Victor Valley College RAMPAGE April 26, 2013• Volume 35, No. 5 VVC preps for Cinco de Mayo Cinco de Mayo for VVC preps Page 6 “It isn’t where you came from, it’s where you’re going that counts.” - Ella Fitzgerald Summer sessions: StrivingStriving forfor successsuccess Added classes pave By Abram Martinez status. Those who scored for munity colleges were designed the way for students RamPage Reporter placement in remedial courses to be open to everybody,” said went on to complete their de- Tim Johnston, Doctor of educa- By Kristen Martin The California Community gree or transfer status 35.6 per- tion. Features Editor Colleges Board of Governors cent of the time. Easy enrollment accessibility (CCCBG) has released the re- “I've been teaching here 12 weighs heavy on the resources sults of a six year study con- years, and every year, my stu- of the college and due to insuffi- Approximately 200 classes ducted on the state’s 112 com- dents come to freshman compo- cient funds, the college is unable have been added to the summer munity colleges students and sition less prepared,” said Eng- to provide preparation tools for schedule to better accommodate their students. lish Professor Bruce Wolcott. every person who plans to enroll the student needs at Victor Val- Beginning in 2006, and The statistics show that many at VVC. ley College. The new schedule through the spring of 2012, the students are not prepared for the The college is initiating pro- will not be posted on WebAdvi- CCCBG tracked the progress of basic requirements that are grams within a network of 23 sor until May 1. all Victor Valley College stu- needed for making the transition participating high-schools to “With feed-back from students dents who enrolled at VVC in into college. For the students help prepare students for mak- about the need for class, the that time frame. Statistics show who score below requisite level, ing the transition into the next enrollment management com- that only 38.6 percent of those remedial courses must be taken level of education. mittee asked the Department students went on to complete before the student can advance The Victor Valley Student Chairs and Deans to add to the either a degree or transfer out- to college level courses. Reme- Success Committee, in partner- summer schedule,” said Peter come. dial courses do not provide ac- ship with the K12 Bridge pro- Allan, Interim Executive Vice Students who entered VVC ceptable UC transferrable or gram are taking steps toward President. after meeting UC transferable degree level credits. improving assessment scores at With more available classes, pre-requisite scores on their “According to the master the high-school level. They are graduating VVC students bene- assessment had a 73.1 percent of plan of the Community Colleg- initiating 'interventions' which fit from the increased courses. obtaining a degree or transfer es Board of Governors, com- The incoming high school stu- Continued in Success on page 3 dents who are looking to get ahead in college courses are also able to take advantage of the MoneyMoney doesdoes growgrow onon treestrees newly added classes. “The addition of these classes By Kylie Foster will allow High School students RamPage Reporter to enroll in College level classes which will count towards their The Victor Valley College High School graduation, and Agriculture and Natural Re- give them an opportunity to sources department held a plant enroll in classes in the Fall se- sale located on the lower cam- mester,” said Allan. pus. The plant sale included With the availability of clas- plants grown by students as part ses, many students can thrive of their Plant Propagation and from the added courses. A large Greenhouse Production class portion of students wanting to projects. enroll in summer session were Each worker was either a fac- discouraged due to the lack of ulty member or a student in the variety. department. The sale was open to VVC students as well as Continued in Added classes Elaine Rutledge was one of the students participating in the sale. Continued in Plants on page 10 on page 2 Photo by Kylie Foster, RamPage Reporter More photos on page 10 News pg. 2 Features pg. 4 Entertainment pg. 14 Opinion pg. 19 Sports pg. 20 • Victor Valley College RamPage • [email protected] • issuu.com/vvcrampage • vvc.edu/offices/rampage • RamPage Victor Valley College News April 26, 2013 Page 2 Added classes from page 1 ly 400 percent. Summer session apparent that we would not Those students can check had a total of 50 courses when meet our objectives for full- WebAdvisor in May to try the schedule was first pub- time equivalent student be- again. lished. cause the summer 2013 sched- Classes have been added in “Initially, the College was ule was so much less