POLITICS. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 2017 THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ SPORTS: Iowa baseball Hamburg Inn to go global escapes Grand View By ISABELLA SENNO PAGE 10 [email protected] Who will win the onald Reagan, NCAA Tournament? Bill Clinton, and PAGE 10 RBarack Obama all walk into a restaurant. Inside McCarron’s This is not the be- ginning of a joke; it’s big Pro Day actually the history of PAGE 10 Hamburg Inn No. 2, 214 N. Linn St., and soon many more individuals across the state, coun- OPINIONS: try, and world may find themselves entering through its doors in nu- Custardo: Texas merous new formats. Hamburg Inn is an anti-choice bill iconic Iowa City eat- ery that’s been around exactly that since the late 1940s. PAGE 4 When Michael Lee ac- quired the restaurant Lane: Library of last year from Dave Congress Panther, he came ready with plans to expand PAGE 4 the brand way beyond the single location. “It’s a very good feel- METRO: ing that something that my dad created and my VP for Student Life uncle continued for de- cades [is succeeding], search continues and I think it can on- PAGE 3 ly get better,” Panther said. “It’s created a lot UI Foundation and more opportunities for the people that work Alumni Association here, too.” to combine These plans are be- ginning to come to fru- PAGE 5 ition as Lee will open GPSG hosts First a second location at 2221 Rochester Ave. Amendment in the spring, followed by 30 more locations education session across Iowa later this PAGE 5 The outside and inside of Hamburg Inn No. 2 is seen on Tuesday. Hamburg is year, from Des Moines Iowa City’s oldest family-owned restaurant and plans to expand with a second location in Iowa City and around 30 other locations across the country and in SEE HAMBURG, 2 China. (The Daily Iowan/Lisa Dauterive) ON THE WEB CHECK DAILYIOWAN.COM FOR HOURLY UPDATES AND ONLINE EXCLUSIVES. FOLLOW @THEDAILYIOWAN ON TWITTER Taking on oppressive AND LIKE US ON FACEBOOK FOR Report MORE CONTENT. culture by burning bridges sketches By NAOMI HOFFERBER DAILY IOWAN TV [email protected] University of Iowa students cancer had the opportunity to see a new perspective through Pri- sca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez, the founder of Latina Rebels, scene and understand through per- sonal stories issues of racism, By JENNA LARSON sexism, and fighting an op- [email protected] pressive culture. The event comes in collab- Since 1991, the University of Io- • SCAN THIS CODE oration with Cesar Chavez wa College of Public Health has week, which honors the efforts released an annual Cancer in Iowa • GO TO DAILYIOWAN.COM of Chavez in fighting for civ- report while also focusing on a spe- • WATCH DITV AT 8:30 A.M. il rights and workers’ rights. cific cancer. This year’s focus was on MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Chavez cofounded the Nation- liver cancer. al Farm Workers Association Part of the report tells Iowans in 1962. The UI Latino Native Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez, the founder of Latina Rebels, stands in Shambaugh Auditori- about cancer for the current year, American Cultural Center is um on Tuesday. Rodriguez spoke out about casual racism and the presidential election. (The said Charles Lynch, the medical di- hosting events throughout Ce- Daily Iowan/Joseph Cress) rector and principal investigator of WEATHER sar Chavez week, including film the State Health Registry of Iowa. HIGH LOW screenings and discussions re- ple respect you, and you have be Trumps Hate,’ you know, we “We projected this year that there 50 39 garding the topic. a good girl because this is how just have to build bridges, will be an estimated 17,400 new Rodriguez discussed growing you get ahead. I had to give up you have to make people un- cases of cancer among Iowa resi- Mostly cloudy, windy, 90% up as a Latina and the difficul- parts of myself or tame parts of derstand you — no. I made dents,” said Mary Charlton, a UI chance of rain. ties she encountered, including myself in order to be accepted Latina Rebels pissed as fuck, assistant professor of epidemiology. issues of racism and sexism and and loved, and it felt fake.” and I was burning a whole lot Charlton said the figure is ap- being expected to aspire to mar- Rodriguez uses storytelling of bridges, but with the logs proximately 800 cases more than riage over graduate school. to explain issues of racism and I built a whole lot of bridges last year. Cancer isn’t increasing in INDEX Throughout graduate school, sexism that she has directly that have led to way better Iowa based on the projections, but she dealt with issues such as ca- experienced, and have them be places than I had ever been.” it isn’t decreasing as quickly as pro- CLASSIFIED 9 sual racism; she related a story relatable and understandable. Rodriguez, who writes for a