Canandaigua HN COtmiEtt-JOURNAL Schedules Party •s Friday, November 13,1959 Canendaigua — A turkey party sponsored by the Holy Married Women's Name Society of St. Marys Church will be held Monday Plan Activities evening, Nov. 16, in the audi­ Retreat Slated AQUINAS MOTHERS ta ium of the new school, be contributed to the school, A retreat for Married Women Nicholas Piacito and Joseph The Aquinas Mothers Club as in the past, towards various" will hold a HarvesT card party will be given at the Cenacle McWiUiams are co-chairmen of improvements to the chapel ana Retreat House, 693 East Ave,, tickets. John Ryan and Nicho- at the • Doud Post on Thursday, library. Refreshments will be Nov. 19 at 8:15 p.m. Rochester, the weekend of No­ la. Pastor! are in charge of re­ served. vember 20-22 by Rev. Richard freshments. Proceeds from this party will CHAIRMAN IS Mrs. Frediric" A, Drea, SJ. The exercises of Godsave; eo-chairman, Mrs; the retreat begin at 6:00 p.m. James VanAllen, honorary on Friday and close at 4:30 p.xn. chairman, Mrs. Herbert Kby; oa Sunday. Tickets;, Mrs. Gordon DeHond:j] GOD LOVE YOU! refreshments, Mrs. Earl Cham-w Reservations may be made tiy berlain; decorations, Mrs. Frank mail er by telephoning the con­ Bj'MOST REV. FULTON J. SHEEN Chatterton. vents BRownlug 1-8755. * * On the following weekend, November 27-29, a General Re­ His name was > Paul, his homeland. Korea. When the N. P. WOMEN Communists came into his country, he went to every Catho­ treat will take place with Rev, lic home saying: "Say the Rosary! Die for your faith, if Notre Dame Wonjen's Organ­ John HcAsey, C.S.Sp., as re­ need be". The Communists saw him visiting these homes ization will meet Saturday, Nov. treat master, This la open to and sentenced him to death. A young Communist soldier as- 14 at W noon at the Chatterbox both married and single women, Q k H m wid: You ,QOk lUte ho Club for a luncheon. and it will be the last adult SP* L . l % . " * 'y«»% i *»» George Yerger, florist will retreat of the current year, fire a shot in the air. You go Into the woods and 1 will say display his unusual Christmas that you were killed". theme. Each member is request­ Paul was- uneasy in the woods, for he knew ho*v much his ed to bring" a Christmas- faithful were suffering under the Reds. He .came, out of hiding wrapped toy for needy children. It's fosy To Pick Qui Tie after one day; was arrested again by a Communist captain who The Catholic Family Center will said: "1 will shoot you myself". Taking him behind the jail the distribute the gifts. I Communist raised his revolver. At that moment an American Reservations are being taken Man Who's, Been Servecf Mustang fighter flew over, machined gunned the Communist by Mrs. Don Booth, BUtler positions, and the captain fell dead. 8-2873. ZWEIGLE'S Paul has two sons studying for the priesthood and one son who is already a priest. It is from such* families that vocations ALHAMBRA LADIES art born. Ladiea of the Alhambra will Delicious Persecution of the faithful, not only In Korea, but in conduct a luncheon for mem­ Hungary and Poland, separates the wheat from the chaff. bers and friends. PUS TOR THANKSGIVING The wejflcfall awayj the strong become stronger. "Those who Mrs. Emtnett 3. Schepp is ~ SKINLESS I MTO< ft**** sacrifice, in their lives, taa aever bring thenv chairman. Hostesses will he At Hem* With Trudy McNall %re, Turn into pastry shell; selves to risk their litres for the lake of Christ. It the Beds Mrs, Bobeit Band, chairman chill until lip) <« to « hours ever came to America, It would! be safe to sky (hat it* •»• and Hesflsmes John Temmer- or overnight), WclS: One S-inch FRANKFURTERS who has ever received: a "God Love Tin" letter, wmW ever man, Frank Rebholz, Philip pie, deny fjte faith, for two reasons: First, is the Cure of Ars 9Hafner and Thomas O'Connor, "said, those Wh» aid the Propagation of the Faith will never riOIEN PUMPKIN PIE Hon* tlnmr Atiyvfhir*!, >los» tb* faith; second, sacrifice made for the Holy Father * 1 c. evaporaltdl milk Thanksgiving Utile JU c+ suga*__ ASK K>* zwimrs AT YOUR rproves that the donors are ready lot greater saerfileei. WOMEN'S CLUB ly TRUDY McNAU «t«ajt FOOD STORE OR AT ZWIIVUTS If yo& would like to hp put on the "God Love ""You" honor The Catholic Women's Club cinnamon i M J0IE9M AVI. - PMli MA, I4«H roll, send, the Holy Father an act of sell denial and we will tend will hold a dessert-bridge party It's good to Be home