1384 July 16 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 Letter to Congressional Leaders on Americans have expressed their devotion Review of Title III of the Cuban to freedom and human rights through actions Liberty and Democratic Solidarity as well as words, having fought and died for (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996 these ideals time and again. In World July 16, 1999 War II, we battled the brutality of fascism. In Korea, Vietnam, and throughout the Cold lllll Dear : War, we stood up to the despotism of com- Pursuant to section 306(c)(2) of the Cuban munism. In the Persian Gulf, and in partner- Liberty and Democratic Solidarity ship with our NATO allies in the skies over (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996 (Public Law 104± Serbia and Kosovo, we have fought brutal 114), (the ``Act''), I hereby determine and and oppressive regimes. report to the Congress that suspension for Thanks to our strength and resolve and the 6 months beyond August 1, 1999, of the right courage of countless men and women in to bring an action under title III of the Act is necessary to the national interests of the countries around the world, we can be proud United States and will expedite a transition that the list of captive nations has grown to democracy in Cuba. smaller. The fall of the Berlin Wall a decade Sincerely, ago finally enabled us to pursue democratic William J. Clinton reform in Central and Eastern Europe and to lay the firm foundations of freedom, NOTE: Identical letters were sent to Jesse Helms, peace, and prosperity. And in countries chairman, and Joseph R. Biden, Jr., ranking mem- around the world, from South Africa to South ber, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Ted Korea to South America, democracy is flour- Stevens, chairman, and Robert C. Byrd, ranking member, Senate Committee on Appropriations; ishing, and citizens enjoy the liberty to seek Benjamin A. Gilman, chairman, and Sam Gejden- their own destiny. son, ranking member, House Committee on The post-Cold-War world, however, con- International Relations; and C.W. Bill Young, fronts us with a new set of dangers to free- chairman, and David R. Obey, ranking member, domÐthreats such as civil wars, terrorism, House Committee on Appropriations. and ethnic cleansing. There are still rulers Proclamation 7209ÐCaptive Nations in the world who refuse to join the march Week, 1999 toward freedom, who believe that the only July 16, 1999 way to govern is with an iron fist, and who rely on reprehensible practices like arbitrary By the President of the United States detention, forced labor, torture, and execu- of America tion to subjugate their people. A Proclamation As we observe this Captive Nations Week, let us once again reaffirm our profound com- This month Americans mark 223 years of mitment to freedom and universal human freedom from tyranny. We celebrate the vi- rights. Let us continue to promote tolerance, sion of our founders who, in signing the Dec- justice, and equality and to speak out for laration of Independence, proclaimed the those who have no voice. Let us rededicate importance of liberty, the value of human dignity, and the need for a new form of gov- ourselves to the growth of democracy and ernment dedicated to the will of the people. the rule of law; and let us resolve that in As heirs to that legacy and the fortunate citi- the next century we will foster the further zens of a democratic Nation, we continue to expansion of the rights and freedoms with cherish the values of freedom and equality. which Americans have been blessed for so Many people across the globe, however, are long. still denied the rights we exercise daily and The Congress, by Joint Resolution ap- too often take for granted. During Captive proved July 17, 1959 (73 Stat. 212), has au- Nations Week, we reaffirm our solidarity thorized and requested the President to issue with those around the world who suffer a proclamation designating the third week in under the shadow of dictators and tyrants. July of each year as ``Captive Nations Week.'' VerDate 26-APR-99 07:23 Jul 21, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\PD19JY99.TXT atx006 PsN: atx006 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 1385 Now, Therefore, I, William J. Clinton, dent's Council on Physical Fitness and President of the United States of America, Sports. do hereby proclaim July 18 through July 24, 1999, as Captive Nations Week. I call upon July 14 the people of the United States to observe this week with appropriate ceremonies and In the afternoon, the President traveled to activities and to rededicate ourselves to sup- Baltimore, MD, and later, he returned to porting the cause of freedom, human rights, Washington, DC. and self-determination for all the peoples of The President announced his intention to the world. nominate David N. Greenlee to be Ambas- In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set sador to Paraguay. my hand this sixteenth day of July, in the The President announced his intention to year of our Lord nineteen hundred and nine- appoint Ronald Morriss as a member of the ty-nine, and of the Independence of the National Drought Policy Commission. United States of America the two hundred The President announced his intention to and twenty-fourth. appoint Nancy M. Zirkin as a member of the William J. Clinton Board of Trustees of the Woodrow Wilson [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, International Center for Scholars. 8:45 a.m., July 21, 1999] The White House announced that the NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the President will travel to Little Rock, AR, on Federal Register on July 22. August 6±10 and September 22. Digest of Other July 15 White House Announcements In the afternoon, the President met with Crown Prince Khalifa bin Zayid of the United Arab Emirates in the Oval Office. The following list includes the President's public In the evening, the President and Hillary schedule and other items of general interest an- Clinton went to Camp David, MD. nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and not included elsewhere in this issue. The White House announced that the President will travel to Lansing, MI, on July 22. July 10 The White House announced that the In the afternoon, the President traveled President welcomed the successful outcome from Los Angeles, CA, to Pasadena, CA. of talks between Argentina and the United Later, he returned to Washington, DC. Kingdom concerning the Falklands/Malvinas July 12 and other South Atlantic islands. In the morning, the President met with Prime Minister John Howard of Australia in July 16 the State Dining Room for a working visit. In the morning, the President traveled to The President announced his intention to Des Moines, IA. appoint Jared L. Cohon as Chair and mem- In the afternoon, the President visited the ber of the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Amos Hiatt Middle School. Board. In the evening, the President attended a July 13 dinner for Senator Tom Harkin at a private In the morning, the President traveled to residence. Later, the President returned to Miami Beach, FL. In the evening, he trav- Camp David, MD. eled to Coral Gables, FL, and later, he re- The President announced his intention to turned to Washington, DC. nominate Andrew Fish to be Assistant Sec- The President announced his intention to retary for Congressional Relations at the De- appoint Lee Haney as Chair of the Presi- partment of Agriculture. VerDate 26-APR-99 07:23 Jul 21, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\PD19JY99.TXT atx006 PsN: atx006.
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