Weather Diitribu+ion Today puny ooooft BUWMC twnpftr* ' 19,150 •tan knv »t\ it toil mllei per boor nOrthwert winM today lad tonight; 10 miles per boor variable winds Friday. ' Dial SH 1.0010 biuil dlllr. Mondu uiraufh Friday. Bteond Clisi Foiuga VOL. 84, NO. 125 Fill at Btd Buk ud at JWJltlonil unilug Otneu, RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Merger SoughtKatan& Pact Is Bermuda Meeting By Central, AP&OG Gained WouldBeThe Tshombe Agrees Will Begin Today J Largest In On End To • The Area Secession FREEHOLD — Robert B, LEOPOLDVILLE, the Berlin Barlow and Joseph- Thum Congo (AP) — President mess, respectively the pres Moise Tshombe agreed to- idents of the Central Jersey day to end the secession of Heads Bank & Trust Co., Free- his wealthy Katanga prov- hold, and the Asbury Park ince but said his supporters in Ocean Grove Bank, Asbury Elisabethville must approve be Agenda Park, jointly announced yester- fore the agreement is carried day the prospective merger ol out. HAMILTON, Bermuda the two banks. Tshombe and Premier Cyrille (AP) — President Kennedy, Approval for the merger will Adoula of the Central Congo con' be presented to the shareholders eluded the pact to restore unity fresh from his triumphant of the two banks after the firs in the Congo after more than 15 South American visit but of the year. hours of negotiations at the UN saddened by his father's The new bank, to be known as military base at Kitona. They illness, begirls a wide-ranging the Central Jersey Bank & Trus promptly flew off to their respec- discussion of world issues today Co., will be the largest bank in tive capitals of Elisabethville and Monmouth County and Central Leopoldville. with Prime Minister Macmlllan. Jersey, with assets totaling $115 Tshombe signed an eight-point The U.S. chief executive and million, with $9 million in sur- declaration which was presented the British prime minister wero plus and undivided profits. formally to the United Nations expected to devoto much of their Honorary Chairman Its text, announced by the Cen- two-day talks to the critical prob- Walton Sherman, Long Branch, tral Congo government, was brief lem of fashioning a common a member of the Monmouth and in skeleton form. It said: Western policy to present to Mos» County Board of Freeholders and "The president of the province cow on critical issues, and par- sow chairman of Central Jersey of Katanga ticularly the central problem of Bank & Trust Co., will serve as West Berlin. "1. Accepts the application of HOSPITAL VISIT — President John F. Kennedy opens door for hit wife, Jacqueline, the honorary chairman of the the fundamental law of May 19 The two leaders are expected combined bank. 1960, (the Congo's provisiona as they arrive at St. Mary's Hospital in Weit Palm Beach, Fla., to vilit the Chief to talk also about such matters Mr. 'Thummess will be the constitution under which Katanga Executive's father. The aider Kennedy has suffered a stroke. See story, page 3. as (he crisis over Katanga, the chairman of the board and Mr. is a province and not an inde impact of India's blitzkrieg con- Barlow will be president. pendent or autonomous state), (AP Wirephoto) quest of Portuguese Goa, the AND A KISS, TOO — Katherine Collen, 9, daughter of The Central Jersey Bank & "2. Recognizes the Indivisible European common market and Trust Co. now lists assets o Mr. and Mrs. Willis Collen of 32 Tindall Rd., Middle- unity of the republic of the 'Jon-Raritan Boys Trapped In Car other Issues. But tho biggest more than $81 million and the town, gets a gift, hug and kits from Santa Claus on his a, problems center on Berlin and Asbury Park and Ocean Grove an allied approach to Moscow. visit yesterday to children in Riverview Hospital. Joseph "3. Recognizes President (Jo- Bank has assets exceeding $35 seph) Kasavubu as chief of President de Gaulle still is million. Holiday represented St. Nick. The annual program it state, clinging doggedly to his opposi- The new bank will have 888,500 sponsored by Red Bank Kiwanis Club. v "4. Recognizes the authority of Brothers Perish in River tion to formal allied negotiations shares with a par value of $5. the central government over all with the Russians on Berlin. The Reason For Merger parts of the republic, SAYREVILLE - The bodies of State police, Keyport barracks, Bridge employee noticed broken British believo negotiations ara Shareholders in the Asbury On The Right Track? two Raritan Township brothers, listed the victims as Arthur w". bridge guard railings. necessary to prevent the crisis New Constitution who had been listed by police as Stickler, 18, and his brother, Hen- that would result if Khrushchev Park and Ocean Grove Bank will Underwater Search receive 1% shares in the new con- "5. Agrees to the participation missing persons since Sunday, ry E. Stickler, 13, of 6 Monterey carried out his threat to sign a cern for each share they now of representatives of the -rov- were recovered from their car in Dr., Woodland Park, Hazlct. A skindivcr, Michael Thornton, separate treaty with communist hold, according to the plan. ince of Katanga in a government 12 feet of water in. the Rari- The accident was discovered at South Amboy, located the car East Germany, commission to prepare a new Mr. Barlow said that the rea- Hughes Has Plan :an River at 4:15 p.m. yesterday. 