lin II 4% WO rmaiion; Spartan Daily IRIiNTATION San Jose State College WIENCES Vol. 40 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY EFTEMBER 26, 1951 No. 2 ? MINING APpik More Than 6600 Register (0144) At SJS for Fall Quarter CAL 41,atidao Iliprtt bibs 1t11' 111 Total is 1 College to Accelerate 'Ilion Expect : 151 Drui all Down - totaled Student Placement ...iii at 2 47+ . csterday MOre Jul... for re students (111:11 II is ale established, applies ..t.. ,.:i. iienn Guttc.-s".,’n ac- and gradual... is the goal of the lions for permanent positions will ...tintinr Whirr. rodatid -May. I IONE PEDERSEN. "MISS CALIFORNIA" of 1949, is shoun get- enlarged placement program in- colitimi. to be taken at the pres- 1 This tig.ire, he said. g; 4:0 shot.' ting directions for registration as a junior public relations and social augurated M San Jose State .ot ottice TN. Di an 'if, 62,1 V. Illeh Nliss Vir.i., Palm,I. science major. Since San Jose State college has long been reputed college uilh the beginning, of Olt . v.ull c,na mu, , I,, .....,,,.. nivel v..11111;0,11 pull. to have the most beautiful uomen on California campuses... its 94th %ear. Ilandl, applications hal i...11-!::nt ..:,m It is. iao..,er, 41st California's" presence enhances that reputation. and tempaarary employ nu to iess than th, 1950 tall tau.rter en- photo by Zimmerman Will Keep Complete Records , i oilmen I, he added. pies... d. ' Miss The itew Placement ...Inc.,. will "We %ter- quite Not Blue Monday base in its file complete reeords of Palmer said, "to noti; *oat the all pivsent and forriar students 1 dratt ditto', Idttei (11i1- . rollm. nt interested in innployment while in las moch as expected I . 1 h. end college. The office also tt ill lake the applications of those SIY`killr. California Queen I.M111(1\ rnent alter graduation and will try to find utak tor ohiii, they are especiall qualified. Ea. I; applicant tor employment will Registers at SIS screened by thi use oi aptitud. and interest tests, personal Intel Five feet three and one-half Miss Pedersen used dramatics as has oh trained counselors and inches of queenly pulchritude, in her stepping stone to the state .'aluiaIuon of recommendations the personage of 1949's "Miss Cali- title and fourth place in Atlantic ' former employers and facui. fornia" registered for classes in City. members. Spartanville early Monday morn- *The office is Kinnard% to ing. ser%e the stud.nts, anal the best T h e blue-eyed - honey -blonde. Big Attends %%a% to Set-% them is to ha%e Crowd Miss Jone Pedersen of SgntsilliGisc& adequate 101), 3% :Wahl.. %then is a junior and plans to major in the% come in. I plan to do this public relations and social science. egtstration I,, outside Contact with lousiness Dance Miss California of two years houses in the root:nowt% ." sO A ago comes to San Jose State col- "well-mannered" crowd of DR. V. A. OUELLETTE Dr. Ouellette. VIOLA PALMER lege after a year in Santa Rosa approximately 2,000 opened the Inforniation he ref:NA% t.s be lot junior college and a year in social season at the Civic auditor- Under this plan, the colleg.' the week. the',cc :I ;.rohatily ium at attain.. to heads of arious de- ' Stephens college for girls in Mis- Monday night with the Reg- employing a new placement off losr he enough lintited -it rec- istration dance partments who are also interested istered to raise the t. t. to souri. She attended the Missouri and student -fac- whose duties will be coordinated ulty reception, Cliff Lindsey, social in finding emplo3-ment for their proximat..ly ti900 girls' college via a $1500 scholar- with those of Miss Doris Robinson, graduates. affairs chairman, said yesterday. ship she won for placing fourth in who has been placement director. Admissions office ti: s show To Improve Office the Miss America contest in At- Following the reception the stu- She will continue to fa. in charge ;an increase of ot.'11 as -It is my Silleere r141./T, T.1 rnahr th.it lantic City in the summer of 1949. dents and faculty danced to the of placing ,tractuat., in teaching !number cut 'lei% stud. ,-. vented this office a SerViee :,CY Jonc, the only daughter of a music of Howard Fredericks and positions. tor ' this quartet .. t Santa Rosa furniture dealer, also his Band present and former studards and of Gold. The nett placement officer. quarter. made the cover of Life magazine one of the best of the Pullet:late Dr. Vernon .11. Ouellette, will Largest em Am. Tit -le in 1948 when a photographer dis- Highlight of the evening was a , type on the Pacific Coast." Dr supertise the placing of grad- histort cam. I Itl49, covered her on Stinson beach. She "Flea Hop" by ASB President 1.ud Ouellette said. Spolyar, in answer to uate-. in business and technical when 8,019 studesiik red was pictured running with a fawn a challenge The new placiment folic.