E505 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~VOL.24 Government of Uttar Pradesh * Public Works Department Lucknow, India

E505 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~VOL.24 Government of Uttar Pradesh * Public Works Department Lucknow, India

E505 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~VOL.24 Government of Uttar Pradesh * Public Works Department Lucknow, India Public Disclosure Authorized ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSM-ENT REPORT 9 November 2005 Ganga Bridge at Kachiaghat on Public Disclosure Authorized Bareilly-Badaun-Bharatpur Road i nd * pW Yamuna Bridge at Shergarhghat o, * 'S Utrkasr- t Chatta-Shergarhghat Road 9 Gh Public Disclosure Authorized 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > 5 >X ^ . C ~~~~~~~~aiza Jhanf2 Bali 0 S 00Public Disclosure Authorized AO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FundingAgency: Ba nk 4& Operations Research Group Pvt. Ltd. The Worid ,so Table of Contents i S.No Titles PageNo. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -xi 1.0 INTRODUCTION -1 1.1 The Uttar Pradesh State Roads Project (UPSRP II) and Major Bridges '-1 1.2 Brief Description of UPSRP II and Major Bridges 1 1.3 Features of Major Bridges l 3 * 1.4 Environmental Assessment in the Project t-3 1.4.1 Environmental Impact Assessment And Management Plans t-3 * 1.5 Structure of The EIA Report l 3 * 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2-1 2.1 UPSRPII 2-1 * 2.1.1 Upgradation works 2-1 2.2 Major Features of Bridges 2-2 * 2.3 Overview of the Impacts of the Project 2-4 * 3.0 POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 3-1 3.1 Institutional Setting for the project 3-1 * 3.1.1 Uttar Pradesh Public Works Department (UPPWD) 3-1 3.1.2 Project Implementation Unit 3-1 * 3.2 Institutional Setting in the Environmental Context 3-1 3.2.1 Ministry Of Environment And Forests 3-1 * 3.2.2 Regional Office Of The MOEF, Lucknow 3-1 3.2.3 Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) 3-2 * 3 2.4 Department Of Forests, Government of Uttar Pradesh 3-2 32.5 Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board 3-2 * 3.3 Legal Framework 3-2 3 3.1 The Forests (Conservation) Act, 1980 3-2 * 3.3.2 The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 And The 3-4 Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 1994 * 3.3.3 The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 3-4 3.3.4 The Water And Air (Prevention) And Control Of Pollution 3-4 * 3.3.5 The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 3-4 3.3.6 The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and 3-4 * Remains Act, 1958 3.4 State Level Legislation and other Acts 3-6 * 3.5 Clearance Requirements of the proposed bridges 3-6 3.5.1 Up State Clearance Requirements 3-6 * 3.5.2 National Clearances 3-6 3.5.3 World Bank Requirements 3-6 4.0 METHODOLOGY 4-1 * 4.1 Environmental Assessment -1 4.1.1 Scoping 4-1 * 41.2 Reconnaissance Visits 4-1 4,1 3 Assembly and Analysis of Data From Secondary Services 4-1 * 4.1.4 Documentation of Baseline Conditions 4-1 4.1.5 Assessment of Alternatives 4-3 |* 4.1.6 Assessment of Potential Impacts 4-3k 4 1.7 Integration of Environmental Impact In The Design Process: 4-3 | *4"Mainstreaming The Environmental Component" 4 1 8 Identified Mitigation And Enhancement Measures :-3 * 4.1.9 Community Consultations :-3 4 1 10 Preparation of The Environmental Management Plans 4-3 - 0 Page * S.No Titles No. 4.2 Finalizing the Environmental Assessment 4-3 4.2.1 Completing the Baseline a-3 * 4.2.2 Impact Assessment and Modeling 4 4.2.3 Mitigation and Enhancement Measures 4 * 4.2.4 Stand Alone Environmental Management