志存高远:澳门之总体规划 Future World: Macau's Master Plan

志存高远:澳门之总体规划 Future World: Macau's Master Plan

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It’s a view that represents much of the city’s evolution over the years, from ageing apartment blocks of the ‘70s and ‘80s to the iconic golden windows of Sands Macao to the recently opened Legend Palace and the reclaimed land upon which the entry point for the new Hong Kong-Zhuhai- Macau Bridge will sit. Being Macau Grand Prix weekend, I can even see parts of the track as the morning practice sessions roar to life. It’s a view of incredible diversity. Yet it is nothing compared to what Macau promises to look like in 15 years’ time, with the government having released its 15-year master plan to invigorate tourism across the city and propel it into the future. Our cover story this issue takes a closer look at this master plan as well as similar initiatives around technology. It makes me wonder what this view will hold in the future. Ben Blaschke Editor-in-Chief 封面故事 On the cover 志存高远 Future Macau 插画:邓倩雯 Illustration: Ailsa Tang 8 WGM #53 2017/12 wgm8.com WGM #53 2017/12 wgm8.com 9 编辑 发行 主编 营运副总裁 本思齐 张舒文 广告热线 中文编辑及主译 发行部主任 国语、粤语或英语 户媛媛 王禧婷 [email protected] 足球编辑 发行部专员 +853 6667 8511 陆逸 叶少扬 郑国平 撰稿人 麦敏华 宋文娣 许浩伟 记者 Joseff Musa WGM 行政 首席设计师 Sandra Norte 首席执行官 由环球博彩杂志有限公司出版 卓弈 (在澳门注册成立) 平面设计师 澳门注册新闻公司号EP124 邓倩雯 财务总监 澳门冼星海大马路105号 王青云 金龙中心10楼L室 摄影师 Eduardo Martins 信息技术总监 关伟强 刘冠侪 澳门政府新闻局 Dave Aglosolos 登记编号549 会计及合规总监 定价38澳门元 吕云 营业及市场 负责人及行政管理人 由百乐门印刷有限公司印制 香港新界将军澳将军澳工业邨 郑诗韵 营业及市场高级副总裁 骏光街三号 张诗敏 行政助理 吴雪怡 市场副总裁 陈绍文 高级派送专员 Dave Aglosolos 香港营业总监 洪卫东 WGM 黄湘湘 从属于 营业及业务发展副总监 何敬斌 www.omediamacau.com 10 WGM #53 2017/12 wgm8.com EDITORIAL DISTRIBUTION Editor-in-Chief VP Operations Ben Blaschke Karen Cheong Chinese Editor Distribution Supervisor ADVERTISING HOTLINE and Chief Translator Emily Vong Mandarin, Cantonese or English Sophie Hu Distribution Officers [email protected] Football Editor Anson Ip +853 6667 8511 Leanne Lu Peng Cheang Mak Man Wah Contributor Hoi Hou Wai Wendi Song Journalist Joseff Musa CORPORATE WGM Lead Designer CEO Published by Sandra Norte Andrew W Scott World Gaming Magazine Limited (Incorporated in Macau) Graphic Designer CFO Macau registered press company number Ailsa Tang Fred Wong EP124 Golden Dragon Centre 105 Avenida Xian Xing Hai, 10L Photographers IT Director Macau Eduardo Martins Michael Lau Danomad Kuan Macau Government Information Bureau Dave Aglosolos Accounting and Compliance Director registration number 549 Anita Loi Price MOP$38 Director and Administrator Printed by SALES & MARKETING Cynthia Cheang Paramount Printing Company Limited 3 Chun Kwong Street SVP of Sales and Marketing Administration Assistant Tseung Kwan O Semon Cheung Suie Ng Hong Kong VP of Marketing Executive Transportation Officers Derrick Tran Dave Aglosolos Gary Hong Hong Kong Sales Director WGM Angel Wong is a subsidiary of Associate Director Sales and Business Development Jadeson Ho www.omediamacau.com WGM #53 2017/12 wgm8.com 11 封面故事 COVER STORY 志存高远 Future World 未来十几年间,澳门将迎来多个规模宏大的项目,进一步让这座城市 成为世人的瞩目焦点。 