MM partl DIRECTORY BY OPL, SYSTEMS COUNTY U POLICE 1S1pP,TE FIRE FORESTRYOpSp `p` O COMPANIES TO REVISED LISTINGS 1, 1949 4/ka feeZ means IessJnterference ... AT HEADQUARTERS THE NEW RCA STATION RECEIVER Type CR -9A (152 -174 Mc) ON THE ROAD THE NEW RCA CARFONE Mobile 2 -way FM radio, 152 -174 Mc ...you get the greatest selectivity with RCA's All -New Communication Equipment You're going to hear a lot about selectivity from potentially useful channels for mobile radio communi- now on. In communication systems, receiver selectiv- cation systems. ity, more than any other single factor, determines the For degree of freedom from interference. complete details on the new RCA Station Re- This is impor- ceiver type CR -9A, tant both for today and for the future. and the new RCA CARFONE for mobile use, write today. RCA engineers are at your Recognizing this fact, RCA has taken the necessary service for consultation on prob- steps to make its all -new communication equipment lems of coverage, usage, or com- the most selective of any on the market today. To the plex systems installations. Write user, this means reliable operation substantially free Dept. 38 C. from interference. In addition, this greater selectivity Free literature on RCA's All -New now rhakes adjacent -channel operation a practical Communication Equipment -yours possibility - thereby greatly increasing the number of for the asking. COMMUN /CAT/ON SECT/ON RADIO CORPORATION of AMERICA ENGINEERING PRODUCTS DEPARTMENT, CAMDEN, N.J. In Canada: R C A VICTOR Company limited, Montreal Á#ofher s with 8(11(011' DlNews ERIE'S FIRST TV STATION Says EDWARD LAMB, publisher of "The Erie Dis- telecasting economics. 0 Station patch" and owner of TV Station WICU: "Du Mont equipment fulfills that bill. And so Du Mont - "In bringing the only telecasting service to Erie, WICU was, is and will continue to be Penna., we insist on five prerequisites: (1) Best picto- equipped." rial quality obtainable; (2) Adequate signal strength Regardless what your telecasting start may be- served; (3) Equipment operable by 0 throughout area leading metropolitan TV station or network studios, or previously- inexperienced local personnel; (4) Depend- again the small -town independent TV station -you can able service, regardless; and (5) Equipment that, with always count on Du Mont "know -how" for economically - minimum obsolescence, can be expanded in step with safe- and -sound guidance. © ALLEN B. DU MONT LABORATORIES. INC N. J. DU MONT NETWORK AND DU MONT LABORATORIES, INC. TELEVISION EQUIPMENT DIVISION, 42 HARDING AVE., CLIFTON, TELEVISION STUDIOS, NEW YORK 3, N. Y. WABD, 515 MADISON AVE., NEW YORK 22, N. Y. DU MONTS JOHN WANAMAKER AND PLANTS, PASSAIC AND EAST PATERSON, N. J. WTTG, WASHINGTON, D. C. STATION WDTV, PITTSBURGH, PA. HOME OFFICES Jullj 1949-formerly FM, and FM RADIO -ELECTRONICS 1 e/taileierei79.ryatt,a4e;toc WITH THIS The Most Sensitive FM Radio Ever Built FOR THE PUBLIC Most Sensitive Longer Distance / No Interference No Static No Special Antenna Performance Because of high sensitivity, No whistles, no over-Even in the worst With Zenith's patented Superb reception brings in stations in fringe lap, no cross -talk, no storms. Only rich, Power -Line Antenna, even on weak signals. areas others miss. background hiss. glorious tone. just plug in and play. Whatever has been your experience with FM -what- ever FM radio you have ever heard -Zenitht now asks The Super -Sensitive "MAJOR" you to listen to a new marvel of Radionict science. The lowest price ever for genuine This all -new Zenith Model is the climax of years 3995* Zenith- Armstrong FM! ... only of acknowledged leadership in genuine Zenith -Arm- strong FM -that hundreds of thousands know as true FM -the FM radio that leading FM stations over the nation rely upon to monitor and test their own broad- casts -truly the FM of the Experts! Now, in a new Super - Sensitive circuit that gives perfected performance even on signals too weak for ordinary sets to catch. *LOHE. RADIO So we say -hear, compare! Be prepared to hear the and TELEVISION most sensitive FM receiver you have ever listened to - a genuine Zenith -Armstrong receiver at a sensation- ally low price. *Suggested Retail Price. Prices subject to change without notice. 