“Since life is short and the world is wide, the sooner you start, exploring it, the better.” English novelist Simon Raven Funny Cycling Volume: Slovakia – Liptov Celtic Open-Air Archaeological Museum Havránok 3-day cycle trip around Slovak region Liptov with beautiful nature and attraction !an "ara# $%&3 Funny Cycling Volume Slovakia – Liptov 'able of Content General informations.................................................................................................................................................... !ntroduction #or"s....................................................................................................................................................... C$cling in Slovakia......................................................................................................................................................... % !tinerar$............................................................................................................................................................................. & 'otal map........................................................................................................................................................................ ( E)ploring of ri"e.......................................................................................................................................................... (% *iptov cuisine ............................................................................................................................................................... (+ Contacts.......................................................................................................................................................................... (, !nformation minimum............................................................................................................................................... -. Re/uirements............................................................................................................................................................... -- Recommen"e" e/uipment..................................................................................................................................... -- Do#nloads..................................................................................................................................................................... -- Suggeste" "ates.......................................................................................................................................................... - A1out gui"e – 3an Garaj............................................................................................................................................ -% 5seful sources............................................................................................................................................................... -6 Bike center Malinô Brdo 7age -8-& http988funn$-c$cling.4angaraj.com Funny Cycling Volume Slovakia – Liptov "eneral information Goal mountain-bike e)perience #ith en4o$ing Slovak natural assets '$pe "a$s e)perience c$cle-tourism trip Date some ;ri"a$, Satur"a$, Sun"a$ "uring spring8summer8autumn season 'urn-out minimum & clients, maximum "epen"s on agreement Start point Ru=om1erok rail#a$ station ;inish point >ažec rail#a$ station Distance total (&-km Accommodation -) night in ???hotel Boar"ing -) 1reakfast, ) lunch, -) "inner Restrictions< Difficult$ is also for cit$ 1ikers, suitable onl$ for trekking or mountain 1ike. notes !nsurance for "angerous8e)treme sports is re/uire". Minimum age is (6 $ears. Gui"e 3an Garaj, in"epen"ent tour gui"e – see A1out gui"e section Introduction words Hello ever$one. M$ name is 3an. !@" like to #elcome $ou all to Liptov region. ! selecte" this region for our ri"e< 1ecause ! kno# this area. ! gro#n up here< so ! kno# attractions an" nature ver$ #ell. !@" like to present m$ region for $ou in ne)t "a$s. ! hope that our ri"e #ill 1e successful #ith man$ e)periences an" #ith goo" feelings from Slovakia. Right no# !@" like to take a minute to familiariAe $ou #ith 1rief precautions. ;irstl$< ! ask that $ou remain not "rink alcohol "uring "a$. 7lease realiAe that it is against the la# to get "runk "riving. Also please use $our safet$ helmet "uring 1ike ri"e. !t@s important to follow right "rinking regimen. ! recommen" to "rink #ater or another not s#eets 1everages. Bou can refill $our 1ottles #ith #ater in places, #hich offers this service accor"ing to itinerar$. ;or ne)t "a$s #e are team. !f $ou have an$ relevant problem Ccon"ition< technical problem< #ater< etcD please inform me imme"iatel$. Ehen ! #ill 1e able resolve problem !@ll "o it. Ma$1e !