.ATWIt ()ALPll..... OATS, WAT , ......... A' '11, •• ,10 ZI .... 1\5 .-...... ... nil. l ..etIIlJt,ly : 'aOCI8SII:D 1I00DS, BI •• lta_ A' ...r •••• Z. ID. AI ...... '" U nUll Fair ...ofl.Jltl,.. lit•• " ... .b, ..,.. w, vall. a.'eY. J; lIUQAII, ...... Ie b ••• ,laUol, lor I , •• ada. li ___ ..... t........I... f.r .......... ...... taD.", IUlar IOWA : Fair and Warmer through Fob. 28. 11140: SHOES. 1\1t1>1"'~ stamps I And ~ ,.... , ..4,"."ol r • • ,_". II ...14 N.v. I.; Gil SO· DAILY IbwAN UNI~ HAH e..,eO No. 11 v.U. Un.d.1II Ott. tl; .FUEL THE On.. ".1"" I.r perl...... ~ ., !Nt ....lin, .....D ••• ,erl.. I •••••0. •• 8,W "t.\l.~ natoD. vaUtl Iowa City ' s Morning Newspaper .. ... ,..... A.,. IJ. 1m. ~m=C~ENTS~~====================================================================================================~================================~~ uu. TIll AlIOClA'I'D ...... IOWA CITY. IOWA SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 19« na ...ocIAftD ..... VOLUME XLV NUMBER 42 SATURATION 80MBING~IT BROKE THE NAZIS' HOLD B-29 TASK· FORCE ATTACKS ,JAP-HELD . NANKING, --CHINA. FDR Returns !At North_te,n- • • Dr, Spellman AHack Dock, To Washington Tree W~ns ' Reprieve Warehouses EVANSTON, Ill. (AP) - A. misslng il) the South PilcHic. \ young maple tree-symbol of the The present editors walled until President Resumes p ncc that didn't survive-won a yesterday to commit themselves. 20th Bomber r prlcvc ~'om deuth yestel'duy and They lIImounced on the front page Duties; Calls First II'cdedicotion us a memorial to ot the publication they would Command Planes Meeting of Cabinet , Nol·thwc~tcrn univel',;ity student "break the lalU." with U1C old I From China BaMs I war casualti . editors ond rededicate lhe trce to I WASHlNGTON (AP) -Pr i- EdUol's of thc studcnt nCwsptl- making "the peace now being I WA , 'Hl ' OTQX, 'aturday dcnt Roosevelt came back to per, thc D {I i I y NortJ1\vcstcl"n, earned by our lighting mcn the (.A P )-A lal"'" taok foree of Washington and a rousing wcl- plantcd thc trec Ilt a pcace dem- best peace possiblc" and also a a 13-29 • 'upcl'fol'tl'Cses of tile 20th comc yestrday and wcnt to .work onstrQtion April 27, 1938, and im- memorIal to the university's war uttucked .Japaue on tough intcrnalional problems posed on futw'c editors thc prom- dcad. ,Ilirforcc e-oc­ at the desk wherc he'll do business ise to "cut It down to I'ot with Joan Wagner, Clinton, managinl; cupi d l 'uuki)lg, hina, today, lour more years. the bones" of the first of their editor, sold that to cut down the the war department unuonneed. Amid the customary rumors that I' umber to die in wur. tree "would be to admit that stu- I In u daylight flight, the big some ot I m mbers may be out La.>t yenr, James Milmoe, man- dents who have given their lives plan . attacked the dock and , ' , " , of jobs, he called in his cabinet oging editor at the timc of the in this war have given them In war!'Jlolisc Ol'eas of the lallgtze REPEATED DIV6-BOMBING attacks. necessary when the German A'arrlson at Aachen refu ed to lIur-1 fOI' it first p().';t-el clion mceting. peace dcmonstration, was rcported vain," river city, the IlnnOllllC ment by render, did tbls to the terrain about the ~ty, shown smok~f1g III background. At the left are the Im- And h sow Herbert Lehman, Gen. II. n . .At'llold, who com­ iIOnant rail lines wblch connect Aachen With Inland Germany, . who runs the united nntions relief Japane.se Defenders :-------------,--, mands til!' 20th airrorce, said. - -- --- and rehabililntion program; John 26 Years Ago- The announcement gave no de­ ) tail - a, to damag inflicted. bl1t G. Winont,ombassadortoLondon, L dR f said fnl'tJler details would be 'ck by V-2 ~~'dM~:C~~~~1 Harriman, his envoy an ein orcements EnglafJd Under Atta l'(llea ed a soon a. they become Ilyailabk ' . The dates with diplomates at A.tmisfice ,..-__________'_ ~ the end of the doy pointed up On Leyte DurlOng NIOght Superfol'trcs~ or Maj. Gon. again the prospects ot a second urti E. L May' 20th bomber At a Glance- I Roosevelt-ChurchJJl-Stalin meet- New York I Dr. Kalhl en pell- e0!llman~ participa~d in tlH' New R OC e ew .( ongress Ing Lo talk over final plans :for Nips Now Over 40,000; k' N Day man, above. who i vac,Uonht&' In 1'81d, flYing fl'om hma buse . Our Strength Unknown .. .. Beverly ~IJIIs. havlllr COmpleted ,' . ber InternshIp qualUylnr her te ON THE THUlD ARMY FRONT Rd T Wd ravels 70' 0 Toda".' 