The Church Bells of the County and City of Lincoln by Thomas North File 06 – Pages 390 to 493 – Eagle to Kyme South This document is provided for you by The Whiting Society of Ringers visit www.whitingsociety.org.uk for the full range of publications and articles about bells and change ringing 390 Tlze Iuscriptious OIL tlze 2. r + u 6 J r m.er.sv.s ::oa ®V:Ft s~a::®er [ 0 IJ3· J ( Diam. 32 in.) 3· nil nun tbnt bente mu mamfnll sabnll npmt bdore nou lne in graunll 1633. ( Diam. 38 in.) For Stamps see page 107 and Plate XVI. The xst bell was previously inscribed:- Celorum Christe placeat tibi Rex sonus iste.* I , EAGLE. ALL SAINTS. 3 BELLS. 1. JESUS BE OVR SPEED 1727. ( Diam. 27! in. ) 2. J OHN COT TAM C.W. DANIEL HEDDERLY CAST ME 1727. ( Diam. 29 in. ) 3· DANIEL HEDDERLY CAST US 1727. ( Diam. 30! in. ; a large piece out of lip.) EAST FERRY. S. 1\IARY, I B ELL. 1. Blank. ( Diam. 12! in. ) This bell is only used for Divine Service ; passing, funeral, and marriage ringing for the inhabitants of East Ferry is at the Parish Churd1, Scotton. • liar/. MSS. 68lg, p. 337· Church Bells of Liucolusltire. 391 EASTVILLE. -? I BELL. This church, built in I8+o, has only one small bell. EDENIIAM. s. l\ItCHABL. 5 BELLS. r. THO~IAS ~1EARS FECIT 1832. ( Diam. 32 in.) 2, 3· RECAST r8o7. GEORGE PARKER CHURCHWARDEN T. l\IEARS & SON FECIT. ( Diams. 34, 36 in. ) 4· JOliN BACON ROBT ALLEN CHURCHWARDENS HENRY PENN l\IADE ME 1721. ( Diam. 39 in. ) 5· THOMAS DONCOl\IBE RECTOR 1636. THOMAS NORRIS MADE l\IE. ( Diam. 42 in.) In rs6s·6 the churchwardens reported that "the lytle sackering bell'' belonging to the church in Queen 1\fary's time was "defaced and mad away when sire Thomas Sharpeney being 1\linister J ohn Goodall and Simond Tebbe churche masters a• p'mo Elizabeth."* The bells here having been long out of order were rehung in 1874 with entirely new fittings by Messrs. Taylor and Son, of L oughborough, at the joint expense of Lady \Villoughby de Ercsby and the parishioners. The present tenor is traditionally said to have been made from the metal of a former bell brought from the neighbouring Abbey of Vaile-Dei, which formerly stood in Grimsthorpe Park. • Peacock's C/t. Fur. p. 75· 392 The Iuscriptions 011 the EDLINGTON. s. H ELEN. 3 BELLS AND A PRIEST 'S BELL. ( Diam. 30 in.) 2. IX1i.S .S...5lFHz.TUJ6 ~EHI;t:FlEf [ o 137. J ( Diam. 34 in.) 3· :o:.-f.s .s@fa :F> A V:EtEr [ o II2 o IIo o 137. J ( Diam. 37 in.) Pritst's Bell:- T L T F C \V 1670. ( Diam. I t1- in.) For Slamps sec P/(ltes XX. and XVI. In 1553 there were here "iij bells in the steple w' a sanct' bell."* Two of those hells still remain. ELKINGTON NORTH. s. HELEN. 1 BELL. 1. [ + 24 J 10X1lfi:l::m.:m.as [ o i<· J .sP..e~mt [ o * J ffi€3' [ o * J E6€JIW ( Diam. rg;} in.; *a flcm·-dc-lys.) l"or Stamp see page 71. ELKINGTON SOUTH. ALL SAI N TS. 3 BELLS. 