IN THIS ISSUE IN THE NEWS H e a l t h S c h o o l & e l e c t i o n F it n e s s SERVING ABERDEEN, HAZLET, HOLMDEL, r o u n d u p KEYPORT, MATAWAN AND MIDDLETOWN Page 29 P a g e 3 4 APRIL 15, 1998 40 CENTS VOLUME 28, NUMBER 15 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■HI _ MUM Board rejects report Fact-finder recommends 5-year contract with an average 3.7% increase BY MARY DEMPSEY Staff Writer he Middletown Board of Education has rejected the non-binding Public Employment Relations Commis­ Tsion's (PERC) fact-finder’s report and rec­ ommendations, issued on March 31. For almost two years, Middletown Township Education Association (MTEA) members have been working under an expired contract. With the fact-finder’s report, the board and MTEA have reached the end of the fact-finding phase of the contract negotia­ tions. The MTEA has not yet rejected or ■ •• accepted the fact-finder’s report. “We have not taken an official position The Lufburrow Mill Lodge on Whippoorwill Valley Road may become part of a proposed Middletown Historic District. on the report. We are still reviewing the Overlooking the mill pond, the miller’s house dates to the late 18th century, fo r the story, see page 21. document and would prefer to give our (Augusto F. Menezes/Greater Media) reaction to the board first,” MTEA President Diane Swaim said. According to PERC rules, both sides are required to meet within five days of Ex-h.s. principal charged receipt of the fact-finder’s report. At this time, the two sides have not violating the rights of the victim,” of him,” Klavon said. scheduled a meeting but have agreed to 1996-97 Matawan Charles J. Hynes, district attorney for “If it’s true,” he added, “I feel sorry contact PERC to assign a conciliator to Regional H.S. principal Kings County, Brooklyn, N.Y., said in an for his wife. They are only married since discuss the recommendations with the April 9 media advisory. last spring,” MTEA and board. arrested in Brooklyn John J. Rodgers, 56, Clifton, w as According to Klavon, it was mutually “We hope to meet after school resumes BY LINDA DeNICOLA Matawan Regional High School’s princi­ agreed that Rodgers resign from his po­ next week. Today was the board’s original Staff Writer pal during the 1996-97 school year. target date to meet with the association,” sition as principal. Matawan-Aberdeen Superintendent of “He was not very strong on student board negotiations committee Chairman criminal complaint was filed last Schools Michael Klavon said the sc hool Philip Scaduto said. discipline and not very supportive of his week against a former Matawan district had done an extensive background immediate subordinates,” Klavon said of The 99-page report presents the con­ Regional High School principal. check, including a criminal check, before tract proposals from each side, an opinion A the former principal. He was charged with sex abuse and from fact-finder Martin Scheinman and his hiring Rodgers and nothing was amis■s. Klavon said it was unfortunate, but other charges involving a 36-year-old “He had been employed by the recommendations to resolve the contract New “we wanted a stronger administrator.” female school aide at the New York high York City school system for 30 ye dispute. ars,” Board of Education member Stanley school where he was serving as a consul­ Klavon noted. In his recommendations, Scheinman Lachiewicz said that Rodgers came to the tant. Klavon was “totally shocked responded to 12 of the proposals brought