Ⅵ Lung Cancer Basic Treatment Strategies for Lung Cancer JMAJ 46(12): 532–536, 2003 Akira INOUE* and Nagahiro SAIJO** *Respiratory Oncology and Molecular Medicine, Institute of Development, Aging, and Cancer, Tohoku University **Division of Internal Medicine, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo Abstract: Lung cancer is the leading cause of death from malignant diseases in Japan. Treatment of lung cancer should be selected appropriately according to clinical staging based on scientific evidence. Small cell lung cancer should be managed mainly with platinum-based chemotherapy, and the concurrent use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is recommended for limited disease. Non-small cell lung cancer should be managed mainly by surgery for stage I and stage II, combined chemo-radiotherapy for stage III, and chemotherapy for stage IV. Chemotherapy is also suggested to be effective in relapsed cancer. The efficacy of these therapies has only been demonstrated in patients with favorable perform- ance status (PS). Treatment lacking sufficient evidence of benefit should not be given to patients with poor PS. The use of newly developed agents, such as gefitinib and other molecular target drugs, must be considered cautiously in terms of applicability to individual patients. The development of better treatment methods needs to be based on evidence from clinical trials. Key words: Lung cancer; Chemotherapy; Performance status; Evidence-based medicine 1,2) Introduction egies for lung cancer. Please refer to other articles for detailed information concerning the Lung cancer is the leading cause of death treatment of various forms of lung cancer. from malignant diseases in Japan. Predictions indicate further increase in the prevalence of From the First Examination to Staging this disease. Clinicians have many opportuni- ties to come in contact with patients with lung Patients with lung cancer often present at cancer, starting from the first visit of a patient a hospital complaining of nonspecific symp- presenting coughs and other symptoms to the toms such as coughing, and are found to have process of definitive diagnosis and treatment. abnormal shadows on chest X-ray. Care should This paper discusses the basic treatment strat- be taken in the interpretation of chest X-ray This article is a revised English version of a paper originally published in the Journal of the Japan Medical Association (Vol. 128, No. 3, 2002, pages 387–390). 532 JMAJ, December 2003—Vol. 46, No. 12 BASIC TREATMENT STRATEGIES FOR LUNG CANCER ⅜Good performance status (PS 0 & 1) Small cell lung cancer Non-small cell lung cancer Limited Extensive Stage II or less Stage III Stage IV disease (LD) disease (ED) Clinical stage Operable Inoperable Chemo- Chemotherapy radiotherapy Preoperative Chemo- Recommended adjuvant radiotherapy therapy chemotherapy Prophylactic Only for cases in cranial irradiation complete remission Surgery Chemotherapy ⅷPoor performance status (PS 2 & 3) Small cell lung cancer Non-small cell lung cancer Limited Extensive Stage II or less Stage III Stage IV Clinical stage disease (LD) disease (ED) Limited surgery? Best supportive care or Chemotherapy Chemotherapy Radiotherapy? clinical trial for patients Recommended with poor PS therapy Radiotherapy Fig. 1 Basic strategies for lung cancer treatment images not to overlook lesions in the areas and chemotherapy with antineoplastic agents overlapping the shadows of the heart, blood places great physical and psychological burdens vessels, and bones, as well as old tuberculosis on the patient, such treatment for the patients foci. with poor PS has to be often abandoned. If In the next step, thoracic CT should be pre- the patient presents problems requiring urgent formed to obtain more detailed information. In action (e.g., severe pain, dyspnea due to tracheal this case, use of a contrasting agent is recom- stenosis, and neurological complications due to mended to facilitate the detection of medias- brain metastasis), symptomatic treatment for tinal lymph node metastasis. such problems should be given priority. Once the location of lesions in the lungs has been identified, tumor tissues for histopatho- Selection of Appropriate Therapies logical examination are sampled using broncho- According to Clinical Staging scopy, CT-guided biopsy, or other means. It should be noted that sputum cytology might Once the histopathological diagnosis of lung provide a low-invasive method of diagnosis cancer has been established, detailed whole- particularly suited to patients showing poor body examinations (e.g., brain MRI, abdomi- performance status (PS). nal CT or abdominal echo, and bone scinti- Understanding the PS of the patient is im- graphy) should be performed promptly to portant in examining a patient with lung can- investigate