WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1967 PAGE FORTY At«nge Odny Net F mod Rod Manrlipatfr lEttpttmg Vbr H m . Week Xbideil The Weather oetober M; 1961 <!Baair, «nlil itloaJgfilt. Urn in The Guard .Club of the North Stanley Circle of South Meth­ The pyauwioiut Deigtwe will The Young Adults and Oome Sunset Rebekah Lodge will ktountain Laurel Chapter o< A limited number of reser­ odist Church will sponsor a 30a. 'IVmioniaiw flair, icik>u4y in Sweet Adelines, Inc., will meet vations are sHll available for American Benefit Association laSteniiaon. High In upiwr 00b. About Town be ootifemed b y / PMerdMiip Doubles Clubs of North Meth­ sponsor a Food and Gift Sale win have its annual banquet Rumjnkge Sale Friday ak 9 a.m. 15,469 iKtige of Mhbon wfien It mecita odist Church will sponsor a Saturday at 0:30 a.m. at Mott’s. and rehearse tomorrow at 8 a bus trip to the United Na­ at Coplter Hall of the chur<*. Ttm Btelii C3ub wUl •ponsor a p.m. at the Russian American and election of officers Friday MancheMtei^^A CUy of Village Charm HalloiP^en Dance Saturday ■k Use Mhntiac Tetn|Ae alt 7:30 Harvest Supper Saturday from Mrs. Sedrlck Straughan is National Center, 211 Wethers­ tions, Friday, Nov. 17, sponsor­ at 6:30 p.m. at Raffa’s Restau­ from 9 p.m. to l a.m. at the tomnntMv nlgUt. Haroltd E. 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the church. chQifman of the event. A oom- field Ave., Hartford. The event ed by Church Women United, rant, Glastonbury. Those attend­ Custom Home Design n o p a g e s t w o (Claaalfled Adverttsbig on Page 25) Tuiridngfeon, JunBor wtairden, ing will meet at South Termin­ yOL. LXXXVn, . 22 (TWENTY-EIGHT — SECTIONS) MANCHES 3R, CONN., THLTRSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1967 PRICE SEVEN CENTS VFW Home, liou Joubert’a Or- ihittee includes Mrs. Clinton is open to all women interest­ according to Mrs. Glenn Law, Manchester !• rU fN o diestra will {day tor dancing. wUl pirelBide, and nfmoer dress The VB’W Auxiliary will spon­ Keeney, Mrs. J. W. Tlnkle- ed in four-part harmony sing­ 27 Baldwin Rd. Buses will us at 6 p.m. and go to Glaston­ Blue Print * Supply Inc. A buffet wUl be served. The ia Ituxiado. DeBoons and akew- sor a Food Sale Friday .art 9 paugh, Mrs. Ethel Strong, Mrs. ing. Those wiping further in­ leave North Methodist Church bury as , a group. Members 690 Hartford Bd. event ia < ^n to members and aivls wW aidvaoioe adEUttooia. Re- a.m-. at Mott’s. Those Miishlng Thora Maloney and Mrs. Alice formation may call Mrs. Frank at 6:30 a.m., and return home desiring transportation of furth- Manchester, Conn. guests. Tickets are available at fradunenta 'will be served. donations picked up . rhay con­ Wetherell. Those wishing dona- J. Hynes of 99 MUn St. or from the United Nations at 6 •er information may ■ contact 649-8698 H Carton Upstaged the post home. tact Mrs. Kenneth Aseltine, 784 ‘tions picked up may contact Mrs. Truman Crandall of 68 p.m. Reservations may be Mrs. Wendell Graves of Bolton BockvUle Exch. Ent. 1495 made with Mrs. Law. Lake, chairman of the event. 'NEW YORK (A!P) — The Women’s Auxiliary of E. Middle Tpke. members of the commlttee- WTiite St. Pope^ Patriarch ^TeleiviMjon ritnr Jiohnay Oar- Cub Scout Pack 98 will have the Manchester Midget and laon wiBB u.pBtagciid last U.S. its first pack meeting of the Pilots Down MIG, Pony Football Association, Inc., season tonight at 7 at Buckley nlgUt by a ifleelt ofloioitod will sponsor a Rumimage Sale tlite f wSno drove o ff ■wtitli th e School Auditorium. Boys are re­ Wednesday, Nov. 16 from 1 to minded to wear sneakers, and 8 p.m. at Mott’s. Donations of peaVottnerls ChdlHaie while to be accompanied by an adult. Pray at Vatican Ctamon Bbood watching'- clothing, toys and small house­ The pack is planning a trip to rn«e eplaiode toolc ptece hold articles may be left at the HOUSE &. HALE ^^Your Complete Store for Every Member of The Family! outside ittie ROA building the Uncasvlile Indian Museum front gate of Mt. Nd>o on VATICAN CITY (AP) Church split apart in 1054. It for renewal we a sign of the Saturday. Boys will meet at marked a giant step toward fu­ He added; ^ in oiir efforts where the NhKkmBil Broadv Hanoi Power Plant Hit nights when the teams are play­ —-Pope Paul VI and Patri­ ciaBting Gb. hha ittudDos, po­ 9:30 a.m. at the school. ing. Those wishing pickup serv­ arch Athenagoras prayed ture reunion. action of the4^irlt urging us on to re-establuh