American Library Association r8761920 .' OFFICIAL PROGRAM F'ORTY.SECOND ANNUAL MEETING C,olorado Springs, Colo. Jrune 2-7, l92O Pr.anm *lth fi. ConDlln.nt ot Ubafy BuM!, Botton, Cnicalo, Now yort OFFICERS Preeldent CHAIMERS HADr,Era, Public Llbrary, Denver, CoIo. First Vice-Pre8ident GEoBoE II. Locrrq, Public Library, Toronto, Can, I,oCAI] COMMIT'TEE Second Vice-President Manly D. Ormes, drroirrrol CoSNELTA MABvrN, OregoD State Librari,, Salem, Ore, Lucy W. Baker Miss Boas Executive Board The president, vice-pr€Gidents anal six other members as INTRODUCTION COMMITTEE follows: Jea.unetts Drake, Ckairman. For ter.m eapiring 7920 Mary Dile€D Aieln Malilla W, Fleeman Er,EcrBA C. DoriEN, Public Library, Dayton, O. F riAN( P. HEr,, Charlotte Baker Ethet Mooolloush Public Llbrary, Brooklytr, N. Y. Iruoy W. Baker M. D. Ormes For term. eTpiri,ttg 7927 LiEda Clatworthy Adelene Pratt J. Lr\D.{ A. EA8TNA-\, Public Library, Clevetand, O. M. S. Dudaeon JohD Ridington ADAII SrRoEr\(, Public Library, Detroit. Mich. Mrs, El,izabeth Claypool Eart Purd B. Wright For terrtu erpi,ring 7922 M. J. Ferguson JorrN Co|ro\ DArA. FreF Public Library, Newark, N. J. EDrrE ToBrrr, Publlc Library, Omaha, Neb: SOCIAI, COMMIITEE Rsna Reese, Cka4rn art Secretary Lucy W. Baker Reba Davis C{nr. H. Mrr.AN,78 E. WashlEglon St., Chicago. Elsie L. Beachtold trIrs, C. Henry Shith Tteasurer EDwaRD D. TWEEDELL, Johtr Crerar Llblary, Chisago. Tauateea of the Endowment Fund W. W, AppiEroN, New York. ITerm expires 1920) M. TAyLoE PYNE, Prlnceton, N. J. (Aerh exlires 1921) E, w' SqELDoN, New York. (Term expires 1922) COUNCIL OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Willard Ausien, (lornell Lrniversity library, lthaca, N. Y, . 1919_1920 J. C. l{. HansoD, UDiyersity ol Chicago libraries, Chicago. The Executive Board GraLja A. Countryman, Public library, I{inneapolis, Minn. Linda A. Eastman, Public library, Cleveland, Ohio. ClLJIm"rs Hddlpy, public library. Dpnver, colo. H,- Lo'Le' i'ublic tit,rart:, Toronr.,, ian. :1'atnL ex'pit'cs 1922 r999tc: ornara Edna ts. irl'att, Public Passaic, N. J. tvtarvi . oragon SlaLe libfarl, Sa,pm, Ot.e. library, p9*I. .Putilic tibrary. Dal,un, Louisa M. Hooper, Public library, Brookline, XIass. :1:i',1"^,., Ohio. IIary trlmogenc Hazeltine, University of Wisconsin library q;.iryX:1'6,',]ill.:ll;"flf."ii.l;,T"aI.o,,,". school, Madison, Wis. Adami1[1 !.. public j .111"1r. public I brary, Detr6il, Willis K. Stetson, Free library, Nerv Haven, Conn. ^Strohm, Malcolm G. WJer, Unlversity of Nebraska library, Lincoln, ';o "i33;, Lr, i i",,iii"o iiri^'#.b,i)il I Neb. t;il' 'IernN expir^ 1023 Ex_presidents Now Mem bers \l'. l)awsou JohnstoD, Public library, St. Paul, Minn. Mpl\ il De$ ey. pri.;d Lal(p c'ulr, N. \ . Jo!eph L. Wheeler, Public library, Youngstor,n, Ohio. ?; l.: D"1".. Frpe puitic tibrary, Ne$ark, N. J. l{arj'' G. Saxe, Public library, Westmount, P. Q., Can. :i"::"1 l!'u,it Librarv ot consle6s. wcsljinEron, D. !. Jessie Flernont Hume, Nev York City. ca m b ri d se. ]r a s" He)rr'y N. Sanbor[, Public library, Brialgeport, Conn. i. l:ii: i$;;;:"|:i;,';H' i."" ,j,crtu erDires 1094 ':1 "T;'l:" Princp'|on 1.. N. .l l{iriam E..arcy, }Iilrnesota stato board ot control, St. Paul, i. ii'!i"il,i'ii; ft;E:3.H'ri;Tl'il.ribrarv Minn. '^ y