jected, she said. of meeting someone at the bar, She recalled incidents of rac- variety of organizations, includ- The report also projects 6,200 OPINIONS 4 and his not believing that she ism, including a Cinco de Mayo ing Philadelphia Printworks, Te- deaths from cancer in Iowa, slightly DAILY BREAK 7 went to the same university. party people in her institution leSur, SupaDaily Latina, Chica down from last year, she said. SPORTS 10 “He could not wrap his mind held, with tequila and sombre- Magazine, Mitú, BeVisible Lat- In the report, the top 10 cancers around a girl like me, going to ros, that led to the creation of inx, and Vivala, read pieces that expected to be diagnosed in 2017 for the same institution that he Latina Rebels, an organization described her realities, including both males and females are given went to,” she said. “It was the to unveil injustices that exist in the loneliness of being misun- projected numbers, she said. first realization that I didn’t Latina realities. derstood by traditional parents, “Breast cancer will have the high- ‘read’ as smart. I’ve been told all “I made Latina Rebels [when dating a white man, and dealing est number of cases among females, my life, and when I went to grad I was] really, really mad,” Ro- with ignorance that can come and prostate will continue to have school that you have to sound driguez said. “So when people smart because this is how peo- are all, you know, all the ‘Love SEE CULTURE, 2 SEE CANCER, 2 2 NEWS THE DAILY IOWAN DAILYIOWAN.COM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 2017 FREE SPEECH The Daily Iowan Volume 148 Issue 157 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher 335-5788 Email: [email protected] William Casey Fax: 335-6297 Editor-in-Chief 335-6030 CORRECTIONS Lily Abromeit Call: 335-6030 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for accuracy Managing Editor 335-5855 and fairness in the reporting of news. If a Grace Pateras report is wrong or misleading, a request for a correction or a clarification may be made. Metro Editors 335-6063 Anis Shakirah Mohd Muslimin PUBLISHING INFO The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is published by Katelyn Weisbrod Student Publications Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Politics Editor 335-5855 Building, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Maria Curi except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and university holidays, and university vacations. Periodicals 80 Hours Editor 335-5863 postage paid at the Iowa City Post Office under Girindra Selleck the Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Opinions Editor 335-5863 Hannah Soyer SUBSCRIPTIONS Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 Sports Editor 335-5848 Email: [email protected] Blake Dowson Subscription rates: Asst. Sports Editor 335-5848 Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 Adam Hensley for summer session, $50 for full year. Photo Editors 335-5852 Out of town: $40 for one semester, $80 Joseph Cress Students write phrases on a beach ball outside the Old Capitol on Tuesday. An event was held in the IMU to discuss the challenges of free speech in America. (The for two semesters, $20 for summer Daily Iowan/Ben Smith) session, $100 all year. Anthony Vazquez Send address changes to: The Daily Visual Arts Director 335-6030 Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Margaret Kispert Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004 Film Production Editor 335-5852 locations in the works, up stores like the one serving specialty and HAMBURG some may be worried the here on North Linn, full gourmet coffees next to BUSINESS STAFF Gage Miskimen CONTINUED FROM FRONT brand is sacrificing qual- menu, all-day service,” these shakes. Business Manager 335-5786 Convergence Editor 335-6030 ity for quantity. Dudley said. “Some of “I want to make us a Debra Plath Elona Neal “We don’t want to be- those stores may serve retail so that people in Classifed Ads/Circulation Manager come a fast-food chain, alcohol … that’s some- California can buy [the Juli Krause 335-5784 Copy Chief 335-6063 to Moline. we want to make sure we thing that would be new pie shake],” Lee said. “I’m Production Manager 335-5789 Beau Elliot “The first group will be have good quality prod- to the Hamburg Inn.” going to make it national.” Heidi Owen Web Editor 335-5829 in the state of Iowa. I’m ucts and employees, so There will also be a A team in China is al- Advertising Manager 335-5193 looking for a minimum it might take a little bit Hamburg Inn Express so coordinating to open Renee Manders Tony Phan of 30; we have to hire 10 longer but we want to do model, which is set to a location in Shanghai Advertising Sales or more [employees per it right,” said Nathaniel open in Coralville, North in the next two months.
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