2 p.m. yesterday when a Victory after an underwater search and constitution, son for the merger was for the brought the information back to No Opposition combined interests of both banks "6. Agrees to take all meas- police that there were two bod- Despite his refusal for France to better serve the customers In ures to permit senators and depu- News to Them ies insido. to participate In negotiations the central part of the state. ties of Katanga province to ex- Police said that when wreck- with the Russians, De Gaulle For H&M Railroadercise the national functions ers pulled the auto out of the agreed not to oppose a resump- - Both boards of directors fee the, merger will be beneficial TRENTON (AP) — Gov.-elec He'll ask more for New Jer- (that is, participate in the river "all the car windows were tion of exploratory talks In Mos- laid Mr. Barlow. Richard J. Hughes thinks he sey by way of achieving a tional parliament), Lily Tulip Denies closed. The older boy's body was cow between U.S. Ambassador No list of the new directors may have the right track for settlement of the deadlock over "7. Agrees that the gendar- found in the front seat and his Llewellyn Thompson and Sovi- Till be announced until the con- settlement of New Jersey-New proposed purchase, of the rail- merie of Katanga shall be placed brother's body in the back seat et Foreign'Minister Andrei Gro- solidation is completed, he added, York differences over the Hud- road by the Port of New York under the authority of the presi- 9 of the sedan. myko to find out if negotiations contemplated merger son & Manhattan Railroad. Authority. dent of the republic, 'Leaky Cup Report Police said autopsies would de- on Berlin are possible. These , be another of a series of Hughes will bring his proposal "8. Agrees to see that the reso- termine the approximate time of are expected to start early in «uch' steps originated several to New York's Gov. Nelson lutions of the (UN) Security NEW YORK - Officials of .Lily., per cups so that they would leak," death. tho new year, with British Am- years ago when the former Free- Rockefeller tomorrow. Council and General Assembly Tulip Cup Corp. yesterday spiked and shipped out coffee contain- Stats police Sgt. George Quinn bassador Sir Frank Roberts as- hold Trust Company, under Mr. Enjoy These New York state wants pur- are respected and to facilitate reports that "leaky cups" might ers without handles, reported that the boys left home sisting Thompson. Barlow, and the Long Branch chase of the railroad tied in their execution. portend labor union difficulties in "There is always a problem of about 11 a.m. Sunday for a trip The other North Atlantic al- Trust Company, under Mr. Sher- Christmas with construction of a World "(Signed) Tshombe." moving plaht operations from leaky cups," he said, "and one to the home of their sister in lies endorsed the probing effort man, combined. Trade Center in Manhattan by Tshombe before leaving Kito- College Point, Long Island, to or two cups might have gotten Union. at the NATO ministerial council The growing enterprise has the Port Authority. na told newsmen the declaration Holmdel Township, N. J. through without handles, but I'm When they failed to arrive at meeting in Paris last week. would have to be ratified by his since taken in the Farmingdale Vignettes Peter Elbe, a company exccu> sure there have been no mass (See BROTHERS, Page 2) (See MEETING, Page 2) Package Deal cabinet and the Katanga Assem- Allenhurst and Bradley Beach ive, told the Register that if shipments of faulty containers." By The Associated Press New Jersey wants the author- bly. But a UN spokesman as- National Banks. there has been any "sabotaging" No Indication Fifty-cent* stamps dress up her ity to buy the railroad but balks serted: The bank's principal office is of cup making in the College Christmas cards Kids even at a package deal. As for the labor union at the In Freehold and branches are lo "As far as we are concerned Point plant as retribution against list toy prices for Santa ..
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