Research in Action South African Journal of Science 103, July/August 2007 277 unlikely that fungi are actively growing The diversity of culturable airborne next to the auxiliary ventilation fan, but that this site rather acts as an accumulator fungi in an active South African gold of fungal spores that are present in the rest of the mine. The origin of fungal mine contamination at the active drilling site needs further investigation. The timber a b c a supports in the stope can be a possible C.H. Pohl *, W. Kriel , P. Venter , E. Van Heerden and a source of fungal growth and contamination J. Albertyn at this site. Because these samples were taken in winter, it would be interesting to compare these counts with results for EVERAL STUDIES HAVE BEEN CONDUCTED HIV-infected people, and almost any summer, when higher spore counts on the presence and diversity of airborne fungus is now considered to be able to would be expected.12 Sfungal spores in residential and occupa- cause disease in an immunocompromised The diversity of filamentous fungi and tional areas. This is the first investigation on person. Furthermore, fungi and their yeasts obtained from these samples is this topic in the mining environment. The impact of fungi—especially as opportunistic spores are known to be allergenic, causing shown in Table 2 (see supplementary pathogens—on their health and productivity occupational asthma, irritation of the re- material online). The majority of the needs to be assessed, considering the compro- spiratory system and dermatitis in other- isolated filamentous fungi are known to mised health of a large number of HIV- wise healthy people.2–4 In addition, the occur either with cellulose-containing infected miners in South Africa. Accordingly, respiration of fungal spores and the sub- material, such as wood, or other living or the aim of this study was to determine the sequent low-level exposure to mycotoxins dead plant material or as soil fungi. These abundance of fungal spores as well as the and β-D-glucan could have adverse effects substrates are abundant in and around diversity of culturable airborne fungi in an on workers’ immune systems.5 the mine and may serve as sources of active gold mine. The results indicate that three of the sampled sites in the mine contain This study aims to provide a better fungi. The isolated yeasts were found to abundant numbers of culturable airborne understanding of possible diversity of be mainly those associated with soil and fungi. The first site was next to an auxiliary pathogens and/or allergens in the air humans, elements of the mining environ- extraction fan, which could act as an accumu- circulating through mines because the ment. lator for airborne fungal spores from the rest mining environment provides a unique Although no specific trend is evident of the mine. The two other sites had high habitat for fungi. regarding the total number of genera human activity, disturbances from which may (filamentous fungi and yeasts) from the contribute to an elevated fungal load in the air. Methods different sites, it is interesting to note that The presence of timber supports at one site may serve as a growth substrate for several See appendix. the number of recorded filamentous fungal genera. The diversity of filamentous fungal genera, increased from outside the fungal genera increased from outside the Results and discussion mine (6 genera) and at the beginning of mine to deeper into the mine, whereas the Table 1 (see supplementary material the level of the ore dumping site (5 gen- diversity of yeast genera followed an opposite online at www.sajs.co.za) lists the average era) to deeper in the mine (7 genera at the trend, with no yeasts detected deep in the CFU/m3 air count obtained for each ventilation fan and active drilling site; mine. Although most of the isolates identified 9 genera at the stope). In the light of this are not pathogens, they could still have a sampling site. The main observation that observation, the higher diversity in the negative impact (either as opportunistic can be made from these data is that the 3 pathogens or allergens) on workers, especially site with the greatest CFU/m air value refuge bay (9 genera) is against expecta- immunocompromised persons if exposed to was next to the auxiliary ventilation fan. tion, as it has a direct air supply from the them for prolonged periods. Since the literature records that there is a surface. This may indicate the presence of positive correlation between wind speed growing fungi in biofilms that line the Introduction and spores/m3 in the air,12 it is expected ventilation ducts of the refuge bay. The No assessment has yet been made of the that this site will also have the highest findings regarding the number of yeast impact of fungi on the health and perfor- recorded wind speed (5.97 m s–1). During genera show a contrasting trend. There mance