•• •• aCl lC Cl lZCll National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens league Newsstand: 25¢ (60e Postpaid) ISSN: 003)-8579/Whole No. 2,371 I Vol. 102 No.1 941 E. 3rd St. #200, Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213) 626-6936 Friday, January 3-1 0, 1986 Nikkei senators, reps to be honorees at LEG dinner LOS ANGELES-Pacific South­ they will attend, according to din­ Tickets are $100 per person or west DistrictJACL will hold ''Re­ ner chair Toy Kanegai $1,<XX> per table. Cocktail hour dress-An American Promise," a Mistress of ceremonies will be begins at 6 p.m, followed by din­ national kick-off dinner to raise KCBS-TV news anchor Tritia ner at 7. A special silent auction funds for JACL Legislative Edu­ Toyota. will be held during the program. cation Committee (LEC) Jan. 17 Proceeds from the dinner will JACL chapters are encouraged at the Bonaventure Hotel. be used by LEC to finance and to support the event as table Sens. Daniel Inouye and Spark cany out the lobbying needed to sponsors. Matsunaga (both D-Hawaii) and secure passage of legislation, For reservations OJ: infonna­ Reps. Nonnan Mineta and Rob­ now pending in both houses of tion, contact Toy Kanegai at (213) ert Matsui (both D-Calif) will be Congress, which would provide 820-5250 or Leslie Furukawa at honored for their leadership in monetary compensation for J a­ (213) fJ2':l-71Zl. Special room rates and contributions to the redress panese Americans interned dur­ are available for attendees from effort. All four have confirmed ingWW2. out of town. Monument erected Magazine's 'Japs' at WW2 camp site statement rebutted HEART MOUNTAIN, Wyo.-A WASHINGTON-The New Re­ monument to Japanese Amer­ public has printed one of the let­ icans interned at this camp who ters of protest it received after fought for the u.s. during WW2 stating in its Nov. 18 issue that will be fonnally dedicated at 'Jap" is not a slur. ceremonies to be held this sum­ In response to a letter from mer, according to fonner intern­ JACL national director Ron Wa­ ee Bacon Sakatani of West Covi­ kabayashi protesting the title of na, CaJ.if a Sept 2 New Republic editorial, The monument consists of a "How to Gyp the J aps," columnist boulder, set in cement, brought TRB wrote, ''Don't be so stuflY. from mountains near Cody. A 'Japs is not an ethnic slur, like plaque attached to the boulder Tritia Toyota 'Niggers' or 'Kikes ... It is a na­ in August displays the names of tional nickname, like 'Yanks' or 21 Nisei and a Caucasian teacher 'Brits' ... " from Heart Mountain High School some federal protection as well scheduled for June 21. A benefit Fujita gets negative Lisa Parola Moore (nee Tong) who were killed in action. as a plaque designating it as a to help defray expense of the of Ann Arbor, Mich., rebutted The plaque reads, in part: ''De­ historic site. monument and dedication and ruling from county TRB in a letter printed Dec. Z3: dicated to the more than &X> in­ The new memorial was a joint to honor fonner internee Estelle ''Don't you be 0 arrogant! As ternees who left Heart Mountain project, directed by Chet and Ishigo will be held May 3 at the LOS ANGELES-Pharmacist F. an Asian American, I have never to serve in the U.S. anned forces Mary Blackburn of Ralston, of LA Mart in Los Angeles. For in­ Carole Fujita's sex discrimina­ found the use of 'Jap' to be any­ during WW2, and to the memory the Heart Mountain High School formation on both events, contact tion complaint against the county thing other than an ethnic slur. ofthe 22 Heart Mountaineers who Class of '47 and homesteaders of Sakatani at210N. ShadydaleAve., was dealt a blow Dec. 18 when In case you do not ha e access gave their lives for our country. Heart Mountain. West Covina, CA 91790' (818) 338- the County Civil Service Com­ to a dictionary, here is what a "May the injustices of the re­ The ceremony is tentatively 8310. mi ion unanimously agreed few say: moval and incarceration of with a finding that women are •'Webster's Unabridged: An l.2n,<XX> persons of Japanese an­ not discriminated against in the abbreviation 'often used dispar­ cestIy during WW2, two-thirds of County Health Service Dept agingly. whom were American citizens, During hearings held in Octo­ 'American Heritage: Offen­ never be repeated" ber, Fujita, using county tatis­ i e slang for Japanese ... Near the new monument is an­ tic , charged that women make 'Random House: 'Often dis­ other one, erected in urn, that up 38Of< of county pharmacists paraging, a Japane e.' designates the area as Heart but have never been promoted "One could argue whether or Mountain Relocation Camp Mem­ abov the 1 vel of Pharmac not our title 'Ho", to Gyp