UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII IIP*··*»? Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 Voi, 21 Mo. 133 .·: Saipan, MP 96950 ©1992 Marianas. Variety Tuesday ■ September 2 2 , 1 9 9 2 : Serving CNIV; for 20 Years Palau holds primary today By Nick Legaspi ministration Sandra Sumang With the Associated Press Pierantozzi, Sens. Tommy E. Remengesau Jr. and Minoru F. Ueki MORE than 11,000 Palauan vot­ and Ngchesar State Gov. Moses Y. ers, including about 1,000 in Uludong. Saipan, troop to the polls today to The top two vote-getters in vote in their country’s first-ever today’s primary will be the official primary election for president and candidates in the Nov. 4 general vice president. elections during which Palauans Edwin Chukai and Aholiba will also elect the members of the Albert of the Palau Election Olbiil Ei a Kelulao or national con­ Commission arrived yesterday to gress. supervise the primary at the The primary election was estab­ Carolinian Utt in Garapan. Nakamura Etpison Toribiong lished when none of the seven Ms. Albert she could not say lowed to cast their votes, Ms. By the time the Saipan votes vice presidency. Incumbent candidates in the 1988 election re­ how many voters would be in Albert said. reached Palau, Ms. Aholiba said President Ngiratkel Etpison, 67, ceived a maJority. Etpison received Saipan today but was expecting She said votes cast in Saipan counting of votes in the Western will face incumbent Vice Presi­ 26 percent of the total votes but about 1,000. would not be counted here. The Pacific island chain would have dent Kuniwo Nakamura, 49, and won with only a 31-vote margin.. She said voting would start at 7 ballot box will be taken by the gone half-way. lawyer Johnson Toribiong, 46. The primary will ensure that a.m. and will close at 7 pJn. People two election officials on the first Three candidates are contest­ The four candidates for vice Palau’s next president will be still in line by 7 p.m. will be al­ flight on Wednesday. ing the presidency and four the president are: Minister for Ad­ elected by a maJority. Torres opposes hotel Teenager accused of abusing child expansion proposal By Gaynor Dumat-ol One of the victims was Jose Montaallana, 51, a carpenter of decision back to the CRM Board. By Rafael H. Arroyo Torres, in an earlier letter to A TEENAGER was accused over International Drilling Co. “I believe the CRM board must Villagomez, said the hotel’s Jus­ the weekend of sexually abusing The carpenter was rushed to learn from this case and carefully DECISION on the application by tification for the waiver was not a nine-year-old girl who is his the Commonwealth Health Cen­ consider all requests for variance Hafadai Beach Hotel for an ex­ enough. relative. ter after he sustained a deep lac­ from CRM regulations,” Torres pansion proJect may have to be Since the proJect is 50% above Police Chief AntonioReyessaid eration in his right cheek. said. made by Gpvemor Lorenzo I. the allowable height for a build­ a member of the girl’s family re­ Montaallana was drunk when The permit for Hafadai’s ex­ Guerrero, according to Joaquin ing on the lot proposed, Tones ported the incident Sunday after­ brought to the hospital and re­ Villagomez, administrator of the pansion proJect was approved last said caution should be taken in noon, two days after the nine- fused to say why his cheek was year but an aggrieved adJacent Coastal Resources Management evaluating the possible adverse year-old was allegedly abused. slashed and who inflicted the landowner, Joeten Enterprises, (CRM) office. 9 impacts the proJect may have on The incident took place at 7:30 wound. appealed the decision to the CRM “It appears it would be the the area. p.m. last Friday in the girl’s house The other victim, Froilan governor himself who’s going to Appeals Board. The DOCL director was react­ in Kanat Tabla, a police report Wabol suffered a deep laceration determine the fate of this permit The expansion proJect involves ing to a memo from the Division said. in his arm. the construction of a building 190 and he has been already alerted of of Environmental Quality which The name of the 19-year-old Another man who was also re­ feet high and 160 feet long adJa­ that possibility,” Villagomez said simply states that'“there would be suspect was witheld pending in­ portedly drunk wounded yesterday. cent to Joeten’s Garapan Shop­ no significant impacts on scenic, vestigation. The police chief Wabol’s arm .with a machete at This possibility loomed after ping Center. historical, coastal, biological and likewise asked that the girl’s fam­ the residence of a certain Juan one of CRM’s six agency board In general, the