OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1907. A mt. Due. Amt. Due. Amt. Due. Amt Due. DELINQUENT TAXES FOR 1905. I t f T. A, McllrldH, County Add to J. C. A lbs worth trustee, Edge-woo- Simon P. Slawson, Gladstone, lot V. Jackson, 11 acres aa de- Ortiuof! City, lot 1, 2, 8, 4, anil lot 11, 12, 13 and 14, 3, blk. 90 34 scribed In record or deed, 5, blk. 84 36.90 blk. 7 3.94 O. J. Mack, Gladstone, lot 6, blk. book 91, page 434 1.19 T. A, Mcllrldo, County Add to A. It. Fratt, Friends Oregon Col- 90 35 Eieklel Burbage D. L. C. No. 40, 37, Oregon City, lots 0, 7, and 8, ony, blk. 10C 8,64 Chas. F. Wallace, Gladstone, lot Section 33, 34, 2, 3, townships 5 blk. 34 31,92 A. 11. Fratt, Friends Oregon Col- 7, blk. 90 34 and 9, Range 1 East. Notice of Sheriffs Sale Sarah J. Uaiidolph, County Add ony, blk. 107, 2 acres 2.59 J. C. Frost, West Gladstone, lot Jennie E. Nicholson, 21.48 acres to Oregon City, hlk 111 1.08 Walter H, Porneroy, Linn City, 12, blk. 12 1.03 as described in record ofdtee'da Samuel Kllputrlck, Central Add lot 7, 8, and 9, blk. 1 79 Harry W. Hull, Gladstone Park book 92, page 323 ....Rr;. .13.18 to Oregon City, lot 4, hlk, 80 1.C8 M. B. Wakornan, Linn City, lots pt of a des. In Record of Township 6 8outh, RarfOe.i East. Annie lloylan, Darling' Add to 6 and C, blk. 8 03 Deeds, D. 61, Pg. 271, lot 110 5.47 Fred L. Bklrvln, 1 acre aa de Oregon City, M half of NW M. IC. Drown, Rockland, lot 1, Alfred Meklund Gladstone Park, scribed In record of deeds, TAX EXECUTION. tjiiui'tor, section 4 7.73 blk. 6 24 lot 122 1.70 book 92, page 42, section 4, M Itched, 1iwls &. Htaver Co., M. V. Plummer, Shannon's add Jesse A. Glbbs, Gladstone Park, township 6, range 1 east .... 1.08 DarnoH's Add to Oregon to Oregon City, lot 2, hlk. 45 1.07 Pt of a tie. In Record of D. M. Steindler, NB quarter of City, lot 1 and 2, hlk. 1 3.30 M. V. Plummer, Shannon's add Deeds Bk. 63, Pg. 415, lot 110 .69 BE quarter of section 12, twp. ITATII1 OK OREGON, Ami. Dun. John H. Kl wards, Darnell' Add to Oregon City, lots 3 to 8, blk E. L. Harnett, Estacada, lota IS 6, range 1 east 2.24 Willy Of CIllcUlllllllM," HI), I to Oregon City, lot 4, hlk 1. 8.30 45 3.17 and 10, blk. 2 1.38 Township 1 8outh, Range 2 East. ( 'hi ra Kleld, Caimiiiali, lots 2 o II. II, of Clacliaiiiiiii J. W. Moffatt, Darnell' add to Will Miller, Shannon's add V) W. Mulone, Estacada, lot 5, blk B. and C. F. Deardorff, 276.62 lleatle, Sheriff 3, hilt, 10 8.71 uml Oregon City, lot 9 and 10, blk. Oregon City, lots 1 and 4, blk 15 51 acres as described la record of County, Oregon, Grueling: Hedge K (irlfflth, Cuuciuali, lots 1 6.38 40 1.07 P. O'Connor, Estacada, lot 3, blk deeda, book 27, page 453, ex- III the, mime of Him Klalii of Oregon U. i), 7, ami 8, hilt. 10 C.C1 John Campbell, Hhnw'a Annex to Sunset Land Co, Sunset City, lot 19 51 cept as described la record of udver-i'te.an- A, I Will are hereby ri)iniiiiiinli'il to Min I'!. Lit oil ret to, Caminiali, Oregon City, lot 3 and 4, blk. 3, blk 11 1.08 Township 3 8outh, Range 1 West. deed, books C2, 64, 47, 32, sell In the manner provided Int i 1 ami 2. hlk. 17 8.71 2 O. NB NE, see. page 456, r: . 23 E. K. Campbell, West Side add W. Morgan, of 251, 278, 404, and i A II, IJlW Illlf Ill'VOI'ltl ....Itl'IICll'H Of tMTHdlllll Mr l. l.alourcltn, Cttlieinah, Woellener, Bhaw'a Annex to to Oregon City, lot 13 and 14, 4, townhlp 3, range 1 west hooka 33, 73, 48, pages 182, operly Hinl parcels of real properly loti 7 ami H, hilt. 17 3.12 Oregon City, lota 10 and 10, blk. 3 7.93 40 acre 6.40 114, 309, section 25, township mil which liixmi have, been renpic- - Itlcliai'ii Mc.Miihou, Canemah, hlk. 2 23 L. H. Wassertnan, South Oregon A.' and L. A. Murdock 54.90 acrea 1, range 2 east; 276.62 acres.. 