again %€giBgeIt;,- r T you a Utter of thanks, mixture into pastry shell. Bake Vx t nutmeg at the club house at 215 Alex­ after a wonderful two weeks in moderate oven 350 degrees 1^4 c canned puompkln ander Street on Friday, Novem­ vacation In New Yprk and Phila­ for 1 hour or until tip of knife 1 ?. lemon Juice . GOt) LOVE YQU to "Little Helper" In Christ, X.M. for ii ber 20 at 1 p.m. delphia. Suddenly I am aware inserted near center comes out "I realhe how little this Is, but I am sure it will help some' poor that Thanksgiving is almost dean. Yield: l<—8 inch pie. Chill «4 e. of the evaporated soul who doesn't even have that much" ... to H.T. for $5 "I Mrs. "William J. Dempsey and hew. Mrs, Gerald Holmes art co- milk in freecer tray of refrige* drive a truck here at the monastery and dorrt make any salary, FUMPKIN CHIFFON PIE ator until ice crystal* form Tha Wiekly Nets Irem Mr. Pepsi but front time to time do get spending money. Here it is" . chairmen for the event, assisted All.over the countxy and, in 1 T. untlavored gelatin by Headaraes Francis Duggan, around edges. Meanwhile, com In the process of redecoraliog, often more thm to Mr*/J, p. for $3 "I have .been-praying to Our Lady fo* em­ fact, sit over the world, the M c. brown sugar ployment for my son. This. ii it* thanks for Her, goodness**;. William Fluegler, Clarence bine sugar, salt, spices, pump­ an oy rot is oiscoveredl Hie other day. a nei^ibor ; 150th aaniversary of the hlrth ¥x t each, salt, nutmeg and kin and remaining Vi c evapor­ to Tewrny'a parents for *2t"ln ihanksgfvjng to, God for thegif t Helnmger, Thomas McCarrfck, of Abraham LtacoUkaethpresl- of~4uri tore up an old carped, and untirthed a 19)4 Leo Hclhtee, and Hits Elizabeth w glnf*r' ated milk. Turn chilled; evapor­ He gave u* In. allowing our son to live long enough* to be bap- dent of;the TJnlted SUtet, U 1 newjpiper, which contained a bit of timelesi G. Xtoleaun, • i • t cinnamon. ated milk Into bowl and whip thed** ,,, . to C.F. for $230.51 "The enclosed represents the being obverved during this Sei- % with iotary beafer or oa/hiih phalojophy? loose chlnge 1 have saved from my pocketbook every day for o quicenteanlal Year«. As the c evaporajted mHk speed'' of electric miaer'until \ Our yeiterdayi are enly the past several years"... to Mm, L for $10 "taerfded,to turn Thankigiving Season ap- 3 eggs, separated milk it stiff. Add lemon Juice, myi disappointment into some good, when my husfcand forgot Sadie l^awkin? proachejt, it seemed to me that IV* c. canned pumpkin beat until Wenled. Fold whip- nemoiies to get.till tickets for the football game. It is-a very small offer­ perhaps you might be .interest­ % c. sugar pad milk into pumpkin mix­ Our tomorrowi are enly ing for one who his had no training in charjty"... to Mrs. Dance Held ed In th# fact that it wai Presi­ ,1 — 9 inch baked pie shell ture. Turn into Cookie Crumb i " *$,$. |pt *5«?JIy'checking account is very tow this month* but dent Lincoln who issued the Jilt together gelatin, brown shell*, freeze titstll firm. Yield: dreami I K want t# hilpj the Leper* who have no account at all". At DeSales F1BST~-ANNUAL NFATKWAfc r, salt and; spices in medium Ont t-tachjple, We possess only cut todari. THANKSGIVING PBtKJLAm saucep«t.,Stir in. evaporated Geaeva *- A Sadie Hawkins x -,' TelevIsJu Is the wtelectten »f tka huaua ward to the dance -was sponsored by the Jun­ HON, milk and egg'yolki; blend welt. •COOKtat CHrjajB SIMLL Yesterday's experiences live warW, This Is repreies&d la the ilatui of tha MasYeua who ior Class at DeSales High School, Place over low beat and cook, vividly In our memories, and stirring constantly, until gelatin ifi c vanilla wafer crumbs taf *WI»g birth U the Blvtae Word gave Him t* tit wet Id. Geneva on Friday, Nov. S. It TlW NATIONAL cbierwrKt our hopes and dreami lie In dissolves and mixture thickens V* c. sugar The world is surmeuated by a Cross symWIItiai eur World was "Ladles Choice" all evening of Thanksgiving during the past our tomorrow, Bat, with Ihs Mlaalaaa Society for teefroaegatlaa at the Faith. Tka hand for about 75 couples. three quarters of a century hat slightly {about 3 minutes). Re­ \i t clnnaraoi) et fa* Word Iacarmate,,Chrlit, and tka kamd at lLIi Bleated brought good cheer I Wo our move from 'heat; stir Is pump­ experience of vesttfcUy, and our confidence in to­ Robert Connolly, chairman of kin.
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