Kerala Agricultural University RESEARCH REPORT 2016 Edited by Dr. P. Indira Devi Kerala Agricultural University Vellanikkara, Thrissur, Kerala 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Directorate of Research acknowledges the following persons for their wholehearted support for the preparation of this report: The Honorable Vice Chancellor, KAU for the encouragement and support. All the respective Project Coordinators of the different PC groups of KAU. Mrs. Remisha Moideen, Skilled Assistant, Directorate of Research Mrs. Jeeshma.N.S, Skilled Assistant, Directorate of Research Dr.P.Indira Devi, Director of Research Dr.K.Krishnakumary, Associate Director of Research (Planning) Dr.Asha Shankar.M, Associate Director of Research (Farms & AR&T) Dr.C.Narayanankutty, Associate Director of Research (Seeds) Dr.Madhu Subramunnian, Associate Director of Research (M&E) 2 FOREWORD Kerala Agricultural University was established with a mission of meeting the challenges in agriculture sector by providing human resources, skills and technology for the sustainable development of state‟s agriculture. The University has set up its policy with the major goals of academic excellence, location specific and problem oriented research and revitalization of extension activities in agriculture and allied sectors. The technologies are generated in agriculture and allied areas by conducting basic, applied and adaptive research with special reference to socio-economic conditions of the farmers. The climatological and policy challenges in agriculture sector are more pronounced in the state of Kerala due to its location and cropping pattern. The research programmes are designed in addressing these challenges. The long term objectives aim to develop technologies that help to adapt as well as mitigate climate change impacts. With great pleasure, KAU is presenting the major research findings in the report which is a systematic compilation of the results of the several research programmes during 2015-16. I take this opportunity to congratulate all the scientists for their committed efforts. The hard work by the team at Directorate of Research is also acknowledged for bringing out this compilation. Dr.R.Chandra Babu Vice Chancellor 3 PREFACE Kerala Agricultural University is the premier academic, research and development institution in Kerala for agricultural development. The University has an approved research policy for addressing the problems of farmers based on the interface discussions at various levels, with all stakeholders in the sector viz., farmers and officers of the line departments. KAU at present have a network of six Colleges, six Regional Agricultural Research Stations, and seventeen Research Stations and two Instructional Farms spread throughout the length and breadth of the state. The research programmes are implemented by scientists as well as students as part of their masters and doctoral programme. Research programmes are supported by agencies like Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Department of Biotechnology, Department of Science and Technology, State/National Horticulture Mission, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, State Planning Board, Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment etc. It is worth mentioning that KAU has released 25 new varieties in different crops during 2015-16, which include 5 varieties in rice, 9 in vegetables, 1 in jackfruit, 2 in sugarcane, 7 in spices and plantation crops and 1 in mushroom. The efforts taken by scientists and PG students who have contributed significantly to bring out the research accomplishments are well appreciated and acknowledged. Significant role played by various research coordination groups in coordinating the research activities deserve high appreciation. Directorate of Research is happy and proud to publish this compilation which can be a reference material for future researchers, a basis for decision making for policy makers and a guide for extension persons. I, on behalf of Directorate of Research, congratulate all the scientists and student researchers for all their efforts and wish them all success. Dr.P.Indira Devi Director of Research 4 Faculty - Agriculture 5 Name of the Project Coordination Group (01) Rice and Rice Based Cropping System Project Coordinator: Dr. Leenakumary.S Concluded Projects: 10 Nos Ongoing Projects: 69 Nos Concluded PG Projects: 2 Nos Ongoing PG Projects: 1 No 6 Concluded Projects: 1. Breeding for high yielding rice varieties having short duration, seed dormancy and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses suitable for kuttanad This is a research project conducted at Rice Research Station, Moncompu with the objective of evolving high yielding rice varieties with duration of about 100 days and below, varieties with seed dormancy, varieties with tolerance/ resistance to flood, salinity and other biotic and abiotic stresses. Work done during the period under report a. Collection and screening of rice germplasm The Rice Research Station, Moncompu has a good germplasm collection consisting of about 500 