Margarita Elvira-Recuenco SUSTAINABLE CONTROL OF PEA BACTERIAL BLIGHT Approaches for durable genetic resistance and biocontrol by endophytic bacteria Proefschrift terverkrijgin g van degraa d van doctor opgeza g van derecto r magnificus vanWageninge n Universiteit, dr.ir .L .Speelman , inhe t openbaar te verdedigen opvrijda g 6oktobe r 2000 desnamiddag so m 13.30uu ri nd eAul a 2> Elvira-Recuenco,M . Sustainable control of pea bacterial blight: approaches for durable genetic resistance andbiocontro l byendophyti c bacteria Thesis Wageningen University, the Netherlands - With references - With summaries inEnglish , Dutch and Spanish. ISBN 90-5808-291-1 Subject headings: pea / Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi I genetic resistance / endophytic bacteria/ biocontrol Printed byPonse n &Looye n BV, Wageningen The research described in this thesis (April 1995-October 2000) was conducted at Plant Research International, Wageningen, The Netherlands and at Horticulture Research International, Wellesbourne, UK.I n 1999par t of the research was also done atJoh n InnesCentre ,Norwich , UK. This PhD study was funded by Instituto Nacional de Investigation y Tecnologia Agraria yAlimentari a (INIA),Ministr y of Science andTechnology , Spain. BIBl.lOTHi-FK LANDBOl WUMVHK; VVAGT^N.'NGFNJ SUSTAINABLE CONTROL OF PEA BACTERIAL BLIGHT Approaches for durable genetic resistance and biocontrol byendophyti c bacteria Promoter: Dr.M.J .Jege r Hoogleraar in deecologisch e fytopathologie Co-promotoren: Dr.J.W.L .va n Vuurde Senior onderzoeker PlantResearc h International, Wageningen Dr.J.D .Taylo r Senior scientist Horticulture Research International, Wellesbourne,U K STELLINGEN/PROPOSITIONS 1. The combination of race specific resistance and race non-specific resistance is the optimal genetic background for a potentially durable resistance to pea bacterial blight. This thesis 2. A differential expression of resistance to pea bacterial blight occurs in stem, leaf and pod for both race specific and race non-specific resistance. This thesis 3. Indigenous populations of endophytic bacteria in pea are affected by the plant genotype. This thesis 4. For a practical application in commercial pea growing of bacterial endophytes as biocontrol agents, it is necessary to be aware of the influence of environmental factors on endophytic colonization. This thesis 5. Genetic resistance and biocontrol by endophytic bacteria are complementary measures and potentially additive for a durable and sustainable control of pea bacterial blight. This thesis 6. The induction in vitro of an L-form (cell wall-less) bacterium is pathovar specific. This thesis 7. Error is all around us and creeps in at the least opportunity. Every method is imperfect. Charles Nicolle (1866-1936) 8. The way to grasp the integrity of the species can only be found in a synthesis of taxonomy, differentiating geography, genetics and cytology. N.I. Vavilov. Centers of origin of cultivated plants. Tr. po prikl. hot. I selek. (Papers on applied botany andplant breeding), vol. 16, no. 2, 1926. 9. Lainspiratio n existe,per otien e queencontrart e trabajando. Inspiration exists,bu t itmus t find you working. Pablo RuizPicasso (1881-1973) 10. Noso n buenos losextremo s aunque seae n lavirtud . Extremes areno t good even invirtue . SantaTeresa deAvila (1515-1582) 11. 'Parece, Sancho, que no hay refran que no sea verdadero, porque todos son sentencias sacadas de lamesm aexperiencia , madred e las cienciastodas' . 'It seems, Sancho, that there is no saying that is not true, since all sayings are statements derived from experience which ismothe r of all sciences'. DonQuijote deLa Mancha (1605-1615), Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 12. 'There were once five peas in one shell, they were green, the shell was green, and so they believed that the whole world must be green also, which was a very natural conclusion'. The PeaBlossom, 1853, HansChristian Andersen Margarita Elvira-Recuenco 'Sustainable control of pea bacterial blight: approaches for durable genetic resistance and biocontrol by endophytic bacteria' Wageningen, 6October , 2000 Preface I have spent five years and six months working on this PhD study (16 April 1995-6 October 2000) in The Netherlands and England. What I cannot recall precisely isho w long I have stayed in each country, it has been The Netherlands-England, England- The Netherlands during thesefive years ;i t is obvious mychoic e was notbase d on the needfo r agoo dclimate !Bu ti twa sth erigh tchoice . The Spanish institution INIA, with its financial support, gave meth e opportunity to do this study abroad, and I am very grateful to them, also for making an exception in allowing these studies to be carried out in two countries; a special mention goes to Luis Ayerbe, Vicente Reus and Carmen Alvarez. The project had a clear aim: measures for the control of pea bacterial blight. Nevertheless, two very distinct approaches had to be