides were involved into biological cycles, tems and their resistance to anthropogenic impacts. which gave rise to a number of global and local envi- Systematic medical–physiological and biogeochemi- ronmental problems. Rikhvanov also pointed out the cal investigations of the population of the Crimean development of a new scientific discipline, geomedi-
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