systems CommunicationCommunication AA SystemsSystems ApproachApproach toto EstablishingEstablishing anan AdvancedAdvanced ManufacturingManufacturing InnovationInnovation InstituteInstitute GregoryGregory HarrisHarris ** andand Lauren Lauren Caudle Caudle Industrial & Systems Engineering Department, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA Industrial & Systems Engineering Department, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-334-844-1407 * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-334-844-1407 Received:Received: 3030 JuneJune 2019;2019; Accepted:Accepted: 1313 AugustAugust 2019;2019; Published:Published: 16date August 2019 Abstract:Abstract: SystemsSystems engineeringengineering is aa methodologymethodology wherewhere anan interdisciplinaryinterdisciplinary approachapproach isis applied,applied, usingusing systemssystems thinking, thinking to, theto developmentthe development of asystem of a system of interest. of interest The systems. The engineeringsystems engineering discipline hasdiscipline emerged has as emerged an effective as an way effective to guide way the to engineering guide the ofengineering complex systems, of complex but hassystems been, appliedbut has mostbeen readilyapplied inmost the realmreadily of in cyber the realm physical of cyber systems. physical In some systems. circles In of some the Federalcircles of Government, the Federal theGovernment mention of, the systems mention engineering of systems processes engineering immediately processes leads immediately people to thinkleads ofpeople a long, to inethinkfficient of a elong,ffort dueinefficient to an often effort applied due bureaucraticto an often approach,applied bureaucratic where the focus approach is on documentation, where the focus rather is than on thedocumentation development ra ofther the than system the ofdevelopment interest, which of the comes system from of ainterest, view that which the comes product from of the a view systems that engineeringthe product eofff ortthe issystems the document, engineering not effort the system is the itself.document, In this not paper, the system the authors itself. In describe this paper the, applicationthe authorsof describe systems the thinking application and the of systems thinking engineering and process the systems to the engineering design and creationprocess to of the an Advanceddesign and Manufacturing creation of an InnovationAdvanced InstituteManufacturing (MII, part Innovation of the National Institute Network (MII, part for Manufacturingof the National Innovation)Network for established Manufacturing under In Departmentnovation) established of Defense under (DoD) Department authority for of the Defense Office of(DoD) the President,authority thatfor the was Office swift, of effi thecient, President and implemented, that was swift, without efficient formality., and implemented without formality. Keywords:Keywords: digitaldigital manufacturing;manufacturing; NationalNational NetworkNetwork forfor ManufacturingManufacturing Innovation;Innovation; advancedadvanced manufacturingmanufacturing institutes;institutes; organizationalorganizational design;design;systems systems thinking;thinking;systems systems engineeringengineering process process 1.1. IntroductionIntroduction InIn thethe 20th20th century,century, thethe U.S.U.S. waswas thethe worldworld leaderleader inin manufacturingmanufacturing andand innovation.innovation. However, asas thethe centurycentury endedended andand companiescompanies soughtsought quick profitsprofits byby ooffff-shoring-shoring andand out-sourcing,out-sourcing, the U.S. beganbegan toto lose lose its its ability ability to to innovate. innovate. This Th trendis trend progressed progressed to the to pointthe point that inthat 2009, in The2009 Economist, The Economist wrote anwrote article an announcingarticle announcing the death the of death manufacturing of manufacturing in the U.S. in [1the]. ByU.S. 2102, [1]. aBy re-emphasis 2102, a re- onemphasis advanced on manufacturing,advanced manufacturing, digital capabilities digital andcapabilities innovation and resulted innovation in that resulted same publication in that same announcing publication the renaissanceannouncing of the manufacturing, renaissance of andmanufacturing, by extension, and innovation by extension, [2] (Figure innovation1). [2] (Figure 1). FigureFigure 1.1. DramaticDramatic changechange inin manufacturingmanufacturing outlook.outlook. Systems 2019, 7, x; doi: FOR PEER REVIEW www.mdpi.com/journal/systems Systems 2019, 7, 41; doi:10.3390/systems7030041 www.mdpi.com/journal/systems Systems 2019, 7, 41 2 of 14 In 2012, at the direction of President Obama, the Administration launched an initiative focused on strengtheningSystems 2019, 7, thex FORinnovation, PEER REVIEW