Sonoma County Restaurants offering take‐out, curbside pickup, and delivery. List compiled March 23, 2020. Please check with restaurant to ensure information is still accurate. Restaurant Name Date updated Take‐out Curb‐side pickup Delivery Phone City Web Site Casino Bar & Grill 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐876‐3185 Bodega Bay View Restaurant at Inn at the Tides 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐875‐2751 Bodega Bay http://www.innatthetides.com Bluewater Bistro 3/18/2020 Yes No Yes 707‐875‐3513 Bodega Bay https://www.bluewaterbistrobb.com/ Ginochio's Kitchen 3/18/2020 Yes Yes Yes 707‐331‐6722 Bodega Bay https://ginochioskitchen.com/ Baker & Cook 3/18/2020 Yes Yes Yes 707‐938‐7329 Boyes Hot Springs http://bakerandcooksonoma.com/ El Molino Central 3/18/2020 Yes Yes No 707‐939‐1010 Boyes Hot Springs http://www.elmolinocentral.com Mary's Pizza Shack – Boyes Hot Springs 3/22/2020 Yes Yes Yes 707‐938‐3600 Boyes Hot Springs https://www.maryspizzashack.com Moe's Eagle's Nest Deli 3/16/2020 No Yes No 707‐894‐9290 Cloverdale Papa's Pizza Cafe 3/17/2020 No Yes Yes 707‐894‐4453 Cloverdale http://www.papaspizzacafe.com/ Piacere Italiano Steak and Seafood 3/16/2020 Yes No No 707‐894‐0885 Cloverdale http://www.piacereristorante.com Railroad Station Bar and Grill 3/17/2020 Yes No No 707‐894‐4779 Cloverdale http://www.railroadstationbarandgrill.com Acme Burger 3/18/2020 Yes No Yes 707‐665‐5620 Cotati https://acmeburgerco.com Cafe Salsa 3/18/2020 Yes Yes Yes 707‐795‐7068 Cotati http://www.cafesalsacotati.com Down to Earth Cafe & Deli Cotati 3/18/2020 No Yes Yes 707‐753‐4925 Cotati https://www.dtecafe.com/ Flagship Taproom 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐664‐5904 Cotati http://www.flagshiptaproom.com Friar Tucks Pub 3/18/2020 Yes Yes No 707‐792‐9847 Cotati http://www.friartuckspub.com Jaded Toad ‐ Cotati 3/18/2020 Yes No Yes 707‐242‐3383 Cotati http://www.jadedtoad.com Marvin's 3/18/2020 Yes No Yes 707‐664‐1720 Cotati Mi Ranchito Cotati 3/18/2020 Yes No Yes 707‐795‐7600 Cotati http://www.miranchitocotati.com/ Spring Thai 3/18/2020 Yes No Yes 707‐665‐5180 Cotati http://www.springthai.net Superburger Cotati 3/18/2020 Yes No Yes 707‐665‐9790 Cotati https://www.originalsuperburger.com/ Your Sweet Expectations Bakery & Café 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐285‐2013 Cotati https://www.yoursweetexpectations.com Gold Coast Coffee and Bakery 3/17/2020 Yes No No 707‐865‐1441 Duncans Mills http://www.duncansmills.net/gccpage.html Backyard 3/17/2020 Yes Yes Yes 707‐820‐8445 Forestville http://www.backyardforestville.com Nightingale Breads 3/17/2020 Yes No No 707‐887‐8887 Forestville https://www.nightingalebreads.com/ Russian River Pub 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐887‐7932 Forestville https://www.russianriverpub.com Twist Eatery 3/18/2020 Yes Yes No 707‐820‐8443 Forestville https://www.twisteatery.com Catelli's 3/17/2020 No Yes No 707‐857‐3471 Geyserville http://www.mycatellis.com Diavola Pizzeria & Salumeria 3/17/2020 Yes No No 707‐814‐0111 Geyserville https://www.diavolapizzeria.com Geyserville Gun Club Bar & Lounge 3/17/2020 Yes No No 707‐814‐0036 Geyserville https://www.geyservillegunclub.com Glen Ellen Star 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐343‐1384 Glen Ellen https://glenellenstar.com Les Pascals 3/19/2020 Yes Yes No 707‐934‐8378 Glen Ellen https://www.lespascalspatisserie.com Underwood Bar & Bistro 3/18/2020 Yes Yes No 707‐823‐7023 Graton