臨床耳鼻:第 29 卷 第 1 號 2018 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J Clinical Otolaryngol 2018;29:119-122 증 례 Acute Phlegmonous Esophagitis as a Complication of Retropharyngeal Abscess Sang Hoon Lee, MD1, Jinchoon Lee, MD, PhD2, Geun Hyung Park, MD1 and Soo Kweon Koo, MD, PhD1 1Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Busan Saint Mary’s Hospital, Busan; and 2Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital, Yangsan, Korea - ABSTRACT - Phlegmon refers to a spreading diffuse inflammation of connective tissue with formation of an exudate or pus. Phlegmonous infections may affect any region of the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach is the region most fre- quently involved; infections at other sites have been but rarely reported. Acute phlegmonous esophagitis is a very rare disease involving both the submucosal and muscular layers of the esophagus, with sparing of the mu- cosal layer. Acute esophageal esophagitis is commonly associated with acute phlegmonous gastritis; any asso- ciation with a deep neck infection is very rare. We report herein a case of acute phlegmonous esophagitis devel- oping as a complication of a retropharyngeal abscess treated via incision and drainage and prescription of long- term antibiotics. Thus, we did not perform esophageal surgery. We also review the relevant literature. (J Clinical Otolaryngol 2018;29:119-122) KEY WORDS:Retropharyngeal abscessㆍEsophagitisㆍAirway obstruction. the rarity of the condition, neither the pathogenesis Introduction nor the clinical manifestations of acute phlegmonous esophagitis have been elucidated. The predisposing A deep neck infection can potentially affect the spac- factors are diverse, including immunocompromised es within, and the fascial compartment of, the head status, alcoholism, diabetes, peptic ulcer disease, and and neck. If a patient remains untreated or receives other injuries to the gastric mucosa. However, previ- inappropriate treatment, such an infection may ulti- ously healthy persons are often affected.3,4) We report mately progress to an upper-airway compromise, de- a case of acute phlegmonous esophagitis developing scending necrotizing mediastinitis, or sepsis. However, as a complication of a retropharyngeal abscess; we esophageal involvement after a deep neck infection also review the relevant literature. has been but infrequently reported.1) Acute phlegmon- ous esophagitis, an unusual infection exhibiting a pat- Case Report tern of mucosal sparing, has been rarely reported to be associated with deep neck infections.1-3) Because of A 60-year-old woman presented with complaints of sore throat, dysphagia, and dyspnea lasting for 3 논문접수일: 2018년 1월 24일 days, and chest pain and nausea that had commenced 논문수정일: 2018년 4월 3일 the previous day. She had no underlying disease apart 심사완료일: 2018년 5월 21일 from well-controlled hypertension and also had no 교신저자: 구수권, 48575 부산시광역시 남구 용호로232번길 25-14 부산성모병원 이비인후과 history of previous trauma or surgery. On laryngo- 전화: (051) 933-7214·전송: (051) 956-1956 scopic examination, swelling of the right arytenoid E-mail:[email protected] cartilage and the epiglottitis was observed (Fig. 1). 119 J Clinical Otolaryngol 2018;29:119-122 Under suspicion of a deep neck infection, contrast- through an incision of the most swollen region of the enhanced neck computed tomography (CT) was per- right arytenoid lesion; we did not perform a tracheos- formed, revealing a retropharyngeal abscess, diffuse tomy. On postoperative day 6, upper gastrointestinal thickening of the esophageal wall and the presence endoscopy was performed to explore the extent of the of an air bubble (Fig. 2). We diagnosed a retropharyn- esophageal lesion. We found no specific abnormality geal abscess with acute phlegmonous esophagitis, and of the esophageal mucosa and the patient was thus prescribed antibiotics in an attempt to treat the disease, commenced on a soft diet without using nasogastric but the laryngoscopic findings and symptoms gradu- tube (Fig. 3). The pain and dyspnea improved rapidly ally worsened. On the fourth day of admission, an upon continuous antibiotic therapy prescribed after emergency operation was planned because laryngos- drainage of the retropharyngeal abscess. However, copy revealed a laryngeal airway obstruction. During slight esophageal pain during swallowing persisted the operation, a large amount of pus was drained Fig. 1. Mild epiglottitis with a partial laryngeal obstruc- tion is evident on day 1 of admission (70 degree tele- Fig. 3. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopic view of esoph- scopic view). agus shows intact mucosa on the esophagus. A B Fig. 2. Computer tomographic images taken on day 1 of admission of a retropharyngeal abscess accompanied by acute phlegmonous esophagitis. A : Axial views of the retropharyngeal abscess (Black arrow). B : Axial views of the acute phlegmonous esophagitis (Black arrow). 120 Sang Hoon Lee, et al : Acute Phlegmonous Esophagitis for up to 1 week after surgery. The patient was dis- tant mediastinal involvement is apparent.7) Presum- charged on postoperative day 10 without any compli- ably because of the rarity of the condition, the use of cations. internal endoscopic drainage to treat acute phleg- monous esophagitis has not been reported in the lit- Discussion erature. We delayed closure of the dissection orifice, and did not incise the dissected septum, to allow com- Although the pathogenesis of acute phlegmonous plete evacuation of the abscess within the esophageal esophagitis remains unclear, it is believed that immu- wall and to prevent possible mediastinal contamina- nocompromised status (such as that associated with tion attributable to esophageal perforation. We also either diabetes or alcoholism) may predispose patients (successfully) prescribed antibiotics. Early resump- to the condition.3,4) However, our patient had been in tion of enteral feeding facilitates adequate nutrition good health, did not have diabetes, and was not an al- in patients with deep neck infections.8) For those with coholic. We surmise that purulent fluid descending concomitant esophageal involvement (especially esoph- from the deep neck infection dissected the posterior ageal mucosal injuries), gastrostomy or jejunostomy mediastinum along the retrovisceral space and ulti- should be performed to facilitate feeding; this avoids mately infiltrated the esophagus, triggering the phleg- potentially devastating complications caused by pos- monous infection. CT is the gold standard for defini- sible esophageal perforation.9) Although simple, na- tive diagnosis of acute phlegmonous esophagitis. The sogastric tube insertion per se may trigger undesirable typical findings of acute phlegmonous esophagitis in- complications, such as injury to the upper aerodiges- clude diffuse esophageal wall thickening and low at- tive tract or esophageal perforation.2) Intramural esoph- tenuation in the intramural area, surrounded by a pe- ageal dissection, which is extremely rare, has seldom ripheral enhancing rim. The low attenuation denotes been reported upon nasogastric tube insertion.2) To the severe inflammation and the presence of an intramu- best of our knowledge, the concurrent presence of ral abscess. Air bubbles within the thickened wall can acute phlegmonous esophagitis and esophageal intra- be caused by gas-forming microorganisms.3,4) These mural dissection has never been described in the lit- findings were observed on CT in our patient, indicat- erature. In other reports, however, development of this ing phlegmonous esophagitis. Acute phlegmonous serious complication after nasogastric tube exchange esophagitis can be differentiated from dissecting intra- (to facilitate ‘internal drainage’) incidentally triggered mural hematoma, emphysematous esophagitis, and evacuation of the phlegmonous infection. This was tubular duplication of the esophagus. Dissecting intra- possibly because the expanding phlegmonous infec- mural hematoma is associated with chest pain with- tion within the esophageal wall rendered the esopha- out signs of infection or inflammation, while tubular gus prone to intramural dissection, and nasogastric duplication of the esophagus is clinically asymptom- tube insertion triggered a sudden pressure change cre- atic.3,4) Acute phlegmonous esophagitis should be ating a mucosal injury, which in turn allowed the pus suspected if diffuse narrowing of the lumen of the to be expelled.10) Although esophageal intramural dis- esophagus is seen on endoscopy, accompanied by ul- section can be managed conservatively, via parenter- cer-like lesions and poor distensibility.5) Contrast al nutrition alone or a combination of a minced diet esophagography is mandatory to exclude inner mu- and proton-pump inhibitors, endoscopic treatment of cosal lesions and esophageal perforation.6) The con- an esophageal perforation or intramural dissection dition usually responds well to broad-spectrum anti- has been widely accepted to be appropriate for select- biotics; however, drainage via esophageal myotomy ed patients.1,2,9,11) In our case, we treated our present and mediastinal debridement is necessary if concomi- case of acute phlegmonous esophagitis conservative- 121 J Clinical Otolaryngol 2018;29:119-122 ly, thus not surgically. 6) Kim YM, Lee JS, Lee SC, Kim KS. Complicating esoph- ageal foreign bodies. J Clinical
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