10 TIIF MORNING OREGONIAN. MONDAY. MARCII ,2, 1914. the $509 and the receipts, according to their fthev touched him fnr k!t hltw and five name straightened out and made standing the end of the tourney. runs. usual announcement. it House, a pitcher from the NOT FOR ' "Rehg battiug for Adams." CLEAN BASEBALL HARD SWIM FATAL E IS HOLDOUT; ...recruited BERGER ' 11-- Central Association, twirled the fifth, "That is another boot you have OREGOMAS BEAT ZEBRAS, 3 sixth and seventh innings and Kills made Ump. I am going to get a hit Johnson, from the Racine, Wis., club, for myself," said Rehg. He made Gene Rich, .Playing "Star Game for the last two. Johnson is a giant, with good his threat with a single. CAViLL FIXED a world of speed. He fanned six of SERAPHS, IS REPORT Last year he pulled one at the ex- GILIRE'S ORDER TO ARTHUR J JUMP PRICE Winners; injured. the seven batters who faced him. pense of George McBrlde, that at first was an- made the brilliant shortstop sore, and The fourth straight victory PLEASANTON, Cal., March 1. (Spe- then on second thought made him nexed by --the Oregonia Club basketball cial.) Manager' Devlin, of th6 Oaks, laugh. Rehg was coaching at third, team against the Zebras yesterday. The was kept busy today, taking part in when an unusually difficult grounder winners scored 11 points-t- the Zebras' the first practice game of the training Angel was hit to MBride's right. Off with Ex-Wor- 3. was played on the Jew- Shortpatcher Is Federal President Says That ld; in The match First Baseman Asks $30,000 ' assembling Former. Champion Dies ish" Boys' Athletic Club floor. Gene season. Before the of his the crack of the bat McBride made a athletes on . the Niles Creek diamond wonderful stop of the ball, but really Rich, who starred for the Oregonia to telegrams Highly Esteemed by Chi- never League Will Tolerate No Effort: to TCross Seattle team," sustained an injury in ylng to and Bonus of $5000 he with in had a chance to throw the man by which the name of Centerfielder Elmer out at first After making the stop, shoot a basket and he was relieved Zacher figured prominently. there cago Newspapermen. McBrlde 'Juggle Rough Tactics on Field. of , Sign Outlaw Contract. First continued to the ball Harbor 3 Miles. Goldsmith. Schanedllng scored all but a telegram Hogan per- two points for the. Winers, and Qtiinn came from "Hap" after the manner of a vaudeville threw the only field basket for his side. offering to trade Carlisle for the slug- former. He just seemed unable to - ging gardener. hold it. After batting it around sev- The lineup: ; A second telegram was from Walter eral times, Rehg from his coaching Zebras (3) ' . ' Oregonia (11 Day ...'....'.F.i, r..; Schanedling- - McCredle, of 'the Beavers. The Port- STORM'S .SEVERITY IS TOLD position at third yelled: RULES MAY BE CHANGED DEATH "CAUSED BY COLD Holzman F.'. ... .M. Gevurtz FEDERALS WANT WOLTER land manager went even farther than "Grab it by the handle." Triechel i . .C. ... H. Gevurtz Hogan and offered his star twirler, Qulnn a..;. ..Rich. Goldsmith Higginbothan and an outfielder for VANCOUVER HAS FIXE FIELD Hanson .G. Slchel, Krause Zacher. This proposition also wad IX LEAD turned down. Will Appear to MICHIGAN SHOOTERS Itiglitfleldcr Sold to Los Angeles by Gus HetUng came in tonight and will Koscoe Fawcctt and Bride Find Athletic Grounds at High School Well Umpires at Training Australian .Who Was Virt Man get into a uniform tomorrow. Traveling Rough at Santa Bar-ba- ra Equipped and Beautiful. Camps" to Help Players Inter- Swim Golden Gate Loses Life in Arizona Defaults to Oregon Aggies in New York Americans Has Xot Put The Regulars won today by a score of 5 to 3. Pitchers Killilay, Ramey and VANCOUVER, Wash., March 1. (Spe- pret Laws Sweeney . ' May and Boat Takes Place Ed Is Unsuccessful , Try in Cold Intercollegiate Match. Xamfe on Contrast and Loomis showed themselves to be about of Train as Conveyance, cial.) The Vancouver High School has Negotiating With Stovall. Water of Pugct Sound. WASHINGTON, March 1. Michigan Play With Xew League. ready for the real play. the best athletic track and grounds Agricultural College la leading Class A in this part of the state. Nearly $5000 HOUSTON, March 1 Twenty-eig- ht has been expended in building an oval members of the New York American laps to the mile, with grid- League today to begin track five arrived here BV ROSCOE FAWCETT. iron and baseball diamond contained CHICAGO. March 1. (Specials-Presid- ent 1. 