granting of the water resources.” ily name be witheld, to protect the Pelisamen. officials obJected to the height permit was viewed to adversely “Nowhere is there a finding as identity of the victim. The suspect is believed to be a density waiver being sought by diminish the value of die adJoin­ to why this is so,” Torres noted. No other details were given. member of the Pelisamen family the hotel for a planned 18-siory, ing property of the appellant, He also pointed out that the Also over the weekened, two but Reyes witheld the name of 160-room annex in its northern thereby limiting future develop­ Appeals Board specifically re­ slashing incidents were reported the male suspect because he might wing. ment potential. quired that the CRM board present to the police. be a minor. The waiver request was op­ findings to support the conclusion After studying the merits of the posed by Commerce and Labor of no adverse impact and that the arguments raised by Joeten law­ Director Joaquin S. Torres, whom memo is itself part of the insuffi­ yer Theodore Mitchell, the Ap­ Villagomez said “might also reJect cient findings cited by the Appeals peals Board reversed the permit PAL lands on Saipan the granting of the permit.” Board in remanding the original continued on page 10 THE MAIDEN flight of Philip­ Monday and Friday at 10:30 pun. pine Airlines touches down Saipan United Tour Master has been International Airport at 4:10 am. chosen by PAL to be its general today; ending Continental Air sales Agent in the Northern Micronesia’s monopoly over the Marianas. Saipan-Manila route. PAL’s ticket and check-in A wide-bodied DC-10 Jet that counter opens at 12:30 a.m, today, can carry as many as 274 passen­ to service the first batch of pas­ gers and 7,000 kilograms of cargo sengers going to Manila. would be taking passengers to and Young J. Oh,presidentof United from Manila and Saipan twice Tour and chairman and chief ex­ weekly. ecutive officer of the United Group At5:10am. today and on every of Companies, will lead about 30 Tuesday and Saturday thereafter, officials and employees of the the DC-10 aircraft leaves Saipan United Group and PAL in wel­ GOVERNOR Lorenzo I. Guerrero keynotes the opening of the intergovernmental agency conference at the for Manila. coming the passengers of the Aqua Resort Club yesterday. Story on page 9. The plane departs Manila every maiden flight_________.______ fac- SfetcJçj 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VEWS-TUESDAY-SEPTEMBER 22,1992 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1992 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 t'v . * \ Vi&Jtí WQrld Affairs "US? D irect fuel Rota, Tinian mayors p u r c h a s e s Fren ch voters approve treaty i n v o l v e win suit against CSC By David Carary European leaders who promoted in June when he called the refer­ porter, said he was disappointed last polls before a one-week ban THE CNMI Supreme Court on Article XX, Section J, of the CNMI the accord, and forced the Euro­ endum instead of seeking almost- by the slim margin. prior to the balloting showed vot­ o t h e r Friday ruled in favor of Mayors Constitution, that neither the com­ IPARIS (AP) - French voters pean Community into a funda­ certain parliamentary ratification The final turnout was about 71 ers about evenly split with many Prudencio Manglona of Rota and mission nor its personnel officer has any authority to review the Sunday narrowly approved a mental reassessment of its future. of the treaty. percent, considered strong but still people still undecided. e x p e n s e s James Mendiola of Tinian in their treaty aimed at turning Western contracts of personnel and em­ While narrow approval kept ‘’Europe has won this below the record 80 percent set in Voters were asked a single Chairman Jose Taitano suit against the Civil Service Com- Europe into a political and eco­ alive the EC’s hopes for a closer evening,” said Socialist Party two of eight referendums held question: ‘ ’Do you approve the missioa ployees of the officesof the mayors nomic superpower. The victors’ political and economic union, the leader Laurent Fabius. ‘ ’This is a under the 34-year-old Constitu­ bill submitted to the French people The case arose from a written of Rota and Tinian. Nor do they elation was tempered by results BUYING fuel directly from a to bring the fuel to its destination, weakpublic supportstill cast doubt success for our democrafcy, a suc­ tion. by the president of the republic opinion issued by the Attorney have the authority to review or showing the referendum had split refinery may be cheaper but other as well as other expenses.
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