1. .Santin :Kntnin:r 0ra )iDro :mobis [ Q 27 CJ 28 Q 29. ) ( Diam. 32-t in. ) • La11d Rrr'fll•lt Rtcor.ls, B unulc 139l, File 79. P. R. Off. Church Bells of Liucolushire. 393 2. .Sit x<!omcn :.:Gemini ;Btutbiclnm [ Q 29 o 28 Q 27.] ( Diam. 36! in.) 3· Inlonnl G"tdis ~Dt G'mnp;um .CO.itbadis [ Q 29 o 28 Q 27.] ( Diam. 39~ in. ) For Stamps see Plate III. These bells form an interesting and uniform set; the capital letters on the 3rd bell are crowned. ELSHAM. ALL SAINTS. 3 BELLS. r. SOLI DEO GLORIA W. S. [ o 167] 1664. ( Diam. 28 in.) z. [ 0 141 0 142 0 144 0 145·] ( Diam. 30 in.) 3· SOLI DEO GLORIA 1636. ( Diam. 33 in. ) For Stamps see Plates XXIV. and XXI. ENDERBY BAG. S. MARGARET. r BELL AND A PRIEsT's BELL. I. [ + 41 ] .s<3J...?;L .co. A::m. <§>.Jfo.I.:m. @~JPl_ @ :rl.Ji:I. ::e>no :m.o:ox.s ( Diam. 34 in. ) Priest's Bell :- Blank. ( Diam. 13 in.) For Stamp see Plate VI. ln 1552, when the Inventory of Church Goods belonging to this 3 c 394 The 1uscrif>lions 011 Ihe parish was tlrawn up, the following entries were made as to the bells and their ,·alue :- Itm ij grete bells ................................................ vjli. iijs. iiijd. Itm one sanclus bell............................................. vs. Itm ij hand bells .. .. ... ... ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... xxd.* The present bell is one of the two bells then hanging. It is probably coeval with the erection of the church and tower by Albini de E nderby, who died in the year qo7. His memorial brass is still in the church. ENDERBY MAVIS. S. 1\1 tCHAEL. 3 BELLS. z. ABR,\HAl\I FREESTON RECTOR TOBIE NORRIS CAST 1\IE x688. ( Diam. 264 in.) 2. jA:.\IES HARRISO~ FOUNDER B:\RTO~ x8xg. ( Diam. 29 in.) 3· [ + n6] .ffiissi Bt a·clis :Eil~ lQomm &ubritlis ( Q rrg. ] ( Diam. 32 ~ in.) For Stamps see page 107 and Plate XVIII. In I 553 there were here " i ij great belles one Sanctus bell. "t The ReY. Abraham Freeston (see 1st bell) was instituted as Rector in 1685; he ,,-as buried at \\"est Keal on 2-J.th August, 1727 . .~ ENDERBY \VOOD. S. BENEDICT. I BELL. I. [ + 66 ] .Sanda ,ffiuri:t. ( Diam. 25 ~ in. ) For Stamp see Plate VIII. • Lt111J Rr:mwe Rrrords, Bunule 1392, t E x;h. Q. R. Church Goods Li11c. l:r File 7S, P. R. Off. P. R Off. Clturclt Bells of LincoLnslzir·e. 3')5 EP\VORTH. s. ANDRE\\. 6 Ber.r.s. 11 3, 5· ]Al\IES HARRISON OF BARTON-UPO~-HUUBER FOUNDER x813. ( Dihms. 36, 41, 48 in.) 2, 4· !813. ( Diams. 39, 43 in.) 6. REVD CALEY ILLI~GWORTH DD. ARCHDEACO:N OF STOW RECTOR. JOHN SAMPSON A~D BELTO}; BUTTRICK CHURCHWARDENS JA~IES HARRISO~ OF BARTON FOUNDER r813. ( Diam. 54 in.: note C., all without canons; very wide and thin.) In 1553 there were "iiij gret Belles j santus bell " belonging to Epworth.