the orial Park and details the layout Supelvi or 1. Jap ' reveals the intent of the ar­ of the camp that was home for Sh fhrther alleged that when ticle (l think not), but I am more 10,700 JAs from 194245. he ought th position of Phar­ concerned with the tone of yow' The Dept of the Interior an­ macy Sup rvi or m in 1983, he re ponse to Mr. Wakabayashi' nounced in August that the site wa denied the job n th b is letter. It I al an arrogance un­ is eligible to be placed in the Na- _ of a ubjecti e 1 ting b an ad­ becoming of. ow' office It is re­ tional Register of Historic Places mini trator unfit to valuate her miniscent of 011 ge new paper because it is "exceptionally sig­ p rfonnanc ; and that the pre­ editors overly taken ith them­ nificant for its historical associa­ requisite oftwo y aJ' a a Super­ s lve~ aJId thir intellect" tion with the evacuation ... The visor I was low red to one year In th Jan. 20 edition, Rabbi camp represents an important for a man who applied for and Nonnan CoIl n ofHopkins,Mirm, seIjes of events in American s0- got the job, Wes Kamikawa. pointed out that th word "gyp . cial history, and it clearly illus- . On the basi of h ruing te - deived from gypsy" and used trates both widespread war hys­ timony and closing arguments in much the same way as the teria and racial prejudice ... " Photo by Bacon Sakatanl presented by attorneys for both horrendous phrase 'to jew' some­ The site thus became entitled to Mary and Chester Blackbum with Heart Mountain memorial put up in August. Continued 00 Back Page one,' can also be offensive. IIIIow ..... ednnce notice to NpOrt : 2~ACIFIC ClnZEN I Friday; Jlnulry 3-10, 1986 No. 2,371 your 1Idd,... change with label on front I If you are moving, New Address: ______--::- ____________-:-- ____________ of the United States ... Asian City adopts IOfficjal Eng/ish' resolution Americans and Hispanics regu­ City, State, Zip _'--_________________________________ larly fill waiting lists for English Effec1ive date: ______________________________ Efforts to make English the of­ guage is as necessaIY as having courses at community colleges eThank you for using 'his form. It saves PC 30 cents in fees. ficial language of two California eveIYone "drive on the right side and adult schools. There are sim­ of the road," said passage of the PacHlc Citizen, 941 E. Third St., Room 200, Los Angeles, CA 90013 cities have succeeded in one and ply not enough classes available. EXPIRATION NarICE-Iftbe last four digits on the top row of your label reads 1285, the failed in the other. resolution will ''help tremendous­ "Resolutions or legislation fDdaygrace period ends with the iastissue inFebruary,19B6.Pleaserenewyoursubscription In Los Altos on Dec. 17, the city ly" in U.S. English's drive to put making English official will not L _____________________________________________or membership. Ifmembership bas been renewed and the paper stops, ~the PCoftlce. ~~ ___ •: council passed by a 4-f.o.() vote a a similarly-worded initiative on make it any more so. More ~ resolution making English the the California ballot in November. sources to language training will In Monterey Park, English in­ Photographer Frank Arcuri, city's official language in order The group's ultimate goal is to Asians and Hispanics don't need itiative proponents suffered a leader of the English drive, will to bring "official recognition to have English declared the na­ to be coerced, they need to be setback when U>s Angeles County himself be on the April ballot as the principle that a common lang­ tion's official language. enabled" Superior Court Judge Jack Ry­ a city council candidate. He is uage is necessary to preselVe the Mayor pro tem Roger Eng ap­ Seid charged that some propo­ burn ruled Dec. 24 that the city urging the ouster of Mayor Rudy basic internal unity required for proved of the measure, which he nents of the measure would use acted legally in refusing to place Peralta and council members Lily political stability and ~hesion" called "a way to head off outside it ''to end bilingual education, in­ the measure on the April ballot Chen and David Almada, all of The measure was mtroduced groups that might force us to print terpreters in court for non-English Backers of the measure had whom opposed the language or­ by Dinesh Desai, a naturalized our agendas in other languages." speaking crime victims or defend­ filed suit after support petitions dinance, and says English will be U.S. citizen from India and mem­ Allan Seid, president of Asian ants, bilingual 911 emergency containing more than 3,<XX> signa­ his first priority if he is elected ber of U.S.
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