Plans And Generic 4 Environmental and Social Management Plan * 442.5 Environniental Budget 4 * 5.0 EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL SCENARIO 5-1 5.1 Meteorological baseline 5-1 * 5.1.1 Climate 5-1 5.1.2 Temperature -1 * 5.1.3 Wind a-1 5.1.4 Rainfall ^_1 | * 5.2 Natural and Biophysical Environment i-i 5.2.1 Air 5-2 * 5.2.2 Water: Hydrology and Drainage 5.2.3 Land --6 * 5.2.4 Noise 7 5.2.5 Flora * 5.2.6 Fauna -10 5.2.7 Human use Values 5-1_0 *@ 5.3 Cultural Properties 5.3.1 Protected Monuments and Properties of Archaeological Value 5-10 * 5.4 Resettlement issues 511 5.5 Aquatic Ecology 5.1 l | * 5.6 Aquatic Fauna 5-_ 3 5.7 Religious Congregations 5-13 6.0 PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURES - l * 6.1 Introduction -1 6.2 Objectives -- l | * 6.3 Methodology adopted for Public Consultations --1 6.3.1 Stages and Levels of Consultation * 6.3.2 Tools for Consultation 6.4 Issues Raised and Community Perception -- * 6.5 Addressal of Issues - 6.6 Continued Participation 6.6.1 Information Disclosure 6.6.2 Community Participation -S 7.0 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES IN UPSRP -1 7.1 Route Alternatives through Strategic Options Study - 7.2 'With" and "Without" Project Scenario 7 2.1 UP State Road Project II (UPSRP II) - 7.2.2 With and Wthout Bridges Planned on Ganga and Yamuna -- 2 * 7.3 Finalization of Approaches and Locations of New Bridges -- 2 7.3.1 Right Yamuna Bridge Approach - * 7.3.2 Left Yamuna Bridge Approach 7.3.3 Location of Proposed Yamuna Bridge -> * 7 3.4 Location of Proposed Ganga Bridge -- 7.3.5 Left Ganga Bridge Approach * 7.3.6 Right Ganga Bridge Approach -: * 0 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S.No S.No Titles Page~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No. 8.0 ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTS 3 8.1 Background 8-1 8.2 Meteorological Parameters 8-1 * 8.3 Natural and Biophysical Environment 8-1 8.3.1 Air 8-1 8.3.2 Water Resources 8-8 8.3.3 Flood Hazards 8-10 * 8.3.4 Impacts on Hydrology of Rivers 8-10 8.3.5 Land 8-11 * 8.3.6 Seismicity 8-11 8.3.7 Loss of Productive Soil 8-12 * 8.3.8 Soil Erosion 8-12 8.3.9 Compaction of Soil 8-12 * 8.3.10 Contamination of Soil 8-13 8.3.11 Consumption of Natural Resources 8-13 8.3.12 Noise 8-15 8.3.13 Flora 8-21 8.3.14 Fauna 8-21 8.3.15 Impact on Aquatic Ecology 8-22 8.3.16 Human Use Values 8-22 8.4 Archaeological/Protected Monuments and Other Cultural Proper 8-23 8.4.1 Other Cultural Properties 8-23 * 9.0 MITIGATION, AVOIDANCE AND ENHANCEMENT MEASURES 9-1 * 9.1 Approaches to Mitigation Measures 9-1 9.2 Avoidance and Mitigation Measures 9-2 * 9.2.1 Meteorological and Mitigation Measures 9-2 9.2.2 Air Quality 9-2 * 9.2.3 Mitigation Measures for Rivers and Other Surface Water 9-3 Sources _ 9.2.4 Drainage 9-3 9.2.5 Prevention of Water Quality Degradation in River 9-4 9.2.6 Relocation of Other Water Supply Sources 9-5 9.2.7 River Hydrology 9-5 * 9.2.8 Soil 9-5 9.2.9 Soil Erosion 9-5 * 9.2.10 Borrowing of Earth 9-7 9.2.11 Quarries 9-8 * 9.2.12 Contamination of Soil from Fuel and Lubricants 9-9 9.2.13 Contamination of Soil from Construction Waste and Quarry 9-9 * Materials 9.2.14 Procedure for Selection of Sites for Construction Camps 9-10 * 9.2.15 Noise Levels 9-10 9.2.16 Flora 9-10 _ 9.2.17 Fauna 9-11 9.2.18 Accidents involving Hazardous Material 9-11 * 9.2.19 Aquatic Ecology 9-12 9 2 20 Safety Measures 9-12 * 9.3 Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) 9-12 9.3.1 Monitoring Plans 9-13 e 9.3.2 Reporting System 9-13 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S.No Titles Page No. 9.4 . Emergency Response Procedure 9-13 * 9.4.1 Introduction 