http://www.underwoodgraton.com boon eat + drink 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐869‐0780 Guerneville https://eatatboon.com BROT modern german 3/17/2020 Yes No No 707‐869‐0780 Guerneville https://www.brotguerneville.com Coffee Bazaar 3/17/2020 Yes No No 707‐869‐9706 Guerneville Smart Pizza 3/18/2020 Yes No Yes 707‐869‐0651 Guerneville https://www.smartpizzamenu.com/ Sonoma County Restaurants offering take‐out, curbside pickup, and delivery. List compiled March 23, 2020. Please check with restaurant to ensure information is still accurate. Restaurant Name Date updated Take‐out Curb‐side pickup Delivery Phone City Web Site Timberline Restaurant 3/20/2020 Yes Yes Yes 707‐604‐7617 Guerneville http://timberlineattheriver.com/ 8 Dragons Restaurant 3/17/2020 Yes No Yes 707‐395‐0023 Healdsburg http://8dragonsrestaurant.com Baci Cafe & Wine Bar 3/16/2020 Yes No No 707‐433‐8111 Healdsburg http://bacicafeandwinebar.com Barndiva 3/19/2020 Yes Yes Yes 707‐431‐0100 Healdsburg http://www.barndiva.com Barrels, Brews and Bites 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐395‐0487 Healdsburg https://www.barrelsbrewsandbites.com Campo Fina 3/17/2020 No Yes No 707‐395‐4640 Healdsburg http://campofina.com Chalkboard Restaurant 3/17/2020 Yes No No 707‐473‐8030 Healdsburg https://www.chalkboardhealdsburg.com Downtown Bakery & Creamery 3/17/2020 Yes No No 707‐431‐2719 Healdsburg http://www.downtownbakery.net Dry Creek Kitchen 3/19/2020 Yes No Yes 707‐431‐0330 Healdsburg https://drycreekkitchen.com Guiso Latin Fusion 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐431‐1302 Healdsburg http://guiso‐latin‐fusion.cafe‐inspector.com/ Journeyman Meat Co. 3/17/2020 Yes No No 707‐395‐6328 Healdsburg https://journeymanmeat.com KINsmoke 3/17/2020 Yes Yes No 707‐473‐8440 Healdsburg https://www.kinsmoke.com Mateo's Cocina Latina 3/12/2020 Yes No Yes 707‐433‐1520 Healdsburg http://mateoscocinalatina.com Oakville Grocery 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐433‐3200 Healdsburg https://www.oakvillegrocery.com Taqueria El Sombrero 3/18/2020 Yes Yes Yes 707‐433‐3818 Healdsburg http://elsombrerohbg.com The Brass Rabbit 3/23/2020 Yes No No 707‐473‐8580 Healdsburg https://thebrassrabbithealdsburg.com The Nectary ‐ Healdsburg 3/17/2020 Yes No No 707‐473‐0677 Healdsburg https://www.thenectary.net The Taste of Tea 3/14/2020 Yes Yes No 707‐431‐1995 Healdsburg http://thetasteoftea.com The Wurst 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐395‐0214 Healdsburg https://thewurst.com Valette 3/18/2020 Yes Yes No 707‐473‐0946 Healdsburg http://www.valettehealdsburg.com Wicked Slush 3/17/2020 No Yes Yes 707‐431‐9253 Healdsburg https://www.wickedslush.com Cafe Aquatica 3/17/2020 Yes No No 707‐865‐2251 Jenner https://www.cafeaquaticajenner.com/ Coast Kitchen at Timber Cove Resort 3/16/2020 No No No 707‐847‐3231 Jenner https://www.coastkitchensonoma.com Russian House #1 3/17/2020 Yes No No 707‐865‐9456 Jenner http://www.russian‐house1.com Cafe Citti 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐833‐2690 Kenwood http://www.cafecitti.com/ Palooza Brewery & Gastropub 3/18/2020 No Yes No 707‐833‐4000 Kenwood https://www.paloozafresh.com Tips Roadside 3/17/2020 Yes No Yes 707‐509‐0078 Kenwood https://www.tipsroadside.com Northwood Restaurant and Bar 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐865‐2454 Monte Rio http://northwoodbistro.com/ Hazel 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐874‐6003 Occidental http://www.restauranthazel.com Howard