ALABAMA A&M AND AUBURN UNIVERSITIES Greenhouse Production ANR-1106 of Zonal Geranium n spring and summer, potted Greenhouse Sanitation red geraniums on the front I Years ago, growers retained steps or plants around the mail- plants selected from the seasonal box are a common sight crops to use as stock plants for throughout America. Geraniums the next season. Cuttings were rank number one in terms of taken in winter, rooted, and units sold among flowering pot- maintained under minimum con- ted plants and number three in ditions until early spring for forc- terms of wholesale value. The ing. Several events caused a exact origin of geraniums drastic change in this procedure. (Pelargonium x hortorum) is For one thing, the economics unknown, but they probably of greenhouse space utilization resulted from intercross- combined with the develop- ing between several ment of the “fast-cropping” species native to South method made the old proce- Africa, including P. dures impractical. Major crop zonale, P. inquinans, P. losses from serious systemic scandens, and P. fruteto- diseases such as bacterial blight rum. (Xanthomonus perargonii) and The traditional geranium has Verticillium wilt have also red flowers and green foliage changed cultural practices. and is grown in 4- or 6-inch Because there are no chemical pots. These plants, marketed protectants or cures for these mostly from early April into diseases, the crop must be de- June, make up the bulk of the stroyed once infected. potted-plant market. The flower Today, vegetative material color mix traditionally preferred comes almost exclusively from by customers is 45 percent red, In addition to choosing specialized propagators who use 30 percent salmon, 15 percent which flower colors and contain- culture-indexing and other labo- pink, and 10 percent white. er sizes to market, growers have ratory procedures to eliminate However, customers often want a number of other procedures to systemic organisms such as vas- different container sizes, differ- follow and considerations to cular wilt, bacteria, viruses, and ent flower and foliage colors, keep in mind, including the fol- fungi. Purchasing culture-in- and cultivars that perform in ei- lowing: dexed, clean materials is essen- ther sun or partial shade. They • Keeping the greenhouse sani- tial for successful zonal gerani- also want cultivars suited to tized to avoid disease um production. However, large open gardens, planterARCHIVE• Selecting cultivars because the culture-indexing boxes, window sills, or hanging • Making propagation choices process does not alter resistance baskets. The most popular con- or susceptibility to pathogens, tainer sizes are 3-inch pots, 4- to • Managing stock plants plants can still become infected 41⁄2-inch pots, and 6- to 61⁄2-inch • Using the “fast-cropping” if exposed to diseases during pots. A few zonal geranium cul- method production. The success or fail- tivars that have recently become ure of a production program for available perform well in hang- geraniums therefore depends on ing baskets. employees’ strict adherence to Visit our Web site at: www.aces.edu and awareness of sanitation! Use Effective sanitation for gera- tings in-house can order unroot- the following rules to keep your niums requires that management ed cuttings for less than what greenhouse sanitized: commit to establishing a certain rooted cuttings cost. • Steam or chemically treat all state of mind or awareness pots, flats, media, etc. that may among employees. This involves Stock Plant Production come in contact with plants. instructing everyone to treat Geranium stock plants are • Ensure that growing medium areas in which geraniums are handled as “clean areas.” Train generally a long-term crop, so is pathogen free. Store media in care should be taken in media disinfected containers or bins. employees from the first day to recognize plant problems, where selection and cultural practice. • Be sure the greenhouse is these problems orginate, how Rooted cuttings for stock plants clean and free of weeds, pests, they spread, and what employee are generally potted into con- and plant debris before planting. behaviors are appropriate within tainers from 6-inch pots to • Use raised benches with sur- clean areas to prevent problems bushel-basket sizes containing a faces that are easy to sanitize. from spreading. Monitor these well-drained, well-aerated, peat- • Disinfect benches, walkways, areas closely to determine the lite medium that does not com- sidewalls, etc. between crops. effectiveness of training. pact and that decomposes slow- • Disinfect irrigation systems, ly. Growers may choose to purchase a commercially pre- such as drip emitters and water Cultivar Selection breakers, between crops. pared medium or mix their own. Cultivar selection for zonal For a mix-your-own, pulverized • Isolate geranium production geraniums is often very market dolomitic limestone (to a pH of steps from other crops. driven. However, for greenhouse 5.8 to 