- is of his dancing ability compared to positions and part-time arid (if the ti,iiciai stai.i.nt along the edge of the water. a graduate of San Francisco State gtstered, that temporary employment. are St it.' of Stanford's ASH prexy, college. 1-fe received his M.A. and 5,659 students The queenly Miss Pedersen, who Lindsey added. stu- The three fields, teacher, busi- Ph.D. degrees at Stanford uni- and 747 ill.' .111111,O 're measures up to 3612, 25. 36'2, is dents not engaged, but she wears a dia- Patrons for the dance, in addition , ness and technical, and part-time versity, and has taught at Fresno mond that is almost one-half carat, to the regular faculty, were Dean placement, will be directed from State college and at the Menlo Th.. beg's!, ’ divided a prize for winning the Miss Cali- and Mrs. Stanley C. Benz, Miss one office, which will be in the School of Business. During 1Vorld into State coheg. 4.792; vets, fornia title. She also won an Izetta Pritchard, Dean Helen Dim- rooms formerly occupied by the War II he served as a Navy u - State college abundance of clothing and acces- mick and Dr. H. Murray Clark. registrar's office. Until the new tenant in the Pacific tl- ;der college non-tets, 654 Junior sories from the sponsors of the college vets, CA state contest. A few students a -!:ntie to Since all the contestants were ' register today and torn..., 'ow, Mr. required to exhibit some sort ot Guttormsen said. hut tr, i-itai a ill Lv a bathingenttidessulii)it:olcz: a e Part in At Least One remain a W.. r fify. The breakdown of s! nts ac- cording to classes tt cH t. released Student Activity, Says Lud ht the Recistrai at a r date, And Repairing hi said. To all the new students at San ,vidual would mak. visible in- , many of our near-hy roller, - Jose State college, I wish to ex. I crease that would be the envy of :There is a place for you in sti To Finish Soon press a very sincere welcome when dent activities; Its up io Part-time Jobs Remodeling of the Morris Dailey I say that it's wonderful having In regard to this sti.u.:, auditorium, begun last summer, you as one of us. To all the raid affair. I'm sorry for if. tre ailable will be completed in about a week. turning students, it's good to see fusion, hut Sacramento tot . iity 01 pat td., ; loyrro n according to Mr. Byron Bollinger, you on campus again. too weeks ago about this deal a%ailatile to collet, .-a.nts I his college superintendent of buildings is and it ','.as too late to do &minute quarter accordite._ to a ;-,..rt from and grounds. Now that summer which prob- ably consisted of cannery work, about a change. The schedule ..1 ; Mrs Florene. 'a; , I,,,, Major purpose of the remodel- i fighting the draft board for a 2A 'lasses and the bulletin owe all part-time job oil ice inc. which is costing S10.000, is to classification, etc .1 is over, it's printed. and explain. I .1,10 'tie Pro,ent openitirs t. d ci satisfy safety requirements set up time to hit the elassrooms. For 11111 crsal fee But nir.m - all amnen range all tio from by the State Fire Marshal. The many of you this year undoubtedly hanged. switehtioard o p c Ia Fire Marshal recommended the will be one of the most important Wait and c.th. taurlint changes in 1946. The smatti,t thing . in your college career. I don't hate stiel,nt *am k A new closed ceiling is being to echo the refrain "make the A lat. wants!. .n. ...s the stage, and a Iri S15 Then won I constructed over most of it," but I do want to say eon.- el tor melt (rries fan the rernatrid.1 sin inkier system is being installed. something in regard to participa- ; fry. how. According to Mr. Bollinger, gum tion in activities. ei al a, paneling, like that on the auditor- Again I'd like to 0.ei "Isrleona. 1AI,, listed are ;.; ; walls is being placed along I There are many activities in t acid) ..ar wash. ium's State. ' The Student ROdt office the front of the stage. which students can take part On ;att. odant and s is always open to you.
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