Results, 1988 ARRL InternationalDX Contest Everythingwas up: participation,propagation, scores and enthusiasm. By Billy Lunt, KR1 R and Mark Gamble, N1FOZ Contest Manager, ARAL Assistant Contest Manager, ARAL II bands sprang to life during the A total of 3394 logs were received for the 904 phone. A special thanks to those 232 ops A weekends of Feb 20-21 and Mar 5-6, 1988 contest. This marks yet another who submitted checklogs. providing vast amounts of activity substantial increase in HF contest participa­ for this year's ARRL International DX Con­ tion, marking a gain of 612 log entries over W /VE Highlights test. The Contest Branch received logs from last year's DX contest. Logs received from It was an East Coast battle for the top 119 different DXCC countries and virtually DX stations totaled 873 CW and 575 phone; single-op positions on both CW and phone. every US state and Canadian province. For as for the W /VEs, there were 810 CW and The winner of the CW single-op plaque was those who were participating, it was possible to achieve DXCC in a single 48-hour period. Propagation was a primary factor in generating the excitement and enthusiasm Afflllated Club Program which evolved from this year's contest. Band openings were lengthy and extensive. It Unlimited Category Score Entries CW Winner Phone Winner seemed like the good ol' days when twenty YankN Clipper Contest Club 78,341,070 105 KM1H KC1F never closed! Fifteen was hopping and even Frankford Radio Club 75,472,197 105 N2LT N300 Northern California DX Club 27,767,296 134 VE2AQS/W6 K6HNZ ten meters provided good QSO and multiplier Southern California DX Club 4,555,846 67 W6BA K6EID totals. The top Caribbean entries Medium Category monopolized on the ten-meter band openings, Potomac Valley Radio Club 30,374,367 45 K3ZO KE9A especially during the phone weekend. P J2FR Mad River Radio Club 18,336,965 24 K3TUP K3TUP (N6KT op) knocked out 3377 QSOs on ten North Texas Contest Club 13,914,102 25 N5RZ N5RZ Texas DX Society 6,896,679 5 W5ASP K5DX meters alone! All bands seemed to be over­ Dixie DXers 6,150,519 15 WX4G WX4G flowing with activity. It was hard to decide Minnesota Wireless Assn 4,890,240 4 which band you should be on at any given Willamette Valley DX Club 4,j38,659 11 K5MM/7 Al7B Central Virginia Contest Club 4,608,285 6 WU4G W4DR time. QSOs were plentiful everywhere. Over­ Western Washington DX Club 4,494,549 33 N7TT N7TT all W /VE single ops averaged 335 QSOs on San Diego DX Club 3,911,784 11 W6BZE N6AW CW and 275 QSOs on phone per entry. The Murphy's Marauders 3,789,531 20 KG1D KG1D Mississippi Valley DX/Contest Club 3,227,070 5 NlflG K4VX/ll average QSOs per operator is impressive in Eastern Iowa DX Assn 3,145,068 30 N0SM WllWP itself, but better still are the QSO totals of Rochester (NY) DX Assn 2,291,685 13 W2TZ W2TZ Society of Midwest Contesters 2,269,299 15 K9CAN K9CAN the W /VE champions, KMlH (KQ2M op) Western New York DX Assn 1,891,311 11 KA2AJT KA2AJT and K3TUP (K3LR op). Their massive efforts Salt City DX Assn 1,726,958 6 K2KIR WA2UUK secured 2515 QSOs and 2177 QSOs respec­ Kansas City DX Club 1,381,847 10 W0JLC WAIITKJ South Jersey Radio Assn 1,297,233 27 WA2VYA W2PAU tively. By no means did the DX single ops let Southeastern DX Club 1,2TT,517 14 