THURSDAY, MARCH * 5, 194« X Hlamb^stpr ^tt^tthto llfntQi > x For Humanity’s Sake^ Give to the Red Cross War Fund! Edward K. Pfaaler, and Henry Presentatibffa^^were made by Mrs. J, Frey, studmta in the B-34 Lib­ Receives Wings New Officers Littie and Robgrt Boyce. Large, Group l ------------------ - , -.V .. About Town erator Bomber mechanics school Refreshments A^re served In the Town Keeps Up Pa^e banquet hall by Mm . Rena Miller, at K^ialer Field, Mississippi, have Average Daily (Circulation., T h r Weatlier -promoted to the rank of Miss Helen Carrier apd their com-, tlM TvwMMid Club win have » Are Installed mittee. oiii Elks For the Month of Febroai^, 1948 PfrsBO* of D. & VT.eatoer Boieoa '■>«—* paitr tomorrow night at 8 -.■Ivate,/first class. Frasier is ( t tba bom* o( Arthur, ^ e son of Mrs. Janice B. Fra­ As Set for Success fb t e w , IM Oaklahd atraat sier, 32 Hawthorne street, and Temple Chapter, O. E. Manchester Includ­ 8,040 subtly warmer la toe interior Frey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. everything needed on th* spot to.- « M ttma win fc^ow the Manchester Again Collects Over relieve the sufferers. Member ot toe Audit i c u t h t u i i i^ r a u i^ ^ . tonight. Vttli prlaas fbr th* wlim Stephen Frey, o f 6 West street. S., Holds Impressive ed in Class to h^ e gierwmment*. A brtor huainew That is all the more reasonXby Buieao ot CIreolatlona § ■ V. Cadet Harold Bateson, 32, son ’ (>remoiiies'at Temple. Datu Book Initiated. $1,0()Q Which Means everyone should pitch in how apd V f iitlng win precede the card push the total over the final 'mark Manchester-—A City of Village Charm . l -., ... / , patty. of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bateson, Goal Will Be Attained of 316 Center street, has entered About 200 members, .'relatives ^ Tonight 1 large group of Manchester, with something to spare. Disas­ ters have a way of striking where (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS fU t. 8. Jk^«!*epow«ld of St the classification center at the and friends witneeaed the semi- Lecture by Dr. A. J. W. Myers, men'will make up the class of can- By March ^1. ' ' (OlaasMed Advertlaing on Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1943 Nashville, Tennessee, Arihy Air least expected but always the Red VO L. LXIL, NO. 150 John'* PdIw National diurch on public installation o f the new offi­ at Second Congregational church didatcVjn Rockville Lodge o. Elks retrett win be the speaker Center. He is a graduate of a tj;3 0 . Cross Is on the job. .That feel­ cers of Temple Chapter No. .53^ when thbvregular meeting IS held Another aub.stantial boost was ing, plus the one that goes with Lienten service Sunday af- Hudson Falls. N. Y., High school SaliiDlay, March 'Jf7 given the Red. Cross total here __ ___ n at 4 o'clock at St Mary’s and attended the tlnlversity of O.' E. 8.,. held last evening in the Jlorcas society rummage sale tonight in the Elks Aome In that giving to this organization’ -which yesterday towards its quota of can find time to take care erf the Roofless Essen After Bombing '"jDplaoopal church. Idaho. Prior to entering the Masonic Temple. at 1099 Main street. city. A large**number of members 330,800. Miss Dorothy Dow-d. Lewis Clashes army he was employed by the .Monday, March 29 of the fraternifv from. Manchester home front, makes Its purpose The spacious lodge room was Chapter treasurer, reported this and needs'more acute this year. Davis to Consider British Infantrymen The eaecuUve board of the Glen FalU Electric Supply. Meetilrtlg of all Air Raid War­ will attend to abq the local men morning that the grand total now simply decorated with palms, dens at High School hall. .All Over the World Chamlnade Musical Club wUl have spring plant.s, and cut flowers, initiated. stands at $24,819.05, ah increase With Probers To enumerate"'the mhqy k , a Bieetlng'tomorrow afternoon at Lieut. Don Willi* has returned War Council movies at High Tonight’s meeting\will be pre­ of $1,200 over yesterday’s figures. making an attractii^ aetting for School hall at 7:30. which the Red Cro.ss d o ^ S o'clock at the home of Mrs. to -his base in Nashville, Tenn.. the pfficers in white gowns, wear­ ceded by a roast beef,dinner for That persistent figure of $1,000 after spending a 10-day fiirlough Tiietiday; March SO course, of the day would Land Ariny to Aid phlUp Ndson of 59 Delmont street. ing corsages of talisman roses. which Captain John J. Bady, busi­ per day still holds good. Ap­ On Questions at his home