6.5), superphosphate, and • Do not put anything that falls production, consider flower ear- micronutrients in the fritted form on the floor back on the bench. liness, flower and plant unifor- are added at the time of mixing. • Hang hose ends and water mity within a cultivar or series, Watering is usually done breakers—do not let them touch reasonable bench spacing for the using an automatic system, often the floor. market circumstances, minimal microtube watering. Stock plants • Enter the stock plant area only growth retardant use, and a are typically given full sun, except with clean clothes and hands. broad range of flower colors. A during the summer to reduce heat • Wear disposable gloves when list of zonal geranium cultivars in the greenhouse. Stock plants handling stock plants or cuttings. suitable for greenhouse produc- are frequently fertilized using a • Never dip cuttings in solutions tion in the Southeast is included fertilizer tank mix rather than or powders. at the end of this publication. commercial fertilizer so that nutri- • Avoid moving or touching ent levels can be adjusted based media or pots unnecessarily. Crop-Starting Options on monthly soil tests. Start fertiliz- ing at constant liquid feed of 250 • Avoid practices that might Two propagation options are parts per million (ppm) nitrogen splash or move media from the widely used by geranium grow- and potassium. floor to the bench tops or pots. ers. The first option is to pur- Media testing and tissue • Do not put your feet on the chase “clean” cuttings of named analysis are important compo- bench! cultivars for growing stock plants from which cuttings are taken nents in maintaining adequate • Limit and supervise casual visi- fertility for geranium stock tors. for production. The second op- tion is to purchase rooted cut- plants. Test every 2 to 4 weeks • Train employees to recognize tings of named cultivars from during production. Send samples and properly dispose of suspect specialized propagators. The de- from each planting to the Soil plants. cision to grow stock plants and Testing Laboratory, Auburn • Remove all weeds withinARCHIVE the carry out propagation in-house University, Alabama, or to a greenhouse and within 30 feet versus ordering rooted cuttings commercial laboratory. Table 1 outside the greenhouse. is largely an economic one and lists specific recommendations To sanitize equipment, soak depends on the size of the oper- for tissue analysis nutrient levels. it in a 10 percent hospital disin- ation, the space and facilities If one or more nutrients fall out- fectant solution for 60 minutes available, and the skill of the or a 10 percent household growing team. Some suppliers bleach solution for 30 minutes. have recently provided a third option. Growers who have the facilities and want to root cut- 2 Table 1. Zonal Geranium Foliar Analysis Nutrient Level Ranges Propagation Nutrient Percentage Nutrient ppm Cuttings Nitrogen 3.3 to 4.8 Boron 30 to 100 Phosphorus 0.4 to 0.7 Copper 7 to 16 Harvest cuttings early in the Potassium 2.5 to 4.5 Iron 100 to 300 morning, preferably by snapping Calcium 1.0 to 2.0 Manganese 40 to 150 them off manually. It is impor- Magnesium 0.2 to 0.7 Zinc 10 to 50 tant to break the cuttings evenly, with no jagged edges. If you use side of these ranges, take correc- Multiplication Stock a knife, make sure it is sharp, tive steps promptly so that the Production and sterilize it with disinfectant plant growth rate is not adverse- after cutting each stock plant. This method requires smaller ly affected. Make terminal cuttings about 2 containers, usually 6-inch pots, to 3 inches long (larger is not The objective of a geranium and a shorter production time. better) with two maturing leaves. stock plant program is to gener- Pot rooted cuttings in November Remove any basal leaves and ate all the cuttings possible at a or December, and remove, root, petioles that may end up below time when they are needed for and pot cuttings as they become the soil line. In cases where cut- finished production. The two available. Continue to take cut- ting material may be limited, sin- methods of stock plant manage- tings from all plants, and use gle-eye cuttings can be used. A ment that are commonly em- early cuttings as additional stock stem may be divided into several ployed are conventional stock plants. By early spring, you can single-eye cuttings composed of production and multiplication obtain a 1 to 40 (original cuttings an internode and node with at- stock production. to final cuttings) increase in tached leaf and dormant lateral plants with this method. This bud. Single-eye cuttings require Conventional Stock may be the most efficient use of 2 to 3 weeks longer to reach a Production greenhouse space for small- to flowering stage. Using this method, you can medium-sized growers and re- pot cuttings into large or small quires no special skills in devel- Rooting Medium oping stock plants.
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