5 In Janu'ary ~l~::~~~r~;;~i tl~ndwo~~Jti~~ As Ya"ks Hit Convoy pracL/ce pedlatrfcs. She studied T I ' MI'. Roosovelt hud no news on IN FRANC~ (AP)-Armlstice day e roops e ge medicine a.l. Cornell uulverslly and G ENE R A L MACARTHUR'S 26 YCOI'l! ago today was a cold and .. HEADQUARTERS, Phi I i ppines rahlY one around Metz, just us it ~~e~ '0 returrt to Bos~n &0 ptac- Between Defenders ' '1lles an H' our' low'an · ~~c~~ ~~~~~~~~~e~o~~~a:t~~):~:~ has been lately. Two Top. Posts tUl'lled to U,e cllpital ond a tumul- (AP) _ Japanese defenders of M tuous reception by 0 quarter mil- The 35th division was where it Is In Legislature lion Woshingtonians standing In a Leyle landed heavy relncforce- now, and it WIlS attaCkIng, just as Of Budapest, Slovakia LOND N (AP) -PI'ime B-29'5 altack Jnp-held Nan­ Go to Westerners rain. ments trom four 5,000-ton careo it Is now. Third Army Troops Mini'tcl' hUl'cllilJ confi l'llled king, China, says war depart­ But he said the big three do ships at Ormoc last night, but lost Down the rood to Metz on that LONDON (AP)-Russlan troop.s yesterday t hat Englund is ment. want to mect when they can ar- three of the transports and seven day a ieneration aeo marched the drove a wedg betw en the Ger­ UJlCler attack by. the Gt>I1IL311 WASHINGTON (AP)-Two of range it. of the 15 acCompanying destroyers Score Five-Mile Gain Iman defender ot Budapest and the nalion's top legi!flative po.:;ts London conjectured thal the in the eI!ort, 136tb inlantr7 reeimcnt \lnder long.range Y-2 I'ocl{cl, 1II1l1()UIIC­ ThIrd army's winler oUensive will go to the west when the new orders to assllult the fortress city, Ieastern Slovakia ye tm'day by cut- iJJg that it flies t1ll"ough the spreads along 75-mile front. congress organizes in Janual'y, pre Ident might come thcre, pick General Macarthur's daily com- which never had beell taken by Winter Offensive ting the Budapest-Miskole railway 8tratospllel'c up to a height of They are the chairmanships of up Prime Minister Churchill, and munique gave no estimate ot the direct attack. in the area ot Mezokovesd, 65 between 60 und 70 miles antl ChurcblU d scribeil sec l' e I til senate's military and a&l"l- move on to Paris and then to the enemy h'oopS landcd; but a Me.d­ 'l'hllt knowledge, and tbe rain' Th,ea"ns to Envelop mUes northeast ot the icged culture c mmlttecs. now held by middle east Rnd I\tl appointment IJU3rlers .spoke~m n said the num­ Hungarian capital, Moscow an­ thell plummets to Clll't h with II weapon, V-2 rocket, said to /lnd mud didn't do mueh to moke Fortress of Metz Senators Robert R. (Boh) Rey- with the Soviet premier. ber-which, judelni fron, the size I nounced tonight. tOil of ('xpll)~ivcs trayelling al u travel taster than sound. Ptc. Paul N. HlIl happy. Then a nolds Bnd Ellison D, (Colton Ed) Reminded that he had made a of the ships, could have been ~- Pushing 20 miles west beyond speed iMler thail sound. 19-year-old m 0 r tor man, Ule SUPREME liE A DQUARTERS lhe Ti sza river and expanding Roosevelt returns to White Smith. guess on lhe electoral vote, he tween 5,000 and 10,000 men-was Horton, Kan., boy was wondering A LL lED EX P E D ITIONARY Cusuulties and dumag" he Ho use an a mee t s WI' tl ) ca blOe' t . Smith was defealed in thc South began fishing atound in a de k In addition to the 35,000 men as they marched throuih San their rronL to a length of 42 miles, told a sob r house of commons, drawer for a Slip ot yeUow paper. which Ule enemy was estimated to Piiny whother casualties would ~ f'ORCE, POl'is (AP) - The Third the Russians also imperiled the "huvc so fur nol been lrcuvy," Carolina Democratic p rim a r y And tllis is what the forecast have In action yesterday. as at St. Mlhiel. army's winter offenslvc spread rear of the German and Hungarian whilc Reynolds did not seek re- althougb tho attack ]II)S l.J n IS' t'llI ' t0 M k election. showed: 335 lor the president, 196 However, the American aircraft torces trying to hold other Red 0 enes a e Suddenly the word swell! down yestel'day to nearly every section army troops menacing Budapest under way " for the la t few .(01' Dew y. apporenUy failed to orrlve toOn the linc, man to man, at first in an ot a 75-m1lG front and the fortress weeks." Churchill said "a nwn­ '0 k ' l' By the traditional right of That compared with the indl- enough to prevent landing of the on lhe south and southeast.
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