@ll change sometime our plane< 1ut it #ill 1e onl$ for $ou comfort, safet$ or e)perience. No# please check $our technical state an" settings of $our 1ikes an" let@s go "irectl$ to Liptov. our guide Jan 7age 8-& http988funn$-c$cling.4angaraj.com Funny Cycling Volume Slovakia – Liptov Cycling in Slovakia No#a"a$s Slovak c$cling routes are 6%.. kilometers long. Majorit$ of them are "esigne" an" signe" on stan"ar" asphalt road #ith low car traffic. Minorit$ are separate" from car roa"s. Generall$ Slovakia offers man$ interesting places for the c$cling lovers. *et@s go to see Slovakia. 'he y tem of ign : 'he routes are signe" as stan"ar" s$stem of signs of Slovak hiking s$stem.. 'he c$cle-tourism sign s$stem consists of painte" signs of GCG shape an" elements of c$cle-tourism orientation, c$cle-"irections. Generall$< the signs "iffer in t$pes of 1ic$cle9 mountain 1ikes an" roa" 1ikes. 'he$ var$ in four colors9 re" ones are for long- "istance c$cle-roa"s< 1lue ones are for longer parallel c$cling tracks< green ones for circuits an" famil$ c$cling tracks, $ello# ones for short tracks. "ycle#touris$ signs Some Slovak cycling route • (nternational )anube cycling route *)una# k+ cyklistick+ ce ta, 'he routes lead mainl$ on tar river "ikes an" roads. ;irst (H kilometers 1efore $ou entering Komárno to#n can onl$ $ou ri"e 1$ mountain 1ikes. 5p to GabJKkovo #ater#orks the route is along 1oth 1anks of the river Danu1e an" from GabJKkovo the route continues onl$ on the left 1ank. 'his route offers $ou to e)plore Bratislava, LamorKn an" Komárno to#ns. 'he length of signe" routes is aroun" -.. km. • (nternational )anube cycle route *-ed.in+rodn+ )una# k+ cyklotra a, 'he route goes through Austria, Slovakia an" Hungar$. 'hanks to this c$cling track it@s possi1le to kno# the capitals of three states. 'he length of the route from >ienna get Bratislava to Bu"apest is about -H6 km long. • -alokarpatska cycle route *-alokarpatsk+ cyklomagistr+la, !t goes through the 1ottom part of Male Iarpat$< North it leads at Eastern foot an" in South at Eestern foot of Male Iarpat$. !t starts in NovM Mesto na" >áhom an" goes through >r1ovM< 'rstKn< Buková< Roho=nKk< all the #a$ to >$soká pri Morave. 'he route is( . km long an" can 1e "one 1$ roa" 1ikes. C$cling on it $ou can see man$ villages an" en4o$ the vie#s of Male Iarpat$ peaks $ou can also visit several castles. 7age %8-& http988funn$-c$cling.4angaraj.com Funny Cycling Volume Slovakia – Liptov • Va. ka cycle route *V+/ ka cyklomagistr+la, !s signe" 1et#een 7ieNtan$ an" Oilina. 'he route goes along 1oth 1anks of the river >áh up to NemNová< then to Oilina onl$ on one 1ank of the river. 'he routes are le" on common asphalt roa"s, river "ikes an" main roa" can 1e "one on road 1ikes. 'he length of the routes is about -6. km. During road $ou can visit to follo#ing to#ns9 7ieNtan$< NovM Mesto na" >áhom< 'renJKn< NemNová< 7ovažská :$strica< 7Pchov< :$tJa an" Oilina. 'here are man$ castles an" chalets on the #a$. • 0y ucka cycle route *0y uck+ cyklomagistr+la, 'he route connects the river >áh valle$ #ith Orava, it flo#s through the #hole I$suce area. !t overcomes 3avornKk$< I$sucká >rchovina an" OravskM Besk$"$ massifs. !t starts in KoteNová< then it goes through 'urAovka, Qa"ca an" OsJa"nica. 'hen it passes over >$ch$lovka an" Demänová parks. 'he route can 1e "one 1$ road 1ikes an" it is ( , km long. • Circle around 1olana *Okruh okolo 1olany, ( . km long route lea"s along the circle of 7olana peak. 'he most suitable starting an" finishing point is Detva to#n. 'he route lea"s through mountain area of (st an" -n" class roads. Bou can ri"e there onl$ on mountain 1ikes an" route is ver$ pretentious. • Circle under Chopok hill *Okruh pod Chopkom, Deman"ing an" nice circle for mountain 1ikes leads to Southern slopes of Chopok hill C*o# 'atrasD. 'he starting point can 1e 7od1reAová or 'ale villages. 'he route is meant onl$ for mountain 1ikes. !t is 6% km long. • 'he cycling tracks in the 3ocks of Sulov *Cyklotra y v S45ov kých kalách, !n this attractive Aone of the SSlovak DolomitesT there are 6 1in"ing tracks for mountain 1ike< their length is about %. km. • Special Liptov region and its cycling world Ee are please" to invite $ou to en4o$ #on"erful Liptov region in the sad"le of $our 1ike. Liptov is a historical an" geographical region in northern Slovakia #ith aroun" (%.<... inhabitants. !t@s one of the most visite" regions in Slovakia. !t@s surroun"e" 1$ 1eautiful nature< especiall$ 1$ mountains High 'atras< Eest 'atras an" ChočskM vrch$ from the north, *o# 'atras from the south an" Greater ;atra from the #est. 'he longest Slovak river of >áh flows through Liptov an" fills *iptovská Mara, the important #ater reservoir. 'here are t#o Slovak national parks #ith the highest level of protection in the territor$ of Liptov region< that
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