about school district with very good rec­ “These charges accuse the defendant the charges against Rodgers. ommendations. of betraying his oath as a principal and Continued on page 26 “No one would have ever thoughi that Continued on page 28 2 INDEPENDENT, APRIL 15, 1998 FROM OUR NURSERY W e’re growers of over 600 acres of Quality Nursery Stock from the Usual to the Exotic for more than 50 years Snow Fountain Emerald Green 12”-15” 1 gal. 1 Beautiful Shapes WEEPING ARBOR VITAE10for 5g99 WHITE PINE FRUIT SHOWPLACE CHERRY 6’-7 ................. 9 9 " 4'/z’-5 ’ ............ TREES s-----------W“ ..10tor275°° FORSYTHIA ____3 f o r 2 5 “ LELAND CYPRESS 2 9 .9 9 each Large Selection 21/!'-3’ heavy 3 gal.. Large Selection of 10 for 125 5 gal. cont. FRUITS...BLUEBERRY 1 9 .9 9 each RASPBERRY, etc _ also 4’/* 5 ....... 10 for 249M 1 9 " FRUIT TREES ................. 1 9 " 2 9 .9 9 each Hundred to Large Selection • 5 Gal. Cont. Heavy LILACS choose from J A P A N E S E ____ _ |99 M a n y S iz e s............................ MAPLES 4-5’ ................. 3 9 " C L E M A T I S _ LANDSCAPE V I N E S .......................3 f o r 1 5 " Bring in a photo or rough sketch of the area you want landscaped and with our help create your H O S T A .....................3 f o r 1 0 “ own landscape plan. It’s a lot easier than you think. The Most Important Rule in Landscaping! MOUNTAIN PINKS There is no such thing as a bad plant - only bad IN FULL BLOOM placement of plants, that makes you the best HARDY CAMELLIAS landscape designer for your own pleasure. 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JacksonM’erkins' Glormn POND LINERS ROSES 10’ X10’ Reg. 84.99 5 9 ” 15’ X 20’ Reg. 249.99 1 7 9 ” Super Large 10’ X15'% 8 9 ” 20’ X 20’ 2 3 9 ” Selection STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 129.99 Reg. 339.99 2 IN 1 Deluxe Lawn Insect Deluxe Crabgrass WEED & Control GRASS 15' X15'% 189.99 1 3 4 ” 20’ X 25' Reg. 429.99 2 9 9 ” Stop In For Your J& P ROSE CARE Preventer & FEED & Fertilizer SEED Lawn Fertilizer GUIDE Free from Brock riH Suprem e Pond M aster Tetra PUMP and FOUNTAIN KIT Farm s...Everything You Need $ 99 While Supply 43 Mag Drive PUMP 750 6 PH Reg. 189.99 v To Know For Beautiful Roses ^ 8 9 Lasts (Drastically reduces Electric Use) 99" 250 GPH Reg. 79.99.................. 3 9 “ CLEAR WATER IS GUARANTEED BROCKBUSTERS 350 GPH Reg. 89.99.................. 4 9 " When You Use LAGUNA 500 GPH Reg. 99.99.................. 5 9 " POWERCLEAR 4500 s, , * TYPAR (UV Sterilizer) 1200 GPH Reg. 169.99............ 1 1 9 ” Landscape Fabrics POWER FLO 4500 FOR THE BEST LAWN IN TOWN 3’ x 100' Reg. 23.99 p h w f r f i n dRnn 2 4 9 ^ Suprem e Pond M aster 200 (B10 Filter) When purchased together Keeps up to Reg. 359.99 4-S tep 13s* PUMP and FILTER KIT 7 Q 9 9 a 1000 gallon Pong Crystal Clear LAWN CARE PROGRAM PRO 20 LANDSCAPE Filters up to 500 gallons Reg. 109.99 M w E D G IN G CLEAR POND (Original Formula) S15,000 sq.ft. 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Ft.H z L Cnbgraa Fertdinr Pint Laws Program CEMENT CEMENT CEMENT and Inert Espoma Fertdnr Our Fwd Caatral Sale Price w 9 H O LLY TO N E FOUNTAINS BIRD BATHS BENCHES p s m m a s m m a s M W r i M 1 IS 15,000sq.ft. $ 4 4 >199 Pumps $Q Q 99 $ 4 Q 9 9 ! Scotts® Value-Priced 1 1 * # 50 Lb. Bag. * 3 9 " a n d u p Summer FAII I n c l u d e d 9 9 and up I 9 a n d u p ROUTE 9 N, FREEHOLD ROUTE 34 N, COLTS NECK Not responsible for typographical errors.
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