full communion nce sbid. ice may contact Mrs. Norman AMAZING BUYS ON SHOES FOR GIRLS, BOYS! side by side in St. Peter’s Before cardinals. Orthodox Dt wlaa rolnbig' heavily The Manchester Young Re­ BJat1<man of 28 Franklin St. metropolitans and the 200 bish­ with one/^other and preparing Basilica today, repeatedly us foi^, does not the contempo- and Oasison slioiod In the publican Club will meet tonight ops from around the world here Sixth A'venue tobby en­ SAIGON (AP) — U.S. at 8 at the Legion Home, 20 embraced in the kiss of for the Vatican s3mod. Pope and rary/world, filled with unbelief Navy bombers raided an peace and pledged unceas­ in/many forms also give us a trance waiting to enter his Leonard St. SAVE A WONDERFUL 50% ON THESE patriarch vowed anew to do all bar lesa thlan 20 feet oAvay electric power plant near ing efforts to reunite in their' power to make reunion^ iremptory reminder of the the heart of Hanoi today, Christianity. a reality some day. need we have for unity with one at. the culth. Daughters of Liberty, No. 17, another?" Hfia chauffeur, Cterence and two pilots reported will sponsor a Rummage Sale Never in the history of the two In a speech to the p a tri^ h . Leonard, went to meet him churches had such a meeting Athenagoras told the Pope shooting down a supersonic tomorrow at 9 a.m. at Orange Pope Paul declared God "de­ that in this historic moment he with an umbrelltv, leaving MIG21 just south of the Hall. Members are reminded to occurred—the leader of the mands with greater insistence the car dOor cpen and the world’s half-Ullicm Roman Cath- than ever that we be one that heard "the voice of the church Communist capital. bring articles for the sale to of the catacombs and the mar­ motor running. Fliers from the carrier Orls- the basement of the hall tonight only (dics and the head of the 160 the world may believe.’’ Suddenly, an unidentified A. Marvelous school days and the T strap shoe go to­ million Orthodox praying to­ tyrs of the Colosseum calling us kany bombed the power plant at 7:30. The Pope said the renewal to use every means and method man dashed initio the rented 1.1 miles north of the center of gether. Sturdy construction with elk leather uppers and gether inside the largest church going on in tt(e Catholic Church in Christendom. to accomplish the sacred work green OadUJac and B|>ed off, Hanoi, continuing for a third The Golden Age Club will rib rubber^'soles. Sizes 8 to 4 -C and D widths. "is in fact Uie most fundamen­ that has begun—that of the un­ Deavlng ChtiEton and the straight day Intensified U.S. meet tomorrow at 1 p.m. for a . It was the Hirst visit by a lead­ tal prereqdisite for our drawing ion of the divided church of chauffeur sitiand&ng there. raids on bridges, rail yards and potluck at the Senior Citizen's er of Orthodoxy since the closer to one another." Christ—not only because it car­ FaBlce were looking for the MIG air bases around Hanoi Center, Myrtle and Linden Sts. B. For school or ploy the ever popular gillie tie shoe. Elk 3.90 ries out the will of God but also auto. and Haiphong. Those attending are reminded leather uppers and rib rubber soles for comfort all day that the world may see shining The U.S. command said re­ to bring place settings. Sizes 8 to 4—C and D widths. reg. $8 again what is the first principle sults of the latest Hanoi raid I His Plan Established ot the church—unity.” were not yet available. But it- He said the fact “that we State News announced earlier that 10 more have emerged from our isola­ MIGs were destroyed or dam­ tion and our self-sufficiency to aged on the ground during seek the solid ground on which Teen Admits strikes Wednesday on the Phuc Iran Shah Crowned the indivisible church is founded Yen air base 18 miles northwest shows the truth that what unites ■^1 of the Communist capital. us is much more than what di­ Bank, Dairy Tass, the Soviet news agency, After 26-Year Rule vides us.” in a dispatch from Hanoi said H i k G r By DAVID LANCA8H1BE with its 3,766 Jewels and the The vast basilica echoed with American planes bombed and applause as the Pope and pa­ Bar Holdups WITH NEW SPEED LACES TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Guns pearl-embroidered coronation strafed the center of the city. and drums boomed and planes cape, the son of a semiliterate triarch, standing before the LITCHFIELD (AP) — An 18- The dispatch said five U.S.
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