PAGE THIRTY'-SIX MONDAY, NGVEMBEB 24, 1909 lEtt? 1 Net PHeae Rep Til®-Weather eevember U, iM i • A Jehovah’s Witnesses will Partly cloudy, not ao cold to­ ’X o w n have group discussions of a Bi­ night Low’s in 80s.. Tomotrow ble aid Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. partly sunny, cool wMh hfgbs The office of Center Congre- at 18 Chambers St., 728 N. 15,800 in the' 40's. Thursday’s outlook gational Church wlU close Main St., 144 Griffin Rd. In ManclMsster— - C i t y o f ViUmme Chorm —6s4r and cold. Wednesday “ noon for the South Windsor, and French Rd., ) Thanksgiving holiday. Bolton. ■ v e t. LXXXIX, NO. 48 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCTIESTER, (X)NN., TUissbAT, NOVEMBER 25, 1969 (C W fled Advsitisiiig on Page W) PRICE T E N CBNTTi The Handicraft Group of the Members of John Mather Manchester Newcomers Club of Chapter, Girder of DeMolay, are HOLIDAY SCHEDULE the YWCA will meet tonight at reminded to attend the Man­ 7:18 at the Commiuilty Y, 79 N. chester Lodge of Masons pizza Hello From Main St. The project is foil holi­ party tonight at 8 at the Mason­ SATURDAY, Open Tutsday gnd day wreaths. Mrs. Larry (f le s ­ ic Temple. Michael Fields, Everybody hy is in charge of the program. master councilor, will present a Wednesday 8 A.M. citation to the lodge during Oie BnaaNGHAic, xtoh. Manchester Assembly, Order party. , (AP) — Doapotty OietatMig of Rainbow for Girls, will con­ gut a zing tor bar faMbday. HRYP.M. duct a business meeting and an Then another and an­ Manchester Chapter, initiation tonight at 7:30 at the other and . SPBBSQSA, will rehearse to­ Masonic Temple. Members are "The pfanns hasn't aittpped night at 8 at the Army-Navy Turiciy Stiiff^g... Pep- rc^miitded to make their returns NOVEMBER ringizig. Peofte have caOed Club, Main St. The rehearsal p«ridge Farm and Ar­ on the Tom Watts sale tonight. me from an over,” aald Stze. Slayings is opeti to all men interested in nold’s seasoned stuffing Refreshments will be served. Outtenheig «a she cslebiet- singing barbershop-style four- In^Rainhouf in 8 oz. and 1 lb. bags... ed her 60th bbOidsy Mon­ part harmony. day. WASHINGTON (AP) — Army Pepperidge Farm Com The Cheney Homestead at 106 Miss O ie r^ l Althea Gibson of " I ’ve bsU et leaM 800 to spokesmen say regulations pre­ S t^ fin g jn 8 oz. bags. Hartford Rd., which is regularly Manchester had the femaie lead in "Flnlan’s Rainbow," pro­ 400 tslqiaiae caBs bum peo­ vent them from clarifying Also plenty of special open to the public on Thursdays Memorial Temple, Pythian duced Friday and Satuiday by ple wlsfatng me hapiqr bbth- whether 1st U . WlUlazn L. Gal­ from to p.m., wilt not Ibe Sisters, will observe Roll Call ley Jr. Is accused of pulling the Wonder stuffing b r ^ . 1 8 the Union College division of day.” Night at its meeting tomorrow trigger or Issuing ths ordars .in open on Thanksgiving t)ay, Fine Arts at Union O ^ege, Her butbazal Lsizvy, also at 8 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall. the alleged murder of 106 Viet­ Our sausage maker will Christmas, or New Year’s Day, ■ Barbourville, Ky. <• 80, had pisced a amea ad In all of which fail on Thursdays. Refreshments will be served by a Detroit newepaper: namese oivltisns. grind fresh home style Miss Gllbson is the daughter The homestead is also open Mi's. Samuel Schors and her But while the Pentegen was of Mrs. Beit Glbaon of 83 "Fteaee can Ooeuthy Out- sausage meat daily . Sunday afternoons from 1 to 8. committee. tenbezg, 647-1600. R h her- being vague on the spedAc-; of and we will have plenty Pleasant St. and the late Bert Its case, a man IdentlAed aa a H. Glbeon Jr. blzttiday today. Her huiSiftn^ of fresh oysters. IS YOUR LAST CHANCE Larry.” former soldier said in a telsvt- VFW Auxiliary will have a The Adult Discussion Group She is a junior at Union Col­ The phone aOsned zbigtaig ■lon Interview Monday night pottuck tomorrow at 6 p.m. at of South United Methodist lege, majoring in music. She is that he killed 10 to 16 of (be the Post Home. Mrs. C\ara Von- Church will meet Wedhesday at at 10 p.m. SuzBlay In the a 1967 graduate of Manchester Chittanbetgs’ s u b u r b a n Vietnamese under GaUey*s or­ 10 a.m. In the church reception Horn, Third District president, High School. home. ders and that ths ofAcer also will make her official visit. hall. The Rev- Carl Saunders TO MAKE PURCHASES shot s group of. viUagars. Ths QifltsBbezg, m moMsege will lead the discussion. Members are reminded to bring banker, kept mum aw the former Army private’s name fpod for the potluck