* In 1566 the churchwardens reported that "a handbell '' belonging to the church in Queen l\Iary's time had been sold.t The present bells were hung in x8x4 having been previously weighed, it is said, on a sycamore tree growing near the belfry door : the record of the weights is lost. The Epworth people are proud of their tenor bell, and say "no other bell nearer than the one in York Cathedral which rings out the tenor C." But competent critics say that owing to their great thinness of metal, the bells here are not to be compared with the neighbouring ring at Haxey, which are cast on the old plan. The Rev. Cayley Illingworth, D.D., F.S.A.; Archdeacon of Stow, Rector of this parish (see 6th bell), was also Rector of Scampton (of which parish he wrote a Topographical Accottut) and Vicar of Stainton. He died at Scampton on the 28th August, 1823, in the 65th year of his age.t • Exch. g. R. Ci111rclr Goc.ls Li11c. -,;''!,. t See a short l\Iemoir of him in P. R. orr. Gmt. Mag. Vol. XCIII. Part 2 (r8zJ). p. t Peacock's Cit. Fut. p. 76. 279. The Inscriptiolls on tlze EVEDON. 5. 11.\RY, 3 BELLS. 1. \\ E PRASE THE 0 GOD t7-J.5· ( Diam. 27 in.) 2. I ACK~O\\"LED G THE TO BE THE LORD I745· ( Diam : 29 in. ) 3· GOD SAVE HIS CH\'RCH 1745. ( Diam. 32 in.) These Bells were cast by Hedderly of Nottingham. In 1566 the churchwardens reported that "one hand bell," which belonged to this church in Queen l\Iary's time, was" sold to a brasier . in an no pmo Elizabeth e." t:· E \VERBY. s. ANDREW. 4 BELLS AND a PRIEST's BELL. 1. HEl\RY PE~N FYSOH.E 1710. ( Diam. 38 in.) 2. [ + II6] :I:X""'i6.SV.S [ o nS] ;G@' [ 0 n8) 01TU [ 0 118] .s:pe·:oe [:Eli .0 0 0 149 and rso. J ( Diam. 39 ! in.) 3· JOH:\ BULLDIAN WM TIN DA LE CII\V ARDENS T. OSBORN DOWNHA:\I NORFOLK FECIT ( Diam. Ht in.) 1-· [ + 1 r6 J .11J.l!.:J1: J1-ft.l_ v:r)e· Ja:ffi::B> :P:::Gt.AIS& :sa 1TYHI;:"0 ee::o .l?l...Th)~AISE. 1616 [ 0 113·] ( Diam. +7 in.) • Peacock's Ch. Fur. p. 77· Church Bells of Lincolnshire. 397 Priest's Bell:- Blank (?) For Stamps see pages 107, 108, and 123, and Plate XVI. In 1566 the churchwardens reported that " ij hand belles" which belonged to this church in Queen Mary's time had been sold to one Cuthbert a pewterere of lincoln in the begyii}g of lent."* FALDINGvVORTH. ALL SAINTS. 3 BELLS AND A PRIEST's BEt:.L. r. ~ g~~~ ~ (+ 140) 5 ( + IfO) .S ( + 140) }$ ( Diam. 31t in.) 2. C. & G. MEARS FOUNDERS LONDON 1854. ( Diam. 331! in. ) 3· I. C. T. H. R. B. JESVIH BE "t~IY SPEED. W. OSBORN c.w. 1733· ( Diam. 38 in.) Priest's Bell:- Blank. ( Diam. 15 in. ) For Stamps see Plate XV. and pages rr4 and n8. The 2nd bell was pre\'iously inscribed:- Jesvs be my spede !591. FARFO,RTH. s. PETER. 1 BELL. I. Blank. ( Diam. 14 in.) • Peacock's Cl" Fur.
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