possible distant metastases. Ther- cer. Because active treatment such as surgery apies are selected according to histopatho- JMAJ, December 2003—Vol. 46, No. 12 533 A. INOUE and N. SAIJO logical typing3) and clinical staging (TNM clas- These problems need to be clarified by clinical sification4)) as summarized below (see flow trials, and this will require collaboration among chart in Fig. 1). internal medicine, surgery, and radiology de- partments. See ASCO (American Society of 1. Treatment of small cell lung cancer Clinical Oncology) guidelines8) for information Because small cell lung cancer is character- concerning the treatment of unresectable non- ized by rapid progression and the propensity small cell lung cancer. for distant metastasis, surgery is recommended A recent trend in the chemotherapy for only in the very early stage of the disease (stage advanced non-small cell lung cancer is the I). On the other hand, chemotherapy and radio- reports of efficacy of several regimens com- therapy are important treatment for small cell bining newly developed antineoplastic agents lung cancer, because it responds to these ther- and platinum-based antineoplastic agents.9) apies. Combined use of chemotherapy with Although combinations of new antineoplastic cisplatin plus etoposide (PE) and radiotherapy agents (so-called non-platinum regimens) have is reported effective when the tumor is local- been reported effective,10) evaluation of such ized within the field of irradiation (limited dis- regimens is still considered insufficient at pre- ease; LD).5) Addition of prophylactic cranial sent. We should be cautious about the use of irradiation is recommended for patients show- combinations of new drugs.11) ing complete remission on imaging diagnosis.6) However, small cell lung cancer showing sys- 3. Treatment for relapsed or temic progression (extensive disease; ED) can refractory lung cancer be managed only by chemotherapy (although Both the patients with small cell lung cancer radiotherapy may be used to alleviate symp- and non-small cell lung cancer are followed up toms). While PE therapy has been the standard at approximately monthly intervals. If progres- treatment for a long time, a comparative study sion of the tumor is observed after (or during) conducted recently by the Japan Clinical On- treatment, secondary treatment is indicated for cology Group (JCOG) suggested that the com- patients having good PS. Relapsed small cell bination of cisplatin and irinotecan might be lung cancer is treated with several regimens superior to PE therapy.7) such as CODE therapy12) (chemotherapy with cisplatin, vincristine, doxorubicin, and etopo- 2. Treatment of non-small cell lung cancer side), but no standard treatment has been Treatment of non-small cell lung cancer must established. This needs to be addressed in be selected carefully according to different future study. stages of the disease: cure by surgical treatment Docetaxel is reported effective in the treat- is expected in stages I and II; so-called multi- ment of relapsed non-small cell lung cancer.13) disciplinary therapy consisting of combined Gefitinib (Iressa®), a new agent developed chemo-radiotherapy with or without surgery is simultaneously in Japan and Europe, is show- effective in stage III; and chemotherapy is used ing successful results as a second-line treatment for elongation of survival in stage IV, where for non-small cell lung cancer patients who curative treatment is difficult. have been treated with platinum-based agents. The results of several clinical studies have suggested that resectable stage III cases benefit 4. Treatment for patients with poor PS from preoperative chemotherapy. However, no As discussed above, active treatment may consensus has been reached as to the type of increase the risk of worsening the prognosis of appropriate antineoplastic agents and the pro- patients with poor PS. Pain relief and other priety of the concurrent use of radiotherapy. symptomatic treatments are usually considered 534 JMAJ, December 2003—Vol. 46, No. 12 BASIC TREATMENT STRATEGIES FOR LUNG CANCER the best strategy for these patients (although http://www.cancer.gov/cancer_information/ chemotherapy may be attempted for untreated 3) Travis, W.D., Colby, T.V., Corrin, B. et al.: His- small cell lung cancer even in patients with tological typing of tumors of lung and pleura. poor PS, because such tumors often respond to World Health Organization International Clas- sification of Tumors, 3rd ed., Springer-Verlag, chemotherapy). Berlin, 1999. The patients and their families may not be 4) Moutain, C.F.: Revisions in the international satisfied with the strategy of “doing nothing system for staging lung cancer. Chest 1997; (against the cancer itself),” but the physicians
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