performance, competitiveness, and job-creating power2 of 14 of U.S. manufacturing.In 2012, This at initiative,the direction called of President the National Obama, Network the Administration for Manufacturing launched an Innovationinitiative focused (NMII, now brandedon as strengthening Manufacturing the USA,innovation, Figure performance,2), was to establishcompetitiveness, a network and ofjob regionally-creating power focused of U.S. advanced manufacturingmanufacturing. innovation This initiative, institutes called as public–private the National Network partnerships for Manufacturing (PPP), while Innovation collectively (NMII forming, a sustainablenow nationalbranded as manufacturing Manufacturing USA, innovation Figure 2), engine was to toestablish develop a network and scale of regional critically manufacturing focused advanced manufacturing innovation institutes as public–private partnerships (PPP), while technologies [3]. collectively forming a sustainable national manufacturing innovation engine to develop and scale Incritical the 2013 manufacturing State of the technologies Union address, [3]. President Obama outlined a plan to strengthen the middle classIn plus the 2013 reignite State America’sof the Union engineaddress, of President economic Obama growth outlined through a plan advancedto strengthen manufacturing the middle [4]. This initiativeclass plus required reignitea America’s combination engine of of e ffeconomicorts to revive growth innovation, through advanced encourage manufacturing commercialization [4]. This and create ainitiative skilled andrequired engaged a combination workforce. of efforts Restoring to revive the innovation, U.S. as a magnetencourage for com advancedmercialization manufacturing, and and equippingcreate a skilled Americans and engaged with theworkforce. requisite Restoring skills the to performU.S. as a magnet these for jobs, advanced would manufacturing ensure a robust, and and equipping Americans with the requisite skills to perform these jobs, would ensure a robust and growing middle class. growing middle class. Figure 2.FigureMII 2 network:. MII network: Orange—Pilot Orange—Pilot Institute; Institute; Blue—MIIsBlue—MIIs established established later; later; White White - DMDII, - DMDII, LIFT, LIFT, and Powerand AmericaPower America were were all being all being developed developed at at thethe same time time (2013 (2013–2014)–2014) [5]. [5]. The President’s plan to revitalize the manufacturing sector included “partnering with businesses The President’s plan to revitalize the manufacturing sector included “partnering with businesses and communities to invest in American-made technologies and American workers through a and communitiesnetwork of toManufacturing invest in American-made Innovation Institutes technologies (MIIs)” [4 and]. These American institutes workers would have through regional a network of Manufacturingemphasis, but Innovation a national mission, Institutes bridging (MIIs)” the [ 4gap]. These between institutes applied research would haveand commercialization regional emphasis, but a nationalthrough mission, a PPP bridging of industry, the academic gap between institutions, applied and research Federal agencies. and commercialization The institutes would through focus a PPP of industry,on key academic technology institutions, areas that andencourage Federal investment agencies. and The production institutes in would the U.S. focus The onMIIs key would technology areas thatprovide encourage an opportunity investment for education and production and training in the of students U.S. The and MIIs workers would, plus provide provide an shared opportunity assets to help companies gain access to cutting-edge capabilities and equipment to design, test, and for educationpilot new and products training and ofmanufacturing students and processes workers, [6]. plus provide shared assets to help companies gain accessThe to cutting-edge President initially capabilities called upon and the equipmentDepartment of to Defense design, (DoD) test, andto initiate pilot the new effort, products and and manufacturingusing a processesmulti-agency, [6 ].whole-of-government approach, the DoD established the NNMI’s Pilot TheInstitute President in August initially 2012, called now upon branded the as Department “America Makes” of Defense, which (DoD) focuses to on initiate advancing the e ffadditiveort, and using a multi-agency,manufacturing whole-of-government technologies [7]. After approach, the stand-up the of DoD the pilot established MII, and building the NNMI’s upon its Pilot success, Institute in the Administration requested additional topics to be considered for new MIIs. The President directed August 2012, now branded as “America Makes”, which focuses
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