October 30, 1989 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 26471 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, October 30, 1989 The House met at 12 noon. sions, corporations, and offices for the S.J. Res. 216. Joint resolution designating The Chaplain, Rev. James David fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, November 12 through 18, 1989, as "Commu­ Ford, D.D., offered the following and for other purposes." nity Foundation Week"; S.J. Res. 217. Joint resolution to designate prayer: The message also announced that the period commencing February 4, 1990, We are grateful, gracious God, that the Senate agrees to the amendments and ending February 10, 1990, and the whatever might be our place in life, of the House to the amendments of period commencing February 3, 1991, and whether our moments of joy or the Senate numbered 4, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, ending February 9, 1991, as "National Burn sorrow, laughter or tears, Your grace 37' 38, 39, 40, 43, 46, 47' 48, 55, 57, 71, Awareness Week"; is always sufficient for us. Your favor 75, 80, 86, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, S.J. Res. 220. Joint resolution to designate to us, 0 God, forgives us our errors, 105, 109, 110, 116, 122, 123, 124, and the week of December 3, 1989, through De­ supports us in good deeds, cleanses our 128. cember 9, 1989, as National Autism Week motives and thoughts, and allows us to and 1990 as National Silver Anniversary The message also announced that Year for the Autism Society of America; hold to the promises You have freely the Senate disagrees to the House and given. For these and all Your many amendment to the Senate amendment S. Con. Res. 55. Concurrent resolution to blessings we offer this prayer. Amen. numbered 25, to the above-entitled commemorate the volunteers of the United bill. States and the Hugh O'Brian Youth Foun­ THE JOURNAL The message also announced that dation. the Senate agrees to the report of the The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ committee of conference on the dis­ amined the Journal of the last day's agreeing votes of the two Houses on COMMUNICATION FROM THE proceedings and announces to the the amendments of the Senate to the CLERK OF THE HOUSE House his approval thereof. bill <H.R. 3012) "an act making appro­ The SPEAKER laid before the Pursuant to clause 1, rule, I, the priations for military construction for House the following communication Journal stands approved. the Department of Defense for the from the Clerk of the House of Repre­ fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, sentatives: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and for other purposes." WASHINGTON, DC, The SPEAKER. Will the gentlewom­ The message also announced that October 27, 1989. an from Colorado [Mrs. SCHROEDER] the Senate agrees to the amendments Hon. THOMAS s. FOLEY, come forward and lead the House in of the House to the amendments of The Speaker, House of Representatives, the Senate numbered 3, 6, 10, 13, 20, Washington, DC. the Pledge of Allegiance. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per­ Mrs. SCHROEDER led the Pledge 22, 27, and 36, to the above-entitled mission granted in clause 5 of rule III of the of Allegiance as follows: bill. Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the The message also announced that I have the honor to transmit a sealed enve­ United States of America, and to the Repub­ the Senate has passed bills, joint reso­ lope received from the White House at 11:58 lic for which it stands, one nation under lutions, and a concurrent resolution of a.m. on Friday, October 27, 1989 and said to God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for the following titles, in which the con­ contain H.R. 3026, the "District of Columbia all. currence of the House is requested: Appropriations Act, 1990," and a veto mes­ sage thereon. S. 1062. An act to amend the Earthquake With great respect, I am MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 to improve Sincerely yours, the Federal effort to reduce earthquake A message from the Senate by Mr. DONNALD K. ANDERSON, hazards, and for other purposes; Clerk, House of Representatives. Hallen, one of its clerks, announced S. 1191. An act to authorize appropria­ that the Senate had passed without tions for the Department of Commerce's amendment a joint resolution of the Technology Administration, to speed the de­ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA APPRO­ House of the following title: velopment and application of economically strategic technologies, and for other pur­ PRIATIONS ACT, 1990-VETO H.J. Res. 131. Joint resolution to