of mine workers, although exten- an extensive literature search, no health- are more yeast genera obtained from the sive research has been conducted on related limits to permissible amounts of samples taken outside, and no yeast occupational hazards associated with the fungal spores in the air could be found, isolates obtained from the samples taken unique and often harsh conditions of although several governments are formu- in the stope. mining activities. The ability of fungi lating guidelines for building owners and Although very few human pathogens to act as opportunistic pathogens in occupational-health officers. Our counts were identified in this study, we identi- immunocompromised persons is of do not appear to be excessively high com- fied several opportunistic pathogens. specific importance.1 It is known that pared with other reports of viable and This could constitute a health hazard, fungal diseases are increasing among non-viable spores/m3.12,13 However, Bush especially for those mine workers who are and Portnoy3 state that indoor CFU/m3 HIV positive or who have conditions such aDepartment of Microbial, Biochemical and Food counts of 1000 or more are deemed as as tuberculosis. Biotechnology, University of the Free State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa. hazardous indoor fungal contamination. bDepartment of Plant Sciences, University of the Free If this is taken into account, this site, as Conclusions State. cUnit for Applied Food Safety & Technology, Department well as the active drilling site and the We conclude that certain mining sites, of Agriculture and Environmental Development, Central stope would be of concern, as counts of especially those with high wind speed University of Technology, Bloemfontein, South Africa. 3 *Author for correspondence. more than 1000/m were obtained for and human activity, contain health-risk E-mail: [email protected] these three locations. We suggest that it is related numbers and diversity of culturable 278 South African Journal of Science 103, July/August 2007 Research in Action fungal spores in the air. Although most of (1983). Fusarium species: an illustrated manual for (DG18), containing 5.0 g l–1 peptone, 10.0 g l–1 identification, p. 193. Pennsylvania State Univer- dextrose, 1.0 g l–1 monopotassium phosphate, the fungal isolates identified were not sity Press, University Park. 0.5gl–1 magnesium sulphate, 0.002 g l–1 human pathogens, inhalation of these 11. Kurtzman C.P.and Robnett C.J. (1998). Identifica- –1 –1 tion and phylogeny of ascomycetous yeasts from dichloran, 0.1g l chloramphenicol, 18.0 g l fungal spores could have a negative effect –1 analysis of nuclear large subunit (26S) ribosomal glycerol and 15.0 g l agar; 2% malt extract agar on the health and productivity of mine –1 DNA partial sequences. Ant. Leeuwenhoek 73, (2% MA), containing 20.0 g l malt extract and workers—especially those with HIV or 331–371. 15.0 g l–1 agar as well as 2% malt extract agar other pre-existing conditions, such as 12. Sakiyan N. and Inceoglu O. (2003). Atmospheric supplemented with pentachloronitrobenzene concentrations of Cladosporium Link and Alter- tuberculosis. (PCNB) to restrict the growth of zygomycetes. naria Nees spores in Ankara and the effects of –1 This is the first study of this nature in the meteorological factors. Turk. J. Bot. 27, 77–81. The sampling time was 30 seconds at 30 l min . mining environment, and several inter- 13. Krysinska-Traczyk E. and Dutkiewicz J. (2000). In addition, wind speed was recorded for each esting questions still await investigation. Aspergillus candidus: a respiratory hazard associ- site. ated with grain dust. Ann. Agric. Environ. Med. Some of these include the seasonal varia- 7(2), 101–109. Cultivation tion in fungal spore diversity and num- Different incubation temperatures (25° and bers, together with a study to determine Appendix 37°C) were used as the objective was to deter- mine the diversity of culturable fungi, includ- the correlation between the occurrence of Sampling sites ing possible pathogens. Randomly selected fungi and reports of fungal related disease. The samples were taken during winter in an representative colonies were further purified operational gold mine in the Free State prov- This study was funded by the Safety in Mines Research on 2% MA at the two temperatures. Standard ince of South Africa (Clark 1880 coordinates: Advisory Committee (Grant no. SIM 03-06-02). We safety procedures were adopted when handling Y20955.883; X3128473,179; Z1394.456). The thank O. Moloko, S. Fuku and K. Pudumo for their potential pathogens. assistance. shaft chosen is one of the main ventilation shafts for the mine and is divided into two sec- Enumeration and identification tions, one that allows fresh air to enter the mine The number of colony-forming units (CFUs) 1.
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