Ki Ys r 75 >29 Y3 >py 1 ^^l^'^^^r^-^ / TV ^^ / ^ Jj<~'tLj /T^.^4-^ «^- A """"""'/ /--^ ^ >--^. CATALOGUE OP THK $ CONNECTICUT A»PHA i ©BK, AUGUST, 1838. '^Ui 1^ g|NEW HAVEN: Plin^TED BY B. L. IIAMLEN. 1838. f i INTRODUCTORY NOTE. f The Phi Beta Kappa Society was originally founded at William and Mary's College, in Virginia. The Alpha of Connecticut was organized at Yale College, Nov. 13th, 1780, and that of Massa- chusetts, at Harvard University, about the same time, by charter from the Alpha of Virginia. The original Alpha of Virginia is now extinct. The branches of the Society at the present time, are six in number, viz. Alpha of Connecticut, at Yale College, New Haven. Alpha of Massachusetts, at Harvard University, Cambridge. Alpha of New Hampshire, at Dartmouth College, Hanover. Alpha of New York, at Union College, Schenectady. Alpha of Maine, at Bowdoin College, Brunswick. Alpha of Rhode Island, at Brown University, Providence. OFFICERS, (since the last catalogue.) 1835-6. JONATHAN KNIGHT, M.D. President. SAMUEL J. HITCHCOCK, Esq. Vice President. AARON N. SKINNER, Esq. Cor. Secretary. CHARLES HOOKER, M.D. Treasurer. 1836-7. SAMUEL J. HITCHCOCK, Esq. President. AARON N. SKINNER, Esq. Vice President. Prof. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, Cor. Secretary. CHARLES HOOKER, M. D. Treasurer. 1837-8. AARON N. SKINNER, Esq,. President. Prof. DENISON OLMSTED, Vice President. WILLIAM H. RUSSELL, M.D. Cor. Secretary. EDWARD C. HERRICK, Treasurer. Rev. William Watson Andrews, Orator, 1835. James Abraham Hillhouse, Esq. Orator, 1836. Rev. Horace Bushnell, Orator, 1837. — — MEMBERS. 1767. *Hon. John Trumbull,LL.D.,C. A.S.,A. A.S., Tut. Y. C, Judge Sup. Court Ct., Detroit^ Mich. 1773. *Hon. James Hillhouse, LL.D., C.A.S., Treas. Y. C, Sen. Ct., Rep. h Sen. U. S. Cong., New Haven j Ct. 1778. *Hon. Joel Barlow, LL.D., U. S. Minister to France, Washington City, Noah Webster, LL.D., C.A.S., A.A.S., New Haven, Ct. *Hon. Oliver Wolcott, LL.D., C.A.S., Fel- low Y. C, Sec. U. S. Treas., Judge U. S. Circ. Court, Gov. Ct., New York City. 1779. *Rev. David Austin, Bozrahf Ct. Hon. Elizur Goodrich, LL.D., C.A.S., Tut. & Prof. Law h Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct., Rep. U. S. Cong. Pres., New Haven, Ct. 1780. Rev. John Barnett, Amenia, N. Y. *Thomas Chester, Esq., Tut. Y. C, Hartford, Ct. *Timothy Phelps, St. Genevieve^ Mo. *WiHiam Joseph Whiting, Esq., New Haven, Ct. 1781. *Rev. Jason Atwater, Branford, Ct. Hon. Simeon Baldwin, C.A.S., Tut. Y.C., Rep. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court Ct. Pres., New Haven, Ct. *Simeon Breed, Norwich, Ct. — — — Rev. Henry T. Channing, A.A.S., Tut. Y. C. Pres., JVew London^ Ct, *Elihu Gridley, Hon. James Kent, LL.D.,Prof. Law Columb. Coll., Chief Judge Sup. Court and Chan- cellor N. Y.— Orator, 1831, JVew York City, *Rev. Timothy Langdon, Danbury, Ct. *Sarauel Newell, Bristol, Ct» *Rev. Reuben Parmele, Victor, N, Y. *Enoch Perkins, Esq., C.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Hartford, Ct, *Samuel Dunbar Searle, *Hon. Israel Smith, Rep.