on Princeton street. Meeting of Zoning Commission, ness-manager of the R ^kville long tirne to loll. But Boutonnieres of the same , were Municipal buildjng. proximately $6,000 is needed in from the South Pacific, A la^a, Batter Down Enemy Officers and teachers of the Sec- Leader, and well known arqateur the next six days, three thia week Evangelists Carey and Smith worn by the men. The new worthy Meeting of_ Educhtinnal Club, 4 chef, will cater. Mr. Rady h ^ a » North Africa and other points 6^' Mid Oongregatlomal church school and three more before Wednesday United Mine Workers will conclude their campaign at matron. Mrs. Bernice Thrall, car­ p.m. Hollister street school. Cur­ serted that he has several Surp the globe are. not to bo deniod/\. ' are reminded of the meeting this night, March 31. It has been a m j the Church of Uje Nararene, Sun­ ried an arm bouqiH^ of ' talisman rent History lecture by Mrs. Ltwis dishes prepared for the dinner, aiJ They are authentic and vouch for \ovenlng at 7:30, to be addrewied by Lieut. Heriierl Weber roses and delphinlumx^nc^ wore a long uphill fight this year Out a Leader Appears Be­ A. J. W. Meyers of the Hart- day, March 28. Rose. , claims that the Elks will lot have the work of the Red Cross. Tlie t’or.sage of roses and sw ^t peas, a Annual meeting of Young Re- [Ctermined band of workers keep School of Religious Educa- Lieut. Herbert W*ber, of. 299 such a fine lepast again until after money, $12.’).00(I,()00, n^ded this fore Senate War In­ gift of her officers. publican club at East Side Rec. the war em ei^ency,,' pblgging ahead. year is being used wisely and well 'X ' To Win New Ground Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Slater tlonN^ BSaat Middle Turnpike, who re­ Peacetime Disaaters 1^50,000 Farm Workers | vestigating Committee* and family of 84 Main street left ceived his wings at Craig Field, . Installing Offlr-er* ' Wednesday, March 81 ■This will be the last meeting of and no one can say- that it might Cbmmander Wilfred Clarke of Tuesday to make their home in Selma. Ala., and was conunission- Mrs: Dorothy N. Little, paaUma- Work on Red Cross surgical thi fiscal year and officers for the TheN^d Croas has several peace not reach a loved one^in some re- Already Deferred and^ raf -------------x ^ -'■ tron, as Installing matron, easi- Dressings at the American Legion ensuing year Will be elected. Dr. time dihastera to combat at this : mote corner of the world. Washington, March 2l6.—(IPi— Six - Day - Old Struggle the DUwOtth-Oomell Post 102, Tucson, Arizona. ed a second lieutenant, Is at pres­ Hershey Eslimalesl K a t l O n a ICM American Legion, announced yes- ent at Westover Field, Mass., with ducted the ceremony. She was m -' hall, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Anthony L. Geesay Rockville den­ time but\hc famous organization There are six days left to raise John L Lewis, in heated exchang­ Lull inlPa^ific Bishop Plans tist, is due to be elected Exalted took it ail i n ' Its stride. Out In To Shatter Mareth vterday aftemoop that Pappy How- The Disabled War Veterans will the 322d fighter squadron. slated by Mra. Ruth Boyce, pa.st Thursday, April 1 $6,000 and the march through 3,060,0()0 Addition­ ee with senatorial Investigators, 1 and His O a ^ would not be at meet tomorrow evening at the matron as marshal: Miss Marlon anquet ,St. Bridget's Men’s Ruler, to succeed Samuel J. Hous­ the mldwesl\they are bringing •March for this goal ctmtliiues. He was accepted as a cadet In ton, of this town. turned on Senator Ball’s (R-Minn) Line Defenses Has th * ''t^ o n hom e\W * weekend. Army S t Navy Club at 8 o'clock. the Army Air B'orces, May 8. 1942, Crawford, junior pajit matron, as clulrsand Carnpbell Council at K. their relief worlr to a climax after ^Everyone must sliare in the •re­ al tn * Escape Mili­ Too Severe War Forec^ Front Lines Thew^win be a meeting of the pbst This is an important meeting as and had his pre-flight training at chaplain; Mrs. .Helen Elliott.^past of C. l^me. ” several disastrous floods and had sponsibility. mention o f demagoguery today to Not Yet Reached Any* officers will be elected for the matron, as wrardef, and Clarence Salva^ sale of Memorial Hos­ tary Service TTiis Year, shout-"When you call me a dema­ X. Monday evening, ’Malfch 29 at 8 Maxwell Field, Ala., and Camden, \ thing Like Decision; coming year. All members are S. C. He was transferred to the Wood, pa.st patron as organist.
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