rice varieties including land races, improved land races and high yielding varieties developed with in the state and outside the state and also exotic varieties. The varieties are grown in the field every season and necessary data on biometric characters as well as information on resistance to biotic and abiotic stress are collected. b. Identification of Donors for hybridization programme Based on the data collected from the rice germplasm collection at Rice Research Station, Moncompu, the following rice varieties were identified as donors for various characters for inclusion in the hybridzation programme. Hybridization was done between high yielding varieties and donors for different attributes viz., earliness, seed dormancy, biotic and abiotic stress resistance etc. 36 Crosses were made during the period. The F1 generation of the crosses were raised in field and many of the crosses exhibited panicle sterility and seed material were collected from 18 crosses. The seeds collected from the F1 generation were raised in the subsequent season as F2 generation. Single plant selections were made from the F2 & F3 generation and will be continued till F6 generation after which the selected cultures will be yield tested as per standard protocol. Selections were made from F6 generation during 2012-13. From F6 generation 37 cultures were selected for IET during 2012-13. Initial evaluation trial was conducted with 37 cultures along with check varieties during Punja 2012-13. Cul.M 185-2-1-1-1-1 recorded the highest grain yield of 6539 kg/ha.followed by Cul. M 184-1-2-1-1-1 (5796 kg/ha.). IET was repeated with the same cultures during the additional crop 2013. Cul.KAU M184-1-2-1-1-1 recorded the highest grain yield of 9934 kg/ha followed by M184- 3-1-2-1-1 (9025 kg/ha.). Dormancy of the cultures was in the range of 2-3 weeks. Top ranking 20 cultures were selected for conducting PYT. KAU M 184-1-2-1-1-1 from the cross Bhadra/Gouri recorded the highest grain yield of 6442 kg/ha followed by KAU M 200-2-2-3-2-1 (Bhadra/ Uma) with a per ha yield of 6033 kg. During Puncha 2014-15 PYT was repeated with the same 20 cultures. From the pooled analysis of PYT, 8 cultures were selected for comparative yield trial. CYT was conducted with the selected 8 cultures during the additional crop 2015. 7 During the additional crop the highest grain yield was recorded by Cul.KAU M 192-1-1-1-2- 1(8260 kg/ha) followed by Cul.KAU M 185-2-1-1-1-1(7306kg/ha.) and Cul. M 184-1-2-1-1- 1. All these cultures recorded an yield on par with the check variety Uma. During Puncha 2015-16 yield in general was poor. 2. Advanced Rice breeding cum seed production centre. The long run objective of the project is to strengthen research and development activities of rice crop of North Kerala, where at present there is no research station solely devoted to this purpose unlike other regions of Kerala. The present programme could attain the following achievements. a) Rice research was strengthened in North Kerala where there is no research centre solely devoted to this purpose. b) The production capacity of ‟Kaipad‟- naturally organic sea coastal saline prone tract of north Kerala -could be enhanced to 60-70% by popularizing the use of high yielding varieties namely, „Ezhome-1‟,„Ezhome-2,‟ „Ezhome-3‟ and „Ezhome-4‟ developed by Kerala Agricultural University for Kaipad tract. c) Collected and conserved 45 traditional rice genotypes from North Kerala. d) Established a rice germplasm conservation unit including small scale cold storage facility. e) Established a rice breeding cum seed production centre. f) Established a plant molecular breeding laboratory. g) Identified organic varietal traits in rice namely, number of tillers plant-1 at harvest, number of productive tillers plant-1, number of grains panicle-1 and straw yield plant-1. h) Out of 65 rice genotypes evaluated under organic management during rabi season in organic rice farmers‟ field, „Jaiva‟, the first organic rice variety released by Kerala Agricultural University for non saline wetlands ranked first in grain yield and other organic varietal traits followed by photo-insensitive pre release culture MK 115. i) The conventional varieties which can be considered for organic farming for short and medium term periods are, photo sensitive long duration varieties „Anashwara‟ and „Dhanu‟, and photo insensitive medium duration variety „Aishwarya‟. j) Parents for different organic varietal traits were identified. k) The genotypes, culture JO560-2-1, culture MK 139-1-1, culture JO 274, culture MK 21-2, and Mullan Puncha(traditional genotype) showed tolerance to flash flooded condition with 50% survival as well as good yield performance. l) The varieties „ Ezhome-1‟ and „ Ezhome-4‟ were found to be suitable for non-saline flooded tracts with an average yield potential of 3.5 -3.8 t/ha under organic management. m) The varieties „Ezhome-3‟ and „Ezhome-2‟ were found to be suitable for upland cultivation with an average production of 3.1t/ha and 2.4 t/ha respectively under organic management.
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