H4650 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 22, 2020 on the front lines wearing a T-shirt and Second, it strengthens the stockpile’s VALUABLE ROLE FOOD BANKS a baseball cap instead of body armor finances. It makes efficient use of tax- PLAY and a helmet. payer dollars and prevents waste by al- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The I heard from nurses in Mason who lowing the stockpile to sell excess sup- Chair recognizes the gentleman from had to share one gown—not per person, plies to other agencies. It also ensures Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 but per entire staff. that taxpayers are properly com- minutes. I heard from doctors, nurses, and pensated for the use of stockpile prod- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. first responders who were bravely an- ucts and boosts its funding. Mr. Speaker, earlier this month we swering the call to serve their country, Critically, it helps reduce our overall celebrated National Food Bank Day. yet they were battling this deadly dis- dependence on foreign suppliers by Each year on the first Friday in Sep- ease with improvised face shields and incentivizing production of critical tember, we have an opportunity to rec- homemade solutions. medical supplies here in America. It ognize the valuable role that food In my home State of Michigan, we re- creates a $500 million pilot program quested millions of medical supplies banks play in our communities and that will allow the stockpile to work from the Federal Strategic National offer thanks to the tireless volunteers directly with American manufacturers Stockpile. Michigan needed millions of who help feed hunger-challenged fami- to replenish existing supplies, expand masks, gowns, face shields, and ven- lies nationwide. our manufacturing capacity, and No matter the time of the year, food tilators. It quickly became clear that strengthen these critical supply chains. banks and food pantries support our the aid we sought from our national neighbors in need with access to food, stockpile was delayed and insufficient. Over the next few weeks, I will be and throughout the pandemic, we have The supplies we did receive were woe- visiting a bunch of Michigan compa- seen just how critical this access can fully inadequate to meet the moment. nies who could directly benefit from be. Some masks arrived so far beyond this portion of the bill. In 2018, more than 37 million Ameri- their expiration date that they were Here in Congress, we have a responsi- cans were considered food insecure, in- starting to mold. bility to respond to the way this crisis I found myself doing anything and is shaking our communities; to protect cluding 11 million children. The De- everything I could to secure personal our healthcare workers and support the partment of Agriculture, defines food protective equipment for Michigan, businesses who are adapting to this insecurity as ‘‘a lack of consistent ac- calling dozens of mask manufacturers, once-in-a-generation event. Our com- cess to enough food for an active, negotiating with suppliers in China, munities are stepping up and so should healthy life.’’ Healthy families need access to qual- and fighting for each and every ship- we. Passing this bill to better arm our ity, nutritious food. As a former chair- ment. My staff remembers some sleep- doctors and nurses against this deadly man of the Committee on Agriculture less nights on the phone working to get disease is an important way to do that. Subcommittee on Nutrition, Oversight, doctors and nurses in Michigan enough I thank my colleagues on both sides and Department Operations, this is an supplies for just a few more days’ work of the aisle for passing this legislation issue that I feel very passionately in the hospital. with overwhelming, bipartisan support, At the same time, manufacturers about. and I look forward to working together I am pleased to see the success of across my district stepped up to help to help keep our fellow Americans safe. USDA’s Farmers to Families Food Box fill the void and started retooling their program and have heard a lot of posi- businesses to manufacture personal f tive feedback from volunteers and food protective equipment for our frontline bank staff in my district. workers. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Through the Coronavirus Food As- In Oxford, Michigan, Vaughn Hockey sistance Program, or CFAP, the USDA jumped into action, taking the special- A message from the Senate by Ms. has delivered more than 90 million ized nylon that they used to make Byrd, one of its clerks, announced that boxes of fresh, delicious, nutritious hockey pads and turning it into wash- the Senate has passed bills of the fol- food to families in need. Fresh fruits able hospital gowns. lowing titles in which the concurrence Magna International, in my town of of the House is requested: and vegetables, milk and dairy prod- Holly, Michigan, retooled their car seat ucts, meat and more have been distrib- S. 924. An act to amend the Child Abuse uted by food banks, community cen- fabric assembly line to make masks for Prevention and Treatment Act to require workers and suppliers. training and education to teachers and other ters, and churches nationwide. It was American ingenuity and school employees, students, and the commu- I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Michigan grit at its finest. nity about how to prevent, recognize, re- how helpful this has been for our farm- This experience shook me to my core, spond to, and report child sexual abuse in ers and ranchers as well. Earlier in the and I immediately got to work with my primary and secondary education. pandemic, we heard too many stories of colleagues on both sides of the aisle to S. 1160. An act to amend the Child Abuse dairy farmers dumping their milk and draft legislation to ensure that Amer- Prevention and Treatment Act to increase crops going to waste. The Farmers to ica is better prepared for the next pan- support for mental health. Families Food Box program allows demic or the next phase of COVID. S. 1646. An act to designate the commu- farmers to sell their products and crops nity-based outpatient clinic of the Depart- to be used in the boxes which has re- Our bill, the Strengthening Amer- ment of Veterans Affairs in St. Angustine, ica’s National Stockpile Act, was the duced waste. Florida, as the ‘‘Leo C. Chase Jr. Depart- John, from the Christian Food Bank product of our bipartisan collaboration ment of Veterans Affairs Clinic’’. of Elk County in my district, called the and makes important fixes to our na- S. 4072. An act to designate the clinic of tional stockpile for medical supplies so the Department of Veterans Affairs in Bend, boxes a ‘‘Godsend,’’ noting that recipi- that it is fully stocked, maintained, Oregon, as the ‘‘Robert D. Maxwell Depart- ents were deeply appreciative and and ready whenever Michigan and ment of Veterans Affairs Clinic’’. amazed by the quality and variety of other States across the country need The message also announced that the the food. Mel Curtis, director of the Centre it. Senate has agreed to a concurrent reso- County YMCA, said the boxes have lution of the following title in which b 1000 been extremely helpful for families be- the concurrence of the House is re- This is even more important as we cause the boxes provide goods that in- quested: see the number of COVID cases across dividuals and families with limited in- the country continue to increase. This S. Con. Res. 45. Concurrent Resolution pro- come may have to forego at the gro- bill requires constant upkeep to make viding for the use of the catafalque situated cery store. sure that the items in the stockpile in the crypt beneath the Rotunda of the Cap- I would like to give a special shout- itol in connection with memorial services to aren’t expired. It infuses transparency be conducted in the Supreme Court Building out to Mel Curtis and all of the other into how supplies are distributed from and the Capitol for the late honorable Ruth hardworking people at the Centre the stockpile, and it helps States cre- Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the County YMCA. I have been particularly ate their own stockpiles. United States Supreme Court. impressed with their high energy, can- VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:33 Sep 23, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K22SE7.013 H22SEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE September 22, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4651 do spirit, and constant commitment to 967, the Journal of the last day’s pro- tion services manager. I have seen serving families in the Centre region. ceedings is approved. firsthand how substance abuse and Mel and his team are always inno- f mental health disorders can impact an vating and thinking of new ways to individual and their loved ones. reach out to the community. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Substance abuse and mental health I was pleased to join the Centre The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the disorders do not discriminate. They do County YMCA this summer for a gentleman from Arizona (Mr. not see race, gender, or socioeconomic Travelin’ Table event to collect dona- O’HALLERAN) come forward and lead status. This is a particularly difficult tions of food and to pack grab-and-go the House in the Pledge of Allegiance. time to be struggling with a substance lunches for local students. Travelin’ Mr. O’HALLERAN led the Pledge of abuse problem or mental health dis- Table is a mobile feeding bus. Typi- Allegiance as follows: order.
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