&i Sen. U. S. Cong., Chief Judge Sup. Court and Gov. Vt., Rupert, Vt. Rev. Stephen William Stebbins, Orange, Ct, Elizur Wright, C.A.S., Tallmadge, Ohio, 1782. *Obadiah Bowen, JVew York City, Hon. Judson Canfield, Sen. Ct., Canfield, Ohio, *Rev. Daniel Crocker, New Fairfield, Ct, Hon. Daniel Dana, Sen. Vt., Newbury, Vt. *St. John Honey wood, Esq., Troy,JV. Y, *Hon. Stephen Titus Hosmer, LL.D.,C.A.S., Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct., Chief Judge Sup. Court Ct., Middletown, Ct, *Rev. Walter King Pres,, Williamstown, JVls, *Hon. John Lovett, Rep. U. S. Cong., Albany, JV. Y, *Miles Merwin, Philadelphia, Pa, Hon. Asher Robbins, Sen. U. S. Cong., JVewport, R. I, *Ephraim Root, Esq., Hartford, Ct, Hon. Lewis Burr Sturges, Rep. U. S. Cong., Detroit, JVlich, *Nathan Williams, Tolland, Ct, 1783. *Rev. Samuel Austin, S.T.D.,Pres. Univ. Vt.,Wrorce5^cr, Ms, *Jehu Brainerd, JVew Haven, Ct, Hon. David Daggett, LL.D., C.A.S., Fellow & Prof. Law Y.C., Sen. Ct., Sen. U. S. Cong., Ch. Judge Sup. Court Ct. Pres., JVew Haven, Ct, — Ebenezer Dimon, Fairfield , Ct. Edward Edwards, Lisle^ JV. Y. *Rev. Samuel Goodrich, Berlin^ Ct. *Rev. Abiel Holmes, S.T.D., A.A.S., Tut. Y. C, Cambridge, Ms. *Robert Charles Johnson, Esq., Stratford, Ct, *Lynde Lord, Litchfield, Ct» *Rev. Jedidiah Morse, S.T.D., A.A.S.,Tut. Y. C. Pres., JYew Haven, Ct. *Samuel Penfield, Fairfield, Ct. *Theodore Pitkin, Rochester, N, Y. Hon. John Cotton Smith, LL.D., C.A.S., Fellow Y. C, Judge Sup. Court. Ct., Rep. U. S. Cong., Lieut. Gov. and Gov. Ct., Sharon, Ct. *Rev. Richard Salter Storrs, Longmeadow, Ms. 1784. *Jonathan Barnes, Esq., Tolland, Ct. *Rev. Amos Bassett, S.T.D., C.A.S., Tut. and Fellow Y. C, Monroe, Ct. *Hon. George Bliss, LL.D., Sen. Mass., Springfield, Ms. *Henry Caldwell, JSTew York City. *Rev. Jacob Catlin, S.T.D., JVew Marlboro\ Ms, *Joseph Denison, Tut. Y. C, Stonington, Ct, *Hendrick Dow, Ashford, Ct, *EIihu Chauncey Goodrich, Esq., Claverack, JV. Y, Hon. Ray Greene, Sen. U. S. Cong., E. Greenwich, R. I, Rev. Chauncey Lee, S.T.D., Marlhorovgh, Ct. *Rev. William Lyman, S.T.D., China, JV. Y. *Silas Marsh, Salisbury, Ct, *Samuel Mather, Westfield, Ms. *Dr. Lemuel Mead, Chester, JY. Y. *Jabez Peck, JVorwich, Ct. *John Puqderson Seward, Killingworth, Ct. Rev. John Taylor, Pittsburg, Pa. *Roswell Wells, Esq., Wilkesbarre, Pa. *Rev. Aaron Woolworth, S.T.D., Bridgehampton,JY. Y. 1785. Rev. Joseph Badger, Gustavus, Ohio. *Rev. David Lewis Beebe, Cattskill, JV. Y. 8 *Hon. Barnabas Bidwell, LL.D., Tut. Y. C, Rep. U. S. Cong.- -Pres., Kingston J U. C. Enos Cook, Hadley, Ms. *Rev. Abel Flint, S.T.D., C.A.S., Tut. Brown Univ., Hartford, Ct, *Rev. William Graves, Woodstock, Ct. *Pearley Grosvenor, Pomfret, Ct. *Rev. David Hale, Coventry, Ct. Dyer Throop Hinckley, Teacher, Lebanon, Ct. Henry Sherburne Langdon, Portsmovth, JV. H. *Hon. Jonathan Leavitt, Sen. Ms., Greenfield, Ms. *Phinehas Miller, Cumberland Is., Ga. *Roger Newton, Tut. Y. C, Greenfield, Ms. *WiHiam Nicoll, Bethlehem, JV. Y. Rev. Matthew Noyes, Fellow Y. C, JVorih Branford, Ct, Samuel Perkins, Esq., Windham, Ct. Hon. Timothy Pitkin, LL.D., C.A.S., Sen. Ct., Rep. U. S. Cong., Farmington, Ct. *Nathaniel Rossiter, Esq., C.A.S., Albany, JV. Y. William Taylor, JVewMilford, Ct. *Decius Wadsworth, C.A.S., U. S. Army. 1786. *Hon. John Bird, Rep. U. S. Cong., Troy, JV. Y. *Hon. Phinehas Bruce, Rep. U. S. Cong., Machias, Me. *Lynde