Big things are planned for Macau in the coming years with a number of fascinating new initiatives recently announced to make the city the envy of the world. 文 本思齐 By Ben Blaschke 文 本思齐 By Ben Blaschke 12 WGM #53 2017/12 wgm8.com 030年的澳门将呈现怎样的面貌?根据最近公布的发 hat will the Macau of 2030 look like? If recent 展蓝图,未来的澳门将不仅是亚洲首屈一指的旅游 plans outlining the city’s future are anything to 2 热地,更是领先全球的科技城市。 W go by, it will be a very different place – not only 经过两年多的研究和筹备后,澳门特别行政区旅游局 Asia’s undisputed tourism hotspot but a technology leader 刚于9月底公布了《澳门旅游业发展总体规划》(下称《总 as advanced as any city in the world. 体规划》),概述了政府要将澳门打造成国际顶级城市的 Details of the government’s ambitious plan to 雄心壮志。此发展蓝图旨于将澳门旅游业与政府长远目标 transform Macau are contained in the Macao Tourism 进行协调整合,大力发展博彩业以外的其他行业,从而实 Industry Development Master Plan, a blueprint more than 现多元化发展,将澳门建设成世界休闲旅游中心。 two years in the making unveiled by the Macao Government 《总体规划》提出了合共8个目标、33个策略及91个行 Tourism Office (MGTO) in late September. The Master 动计划,适用于短期、中期及长期发展,如建设一个专为 Plan aims to synch Macau’s tourism industry with the 家庭而设的主题公园,以及通过水上活动、游艇和水上观 long-term goals of the government, which has stipulated its 光等项目,更好地利用澳门周边水域。 intention to diversify Macau’s tourism offerings away from 此发展蓝图究竟有何具体意义? such a strong gaming focus so the city can become a “World 在澳门建设主题公园这一构思由来已久,《总体规划》 Centre of Tourism and Leisure.” 要求旅游局具体地「确定开发特色主题公园的适当措施及 In total it proposes eight key objectives, 33 要求,如主题、概念和规模」。根据《总体规划》所列之 strategies and 91 action plans for short, medium and 时间表,此主题公园将于未来6至10年间完成。 long-term implementation including the development 在澳门半岛、氹仔和路环周边水域发展水上观光旅 of a “distinctive” family-friendly theme park and better 游,并提供与船艇有关的娱乐项目,如展出传统渔船等, utilization of Macau’s surrounding seas via water sports, 是《总体规划》中的另一重点建议。 yachting and sightseeing boat trips. 《总体规划》大力提倡水上旅游活动,由旅游局「确 What does this mean exactly? 定在澳门行政区内可以实施的水上运动的类型」以及「水 While the concept of theme parks being built in Macau 上活动进行的具体位置及所需的配套设施」。 has long been discussed, the Master Plan calls for the 《总体规划》还包括其他多项建议,如兴建全新会议 MGTO to specifically “determine the appropriate measures 展览综合体、举办更多国际级节庆及体育活动、升级扩建 and requirements of developing a theme park such as 大赛车博物馆及葡萄酒博物馆、发展一个标志性的文化区 theme, concept and scale.” Under the planned timeline we 域、打造全新购物中心以及应用智能旅游科技以优化旅游 can expect this theme park to be completed within six to 体验等等。 10 years. 对于一座总面积只有30.5平方公里的小城而言,《总 Another proposal is the development of water 体规划》可谓雄心勃勃。与此同时,《总体规划》亦指出 sightseeing tours around Macau Peninsula, Taipa and 了可进行填海的区域,通过增加土地面积,为各个新项目 Coloane and facilitation of boat-related entertainment 提供理想的位置。 