-* Weather Forecast Guide for Readers Rain, with moderate temperature to- Page. night. Tomorrow clear, cold, windy. Page. Amusements B-10 Obituary .A-IO Temperatures today—Highest, 43, at Comics ..B-8-9 Radio .B-9 5 a.m.; lowest, 29, at 3 a.m.; 38, at 1 p.m. Editorials .A-6 Society .B-3 Edlt’l Articles A-7 .A-12 yesterday—Highest, 59, at 5:20 p.m.; Sports lowest, 29, at 7:10 a.m. Finance .A-ll Real Estate — .B-2-3 Lost and Found A-3 Church News...A-10 Closing N. Y. Markets—Sales, Page A-ll. An _ Associated Press Newspaper 92d YEAR. No. 36,466. WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1944—TWENTY-TWO PAGES. *** IMSSS. THREE CENTS. S&*™ ■ U. S. Heavy Bombers Raid Berlin : i OPA, Vinson For First Time, Germans Ask Cut in D. C. Report; Transit Fares Attack Declared Beaten Off Request Early Hearing Big PUC and !777-7-.-■ =1- By Right To Intervene 'Whole Air Force Vichyite Testifies Allies Smash Americans The Office of Price Adminis- Up There Today/ Giraud Called Fight tration and the economic stabi- lization director today called on Flyer Declares Him to Africa the Public Utilities Commission 3 Small Attacks to set an date for Way Inland in early public Ex-Minister Asserts hearings on reduction of BULLETIN. Capital Transit fares and at the same LONDON (/P).—United States He Helped Prevent time asked the right to inter- Army headquarters an- On Beachhead Nazi Occupation , Admiralties vene in the proceedings. nounced that American today By the Associated Press. After the hearing, the agencies heavy bombers attacked tar- German Stabs Weak want the PUC to a ALGIERS, Mar. 4.—Former Japs Resisting issue "tempo- gets in Eastern Germany and Vichy Minister of the Interior rary or immediate order” reduc- After Failure of the rates of that one formation “reported Pierre Pucheu, opening his defense Bitterly From ing the company. The petition was signed Fred M. Vin- attacking a target in the Ber- against charges of treason, told a by All-Out Offensive economic lin district.” special French military tribunal Positions son, stabilization director, Ridge and Chester OPA today that he came to North Africa Bowles, admin- In conflicting statements, a By the Associated Press. By the at Gen. Henri Giraud's Assocleter Press. istrator. German ALLIED own invita- propaganda agency, HEADQUARTERS, tion. ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, The petition for intervention the International Informa- NAPLES, Mar. 4.—Three small claimed fares are He called on the French com- SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, Mar. 4.— existing "unjust German attacks and unreasonable” and said the tion Bureau, broadcast that against the mander in chief, who had been Reinforced American invaders commission should direct the transit bombs showered on the city, beachhead below Rome were summoned as a defense witness, to of Los Negros in the Admiralty to issue smashed corroborate him. Gen. company weekly passes good while the official DNB news yesterday and Thurs- Giraud, whc Islands are received moving inland for transfer to the Washington, ex- as the Nazis confirmation yesterday of agency said not a single day continued to against resist- Marlboro & Annapolis Motor Lines his daughter's death in Germany, Japanese bitterly plosive fell on Ber in itself. stab weakly at the Allied lines from Seventeenth street and was not present. ing from ridge positions. The Penn- after the failure of their latest sylvania avenue S.E. to By the Pucheu accused the French Com- Yanks are now a mile and three- Suitland, Associated Press. all-out Md. offensive, headquarters mittee of National Liberation of quarters inland. LONDON, Mar. 4.—American “A reduction in the rates and announced today. putting Vichy on trial, and then as- heavy bombers bombed Berlin The several thousand Japanese fares of the company will aid the A dusk assault serted that Vichy prevented Ger- against American also are Government in its to for the first time today, the Ber- man occupation of North Africa being reinforced from program keep troops along the Cisterna-Montello down the costs of the lin radio said, as United States and it for the Allies. Manus Island on the west in living,” peti- road Thursday was beaten back by preserved the tion I The former charged. headquarters announced with- artillery fire and three tanks were minister said he battle for a dominant position In reached an Inequalities out the target that destroyed. Two understanding with the Charged. naming Fly- strong enemy patrols Bismarck Sea. "Thousands of British Gen. Giraud in France, in October, Subcommittee Votes to Cite Denied Government em- ing Fortresses and Liberators ; probing positions around (The Lepke Appeal 1942, Pucheu would come Japanese Domei agency ployes living in the adjacent Vir- had struck Carroceto were dispersed and in- whereby at objectives in the i to said ginia and communities filtration attempts in the Moletta North Africa, not for a political today in an