71.64 i II I, ively levied for lhi year IWiB ami lot mul hlk 22 3.71 Leopold Troeiiglo, Shaw's An City, lots 4 and 0, blk. 2 ... 1.82 as described In Record of C. Reynolds, 5 acres as described thlch urn marked ami exteudm a A. Iv Walte, Caimtnah, lot 4, hlk nex to Oregon City, loU 2 and Jdwln Collins, South Oregon City Deeds, Book 89, Page 29, sec. In record of deeds book 88, pg. 'Jipuld and liilliiiiniit upon Hi" 3.12 3, hlk. 4 23 lot 11, hlk. 8 C9 0, township 3, range 1 w., 54 108, section 28, township 1, At roll of Clactutmax Cotiuly fur Ji m i A. (ilhliK, Ciiiminiili, lotH 3, Frank Warren, Hhaw'a Annex to Ella Schwlng, Windsor, Iota 6 acres 12.48 range 2 east 7.66 5, 94 Mild your 1905 ami that you pay over I, hilt. 32 Oregon City, lot 2, blk. 18 00 and 6, blk. 1 2.11 John Anderson D. L. C. No. 55, 47, Cora Beatty, 2 acrea a described )l money nii collected In Iho eininly II. J. Khiher, TruMtee, Cuimiiiah I.lz.lo Smith, Shaw's 1st add to II. C. Allen, Windsor, lot 6 and Sectiont 25, 36, 30, 31, Township In record of deeds, bk. 62, page freunuror of hiiIiI county in required lot 2, hlk C 2.04 Oregon City, lot C and 7, blk. 6, blk 2 2.11 3, Range 1 E and 1 W. 381. section 28, township 1, ft law. ChrlMllan Krnchmil, Cliiieinali, lot 3 C 8. C. and E. Parker, Windsor, lot Andrew Glesy, 7 acre as describ range 2 east 1.51 3. hlk. C 2.04 35-10- JWItni tny hand and tlm in'iil of C ami A. L. Lt!!"l, Hhaw'a First 1, blk 7 4.75 ed In Record or Deeds, Book Unknown. 0 acres in the NW jut county court of thi Hiato of Ore-in- Kllahctli K , Caneinah, Add to Oregon City, lot 9 to S. C. Parker, Windsor, lot 2, blk. U. Page 94, Sections 25, 36, 30, corner of NE quarter of NE for Iho County of CluckaiiuiH, Fractional Ii'Iih not number-ei- l 12, blk. 4 1.37 7 1.0C 31, Township 3, Range 1 E quarter, section 29, township 1 ji I t day of November, A. I). I'JiJU. hel ween hlltH CI, 02, lotH John tlastarch, Shaw's first add 8. C. Parker, Windsor, lot 3, blk and 1 W, 7 acres 1.51 range 1 east 43 ttiHAL.) F. W. dltKICNMAN, I, 0, 7, 8 1.00 to Oregon City, lot 9, blk. 7 .52 7 1.00 Lot Whit comb 0. L. C. No. 41, 38 Unknown, lot 3, section 30, town utility f Mrjt of Clackiiuui County, Kll.iitn'tli Itlnehart, Carminali, Herman Hchaffer, Shaw's First O. T. Kay, Windsor, lot 13, blk Sections 1, 2, 35, 36, Townships 2 ship 1, range 2 east 1.20 Oregon. frucllonal blk. not liuiiiliereil Add to Oregon City, lot 11 11 1.00 and 1, Range 1 E. Cella M. Morris, 20 acrea as de hel ween hi kit 45, 40 lot 1, 7, and 12, hlk. 7 1.02 Luclnda Cllno, Windsor, lot 7 Margaret Wilson, 5 acres as de scribed in record of deeds, rATU OF OIIHtlDN, h 94 W. S. Wright, Shaw'g Flrt Add and 8, blk. 13 2.11 scribed in Record of Deeds, book 89, page 415, section 2, I'.l'i.ulietli Itlnehart, nunty of Clue human, km Cuiiimah, to Oregon City, lot 14, blk. 7. .02 Susan Scott, Windsor, lot 1, blk. IVxik 40, Page 261, Sections 1, township 2, range 2 cast 10.08 kM. I hereby certify that tlm foregoing fractional til not numbered W. S. Wright, Shaw's first Add 14 1.00 2, 35, 30, Townships 2 and 1, Township 2 South, Range 2 East. a tritu uml correct copy of tlm orlgl- between blk. 3S, 30, lot 1 31 to Oregon City, lot 15, blk. 7 .52 Susan J, Scott, Windsor, lot 3, Range 1 East, 6 acres 7.30 Gustar Simon, SW quarter of inl warrant fur tlm collection of the 'J'Iioh. ;ililm, iia mIiowii In record W. H. Wright. Shaw's first Add 4 and 5, blk. 15 3.17 George Wills' D. L. C. No. 42 Sec N. W. quarter section 3, town- iIiimI'I, 03, pugo .02 (lollnquciit taxes for tlm year J911O, of hook 415... to Oregon City lot 17 to 22, G. A. Hoffman, Windsor, lot 9, tions 25, 26, 3, Township 1, Range ship 2, range 2 east; 40 acres22.68 ( K. G. Add to Ca- - 50-10- ml tlm whole thereof of such original iiullehl, First blk. 7 3.07 and 10, blk.
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