1. (Special.) Hal (Spe-ciaD-- SEATTLE, Wash.. March Arthur SAN JOSE, March LSpring training. Most of them came LOS ANGELES. Cal., March 1. If within, and beautifying the grounds Gilmore. of the Federil of the Chicago irom ine .cast in cnarge oi scout. Ar- ball-owne- rs Cavill, the Australian swimmer who Chase, first baseman manager, the Los Angeles around the 1100.000 High School. League, laid down the law to his pros- was the first man to swim the Golden White Sox. is a holdout, and it was thur Irwin. Frank Chance, expect to wait for Joe Berger to bol- Concrete bleachers have been built pective managers today in an informal answered sC accompanied by Mrs. Chance, also ar- the Seraphs' infield, they'll delay and an eye to beauty was kept in lay Gate at San Francisco, and who was learned today that he has rived from Glendora, Cal. ster meeting at the Federal offices. recognized as swimmer request from the Federal League to until all the burrs have been swabbed ing out the grounds. Thousands of Gathered around the new league 1S95 to 1900, died name his terms with a demand for out of Harry Lauder's thorax. rose bushes, vines, shrubs and various chief were Joe Tinker, manager of tins of the world from $30,000 years and a bonus of NEW ORLEANS, March 1. Five This is. sentiment in, the camp kinds of flowers have been planted. Chicago club; Mordecai Brown, of exhaustion today soon after he had for three members of the Cleveland Americans, the of St. water an $5000 for signing a contract. Chase, of the Chicago White Sox, whose spe- In the rear of the building are two Louis: Doc Gessler, of Pittsburg; Georgi; been taken from the after many Shortstop Chapman, Pitchers Gregg and rain-soake- d be - at) Hal, for cial came to the sur- basketball and tennis courts, one Stovall, of Kansas City: I?ill Thilipps. unsuccessful attempt to swim- across long known Prince train v years considered the greatest first Dilllnger. Catcher Billings and Trainer face in LOs Angeles early in the week, ing of concrete. of Indianapolis: Larry Shaflay. of Buf- the Seattle harbor, a distance of three probably Hitte, left tonight for Athens, Ga.. the Spring camp Bradley, baseman in the world, will k, en route to the training falo; Bill of somewhere not miles. club's training camp. Pitchers Hove-li- ascertained, Ned subbing Cavill started from the west side of not be In the lineup here tomorrow Hinton, Hall, Morton, Benn, Knesel at Paso Robles. and Hanlon. bay was swimming toward a because of his uncertain status, when The former Angel shortpatcher is for Otto Knabe, of Baltimore. the and Sox play exhibi- and Frost, and Catchers Shields and regarded as quite some player by the SCORES ARE GOOD Mr. Gilmore pointed out the fact pier at the foot of Spring street, on j the White their first Crosby will leave for Americus, Ga., MP that the central waterfront. j tion game against Santa Clara Univer- Tuesday. Chicago newspapermen, and none of inasmuch as the new league was sity at Luna Park. them is willing to release Joe Berger launching a campaign for recognition Water Cold, Wind Strong. pL Harry Wolter. right- - fielder of the to Los Angeles, at least untlT he has in opposition to organized baseball, it The water was cold and a strons New york Americans last year, who first consulted Callahan and Comis-ke- y. KENTON SL'XDAV SHOOT ATTRACTS behooved the managers to see to it that wind and adverse currents took hlin has been sold to Los Angeles but has only "clean" baseball is put on. Presi- out of his course, so that he swam not signed, also is negotiating with the UNION CIRCUIT IS FASTER "He has only Blackburn to fight MORI3 THAI 30 MARKSMF.X. dent Gilmore made it clear that he fully four miles in the hour and ten Federals. against for the second sack," ventured would have full control of the league miutes he was In the water. He was "Kid" Gleason, the veteran in charge, and that his umpires would be in- rap-boa- High Man Among followed by a launch and a TESREAi; SIGN'S 3 YEARS "and, should he fall to win there, it D. Holohan Amateur, structed to run the games from the which stood by to give assistance. MANAGERS EXPECT BETTER BALL is probable Joo will be carried With 8 F. Dryden field. He said he would not stand for Cavill was only 500 yards from that Per'Cent, and any rowdyism, any When AND SI ORE DIVIDENDS. for utility purposes. He Is a handy and declared that the finish, where a large crowd bad Malty and Snodsrass Reach Marlin man to 'have hanging around." Beat Professional, With 05. man found guilty of unsportsmanlike assembled, those in the rowboat saw The Sox had a. terrible time of it tactics would be from tho him quit , the powerful stroke with v for Spring Training.
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