N,.’ ■ ■ ^ ■ -J ■ ^ 1 • H, . /• ,...V- . V . * .• X •; I'iK'. , : yl^ONDAY, ^ULY 18, 195K veraxc Dally Net PriiA|liui >AC» FOimTEElf • ' f Fer Um Week IMM < iiatu;l|;[?Bt(r Sttraing' li^raliL jHly Manchester Fire Depart- 11.341 annual Psaoh FtsQwl will le More Week AboutTown _ 38, at the tire -house PoGle-Waterm^ui W edding Meaekar «C Um a U>* oer of Main and Hilliard Bw«m i e f OiMHiHUea X ' » "o A p p ly fo r Manehestor— A C U yM f VtUage Charm> OOIMra v t Manchester Lodge of _______ «Bh« wilt aeet at Uie Elks Home oa Blsacli SC Wedneaday night at There will be a <meetlng tonight \ Vacated Pogl at 8 o'clocKyin the basement, of .VOL. L X X IV .n o , 245 (SIXTEEN PACES) MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY. JULY 19, 1955 Adnrltahir 8a F m * U ) PRICK FIVE • ordock. St. Brunei's t^ u tc h for persons Intereated in helping wHth the Hsu-- July 25 1 ^ ' been set a« the 8 ft. 1. C. Walter B.v71mmina Jr., veet Bsesar deadline for hPPUcaUbns for the giMKMMi of Mra> Martha Timmins, town poet of building Inspector, a Ing On! Sizidi|ig Weather 137, -Cooper HUl 8t., la *t. Camp Members of thV ManchesUr 85,330 Job vacate^ by .the resig­ Drum, N. Y.^for two weemt mm- Fire Department are r^uested to nation of -David Chambers, long mer training with the U-S. Ariuy attend a pump drill U^ght at 7 time public s'ervanf^ Due This Weekend nrserref He expects to return O'dock at the Are house. In order to quallfyxfor the Job July S3. applicants must’have \slx years jitr. and Mrs. Edward employment in -oonstrucUon, inv Boitoh, July . 18 'WE^New eluding two years in auperviso^ England got a breather^rom Members of Daughters of Liber­ Ddane St. were given Stock u]p Oil Sheets^ Pillows, bon voyage party Saturday night of Inspection work. \ / the hot spell today—but-^jt ty Ha 135 and No. 17, LOU, are He may also be a college'gWd- won’t last long. 'x SLMced to meet tonight at 7:80 at at their home, with friends and reUtives fron) Middletown, Hart­ -iiale with training in arohi^ec?- Sunny skies, cooler weather the Jolm B. Biirke Funeral Home ture, engineering or (Irafting arid I and leoa humidity waa aerved to pay respecth to Mrs. Marie Dion, ford and Manfhester present. They l^ttress Pads and Coyers today, following yeeterday’a are fl>1ng this coming weekend two years of supervisor^ coii- Wethersfield, Jiily 19 (/P)—John B. Donahue, 22 and Robert whose daughter. Miss Vera Dion, is \ rtniction experience. A ^ican ts' . 90-plus. temperature. at present worthy mistress of No. from New York to Panama to vlstt N. Malm, SI, went calmly to their tieaths in Connecticut’s 'The Weather Bureau added: their son, who is a civil enginwr, with equivalent combin^ons of 125. experience and training wll^lso electric chair last night—Donahue for killing a state police­ "Much warmer air is one* and daughter-ln-law. be ronbidered. and dozens of other ite man ; Malm for the sex-slaying of a. little girl. more present over the north­ Mir', and Mrs. Sam. Johnson, 122 All applicants ^ust .have te- j Before he left for the death-^- ern plains and upper Missis­ Maple St., were guesth of honor The Manchester 4-H Dairy Oub sided in Conn^ticuV-for at least | chamber, the clean-cut looking sippi valley and will stream at a family party yesterday at the held its annual picnic and demon­ a year. Malm told Warden George A. toward New England, result­ home of their son and daughter- stration day yesterday at the New Tlie appheatjohs are available AT SAVINGS! Cummings: Court Denies ing In much wahmer weather in-law,-Mr. and Mrs. Edwin John? London County* 4-H camp. Also at­ at thee officeice of General Manager "I am ready to die.” on Thursday with very hot son. 481 Porter St., 6n the occa­ tending were parents and friends Richard Martin or any officejffice of Then he walked to the grim ex­ weather in prospect again for , / of members and Philip Lukens, the Connecticut State the latter |» rt of the week.’" Company Abandons sion of their 55th wedding anniver­ Employ- ecution room tiigglilg. at his beit- New'Trini tp Meanwhile, what, was de­ sary. Present were their six chil­ Hartford County 4-H club leader. ment Service.- less, black trousers ' Which kept dren, Mrs. Robert Keeney, Mrs. The following members were scribed as a large mass of cool slipping down. air from the Canadian interi­ Matulce Swenson, Miss Elsie John­ awarded blue ribbons for their Another Shipment! Eionahue seemed bewildered but Wojculewicz demonstrations: Louis L on go, or moved down over New Eng- - son, Miss Ellen Johnson, Ernest ;v "«therw1se calm when he was strap­ land during the latter part of Line of Flat Goods Johnson and Edwin Johnson, and Michael Longo, Barbara Keish, ped into the electric chair, eight grandchildren. They were William Keish'and Nancy Wilco;^ SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF REG. $ 1.49 Hartford, July 19 (/P)-?