W4DXI W4DXI their side of the competition down. They Grand Mesa Contesters 1,158,990 11 N0ZA N0ZA Northern California Contest Club 1,084,035 8 N6TU NC7K generated an average of 2% QSOs on CW and Albany ARA 1,059,342 7 K2W WB2HIH 526 on phone. P40GD (W2GD op) and Redwood Empire DX Assn 757,989 16 K6ZUR N60J PJ2FR (N6KT op), the DX single-op leaders, Central California DX Club 695,250 12 K6DT K6DT Southern California Contest Club 607,374 6 N8AA N6AA cranked out 6001 and 9205 QSOs respective­ Long Island DX Assn 249,159 6 K2YGM K2MFY ly. A glance at this year's standings shows a Glouchester Co ARC 205,107 3 K2JF K2JF Tyler ARC 116,919 6 KD5GD substantial increase over last year's. Just West Park Radiops 71,430 7 WSIDM WSIMF think, this is only the beginning of the new Clark Co (IN) ARC 31,842 5 WB9NQQ N4DBJ sunspot cycle! Local Category Great band conditions were reported from Overlook Mountain ARC 9,594,462 8 K5NA KY2J nearly all areas of the globe. "I couldn't Long Island Contest Club 5,129,865 4 KD2TT believe I heard a ZL on 160 meters," stated Northern Ohio DX Assn 2,TT4,016 4 NSBC NSBC Hoosier Contest Club 1,764,117 4 W9RE KBIIC Art, N2KA. Tom, VU2TJW, was "pleased Boiled Owls of New York 1,696,683 3 K2LE/1 to hear 21 MHz open to W /VE!" "The sun­ Dauberville DX Assn 1,694,625 9 KQ3V spots are good enough for milliwatting Western Pennsylvania DX Assn 968,679 8 KX2A K3MD River City Contesters 844,209 4 KV6H KV6H again," exclaimed Chris, G4BUE. "Fifteen Grumman ARC 808,974 4 WA2LQO WA2LQO meters to Japan sounded as good as 15 meters Central Arizona DX Assn 697,488 4 KC7V KC7V Carolina DX Assn 666,534 5 N4IR N4UH to Missouri from my Georgia QTH," said Utah Contest Club 554,652 4 W7HS WE7B Bill, KM9P. "I broke the loudest pileup ever Fox Cities ARC 424,911 3 N9ER W90P on 160 for 9Q5NW," contends WA4SVO. Columbus (OH) ARA 402,501 5 wszca WSCZQ Fox River Aadio League 308,952 7 NJ9C WD9GIG CTIBOH claims, "There was super propa­ Metrocrest ARS 257,232 4 W5MW N5IET gation!" "This year's contest was a great one! Alamo DX Amigos 217,107 7 N5HB K5DB Northern Illinois DX Assn 214,278 4 K9KA W9CH I doubled my score from last year," remarks Madison DX Club 37,500 3 W9WAQ N9BUS Julio, WD4JNS. These are just a few of the Arrowhead Amateur Club 24,485 3 WllRXL N9DMG many sentiments that summed up the feelings Great South Bay ARC 23,381 3 KA2RGI of this year's contenders. Lake Success Radio Club 13,629 6 WA2MAV N2DSL October 1988 91 From October 1988 QST © ARRL Top Ten-WNE CW Top WNE Single-BandScores-CW Call Score 160 80 40 20 15 10 160 20 KM1H (KQ2M,op) 2,799,195 75/45 361/65 578/72 781/79 686/81 34/29 K1ZM 21,960 K2W 483,276 589/81 859/79 563175 43/31 KC1F 2,541,720 50/34 256159 N4IN 15,741 K1RU 452,076 981/79 23/15 K1TO 2,476,803 51/36 329/59 440/78 583178 K4TEA 9,768 N2M 410,685 742/80 39/24 K3TUP (K5ZO,op) 2,338,098 34/30 212/66 491/80 659/78 N4SU 9,648 K2TW 2n,200 n1110 738/81 27/20 K1EA 2,255,478 24121 354/55 488166 wezv 8,178 NM2L 274,125 N2LT 2,132,688 31/25 205/53 fMJ4/74 784170 634/76 27/16 WB8JBM V01QU 270,354 2,120,520 23123 319/65 463/65 756175 568175 26/25 K3ZO (KW8N,op) 5,n5 N8CXX 44131 687/68 615/76 39/25 K1BW 2,054,517 295/60 389/71 W1NG 5,460 (K8JM,op) 257,805 1,915,842 33127 270/53 434167 737/67 35119 K300 634165 