English-lan- Maryland Reich. Daniels for are to post, but to a of Senate compelled pay double fares ! River area also failed. join fighting unit. guage wireless transmission to Contempt By Supreme Court; The German broadcast said the Gen. Giraud is expected to to their place of employment in the Unfavorable weather curtailed i appear the United States that raid on the German capital was a before the court later to substan- "heavy Full Committee Due to Act Next Week District,” the petition claimed. an ground operations on all the fronts, was repetition of attack which failed tiate or deny this. fighting" in progress in the "Thousands of Government em- a said, with action in Due to Die yesterday. United States headquar- communique He On Refusal to in REA Probe Tonight ployes within the District are claimed that as interior min- Admiralty Islands, on Testify living the Cassino area limited to “normal especially ters announced yesterday, however, ister he compelled to pay fares "slowed down" the Vichj Los Negros, "inclement inequitable that American patrolling and exchanges of fire.” despite A Senate Agriculture Subcom- proval by the full committee, is for Execution to only fighter planes police and prevented the arrests oi Preparations Government buildings located The 8th a small Nazi weather.” that the Senate had made an offensive sweep over Army repulsed resistance mittee voted unanimously today conduct proceedings just outside the District. thrust leaders, including Henr Not Berlin and made no to in the mountains. (The to itself rather than refer it to a Proceed; Dewey reference Frenay. Frenay, a member of th< dispatch, for American recommend contempt pro- "For example, employes of Gov- Federal court. bombers. rive i>azi Divisions used. French National als< consumption, declared ceedings Jonathan Dan- to ernment agencies in Suitland, Md., Committee, "fighting against said the Expected Intervene “This time the attack was flown Allied officers estimate at least five will j Attorneys contempt ac- within the District are be called as a defense witness is in the iels, one of President Roosevelt’s living not Nazi continuing torrential tion, if ordered, would be the first from a westerly direction,”, the divisions were used In the BULLETIN. permitted to obtain a transfer to the rain and administrative assistants, for re- ever undertaken broadcast said. “Only a small part recent costly offensive against the deep mire,” and added: by Congress against W. M. & A. Lines running to Suit- fusal to answer The Supreme Court rejected of the American formation—which beachhead. Three German divisions ! (“With the arrival of questions in the an official of the executive branch land from the Narva fresh a terminus of the Fired of the Rural Elec- of the Government. It would today last-minute legal ma- was strongly escorted by fighters— had previously been identified Reported reinforcements from investigation open Capital Transit Co. at Seventeenth a nearby neuver counsel for reached Berlin,” it continued. in the assault, but the Allied com- trification Administration. the way for a decision on whether by Louis and avenue S.E if island, Pennsylvania they mand later learned the crack Her- Japanese garrison forces the Senate’s power to punish private iLepke) Buchalter to save the their ivepon strong ueiense. Chairman Smith said the recom- present weekly pass, but are Germans are individuals for refusal to mann Goering Panzer Division and By Before reported preparing to launch mendation would be submited to the testify also one-time chief of Murder, required to pay either a 10-cent cash "They encountered very strong de- the 715th Infantry also were em- a general offensive.”) full committee which will applies to these officials. from execution fare or a token in order to obtain fense and had to jettison their bombs prob- Inc., tonight. ployed. The latter outfit suffered ably decide next week whether to Mr. Daniels had refused to supply, a transfer to the W. M. & A Lines or were compelled to release them Japs Pounded From Air. the heavy casualties in both of the last Reds i take the issue to the Senate. Sen- subcommittee with information B> the As&ociattd Press. to travel to Suitland, and to pay an without aim as were Advancing taking they two ator it that it is offensives. The Japanese are a Smith also is chairman of the requested, maintaining Counsel for Louis additional 5 cents with the transfer hard by undergoing (Lepke) pressed Germa% fighters. full committee. confidential between the President of the W. M. & A. Lines.” Several U. S. A. Since the British and Americans Russian Forces Push terrific pounding from Mitchell | Buchalter, one-time boss of Mur- planes brought The subcommittee and himself, and that it would not The also that the crashed in the immediate landed below Rome January 22 they recommedation, petition charged down, bombers and Boston attack planes serve the interest.
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