than VVC theatre presents ‘The Im- History, Political Science, planning on cutting summer to prior summer schedules.” portance of being Earnest’ A trivi- Chemistry, Biology, Math and bare bones. We decided to offer The newly developed sched- al comedy for serious people. May English, as well as in Vocational only classes needed for transfer ule will be available on 2-12, performance times vary. See or degree completion,” said WebAdvisor for viewing as of areas. This change increased the vvc.edu website for show times or summer classes by approximate- Allan. “However, it became May 1. Registration begins call 760-245-4271 x849 for infor- mation. General admission $10, seniors $7, children $5 and ASB cardholders are free. Lewis Williams Passport Series presents “Vietnam and Cambodia” where film producer Clint Denn shares his experience of his jour- ney to these two exotic countries. May 19 at 2:30 p.m. in the Per- forming Arts Center. General ad- mission $8, ASB Cardholders are free. Celebrate dance with the students of the VVC Dance program. Fac- ulty choreographers and students present “Rhapsody in Dance” May 31-June 2. Performance times vary. See vvc.edu website or call 760-245-4271 x849 for infor- mation. General admission $10, seniors $7, children $5 and ASB cardholders are free There will be a workshop on note taking in the Writing Center in the ATC (Bldg 21) from 6-7 p.m. The workshop will cover listening skills, body language and methods of note taking. Contact Patricia Wagner for more information 760- 245-4271 x2783. Registration for summer session begins May 13 through June 16. the first registration block is for ESPS/DSPS, military veterans and active military. Students with 45- 90 completed units can register beginning May 15. See all regis- tration blocks on vvc.edu. Re- member registration fees must be paid within five days of signing up or risk being dropped! RamPage Victor Valley College News April 26, 2013 Page 3 Success from page 1 student to meet required level cording to the Bridge Program or at least until the student grad- Website. Face/off: provide classes for high school uates. “If a student is coming into students in assessment test sub- Initially designed for 12th college prepared then they are ASB Elections jects during their freshman year. grade students, the K-12 Pro- very likely to complete their After the courses are complet- gram has expanded its initial program,” said Johnston. By Kristen Martin ed, the students are then al- focus on high schools to now The CCCBG plans to release Features Editor lowed to test for the actual col- reach all levels of education. this scorecard annually by con- lege entry assessment test. They have began working with tinuing a six year cohort study. Should the student not pass elementary schools, middle However, due to the fact that the According to the ASB Consti- their assessment test, they are schools, counselors and admin- VVC K12 programs are still in tution, ASB students who are given the opportunity to partici- istrators with the hopes of get- the development stages, there taking six or more units with a pate in another 'intervention' ting more students prepared for may be some time before posi- cumulative grade point average course which includes further higher education. tive statistics are reflected as a of 2.0 are eligible to run for preparation and another chance “Through technology, train- result of the programs.. office or be appointed to student to take the assessment test. The ing, and ongoing support, the “I think it's larger than the government positions. 'intervention' process would K12 Bridge Program will be- community college itself. I think Victor Valley College Asso- begin during a student's fresh- come active participants in the it depends on what high-school ciated Student Body council man year and would reoccur transition to higher education, they went to, what opportunities candidates are campaigning for every year, if necessary, for the and not just an observer,” ac- they had, and social economics,” votes April 22 to May 22. said Wolcott. Elections for the ASB council are held during the spring se- Phi Theta Kappa gets inspired mester each year. This year, election dates are May 21 and By Janice Shore May 22 and the results will be RamPage Reporter announced on June 10. Candidate forums will be in In early April, members of the the food court on May 9 and Victor Valley Community Col- May 10 beginning at 11 a.m. lege Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) and ending at 4 p.m. Students honors society attended their are able to vote in the gymnasi- annual convention held in the um lobby, technology center, or San Jose Convention Center the food court.
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