2 FM AND TELEVISION I .1 Announcing our new... Formerly, FM MAGAZINE and FM RADIO -ELECTRONICS VOL. 9 JULY, 1949 NO. 7 COPYRIGHT 1949, by Milton B. Sleeper CONTENTS INDUSTRY NEWS TV -FM -AM Set Production Compiled from figures released by the RMA 4 New Catalogs & Design Data Review of new products and equipment 6 What's New This Month RADIOPHONE 1. FCC's new plan for call letters 2. Policies of the Ad Hoc Committee (above) 3. National Mobile Radio System Is Formed VS 50 -1 -50 watt 4. Data on rodio sales by appliance dealers 8 Fixed Station. Oper- ates on 117v 60 cycles A.G. (25 -50 mega- cycles). Remote control MOBILE RADIO optional. Mobile Rodio Systems A discussion of potential expansion 13 (below) VM 30 -1 (25.50 mega - cycles) -30 watt. Compact Low -Power FM Portable Mobile Station. Howard V. Carlson 14 (not illustrated) UM 15 -1 (152 -162 meg- Operator License Requirements acycles)-15 watt (local T. J. Slowie 17 reception). Compact Mo- Letter from FCC Secretary bile Station. Radio Communications Services, Parts 18 New FCC rules and allocations COMPARE RAYTHEON'S Now Raytheon Radio- ADVANTAGES Mobile Radio News & Forecasts phone offers dependable NOISE -FREE RECEPTION Jeremiah Courtney 22 2 -way communication COMPACT -OUT OF SIGHT systems in both 25 -50 meg- OUT OF THE WAY SIMPLIFIED INSTALLATION Dynamotor Power Supplies acycle and 152 -162 meg- COMPARE RAYTHEON'S 25 acycle. Whatever your Robert W. Carter needs, you can be sure PERFORMANCE that there is a Raytheon LOWEST BATTERY DRAIN Directory of Mobile Radio Systems, Part 1 Radiophone to meet your LOW MAINTENANCE Corrected to June 15, 1949 27 requirements exactly - LONG LIFE manufactured to Ray- COMPARE RAYTHEON'S SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS theon's high standard of PRICE excellence in electronics. LOWEST PRICE IN THE INDUSTRY Professional Directory 10 Special .Services Directory 11 Spot News Notes 22 BELMONT RADIO CORPORATION A Subsidiary of Raytheon Manufacturing Company DESIGN AND CONTENTS OF FM AND TELEVISION MAGAZINE ARE THE COVER 5939 W. DICKENS AVENUE CHICAGO 39, ILLINOIS FULLY PROTECTED BY U. S. COPYRIGHTS, AND MUST NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY MANNER OR IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION for Quotations and Information MILTON B. SLEEPER, Editor and Publisher Mail Coupon CHARLES FOWLER, Business Manager Belmont Radio Corporation 39, Illinois LILLIAN BENDROSS, Circulation Manager 5939 W. Dickens Avenue, Chicago SOPHIE FORTY, Production Manager I'd like to have full information on Raytheon Radiophone- Published by: FM COMPANY 25 -50 megacycle 152 -162 megacycle Publication O ff ice: 264 Main St., Gt. Barrington, Mass. Tel. Gt. Barrington 500 FM -TV Magazine is issued on the 20th of each month. NAME Single copies 25c- Subscription rate: $6.00 for three years, $3.00 for one Year in the U. S. A.- Canada, add 50c per year postage -foreign, add $1.00 ORGANIZATION per year postage. Contributions will be neither acknowledged nor returned unless accompanied ADDRESS and directions, nor will FM -TV Magazine be by adequate postage, packing, ' STATE t responsible for their safe handling in its office or in transit. CITY Entered as second -class 'natter August 22, 1946, at the Post Office, Great Barrington, hass.. under the Act 3 of March 3, 1879. Additional entry at the Post Office, Boston, hass. Printed in the U. S. .1. MEMBER, AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS RADIO set production by RMA mem- times that of the same period in '48. Ex- bers during April, as indicated in the pressed in numbers, however, 31/2 times Production Barometer, portrays a con- 41,000 is still a very small figure to fused and unhealthy trend. TV and FM broadcasters, who are in the habit of sets combined still represent a very small counting network audiences in millions. number of units for an industry that FM followed AM sets to a new low. started the postwar period with such a The exact significance of this will not tremendous capacity for quantity pro- be clear until fall, when manufacturers duction. As for AM sets, April was at a will have had time to produce and pro- new low for the period starting January mote FM models competitive with the 1947. Dollarwise they have dropped to performance of Zenith's $39.95 receiver. -'"111111"' starvation level. This month, shaded areas on the FM The blocks showing average monthly blocks indicate the number of TV sets production sum up the situation realis- with FM broadcast circuits. RMA has tically. In 1947, average AM set produc- just added this figure in its monthly re- tion the first four months of the year ex- ports. In April, 47,264 TV -FM sets ceeded the average for the year by 5 %. were produced, or 28% of all TV models. In '48, those months exceeded the aver- We applied this 28% to TV figures for age fórAle year by 25 %. In '49 it is January, February, and March. reas4niatiteNtirapect that the total AM The year -end progress of TV cannot Sets produced will be under 5 million, a be assayed at this time, nor until the drop of 75% since 1947. FÇC's freeze is lifted, and the public has Television has climbed steadily but not registered its reaction to whatever alloca- spectacularly. Average production in tions plan is finally adopted lax the Corn- , t- - the first four months this year is :;1 mission. -m. - o o o 6m 5 HIGH FREQUENCY I a COMPONENTS National offers a complete line of coils, coil forms and trans- 4-, MONTHLY -M rt - MONTHLY -1+ '- MONTHLY -A.
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