and articles myaterlmw oaMe from weB- was given as Paul Msadlo, M, of Terre Haute, Bid. for a teacup auction. > Hilistown Grange will sponsor vdsheze poured In. Miss Bell And as the furor over the al­ a public Monte Carlo whist card SO YOU MAY QUALIFY "A t 8 a.m, I took the leged massacre grew, members The Master's Club of Friend­ Chuaoter Beadar * Advteor phone otr the hook. I had to party tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the of Congress began moving to­ ship Lodge of Masons will meet Advice on all ProUasas get aome Meep," Mte. OUt- Grange Hall, 617 Hills St., East ward their own Imrsstlgntlan of in the small lodge room at the Hartford. Prizes will be award­ OaU for appt. tenbetg aald. Ms-ivra the incident. Masonic Temple at 7:80 tonight. ed, and refreshments served. FOR YOUR TTie Army aald Monday GaUay would, be court martlaled on \V. chargee of premeditated mur­ U.S. Never der in the 1866 raid on tbs vil­ r : > < lage of My Lai. The Pentagon said, in affect. Galley could be tried tor pre­ To Resort To meditated murder erbether he Apollo 12 spacecraft, its three parachutes billow­ actually pulled the trigger or la- ing, plunges toward the Pacific Ocean. (A P Photo) sued orders to men of hla pla­ Germ W ar toon to slay ths Vlstnamsas vU- lagsrs. FREE WASHINOTON (AP) — Preol- Tile Pentagon avoided taktag dent Nixon renounced today any a publle stand aa to which basis reaoiT to cbemlcat or gcMu ww> (?allsy stood accussd. Every year, thousands of Astronauts fare and promised to destroy Pentagon sooreea aald It was people enjoy Thanksgiv­ pari of ths Army’s lagal slrats- existing stockpiles at bacterio­ gy dsalgned to gtvs Army law- ing with a Pinehurst De­ logical weapons. ytrs wids Asxtblllty in their pro­ luxe Grade A Turkey. Nixon told newamen the Unit­ Lt. 0)1. Dousrlas Tucker announces court martial Lt. (Galley faces a general court martial in murder secution of ths case. Here’s why ... , INTERNATIONAL Quarantined ed States would never employ at Ft. Benning, Ga. (A P Photofax). of Viet (fivilians. (A P Photofax) The speolAoaAona were ex­ plicit In saying that Callay did asay germ warfare even If an enemy It’s possible these days ABOARD THE USS HORNET carried a share of mission films were to do so. "with preihedltatlon murder . Oriental human beings . by to breed a turkey with (A P ) — America’s untouchable and tapes. He also announced that future means of shooting them wAh s astronauts rested in quarantine Promoted by President Nixon smaller bones for more government reaearch In the bio­ Of Mel Babies Sister Calls rlfla.' ' The six speclAcaUana on this Hawaii-bound recovery from Navy commandera to cap- logical Aeld will be limited to meat to the pound. To listed s total of 106 victims in­ ship today while a chest of taliu after their bull’a-eye breed with a broader som defensive measures such ss a cluding a two-ysaz^oid child. scientific treasures from the spiaahdown Monday, Omzad, breast for juicy tender­ search for immunisation serums Galley ^ood’ "It means that he did the^ irto<m was being flown to Hous­ SLIVERPLATE Gordon and Bean h ^ a rela­ against germ wei^xms others things," defanas apokaspiM ness. In fact, it’s even ton. tively easy schedule today. might use. GI MIAMI. Kill . (AIM I,t Wil­ Quotes Lieutenant: Richard Capsn Iziltlally told re- possible to breed a tur­ Dr. Clarence Jemlgan, a phy­ liam L. Galley Jr.'s slater oays Medical checkups—including The President, in a formal portsrs. key that }delds more sician isolated with Apcdlo 12 as­ ol)a on(^ her oiling father >ia- blood tests—and telling falgh- statement said be woe taldiw a Army ofAcara la(ar said pri- white meat to dark meat tronauts Alan Bean, ChaHes Ugbts of their mission Into ts^ie serlea of moves in the chemical, vsn't heard from her brother by Wm. ROGERS since bstora he returned to the vatsly, howsvsr, GiMisy also bad than in other turkeys.^ Conrad Jr. and Richard F. Gor­ recorders were the only events bacteriological area as "an ini­ 7 been ohazged m T tha baaia of or­ don Jr. said "all In all they kre plaimed. Want Them Dead’ United Statea lost summer. It’s possible . but not tiative toward peace." "He never writes Isiters, any­ ders he ha^-dgaued and was all turkeys are bred this In excellent health.” The three are untouchables to Talking brieAy to reporters, NEW YORK (AP) — A 23- ing" that 370 men, woman, ebil- Msadlo; Well, thers was neosasartly tha trlggertnan In Bean, who along with his ship­ way," IS-yrar-old Dawn GSIlsy way.
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