j-i9 ' r.a.Jolrn .rprar I brrrr. c),i.irso. a. L. uosrwr.i.fi!l. Pulrii. jibrarJ, Ile€sie Sargeant SD'rith, Public library, Cleveland, Ohio. St. Loui., -t4o. P. L. Windsor, iversity r;. l- ()_oCe: P ,'t.f IJ of lllirois library, Urbana, Ill. ,r.!t: tiirrury. aincjnIir,j, Ohio. Lloyd W. Josselr-.r, Public library. Birmingham, Ala. "I C. ('. Williamson, Public library, New York City. J,l;.r-li. "J,iiil;,l,ll,',1,1 J, n) io, n n. "i; {lll Publi. libriry. NF\v yoi_k (-ir). "_ * i,l!,:If"l. Elected bY the Council -,V; fl J,' d,, ll l'i i,,,;f.!,i' l,-"Fj ?crrx cfiI)iras 1920 l'".jrrl nomasgl. :i r!; pcnnssivanja i;, i. -MonLg^n"ry, Sra,e iibrary. Harris_ George F. Bowerman, Public library, Washington, D. C. 'Williamhwarner W. N. C. Carlton, South Wjndsor, ConD. Bishop, University of llichigan, Ann Arbor, llrs. Elizabeth Clal.pool Earl, Iudiana public library conl missioD, Connersville, Ind. Presidents of Affiliated Organizations luary E. Hall, Girls'high school library, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ettu:-fl tj":, associatioD Harold L. Leupp- Lhiversity of California library, Berkeley. .National ot stale tibraries. Xlirne- Cal. sora-slale librcry. Sl. laul, Mirrtr. ^ fer1n. e$pir6 7921 or ra w li bra """F;i;h f, l:i:..i;'i!:il,:#*""liJ,';" ries Gertrude E. Andrus, Seattle, Wash. {; Chalnrers Hadley, Public library, Denver, Coio. bi;.f :;",1;:!., m' n i s i on s, To wa lsadore G. Muclge, Coltmbia University library, New York :.lvlaud _it q. r-arabin :t'ilv aro CitY. Spe.jat"i:';i: libr.r.es ""j, " associLtion. Dalroit Edi.on uompony, Detroit, Mich. W, T. Porter, ?08 Foruth National BaDk Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Elected by the Associatioh at Large A. S. Root, Oberlin College library, Oberlin, Ohio. Ierm, e&pircs 1922 * :;:' ;,ii;: ; Jj.?odci c Gec'rge Settle, Free public li:,.^1, .,,, I e r,. I ; a, ion, n, cc go 'I'. library, Louisvilte, I{y. q Hirsrrbprc."{ pubric ribrary. - Marilla Freeman, rvraryli::9:{r rotedo, bhio. W. Good$'yn Institute litrary, Memphis, L. Jonpa. SouLh pasadFna, Ca:. Tenn. fiyotl: p_ubliu Iibrary, Tndjanapotis, Fulle.r, 1..-1;scrah ('. IDd. George \y. Publlc tibrary, Duluth, Minn. N. Bogle. Ampri.an Ljbrary Asso.iarion. Chicxgo. lvalter M. Smith, University of Wisconsin library, Maalison, *Mary Wis. F. r€om, o,". 'llerm e:xpi,rcs 1923 *Died "to"Ji,'K"71|[f],jTl,rrunu, M. Llewellyn Raney, The Johns Hopkins University, Batti- April 1I, 1g 20. more, Md. \ Pauline McCauley, Morganfield, Ky. l{ilton J. X'erguson, California state library, Sacramento, Cal. ANNOUNCEMENTS Agnes Van Yalkenburgh, Public library, Bay City, X{ich. 'Headquarters R. R. Bowker, Library Journal,62 W. 45th St., New York City. I'ernt crpires 1924 Headquarters for the American Library Association aDal all Clara F. Baldwin, llinnesota state department of ealucation, the afrliated orgaDizations will be at The Anuers Hotel. library division, St. Paul, MiIlo June R. DoDnelly, Simmons College library, Boston, Mass. Reg istration Ev€rett R. Perry, Public iibrary, Los Angeles, Cal. Alice S. Tyler, Westerl Reserve U[iversity ]ibrary school. Everyone in attendance at even one session, anal \\,hether a Cleveland. Ohio. |lL.mb"r ol rlr AssocjarioD or nol. is request;d Io reBisrar al Purd B. Wright, Public