Catlin, JVeiv York City, Rev. Isaac Clinton, Lowville, JV. F. *Rev. John Elliott, S.T.D., C.A.S., Fellow Y. C, Madison, Ct. Rev. Jonathan Ellis, Topsham, Me. *Hon. Thomas Ruggles Gold, Rep. U. S. Cong., fVhitestown^JV. Y. *Hon. Stanley Griswold, Sen. U. S. Cong., Detroit, Mich. *Edward Halsey, Southampton, Ms. Rev. Asa Hillyer, S.T.D., Orange, JS". J. *Rev. Reuben Hitchcock, Cheshire, Ct. John Kingsbury, Esq., Waterbury, Ct. *WiHiam Leffin^well, JS'ew Haven, Ct. *Dr. Abner Moseley, Wethersfield, Ct. Hon. Ellas Perkins, C.A.S., Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct.j Rep. U. S. Cong., New London^ Ct, *Rev. Edward Porter, JVew Haven, Ct, ^Jonathan Edwards Porter, Esq., JVew Haven, Ct, Jacob Rutsen Van Rensselaer, Esq., JVew York City. *Hon. Frederick Wolcott, C.A.S., Fellow Y. C, Sen. Ct., Litchfield, Ct. 1787. *Rev. Azel Backus, S.T.D., Pres. Hannilton Coll., Clinton, JY. Y. ^Augustus Baldwin, Esq., Augusta, Ga. *Dr. Joshua Belden, Weihersfield, Ct. Rev. Publius Virgil Booge, WestBrunswicJc,JV.Y. "^"Eli Bullard, Esq., Framingham, Ms. Joshua Dewey, Esq., , JV. Y. *Ebenezer Dutton, Lebanon, Ct. ^Hon. William Ely, Rep. U. S. Cong., Springfield, Ms. ^Nicholas Evertson, Esq., New York City. *Rev. Ebenezer Gay, Tut. Y. C, Suffield, Ct. *Hon. Gideon Granger, Sen. N. Y., U.S.P.M. Gen., Canandaigua, N. Y. *Hon. Gaylord Griswold, Rep. U. S. Cong., Herkimer, JV. Y. *Ebenezer Hunt, Coventry, Ct. *David Moody Jewett, Esq., Lyme, Ct. *Roswell Judson, Esq., Huntington, Ct. *Hon. Chauncey Langdon, Sen. Vt., Rep. U. S. Cong., Castleion, Vt. *Rev. Reuben Morse, Ware, Ms. ^Hon. Abraham Nott, Rep. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court, S. C, Columbia, S. C. '^Hon. Elisha Sterling, Sen. Ct., Salisbury, Ct. *E\\ Todd, M.D., C.A.S., Pres. Conn. Med. Soc, Physician Conn. Retreat, Hartford, Ct. Roger Whittelsey, Esq., Southington, Ct. 1788. *John Caulkins, JVew London, Ct. Rev. Calvin Chapin, S.T.D., Tut. & Fellow Y. C, Weihersfield, Ct. S5 10 *Davld Chapin, Springfield, Ms. Daniel Benedict Cooke, Esq., Clinton Mills, JV. Y. Rev. Moses Hallock, Plainfield, Ms. *Lucius Hubbard, Esq., Chester, Vt. William Johnson, LL.D., New York City. Hon. James Lanman, Sen. U. S. Cong., Judge Sup. Court. Ct., Norwich, Ct. Daniel Wadsworth Lewis, Esq., Geneva, N. Y. Hon. Jeremiah Mason, LL.D., Sen. U. S. Cong., Boston, Ms. Rev. Isaac Porter, Granhy, Ct. *Dr. Joseph Strong, Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. Daniel Waldo, Lebanon, Ct. Hon. John Woodworth, LL.D., Judge Sup. Court N. Y., Albany, N. Y. 1789. Rev. Dan Bradley, Marcellus, JV. F. *Rev. Joel Bradley, Ballston, N.Y, Rev. William Brown, Tioga, JV. Y. *Rev. Salmon Cone, Colchester, Ct. Rev. Giles Hooker Cowles, S.T.D., Austinhurg, Ohio, *Jonathan Walter Edwards, Esq., Tut. Y. C, C.A.S., ' Hartford, Ct. *Nathan Elliott, CatsUll, N. Y. William Gay, Esq., Suffield, Ct. *Rev. Asahel Hooker, Norwich, Ct. *Rev. Jonathan Osgood, Gardner, Ms. Hon. Elijah Payne, Sen. Ms., Ashfield, Ms. *Hon. John Thompson Peters, Judge Sup. Court Ct., Hartford, Ct. ^Stephen Pynchon, Esq., Brimfield, Ms. Hon. John Stearns, M. D., Pres. N. Y. Med. Soc, Sen. N. Y., New York City.
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