Ref: TS/PC Date: 29th May 2019 To the Members of the Board of Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust You are invited to attend a Public meeting of the Board of Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust on 5th June 2019 at 10:00 in Rooms G05/06, Priestley Wharf. The Non-Executive Directors will meet with the Chair at 09:15 in the Chair’s Office, Priestley Wharf. The agenda is as set out below. Yours sincerely Mr J Gould Vice Chair AGENDA 1. Freedom to Speak Up Guardian: Verbal Alison Last/ Noting 10.00-10.20 Staff Story Michelle Woodward 2. FORMALITIES to declare the Verbal Jerry Gould Noting 10.20-10.35 meeting open, quorate and called Vice Chair in accordance with Standing Orders. a) Apologies For Absence Verbal Jerry Gould Noting b) Conflicts of Interests Verbal Jerry Gould Noting c) Board of Directors’ Register of ENC 1 Jerry Gould Noting Interests d) Public Trust Board Minutes ENC 2 Jerry Gould Approval dated 1st May 2019 e) Matters Arising: Board Action ENC 3 Jerry Gould Approval Sheet 3. STANDING ITEMS a) Chairman’s Report ENC 4 Jerry Gould Noting 10.35-10.45 b) Chief Executive Officer’s Report ENC 5 Richard Kirby Noting 10.45-10.55 4. BEST CARE: HEALTHY COMMUNITIES a) Fit for 2022 Workforce Strategy ENC 6 David Holmes Approval 10.55-11.10 b) Risk Management Strategy ENC 7 Michelle Woodward Approval 11.10-11.25 Page 1 of 2 c) Board Assurance Framework ENC 8 Michelle Woodward Approval 11.25-11.40 2019/20 COMFORT BREAK 11.40-11.55 5. SAFE, HIGH QUALITY CARE a) Quality and Safety Committee ENC 9 David Sallah Noting 11.55-12.05 Escalation Report from meeting dated 30th May 2019 6. A GREAT PLACE TO WORK a) Workforce & Organisational ENC 10 Jacynth Ivey Noting 12.05-12.15 Development Committee Escalation Report from meeting dated 23rd May 2019 7. INTEGRATED CARE IN COMMUNITIES a) Primary Care Networks ENC 11 Micky Griffith Noting 12.15-12.25 8. MAKING GOOD USE OF RESOURCES a) Quality & Performance Report ENC 12 Ian Woodall Assurance 12.25-12.45 Marcia Perry Angie Wallace David Holmes b) Finance and Performance ENC 13 Jerry Gould Noting 12.45-12.55 Committee Escalation Report from meeting dated 28th May 2019 9. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE / REGULATORY COMPLIANCE None notified 10. ANY OTHER BUSINESS None notified 11. QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC ON AGENDA ITEMS 12. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING The next public meeting of the Board of Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust will take place at 10:00 on 3rd July 2019 in Rooms G05/06 Priestley Wharf. 13. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS The Board resolves that representatives of the press and other members of the public to be excluded from the remainder of the meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest - Section 1 (2) Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings Act) 1960. Page 2 of 2 Public Trust Board Reference: Agenda Item no: 2c Enclosure no: 1 Date of Meeting: 5th June 2019 Document Title: Board of Directors’ Register of Interests Responsible Director: Michelle Woodward, Director of Corporate Governance Author: Michelle Woodward, Director of Corporate Governance Executive In accordance with Corporate Governance good practice, the NHS Code of Summary / Accountability and Trust Standing Orders, it is a requirement for every Board Purpose of the Director to declare any interests that they may have which are relevant and Paper & Key material to the Trust Board. Interests that should be regarded as “relevant Points and material” are clearly outlined within the report. The paper documents the current declarations of interest made by all Trust Board directors. Declarations of interest relating to new Trust Board Members are documented in blue text; removals from the register are represented in red text with strikethrough. Action The Board (or Committee) is recommended to: required by the Committee 1. NOTE the Board of Directors’ Register of Interests Prior None discussion Safe, High A Great Integrated Care Making Good Corporate Quality Place to in Communities Use of Governance Implications: Care Work Resources Impact on: X Risks: Page 1 of 1 Board of Directors Register of Interests In accordance with good practice in corporate governance, the NHS Code of Accountability and the Trust’s Standing Orders, it is a requirement for every Board Director to declare any interests that they may have which are relevant and material to the Trust Board. Interests that should be regarded as “relevant and material” are: a) Directorships, including Non-Executive directorships held in private companies or PLCs (with the exception of those of dormant companies); b) Ownership or part ownership of private companies, businesses or consultancies, likely or possibly seeking to do business with the