library, Kansas City, Mo. A. L. -q.. HeadquarLers. Menbership dues $ill be receiveal there anal joio those wishing State Library Associations Aftiliated with the A. L. A. to the Association enrolleal. (Entitled to representation on the Oouncil) What the Red California: Prdsident, C. B. Joeckel, Public library, Berkeley. Ribbon Means Colorado: President, Manly D. Ormes, Colorado College, Coio- Those attending their first con{erence a.re askeil to wear the rado Springs. bit of red ribbon turnished them when registering. This ia Connecticut: President, Grace A. Child, Normal Schooi so the "old stagers" 1{ill klrow them and hetp th_em to get library, eequ3jnted Willimantic. aDd lravF a good time. Don l lFave ir all ro r_ne DisLrici of Columbja: PresialeDt, Herbert Putnam, Library lnTrOdul'rl0n (Ommillae, YOTr hplp rOo. of Congress, Washington. Illinois: President, Helen A. Bagley, Public library, Oak Park. Information Indiana: President, Mar8aret Wade, Public library, Anderson. Iowa: President, Maria C. Brace, Public library, Water'loo. .Tlre Lo.al Commiltea will oppratp all Tnformation Burcau Kansas: President, Julius Luchl, City library, Wichita. a0lacert lo A. L. A. Headouafl"rs, cr wrlich soup membFr Kentucky: President, Frank Kavanaugh, State library, ivrtt be prasent at carlain hours each day lo answer qupstions Frankfort. of a local nature and to assist members in every way possitie. Maine: Presialent, Annie L. Barr, Free library, Belfast. Michigan: Presialent, Annie A. PoUard, Public library. Grand Travel Committee Rapids. of .$ill Minnesota: President, Mrs. J. L. Blanchard, Public library, -_Members the Travel Committee by turn be at A. L. A. Ileadquarters at certai[ announceal hourj eac]r aay to assist Little F alls. tneinbers in their travel ]Ii.ssouri: President, Harold L. Wheeler, School ol Mines, arrangements. Rolla. ptaces ]lontana: President, Josephine M. Haley, Public librarr', Meeting Helena. The places assigned place. for the various meetings will be- _--""lounal Nebraska: President, May Tngles, University listed in the schealule at the enal of p"rogram. Ne$: York: President, Caroline lvebster, American this Library The eeneral Sessions will be held in the B;Ir;m. Sectionat -{ssociatioD, Nerv York City. mee{jrgs. rcuad Iable and meptings the North Dakota: Presialent, ot affliarcd socipriei Alfred D. Keator, ltniversity of $rll nF nptct In tlre various rooms al Thc Anrlprs as assigned North Dakota library, University. in schedule. Ohio: Presialent, Joseph L. Wheeler, Public library, Youngs- Reception, Wednesday Evening Oklahoma: President, Alma R. Mcelenn. Tulsa. Pa.ifir-Nortbwesi: President. alrarles W. Smit.r, Waslriltgron Iollowing CcDpral Session, Wednesday ^rhe evpning, r ere IJniversity library, Seattle. w t- Dp an Inrormat recap,ion in t\e Ball Room of Thp An,lers South Dakota: President, Helen Mjner, Yankton College oy, rhe. ( otorado Librcry Asso.iarion. tibrdrJ. 110I1{prs]!lgl.no Alt I ibrary, Yankron. and lneir lriendS altending lrre a-onferonce are C.Oi- Tennessee: Presldent, Mary U. Rothrock, Lawson Mcchee dially inyited. library, I{noxville. Utah: Presideat, crace Harris, Public tibrary, Ogden. Dancin g WisooDsin: Acting President, Frances A.
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