WB3AVN 4,092 N4ZC 1,802,832 33125 289/57 562/64 726/68 478/57 28/13 N3AD W400 3,192 ~ABMAZ.,op) 253,170 W2FCR 2,550 D8LLO 232,815 W6QHS 204,072 80 15 Top Ten-WNE Phone W6RJ 70,584 Call Score 160 80 40 20 15 10 K1IK 51,840 K1RM 265,236 KBHVT/1 44,368 N4ZZ 212,840 K3TUP (K3LR,op) 2,818,044 35124 133154 124157 892/119 1162/100 75/34 W4HBK 27,189 W5VX 202,704 KC1F 2,631,585 46134 188/69 125/57 1198/116 642/85 56128 M4NC 26,622 K6LL/7 181,920 WX4G 2,142,546 45/30 93151 172/48 6n11os 865/94 94139 M7A 24,804 WB4TOH 173,145 K300 2,029,200 44129 115/51 106/49 678/101 894192 63/34 W9WAQ 24,360 N4VZ 170,613 V01MP 1,997,088 18/17 149/62 210/61 1479/90 405/54 11/9 N6AW 15,876 VE6CB/3 170,100 K1DG 1,968,966 41/31 134161 117/62 745/108 613/95 53/28 W2FR 15,806 KA5W 162,960 W2RQ 1,830,132 0/0 138/56 127/52 930/119 498/85 82/34 WB5ZKR 14,664 K5MK 161,238 KE9A 1,595,751 35124 103151 79/44 725/105 608/79 57/28 K6PU 156,670 N2LT 1,576,845 33124 88/48 119/54 611/102 663/84 57/23 40 10 K11U 1,474,704 41/31 172/51 408/64 442/59 497/74 36/29 K2EK 317,376 K1XA 242,802 N4BP 24,165 KBPO 214,110 K5UR 23,580 K5RR N4EJV 16,992 Top Ten-DX CW ~05K,op) 162,000 W4VQ 6,528 Score K L 153,090 W9GIL 5,376 Call 160 80 40 20 15 10 N6ADI 134,748 W5B0S 5,247 P40GO im2GO,op) 6,031,005 3n151 744157 901/57 1215/57 1170/57 1594196 KB8G 115,911 K1EFI 4,524 NP4A ( JA,op) 5,662,302 424152 661/55 1083/57 1090/57 1185/57 1208/56 K8XR 113,295 VE1BNN 4,437 8P9EK g<4TKM,op) 3,n2,062 128/30 432/53 943/56 1013157 658/55 935155 K9KA 95,202 K6SIK 4,368 VP2MO ~1TN,op) 3,168,756 52/18 220/47 438/48 991/56 999/54 1127/53 K9AY 66,816 VE2AEJ/3 4,284 KHSXX (K 8NO,op) 2,871,200 190/41 344150 713155 587/54 789/56 365/44 HOBO (N6EK,op) 2,089,880 0/0 98/29 601/52 574152 755/56 827/55 F6BEE 1,667,742 94124 308/45 515/47 649/55 721/52 39/16 OK1RI 1,497,222 n120 262/45 632/52 745/57 522/49 0/0 NP4Z 1,480,290 0/0 246144 275/47 395/48 559/56 539/50 Top WNE Single-BandScores-Phone OA4SS 1,369,980 0/0 139/37 238/43 322/47 680/57 556152 160 20 WA4SVO 17,658 KS1L 566,547 Top Ten-DX Phone WB3GCG 8,316 K1UO 549,582 KF4HK 8,160 V01QU 416,700 Call Score 160 80 40 20 15 10 K4TEA 6,954 K1NG W2FCR 5,100 (K02SX,op) 385,104 PJ2FR (N6KT,op) 9,030,105 227/47 523/54 713156 2502/57 1863/57 3377/56 WB3AVN 4,998 W7EJ 335,664 P48VtI6V,~ 7,274,948 269/45 512/54 654153 1875/58 1423155 2798/57 K3UA 3,240 VE1BOK 290,418 FY5Y JOH0 ,op) 5,913,756 164142 315/52 251/43 1605/58 2819/56 1288/55 N2KA 3,219 KK9A 286,848 VP2M 5,522,139 159/39 303/50 538/52 1560/56 1847/57 1550/54 K8CFU 2,484 W7WA KH6XX (KH6NO,op) 4,646,235 159/49 1521/58 440/57 986155 1161/58 588/42 N6LL (K7Rl,op) 273,600 ZP5JCY 4,157,727 2/2 121/40 380/48 1996/59 1164156 1688/54 (WA6COR,op) 1,176 W6QHS 262,680 WR6R/KH6 3,329,480 79/29 568/53 672/56 1141/54 1521/55 209/18 WBTWA 224,100 J52US W'MN,op) 3,011,295 7/5 327/46 345/45 1216/55 1517/51 753/39 80 HOBO ( 6EK,op) 2,997,540 0/0 218/46 252/37 729/57 1597/56 1169/56 N2NT 78,210 15 2,898,960 62/24 447/50 1389/55 1217/54 205/25 KH6RS 440/49 KW8N 72,420 K4XS W6RJ 51,333 (WC4E,op) 561,600 KUBE 35,190 K5KT 405,132 WB2ULI 32,436 WB8JBM WA4YBV 28,620 (NBOCJ,op) 354,594 KBCCV 23,010 N4ZZ 341,802 once again Bob, KQ2M, operating from NH- placed second with 117k.
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