- the day yesterday ahd last presented with a wed^g cake 'Y^Ung Donahue, a former Maa- night. Jean Wilcox and Martin Krlstbft aachumta Reformatory parolee Frank Wojculewicz, sentenced During the-past 20 days at A cutback in Cheney Bros, labor foree as a result of a deconled with 55 silver dollars, Jr. were awarded red ribbons. EMERGENCY 99 who k ltl^ while on his way to to death fok-A double murder Bobton the mercury has riseq, “substantial feduction of the {>lant’s operation’’ was an­ and a p^Ung. „ keep a dat^-with a girl friend in during an attempted holdup to the 90s on 11 of them. nounced tqday by Ward Cheney, jjresident of the local textile The committee planning the OIL BURNER New York, flret to enter the in New Britain, has been de­ i'.firm. ■ \ , testimonial dinner will meet to­ \; SERVICE rhambtr. Accompanied by the night at 8 o'clpck at the Italian Rev. Joseph W. Reynolds. Roman nied a new trial by the State Cheney said the cutback is a result of a policy decision GENERAL American clubhouse. It U urgent Catholic chaplain - M the prison, Supreme Court- Ribicoff Signs which ' Will see the Arm concentrate on the mamifactare of that all members of the commit­ ^ALL |ABj L.IS: A n® Donahue walked thht.ugh the At the same time, the court yes­ velvet upholstery and decorative fabrics. ___ T V SER VIC E tee attend this meeting. death chamber door at lOvpS p.m. terday indicated Wojculewicz . m - WILLIAMS 8 /* a3 ^ 8 8 *•••*«8a»* might consider another legal atep Me said this is in accordance with a survey initiated by He was pronounced dead’ fbiir.min- Bill Legalizing Cheney Bros, management several years ago/for the realign­ Days C 4 0C A Call Lakola Council No. 61, Degree Cunning Photo. OIL SERVICE utee later. —seeking a hew hearing on his ap­ HIglito 9*sV 9 PlusParU of Pocahontas, will meet Wertaies- MRS. RICHARD. N0RMAN POOLE Purpose cotton *Thanka for Everything' ^ peal from his original .conviction ment of merchandising objectives. TEL. MI S-5194 day night at 8 o’clock In Odd Fel­ and death sentence. Some Bazaars Cheney Bros, is one of the Arst.producers of v elv et: fabrics lows Hall. Members are asked to MI- Donahue, oldest of the three Paralyzed by Bullet Ferns and arrangements of,^Jng the ceremony. When leaving on 9-4548 children of an Arlington, Maas., in this country and has long been known for its style leader­ ■ « be on time so that the meeting white flowers decorated'the chan a wedding trip to California, where The ex-convict from Berlin is may start promptly at '8 o'clock. family, spent his last hours with paralyzed from bullet wounds re­ . Hartford, July 19 (JH — Gov, ship in its field. f ' ' ------- - C€fl o< the Central Baptist Church. the bridegroom is stationed at To effect this phase o6 its plan- /- n . Ford Ord. the bride wore for trav­ Father Reynold*. He ordered a ceived in .a gun battle Nov. S. 1951, Ribicoff today sifrned a bill legal- ^ The Women's ./Society of the Providence, R. I., Saturday after­ last meal of fried clams and which resulted in the deaths of ning Cheney Bros, will dlacohtinue WINDOW SHADES eling a beige suit with a fitted Called For and Delivered y a r d ! izinff bazaars and raffles for- Con- its production of plain synthetic Peace' Scare Oonununity Baptist Church will noon for the 3 o’clock wedding of jacket and pleated skirt. The Jack­ C Btrawberry ice cream. His last New Britain Police Sgt. William -liecticut communities that want meet tomorrow night- at F' oiclock OPEN words to the warden: Grabeck and wUliam . Otipka,, a. flat goods. He said thia would MIM Diir waterman, daughter of et was designed with three quarter "Thanks for everything you've 'bo allow non-profit organizations mean g cutback in the plant's Gi« m , w i ^ r i ^ at the church. Women are asked length sleeves, a peplum and a SUNDAY bystander. to bring patterns for toys and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Waterman done for me." . to sponsor games of chance. labor force now put at 1,700 for Sf^s^ Skid in white collar accenting the V- The Supreme Court had previ­ -Cheney Bros, and Pioneer Para­ Wotliabl* aprons, .etc., scrape of new and old of 211 Slater Ave., Providence, and neckline.
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