JANUARY 2014 Vol. 02 | Issue 04 YOUR WORD IS A LAMP TO MY FEET AND A LIGHT TO MY PATH Be POSITIVE Vol. 02 | Issue 04 A MAGAZINE FROM DIOCESE OF KALYAN JANUARY, 2014 (Private circulation only) 03 New Year's resolutions: 19 The Pope Francis list CONTENT 05 07 How to be a hN\m[njvTnXamb POSITIVE `mhmXvaINn´ THINKER 20 ]cmPbw Saint hnPb¯nsâ 12 Dominic apt¶mSn SAVIO 15 MY BRIEF HISTORY by Stephen Hawking 04 Editorial 26 Church News hn. IpÀ_m\ 16 `mKw: 18 28 Diocesan News 20 Kids Room 33 God’s Own Choice Vol. 02 | Issue 04 A MAGAZINE FROM DIOCESE OF KALYAN JANUARY, 2014 (Private circulation only) 03 New Year's resolutions: 19 The Pope Francis list CONTENT 05 07 How to be a hN\m[njvTnXamb POSITIVE `mhmXvaINn´ THINKER 20 ]cmPbw Saint hnPb¯nsâ 12 Dominic apt¶mSn SAVIO 15 MY BRIEF HISTORY by Stephen Hawking 04 Editorial 26 Church News hn. IpÀ_m\ 16 `mKw: 18 28 Diocesan News 20 Kids Room 33 God’s Own Choice EDITORIAL The Lantern The Lantern COVER STORY 04 JANUARY, 2014 JANUARY, 2014 05 A Democratic Desire Indian democracy confronts a thorny of tension. Giving bribes makes make up, as everyone is in dilemma everything safe and secure. Bribes what to do or what not to do for an make everything easy and accessible. improved democratic environment. As corruption is a powerful channel of Lack of ample choice of a group of Indian democracy, the government is leaders to plump for our country, less dependable today. Bribes stand today crafts every citizen just to for the fundamental rights achieved become a vote machine than to really than the legislative, Executive and stand for a powerful democratic even sometimes Judiciary. It's a big government in our country. As a question why the governing body democratic nation it should not have makes the corruption an element of been governed just only by the Indian democracy? interest of the party and the party Is the above question a reason for supporting economically and socially AAP? AAP governs in Delhi because well to dos. today the common men do not want hN\m[njvTnXamb Today the common man struggles a corruption to be an element of Indian lot even for their fundamental rights in democracy. Today Indian citizens `mhmXvaINn´ India. The influential leaders and the need their voice reflecting throughout economical giants together engage in our nation especially under the roof of threatening the fundamental rights of the parliament. By the victory of AAP the common man. in Delhi, our country witnesses not the origin of a political party but a desire Today corruption is the best mean to for a furnished democratic get something done without any kind governmental setup. ¦S§fpsS temI¯nemWv hn. {K\vYw km£ys¸Sp¯p¶p. `mhmXva \½Ä Pohn¡p¶Xv. hyIvXn]c Iamb Nn´bv¡v ASnkvYm\ambn ss__nÄ amb PohnX¯nepw \ap¡pNpäp \½psS ap¼n AhXcn¸n¡p¶ Nne hÀ® ]mSpapff BfpIfpsS Imcy¯nepw CXv hmkv \IÄ {lkzambn {]Xn]mZn¡pIbmWnhnsS. kXhamWv. hmÀ¯mam[ya§Ä Hmtcm Znhkhpw \½psS ap¼n sIm­p hcp¶ dnt¸mÀ«pIÄ FÃmw \ÃXv Gdnb ]¦pw \s½ k¦Ss¸Sp¯p¶ Xc¯nep ÅXmWv. BXvalXy, sIme]mXIw, AgnaXn, krjvSnsb¡pdn¨pff BZyhnhcW¯n hwilXy, D¶XkvYm\§fnencn¡p¶hcpsS DÂ]¯n ]pkvXIw (1, 1þ2,4) hscbpff `mK¯v [mÀ½nIm[x]X\w CsXm¶pw kt´mjw \ krjvSmhmb ssZhw Xs¶ krjvShkvXp¡Ä Ip¶ Imcy§Ä Aà F¶p am{XaÃ, \½psS \ÃXmsW¶p ]dbp¶p­v. Bdmw Znhkw sbms¡ DÕmlw sISp¯pIbpw ip`{]Xo a\pjys\bpw krjvSn¨Xn\ptijw ssZhw £sb XIÀ¡pIbpw sN¿p¶ Imcy§fmWv. ]dbp¶Xv, “hfsc \ÃXv” F¶mWv (DÂ]¯n CXn\nSbnepw Häs¸« kw`h§Ä {]Xo£ 1.31). ssZhw krjvSn¨Xv FÃmw \ÃXmWv. \evIp¶hbmbn«p­v F¶ Imcyhpw krjvSmhnsâ lnX¯n\v FXncmbn krjvSn ad¡p¶nÃ. \o§pt¼mgmWv AXv tamiambn Xocp¶Xv. X\vaqew ssZh¯nsâ ]²Xnb\pkcn¨v Pohn a\pjys\ hnhn[ coXnbn Zp:J¯nemgv¯p¶ ¡pIbpw krjvShkvXp¡sf D]tbmKn¡p Cu kmlNcy§fn F§s\bmWv ip`m]vXn Ibpw sN¿p¶ hyIvXnsb kw_Ôn¨nSt¯m hnizmkhpw {InbmXvaI kao]\hpw PohnX fw Hcn¡epw ]cymIpe\mtI­ ImcyanÃ. ¯n Im¯p kq£n¡phm³ IgnbpI? ssZh FÃmw kpc£nXamWv, FÃmw \ÃXmWv; F¶v hnizmknbmb Hcp a\pjy\v {]Xymi h¨p Nn´n¡phm³ krjvSnsb¡pdn¨pff Cu ]peÀ¯m³ At\Iw ImcW§Ä D­v F¶v ho£Ww klmbn¡pw. EDITORIAL The Lantern The Lantern COVER STORY 04 JANUARY, 2014 JANUARY, 2014 05 A Democratic Desire Indian democracy confronts a thorny of tension. Giving bribes makes make up, as everyone is in dilemma everything safe and secure. Bribes what to do or what not to do for an make everything easy and accessible. improved democratic environment. As corruption is a powerful channel of Lack of ample choice of a group of Indian democracy, the government is leaders to plump for our country, less dependable today. Bribes stand today crafts every citizen just to for the fundamental rights achieved become a vote machine than to really than the legislative, Executive and stand for a powerful democratic even sometimes Judiciary. It's a big government in our country. As a question why the governing body democratic nation it should not have makes the corruption an element of been governed just only by the Indian democracy? interest of the party and the party Is the above question a reason for supporting economically and socially AAP? AAP governs in Delhi because well to dos. today the common men do not want hN\m[njvTnXamb Today the common man struggles a corruption to be an element of Indian lot even for their fundamental rights in democracy. Today Indian citizens `mhmXvaINn´ India. The influential leaders and the need their voice reflecting throughout economical giants together engage in our nation especially under the roof of threatening the fundamental rights of the parliament. By the victory of AAP the common man. in Delhi, our country witnesses not the origin of a political party but a desire Today corruption is the best mean to for a furnished democratic get something done without any kind governmental setup. ¦S§fpsS temI¯nemWv hn. {K\vYw km£ys¸Sp¯p¶p. `mhmXva \½Ä Pohn¡p¶Xv. hyIvXn]c Iamb Nn´bv¡v ASnkvYm\ambn ss__nÄ amb PohnX¯nepw \ap¡pNpäp \½psS ap¼n AhXcn¸n¡p¶ Nne hÀ® ]mSpapff BfpIfpsS Imcy¯nepw CXv hmkv \IÄ {lkzambn {]Xn]mZn¡pIbmWnhnsS. kXhamWv. hmÀ¯mam[ya§Ä Hmtcm Znhkhpw \½psS ap¼n sIm­p hcp¶ dnt¸mÀ«pIÄ FÃmw \ÃXv Gdnb ]¦pw \s½ k¦Ss¸Sp¯p¶ Xc¯nep ÅXmWv. BXvalXy, sIme]mXIw, AgnaXn, krjvSnsb¡pdn¨pff BZyhnhcW¯n hwilXy, D¶XkvYm\§fnencn¡p¶hcpsS DÂ]¯n ]pkvXIw (1, 1þ2,4) hscbpff `mK¯v [mÀ½nIm[x]X\w CsXm¶pw kt´mjw \ krjvSmhmb ssZhw Xs¶ krjvShkvXp¡Ä Ip¶ Imcy§Ä Aà F¶p am{XaÃ, \½psS \ÃXmsW¶p ]dbp¶p­v. Bdmw Znhkw sbms¡ DÕmlw sISp¯pIbpw ip`{]Xo a\pjys\bpw krjvSn¨Xn\ptijw ssZhw £sb XIÀ¡pIbpw sN¿p¶ Imcy§fmWv. ]dbp¶Xv, “hfsc \ÃXv” F¶mWv (DÂ]¯n CXn\nSbnepw Häs¸« kw`h§Ä {]Xo£ 1.31). ssZhw krjvSn¨Xv FÃmw \ÃXmWv. \evIp¶hbmbn«p­v F¶ Imcyhpw krjvSmhnsâ lnX¯n\v FXncmbn krjvSn ad¡p¶nÃ. \o§pt¼mgmWv AXv tamiambn Xocp¶Xv. X\vaqew ssZh¯nsâ ]²Xnb\pkcn¨v Pohn a\pjys\ hnhn[ coXnbn Zp:J¯nemgv¯p¶ ¡pIbpw krjvShkvXp¡sf D]tbmKn¡p Cu kmlNcy§fn F§s\bmWv ip`m]vXn Ibpw sN¿p¶ hyIvXnsb kw_Ôn¨nSt¯m hnizmkhpw {InbmXvaI kao]\hpw PohnX fw Hcn¡epw ]cymIpe\mtI­ ImcyanÃ. ¯n Im¯p kq£n¡phm³ IgnbpI? ssZh FÃmw kpc£nXamWv, FÃmw \ÃXmWv; F¶v hnizmknbmb Hcp a\pjy\v {]Xymi h¨p Nn´n¡phm³ krjvSnsb¡pdn¨pff Cu ]peÀ¯m³ At\Iw ImcW§Ä D­v F¶v ho£Ww klmbn¡pw. COVER STORY The Lantern The Lantern COVER STORY 06 JANUARY, 2014 JANUARY, 2014 07 hnfnbpsS ]pdInepff \\va a\pjys\ kvt\ln¡p¶ ssZhw ss__nÄ ho£W¯n ssZhw t\mltbm ]pXnb \nba¯nte¡p IS¡pt¼mÄ, tbiphn How to be a Spw (DÂ]¯n 9) A{_mlt¯mSpw (DÂ]¯n sâ P\\hpw actWmXvYm\§fpw ssZh¯n\v 12, 1þ4) C{kmtb P\t¯mSpw (]pd. 19þ20) a\pjytcmSpff kvt\l¯nsâ ASbmfambn DS¼SnbnteÀs¸Sp¶p­v. Cu CSs]SepIfnse kphntij§Ä AhXcn¸n¡p¶p. Xsâ Ãmw _Ôs¸« hyIvXnIfpsSbpw kaql§fp GIPmXs\ ssZhw temI¯nte¡v Ab¨Xv sSbpw \\vabmWv ssZh¯nsâ XncphnjvSw. temIs¯ in£n¡m\Ã, {]XypX c£n¡m\mWv POSITIVE thsdmcp Pe{]fbw hgnbmbn temIs¯ (tbml. 3, 16þ20): tbip F¶ hm¡nsâ AÀ°w \in¸n¡bnsöpw BImi¯nse aghnÃv Xs¶, c£n¡p¶h³ F¶mWv (a¯m. 1, 21). Rm³ \nt¶mSp IqsS, \n§tfmSp IqsS THINKER kzÀ¤mtcmlW¯n\p ap¼v tbip injy·mÀ kzÀ¤mtcmlW¯n\p ¡p \evIp¶ Dd¸v CXmWv. CXm, temImhkm ife is a truly beautiful and unimaginably everyone with renewed strength. Surely you’ve \w hsc FÃm \mfpIfnepw Rm³ \n§tfmSp miraculous journey. Life offers us guessed by now that amazing mantra which is ap¼v tbip injy·mÀ¡p IqSnbp­v (a¯m. 28, 20). Lopportunities, approves decisions and nothing but the life-giving and positively continuously walks in our direction by simply contagious-‘ALL IS WELLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!’ \evIp¶ Dd¸v CXmWv. `bs¸tS­ awaiting a loving embrace. This clearly indicates There in the movie, we see that whenever Rancho CXm, temImhkm\w hsc kphntij¯n IqsS¡qsS ImWp¶ Hcp that life is continuously forgiving, forever faces a problem, he immediately places his hands {]tbmKamWv ‘`bs¸tS­’ (eq¡m.
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