Station Cafe 3/17/2020 Yes No No 707‐874‐2838 Occidental https://www.howardstationcafe.com Negri's Italian Dinners & Joe's Bar 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐874‐0301 Occidental https://www.negrisrestaurant.com Caprara's Pizzeria 3/18/2020 Yes No Yes 707‐664‐1515 Penngrove https://www.capraraspizzeria.com Mack's Bar and Grill 3/16/2020 Yes No No 707‐793‐9480 Penngrove YiaYia’s The Grateful Greek 3/17/2020 No Yes No 707‐664‐5442 Penngrove Acre Coffee ‐ Petaluma East Side 3/16/2020 Yes No No 707‐774‐6909 Petaluma https://www.acrecoffee.com Brewsters Beer Garden 3/20/2020 Yes Yes No 707‐981‐8330 Petaluma http://brewstersbeergarden.com Butcher Crown Roadhouse 3/17/2020 Yes Yes No 707‐559‐3735 Petaluma https://www.butchercrown.com Cafe Zazzle 3/17/2020 Yes No No 707‐762‐1700 Petaluma http://www.zazzlecafe.com Chinatown Restaurant 3/18/2020 No No Yes 707‐763‐7057 Petaluma http://www.chinatownpetaluma.com Sonoma County Restaurants offering take‐out, curbside pickup, and delivery. List compiled March 23, 2020. Please check with restaurant to ensure information is still accurate. Restaurant Name Date updated Take‐out Curb‐side pickup Delivery Phone City Web Site Cucina Paradiso Ristorante Italiano 3/16/2020 Yes Yes No 707‐782‐1130 Petaluma http://www.cucinaparadisopetaluma.com Dempsey's Restaurant & Brewery 3/19/2020 No Yes Yes 707‐765‐9694 Petaluma http://dempseys.com Don Pancho's Mexican Food 3/16/2020 No Yes No 707‐775‐2474 Petaluma http://donpanchosmexicanfood.com Fantasy Restaurant 3/18/2020 Yes Yes No 707‐658‐1866 Petaluma http://www.fantasypetaluma.com Fregene's Pizza 3/19/2020 Yes Yes No 707‐762‐7000 Petaluma http://www.fregenespizza.com Fuji Japanese Restaurant & Sushi 3/19/2020 Yes Yes No 707‐778‐8600 Petaluma http://www.fujipetaluma.com/ Hallie's Diner 3/19/2020 Yes Yes No 707‐773‐1143 Petaluma Kabuki Japanese Restaurant 3/16/2020 No Yes Yes 707‐773‐3232 Petaluma http://www.kabukipetaluma.com La Azteca Taqueria 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐763‐6844 Petaluma Lala's Creamery 3/17/2020 No No Yes 707‐774‐6567 Petaluma http://www.lalascreamery.com Lemongrass Thai Cuisine 3/16/2020 Yes No Yes 707‐789‐9777 Petaluma http://lemongrassthaicuisinepetaluma.com Lily Kai 3/18/2020 No No Yes 707‐782‐1132 Petaluma https://www.lilykaipetaluma.com Lombardi's Gourmet Deli & BBQ 3/16/2020 No Yes No 707‐773‐1271 Petaluma http://www.lombardisbbq.com Lucchesi's Deli 3/16/2020 Yes No No 707‐778‐0116 Petaluma http://www.lucchesisdeli.com Lunchette 3/17/2020 No Yes No 707‐241‐7443 Petaluma http://www.lunchettepetaluma.com Maguire's Irish Pub 3/16/2020 No Yes No 707‐762‐9800 Petaluma http://www.maguirespetaluma.com Mary's Pizza Shack – Petaluma East 3/22/2020 Yes Yes Yes 707‐765‐1959 Petaluma https://www.maryspizzashack.com Mary's Pizza Shack – Petaluma West 3/22/2020 Yes Yes Yes 707‐778‐7200 Petaluma https://www.maryspizzashack.com Mi Pueblo El Centro 3/18/2020 Yes No Yes 707‐769‐9066 Petaluma http://eatmipuebloelcentro.com Mi Pueblo Petaluma 3/16/2020 Yes Yes Yes 707‐762‐8192 Petaluma http://eatmipueblopetaluma.com New Yorker Pizza & Restaurant 3/18/2020 No No Yes 707‐762‐7595 Petaluma https://thenewyorkerpetalu.wixsite.com/mysite O Sushi 3/18/2020 Yes No No 707‐992‐0451 Petaluma Old Chicago Pizza 3/17/2020 Yes Yes Yes 707‐763‐3897 Petaluma http://www.oldchgo.com Pearl 3/19/2020 No Yes Yes 707‐559‐5187 Petaluma http://www.pearlpetaluma.com/index.html Petaluma Coffee & Tea Co.
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