programmes such as showcasing traditional fishing boats. WGM #53 2017/12 wgm8.com 13 封面故事 COVER STORY 右侧这幅高空俯瞰图显示了上述各个区域,细节如下: • 4区:大型文化及商业区的首选位置 • 5区:政府新行政中心及会展综合体的可能位置(比 邻澳门旅游塔) • 6区:大型商业综合体如购物中心的首选位置 • 7区:可发展海滨休闲旅游的位置之一 • 8区:商业及文化混合区域 在实施《总体规划》前,澳门已针对全球10座顶级城 市进行旅游研调,包括伦敦、巴黎、迪拜、拉斯维加斯、 洛杉矶、香港、新加坡、悉尼、曼谷和吉隆坡。其雄心壮 志,从此可见一斑。 正如《总体规划》所指,「这些城市均为世界级旅游 目的地。对于澳门未来的旅游业发展而言,这些目的地可 作为重要的学习参考对象,帮助制定城市品牌开发、市场 推广、旅游业定位和发展旅游产品多元化的相关策略。」 然而《总体规划》同时亦指出,「对澳门来说,突显 其自身特色尤其重要。通过发展标志性的旅游产品,从世 界其他旅游目的地中脱颖而出。开发标志性旅游产品可以 包括旅游设施的建设发展,以及推广具澳门特色的节日盛 事。」 为实现上述之自身特色并推动澳门的未来发展,政府 不久前公布了一项意义重大的具体方案:与阿里巴巴集团 签署协议,计划通过云计算技术将澳门打造成智慧城市。 根据为期四年的合作协议,阿里巴巴将利用集团的云 计算技术,协助澳门发展旅游、交通、医疗、城市管理和 人才培训。 阿里云总裁胡晓明解释说:“阿里云计算的大数据和 深度学习技术,一直在帮助中国各大城市建设「城市数据大 脑 」,从 而 优 化 城 市 生 活 。 “凭藉我们先进的技术和丰富的经验,我们相信,这 个为澳门度身定制的发展计划,将成为亚洲城市向智慧型 数码化发展的典范。” 此合作计划将分两个阶段进行。第一阶段以2019年6 月为限,其间将在澳门兴建一个云计算数据中心,并完成 政府管辖的信息数据制图程序。与此同时,各个以一系列 大数据服务为基础的项目将陆续出台,从而加快澳门在旅 游、信息科技人才培养、交通管理、医疗服务及城市管理 为基础的杭州城市数据大脑。该系统发送即时交通警报和 方面的发展。 路线建议,并实时预测交通流量以减少拥堵。杭州城市数 第二阶段涵盖2019年7月至2021年6月。除了继续优化 据大脑在杭州市萧山区试行后,当地交通速度立即提高了 澳门信息技术基础设施外,有关澳门经济环境保护、通关 11%。 程序和预测模型等项目将悉数完成。 同样值得注意的是,银河娱乐近日刚成为澳门首个接 合作计划还包括其他诸多范畴,如发展公共服务综合 受微信支付的酒店集团,让中国内地旅客可在澳门银河、 系统、运用信息技术提升旅游服务以将澳门构建成智慧型 澳门百老汇和星际酒店内合共一百三十六家商户以电子支 旅游城市、建设智能交通网络、推出证书课程以培养公对 付的方式尽情购物消费。开创这一先河后,澳门其他酒店 公电子商贸及阿里云计算科技人才等等。 集团势必陆续跟随。 澳门与阿里巴巴宣布签订智慧城市发展合作计划之 以「志存高远」来形容澳门未来发展所展现的魄力, 前,集团刚于2016年10月,完成了以人工智能和深度学习 绝不为过。 14 WGM #53 2017/12 wgm8.com The Master Plan focuses heavily on potential water- Macau isn’t holding back on its ambitions either, having based activities, with the MGTO to “identify the type of identified 10 global cities from which it conducted its tourism water sports that can be implemented within Macau’s studies before implementing the Master Plan. Those cities administrative zone” as well as “the locations for water were London, Paris, Dubai, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Hong sports and the corresponding supporting facilities.” Kong, Singapore, Sydney, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur. Other recommendations contained in the report “The selected cities are all world-class tourist include construction of a new meetings and exhibition destinations,” the Master Plan states. “For the future complex, the hosting of more globally recognized events development of Macau’s tourism industry, it is significant to such as festivals and sporting events, the upgrading learn from these cities in terms of city branding, marketing, of Macau’s Grand Prix Museum and Wine Museum, tourism positioning and tourism product diversification.” development of an iconic cultural district, building a new However, it adds that, “It is important for Macau to be and unique shopping complex and implementing smart exceptional in its own way – to stand out from other tourist tourism technology to improve the visitor experience. destinations

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