designate MESSAGE FROM THE PRESI­ May 25, 1989, as "National Tap Dance Day." poses; S. 1798. An act to provide for the imposi­ DENT OF THE UNITED STATES The message also announced that tion of the death penalty for the terrorist (H. DOC. NO. 101-105) the Senate had passed with amend­ murder of United States nationals abroad; ments in which the concurrence of the S.J. Res. 131. Joint resolution to designate The SPEAKER laid before the House is requested, a bill of the House November 1989 as "National Diabetes House the following veto message of the following title: Month"; from the President of the United S.J. Res. 187. Joint resolution to designate H.R. 1231. An act to direct the President States: the periods commencing on November 19, To the House of Representatives: to establish an emergency board to investi­ 1989, and ending on November 26, 1989, and gate and report respecting the dispute be­ commencing on November 18, 1990, and I am returning herewith without my tween Eastern Airlines and its collective­ ending on November 25, 1990, as "National approval H.R. 3026, the "District of bargaining units. Adoption Week"; Columbia Appropriations Act, 1990." The message also announced that S.J. Res. 198. Joint resolution designating I informed the Congress earlier that the Senate agrees to the report of the November 1989 as "An End to Hunger Edu­ I would veto this bill if it permitted committee of conference on the dis­ cation Month"; the use of appropriated funds to pay agreeing votes of the two Houses on S.J. Res. 210. Joint resolution to designate for abortions other than those in the amendments of the Senate to the the month of October 1989 as "National which the life of the mother would be Spina Bifida Month"; if bill <H.R. 2916) "an act making appro­ S.J. Res. 215. Joint resolution acknowledg­ endangered the fetus were carried to priations for the Departments of Vet­ ing the sacrifices that military families have term. The limitation I proposed is erans Affairs and Housing and Urban made on behalf of the Nation and designat­ identical to the one included in the Development, and for sundry inde­ ing November 20, 1989, as "National Mili­ District of Columbia Appropriations pendent agencies, boards, commis- tary Families Recognition Day"; Act for 1989 <Public Law 100-462). 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 26472 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE October 90, 1989 This year, regrettably, the Congress RAISING THE MINIMUM WAGE We ought to stand firmly behind has expanded the circumstances in MEANS JOBS LOST President Bush. He acted on a very which Federal funds could be used to (Mr. McEWEN asked and was given high moral imperative that all human pay for abortions. Moreover, unlike permission to address the House for 1 life, regardless of age or condition of Public Law 100-462, H.R. 3026 would minute and to revise and extend his dependency, is worthy of respect and also permit payment for abortions remarks.) protection. And certainly there is no with local funds, which under current Mr. McEWEN. Mr. Speaker, we re­ reason for any of us to be paying with law must be appropriated by the Con­ member the 1970's. We were losing taxpayer funds to subsidize the killing gress. Thus, H.R. 3026 would not re­ jobs in America at the rate of 50,000 a of the unborn child. strict the use of such funds for abor­ week. We were 16th in new inventions. tion in any way. We had the highest inflation and in­ I am, therefore, compelled to disap­ ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE terest rates since the Civil War. SPEAKER prove H.R. 3026. Then we began a new course for the GEORGE BUSH. 1980's. Since that time, since 1982, The SPEAKER. The Chair desires THE WHITE HOUSE, October 27, 1989. America has created twice as many to announce that pursuant to clause 4 The SPEAKER. The objections of jobs as the rest of the world combined. of rule I, the Speaker signed the fol­ the President will be spread at large We have cut black teenage unem­ lowing enrolled bill on Friday, October upon the Journal, and the message ployment by two-thirds, we have cut 27, 1989: and bill will be printed as a House doc­ the number of people on minimum H.R. 3281. An act to reauthorize the Na­ ument. wage in half. tional Insurance Program, the Federal Mr. DIXON. Mr. Speaker, I ask Now, Mr. Speaker, I see on the menu Crime Insurance Program, and the Defense unanimous consent that further con­ for tomorrow we have a cauterizing Production Act of 1950, to extend certain sideration of the veto message on the idea, they want to cauterize the econo­ housing programs, and for other purposes.
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