9-13 9.4.2 Type of Emergency/Disaster at Bridge Construction Site 9-13 * 9.4.3 Identification of Accidental Areas at Site 9-14 9.4.4 Emergency Preventive Measures 9-14 3 9.4.5 Level of Accidents 9-14 9.4.6 Critical Targets during Emergency 9-14 * 9.4.7 Site Emergency Controi Room 9-15 9.4.8 Safety Officer 9-15 * 9.4.9 Managing Emergency (Control Plan) 9-15 9.4.10 Rules and Responsibilities of Emergency Team 9-16 * 9.4.11 Outside Organizations involved in Control of Disaster 9-17 9.4.12 Emergency Control Procedure 9-17 9.4.13 Emergency Exit and Escape Routes 9-18 9.4.14 Training on Emergency Aspects 9-18 10.0 IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS 10-1 * 1a0.1 Preamble 10-1 10.2 Mandate of the UPPWD 10-1 10.3 Exiting Institutional Arrangements 10-1 10.3.1 The Project Implementation Unit (PIU). 1G-1 10.3.2 Project Co-coordinating consultants 10-2 10.3.3 Supervision Consultants 10-2 10.3.4 Non-Governmental Organizations 10-2 10.3.5 Technical Auditors 10-2 10.3.6 Contractors 10-3 * 10.4 Need for further Strengthening 10-3 10.5 Proposed Set-up for the Bridge Construction 10-3 * 10.5.1 Project Implementation Unit 10-3 10.5.2 Implementation Arrangements for Bridge Projects 10-3 10.5.3 Construction Supervision Consultants (CS) 10-4 10.5.4 Contractors 10-4 10.5.5 Technical Auditors 104 10.5.6 Other Agencies 10-4 10.5.7 Facilities for the Environmental Cell 10-4 10.6 Environmental Reporting System 10-4 * 10.7 Procurement of NGOs and Other Agencies 10-7 10.8 Training 10-8 . * * List of Figures 0 * Figure Title PaNgoe No.No * 1.1 Location of Proposed Bridges On Ganga and Yamuna 1-2 * 3.1 Flowchart showing various steps involved In examination of cases received under 3-3 Forest Conservation Act and Clearance Act * 3.2 Flowchart for obtaining Environmental Clearance 3-5 * 4.1 Study Area Map for Ganga and Yamuna Bridge 4-2 * 5.1 Air, Water, Soil & Noise Monitoring Locations 5-3 5.2 Locations of Identified Quarries 5-8 8.1 Variation of One-hourly Concentration of CO with Distance at Shergarh Ghat on 8-5 Yamuna River 8.2 Variation of Eight-hourly Concentration of CO with Distance at Shergarh Ghat on 8-5 0 Yamuna River * 8.3 Variation of 24 hourly Concentration of NOx with Distance at Shergarh Ghat on 8-6 Yamuna River * 8.4 Variation of -hourly Concentration of CO with Distance at Ganga Bridge on 8-6 Kachhla Ghat 8.5 Variation of Eight-hourly Concentration of CO with Distance at Ganga Bridge at 8-7 * Kachhla Ghat 8.6 Variation of 24-hourly Concentration of NOx with Distance at Ganga Bridge on 8-7 Kachhla Ghat * 8.7 Graphical Plot of the Maximum Leq, Lday and Lnight Variation with distance from 8-18 the Centerline - Yamuna Bridge (2008) * 8.8 Graphical Plot of the Maximum Leq, Lday and Lnight Variation with distance from 8-18 * the Centerline - Yamuna Bridge (2018) 8.9 Graphical Plot of the Maximum Leq, Lday and Lnight Variation with distance from 8-19 * the Centerline - Yamuna Bridge (2028) * 8.10 Graphical Plot of the Maximum Leq, Lday and Lnight Variation with distance from 8-19 the Centerline - Ganga Bridge (2008) * 8.11 Graphical Plot of the Maximum Leq, Lday and Lnight Variation with distance from 8-20 the Centerline - Ganga Bridge (2018) 8.12 Graphical Plot of the Maximum Leq, Lday and Lnight Variation with distance from 8-20 * the Centerline - Ganga Bridge (2028) * 9.1 Combined Sedimentation and Oil/Grease 9-3 9.2 Design of Silt fencing arrangement 9-4 * 9.3 Stone pitching for Embankment slopes 9-7 * 9.4 General Co-ordination among Key Personal (During Construction) 9-19 * 9.5 Co-ordination among key outside agencies 9-20 List of Tables * Table Title Page No.

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