undertaken, which implied not only a degree of difficulty but also agrea t challenge. Indeed thebenefit s from this broad research have compensated for the difficulties, for which the contribution of my supervisors, Jim van Vuurde in The Netherlands andJoh n Taylor in England, has been essential. I have learned many things from them about Plant Sciences and also about the art of science; we have shared many points of view and there has been an understanding and tolerance for those we did not share. It has been an intensive learning period under their guidance but also with freedom to undertake my own initiatives. Thanks are due also to my supervisor from the University, Mike Jeger, for following up the project, particularly during the last year, at a distance, and for encouraging me to write during my PhD study. In 1999, two-month's work was conducted at John Innes Centre, England. The outcome of this short period was relevant. I deeply thank Noel Ellis for his supervision and support in elucidating the complex genetics of the breeding programme andfo r thepleasan t timeI spenti nhi slab . Thanks areals odu et oJo e Kloepper, Auburn University, Alabama. During myvisi t to his lab I learned not only the conceptual basis of Induced Systemic Resistance but alsoth eimportanc e of thefiel d screening inbiocontrol . I would like to thank very much all who contributed to this thesis in one way or another:hel p in thepractica l work in thelab ,glasshouse , field, computing, library and for their advice, support and friendship. I have been very fortunate with the people I have met and it is not my purpose here to list everyone. Some of them have been acknowledged in the Chapters of this thesis. I wouldjus t like to mention afe w names however: my colleagues at 'Bacteriologie', Wageningen, for their kindness, great fun in the lab, comradeship, speaking English to me, and above all, for making me feel a part of the group and never a stranger. This includes Ineke, Jose v. Beckhoven, Maudie, Jan, Petra, Pieter, Henry, Sylvia, Jose Rasing and Els. Also to our foreign guests, Flori, Ednar, Janni, Veena ,and trainees. Ineke, thanks for the good times we spent and of course for our traditional Chinese lunch. Jan, your advice and interesting discussions were an inestimable help for me. My colleagues at Plant Pathology, Wellesbourne, for their kindness, Josie and Sara, it was great to share the office with you! Jan, Barbara and Pat, thanks a lot for your excellent work with the breeding material, and Joana, Paul and Steve, for your scientific advice. A special word of thanks goes to my Dutch and English friends who helped me to know and love the Netherlands and England, and to my 'foreign' friends who showed me so much about different cultures, ways of living and supported me in overcoming difficulties when I felt homesick. And at the end of this preface I return to the beginning... 1 mean, to my roots, y esto no es en ingles.... A mis amigos espanoles, algunos fuera de Espafia. A mis amigos de Mostoles, de toda la vida, con los que la amistad sigue siendo la misma despues de estos muchos afios de ausencia. Un recuerdo muy especial va para uno de ellos, Petri, que se fue de nuestro lado el ano pasado. A mi familia de Cuenca, mis padres y mi hermana, muchas gracias mama, papa y Yoli, sin vosotros esta tesis no hubiera sido posible. A mama y Yoli decirlas que no puedo imaginar haber tenido un apoyo mejor que el suyo. I know not what I may appear to the world, but to myself I appear to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. IsaacNewton (1642-1727) Contents Chapter 1. General Introduction 1 Chapter 2. Resistance tobacteria l blight (Pseudomonas syringae pv.pisi) in Spanish pea (Pisum sativum) landraces. 25 Chapter 3. Inheritance of racenon-specifi c resistance toPseudomonas syringae pv.pisi derived from Pisum abyssinicum and molecular markers for resistance. 39 Chapter4 . Differential responsest ope abacteria l blight in stem,lea f and pod under glasshouse andfiel d conditions. 69 Chapter 5. Natural incidence of endophytic bacteria inpe a cultivars under field conditions. 87 Chapter 6. Effects of soil,plan t genotype and growth stage onendophyti c bacterial colonization of pearoot s and stems inth efield . 103 Chapter 7. Efficiency ofprocedure s for induction andcultivatio no f Pseudomonas syringae pv.pisi L-form . 127 Chapter 8. GeneralDiscussio n 145 Summary 165 Samenvatting 175 Resumen 187 Curriculum vitae 199 Author's abstract Elvira-Recuenco, M. 2000. Sustainable control of pea bacterial blight: Approaches for durable genetic resistance and biocontrol by endophytic bacteria. PhD Thesis, Wageningen University, TheNetherlands , 200pp. ,English , Dutch and Spanish summary. Pea bacterial blight {Pseudomonas syringae pv.pisi) occurs worldwide and can cause severe damage under cool and wet conditions particularly at the seedling stage in winter- sown crops.
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