October Job 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5 Friday Psalm 139:1-3, 7-8, 9-10, 13-14ab 1 Luke 10:13-16 SIMPLICITY IS PERFECTION We celebrate today the feast of St. accept the full importance of His Therese of the Child Jesus whose ministry. Their expectation for following was considered one of the spectacular made them miss the most impressive and significant the simple and true. This attitude religious phenomena of contemporary is prevalent in most of us. But St. times. She was known for her “little Therese gave us a very good example way” (i.e. disposing her duties with of the beauty and effectiveness of perfection no matter how small they simplicity. She discovered the “little were). In our present times, she would way.” By doing little good deeds, we be a perfect advocate for Pondo Ng are perfecting ourselves, whether it Pinoy, which promotes that no matter is mopping the floor, washing the how small an action may be, as long dishes, cooking, sewing, cleaning as it is good and made a habit, it will etc. The Lord Jesus said, “Whatever lead to salvation and perfection. you do to the least of your brothers, That was not the case with the you do unto Me!” For the world, Galilean towns of Chorazin and small things may be small, but for Bethsaida. Jesus lamented their God, everything you do is big! blindness to and rejection of the The Good News is that salvation words He spoke before them and is attained by doing simple good the miracles He worked. Those deeds; that perfection is attained words and deeds were by having small, holy more than enough REFLECTION QUESTION: successes; that eternal for them to recognize What were the small, good life is reached through His power, authority things that you had done in a series of obedience your life? What were the small, to God. and person. And yet, good things that had been their appreciation done to you by others? Do F o r g e t a b o u t of Him was limited you value them as God values perfection, if you to marveling on the them? will. But always do newness and radicality good things as best as Lord, may we always take joy of His Word, and in doing little good deeds that you can. Before you the spectacle of His glorify You. May we never forget know it, perfection miracles. They failed to value the good deeds done to is attained. Fr. Benny to understand and us by our neighbors. Tuazon St. Ralph Crockett, pray for us. 281 Exodus 23:20-23 (or Job 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17) October Psalm 91:1-2, 3-4ab, 4c-6, 10-11 Saturday (or Psalm 119:66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130) Memorial of the Guardian Angels Matthew 18:1-5, 10 2 (or Luke 10:17-24) GUARDIAN ANGELS One late night, when I was still angel. They are spirits serving as a seminarian doing my summer messengers of God. They are God’s apostolate in Gapan, Nueva Ecija, presence to us. By presence we mean I accompanied the parish priest to a that God communicates Himself to us remote place in the parish. While we and makes His presence felt. Because were navigating the highway, we saw of angels, we are never alone. They some broken pieces of glass. A car save children from accidents, guide accident had just happened but there adults in determining what is right were no cars in sight. We decided to and wrong, help us discern where the stop and look around. Spirit leads, allay our fears in the face Suddenly, we heard children of danger, give us courage against a crying and people moaning in pain. spiritual challenge, etcetera. The jeep they were riding turned At every moment in our lives, we turtle from the main road to the rice must remember that we have angels field on the side of the road. We ready to guide us. They have been went to them and saw that the adult working for us since we were born. passengers were either unconscious They will continue to work for us or crying in pain. The children, about until we die. three of them, were lying on the On this feast day of the Guardian ground near the jeep crying but were Angels, let us not only remember miraculously unhurt. We called for their presence but renew our belief help and they were all brought to a and commitment to them. nearby hospital. It was Our Catholic prayer startling to see that the REFLECTION QUESTION: is very appropriate on children were all right. When was the last time you this occasion: felt God’s care through the No one, much more presence of your guardian a child, could have angel? How do you express Angel of God, escaped that accident your recognition of God’s mes- My guardian dear, unhurt. We could not senger to you? Do you receive To whom God’s love believe it. In the end, their guidance as direct guid- Commits me here, we both attributed it to ance from God? Ever this day, the children’s guardian Be at my side Guardian Angel, thank you for angels. guiding and protecting me as I To light and guard, By faith we believe journey through this life. To rule and guide. that God assigned to Amen! Fr. Benny Tuazon each of us a guardian St. Theophilus, pray for us. 282 October Habakkuk 1:2-3; 2:2-4 Sunday Psalm 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 (8) 2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14 3 Luke 17:5-10 CALL OF DUTY Today’s Gospel gives us a deeper can’t do more than what is expected understanding of God and our service of us. Remember that the very life to Him. Commonly, when we do that we have, which is the source something for somebody, we expect of everything we possess, came something in return. That somebody from Him. Therefore, when we owes us. We call it “utang na loob.” have fulfilled our duties, all we can It is a very powerful position against say to God is that we have been somebody. Unless what we did was unprofitable. We simply did what we part of our responsibility and duty to were expected to do. the other. In that case, the other does This is very relevant to those not owe us anything at all. who think that God owes them After asking the servant to serve because they prayed, sacrificed, him, the master did not owe the fasted, did acts of charity, forgave, servant anything because the servant understood, exercised patience and just did his job. At most, that servant even offered their lives for Him. God should just tell himself that he was an is perfect and complete. He does not unprofitable servant because he only need anything from us. It is we who did what was expected of him. need Him. We should see public servants Humility is about knowing our in the same way; they should see true place before God: We are His themselves in the same way. When creatures and He is our Creator. He they were elected into office, they were calls and we respond. Everything we expected to fulfill the are had been formed responsibilities and REFLECTION QUESTION: by Him for a purpose. duties to the people. With the immense gifts God It is our life to hear Unfortunately, many has given you, do you still ask the call, live the call, for favors after you have done and realize the call. of them make it seem what He asks you to do? Do that the people owe you see those good deeds as In the end, we may them for the services services that need reward, or not be profitable, they have rendered. ways of thanking God for what but we would have There is nothing He has already given? d o n e w h a t G o d we can do that God expects of us. If we God, teach me to serve You will owe us for. No wholeheartedly, without ex- had satisfied God’s matter how great the pecting anything in return. expectations, who deeds are, intended needs profit? Fr. Benny even for God, we St. Widradus, pray for us. Tuazon 283 Galatians 1:6-12 October Psalm 111:1b-2, 7-8, 9, 10c 4 Monday Luke 10:25-37 LOVE THY NEIGHBOR The parable of the Good Samaritan Christian to extend any form of was Jesus’ response to the question, assistance to alleviate the poverty and “Who is my neighbor?” As usual, predicament of his neighbor. But if you Jesus responded convincingly and to noticed, in the parable, Jesus pointed the heart. us to the other equally important It will be good to put the story neighbor, the Good Samaritan. He into context. The Jews believed in was the one who aided the victim. being the chosen people. By virtue He saw to it that the victim was fully of that privilege, they expected to taken care of. He even left something receive the Good News of salvation for him for his further sustenance after first. In fact, that was the plan of God. bringing him to a home and entrusting Jesus, the Good News, was to be born him to a caregiver. a Jew and there fulfill His ministry. For Jesus, the neighbor is not Samaria was not a Jewish town but a only the one in need, but the one who Gentile town.
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