NHS; c) Majority or controlling share holdings in organisations likely or possibly seeking to do business with the NHS; d) A position of trust in a charity or voluntary organisation in the field of health and social care; e) Any connection with a voluntary or other organisation contracting for NHS services; f) Any other commercial interest in the decision before the meeting. Board members should also refer to the requirements of the Trust’s Standing Orders for further guidance in relation to declarations of interest. If members are in any doubt about the relevance of an interest they should discuss this with the Chair or the Head of Corporate Governance as soon as possible. All Board members are reminded of their on-going duty to declare any other interests that may arise during the course of the year at the earliest opportunity. Page 1 of 4 REGISTER OF DIRECTORS INTERESTS – June 2019 Appointment Voting Name Interest Date* Member Occasional course director for The Leadership Trust Mr Tom Storrow Trustee and Chair of Lench’s Trust (Charity) 01.11.11 Yes Chair Associate of Keele University School of Medicine in the Clinical Management and Leadership team. Course Director in NHS Management for SpRs Dr Barry Henley Chair of Trustees of Birmingham Jewish Community Care 01.06.19 Yes Chair Member of Aston University Business Advisory Council Governor, Sandwell Health Futures UTC Mr Richard Kirby 01.03.18 Director, West Midlands Quality Review Service Yes Chief Executive Officer Senior Steward (Trustee), Selly Oak Methodist Church Marcia Perry Director of Nursing and 01.04.19 None declared Yes Therapies Dr Doug Simkiss 06.02.19 None declared Yes Interim Medical Director Ian Woodall 01.04.19 None declared Yes Chief Finance Officer Chris Holt 03.06.19 To be confirmed following commencement of employment. Yes Chief Operating Officer Angie Wallace Interim Chief Operating 13.04.19 None declared Yes Officer Charitable Trustee Mr David Holmes Deputy National President of Healthcare People Management Association Director of Workforce and (HPMA) 01.04.16 No Organisational Vice President of West Midlands HPMA Development Governor, Birmingham Virtual Schools – Links with Children and Families services Suzanne Cleary 03.06.19 To be confirmed following commencement of employment. No Page 2 of 4 Appointment Voting Name Interest Date* Member Director of Strategy and Partnerships Micky Griffith Interim Director of Strategy 01.04.19 None declared No and Partnerships Mrs Michelle Woodward Director of Michelle Elizabeth Consulting Ltd – a small healthcare company Director of Corporate 03.04.18 providing consultancy in the public and private sector – not associated with No Governance BCHC Mr Jeremy Gould 01.07.12 Non-Executive Director, Coventry and Warwickshire Hospitals NHS Trust Yes Non-Executive Director Founder/Joint Director of Tashie Consulting providing consultancy, and coaching to health and social care organisations – not associated with BCHC Consultant - Leadership Academy - Health Education England Professor David Sallah Emeritus Professor of Mental Health - Wolverhampton University 30.07.15 Yes Non-Executive Director Investor and shareholder, Off Grid Energy Limited, a medium, sized manufacturing company specialising in off grid hybrid power generation Wife, Non-Executive Director at The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Non-Executive Director – Hadley Industries PLC (manufacturing) Non-Executive Director of Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust Mr Sukhbinder Heer Non-Executive Director of Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 01.10.15 Yes Non-Executive Director Partner Unicorn Ascension Fund (Venture Capital) Chairman – Powerfab Innovations Ltd (manufacturing) Partner – Qualitas LLP (Property Consultancy) Mrs Jenny Belza Director of Jenny Belza Consulting Limited – not associated with BCHC 01.06.18 Yes Non-Executive Director Member of the Royal College of Nursing Non-Executive Director of West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS University Mrs Jacynth Ivey Foundation Trust 11.03.19 Yes Non-Executive Director Associate Non-Executive Director of Health Education England Managing Director of Inspiring Hope Ltd – providing consultancy in the NHS Page 3 of 4 Appointment Voting Name Interest Date* Member Chair of Bethel Health & Healing Network (Charitable Organisation commissioned by the NHS) * Appointment date for the purpose of the register of interests relates to the establishment of Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust unless appointed thereafter. Page 4 of 4 DRAFT MINUTES OF A PUBLIC MEETING OF THE BOARD OF BIRMINGHAM COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST HELD AT 14:00 ON 1ST MAY 2019 AT TRUST HEADQUARTERS, ROOMS G05/06, PRIESTLEY WHARF Present:
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