. e . ißtorcllantous latbical Jacbtral tiatlroabz ailro ib' RESOLUTION sae Propoatng Amendments to the Cometit • XXd, . R. R. R. AYER'S RAILROAD NOTICE JUNK • 11, Cemetery Alarble VTorlcs, ; by Uri Steals rind Moot of Representuttres of TIIREE GREAT LIG FITS! ITEPIT'TSBUILGII, daeitt. Resolved Amotsyleanio in (knead Amiably mot:— 1 Liberty CHERRY PECTORAL, ittshurgt Cbmwanceidth of No. 333 Street, below Wayne, WAYNE k CHICAGO RAIFT. PITTSITCRGII,DVS 4 CINCINNATICOLUMagyMOIL are proposed to the Condi. PA. Air ANKIND HAVE LONG BEEN .EN- Fur Mt et(rr 1 V. with R. ample !tellingStork wed LINE. ILAILICOAD. the amendmeots with PITTSBIIitOII, RUAD CO3IPAN That the pre. gulphed u ropood 11.' trairspert Passenger. and Freight Pram to in Sense Cast. tntionuf the Commonwealth, in accordance .131 to darkneoc. ineut.k preluded hi Thirty Wes Trami Sid— Through Coininbus NA suns rams Tits Ousts% the thenmf. MATTHEW LAWTON, seen.. health—riddingthe human body from diseace. and Coughs, Colds and Hoarseness. Pittsburgh to Loula,lndianap- of To Cin- SCOLIt piece of information .1,100,ofthe tentharticle the trtutnient of Philadelphiaand Chia-Nish:Lt. 11cour,s—tritho. ~.hart9+ thrs::— following interesting [MST LYZNOXr.sr. ERACTICAL MARBLE'IIASON, pretereinglife. The rick. muter fallaccouc tnaumaa, Ma...,ash 0.i.,1355. elk. Cincinnati, mid all places Kest and Sonth-west, n ith a cinnati in Tlreireflours. —The Delta, the 1 lair • continued practlo•of the Orleans of to laid Coo/Mutton te reru. faculty, are oubJect to Ds.. J.C. Airst—l dured hesitate to ..ay the l esis mmody diem, efreaularity and expedition. Arse22d. from Nest . There shall bo an ISRES RESPECTFULLY TO IN- and There le nothing certain or meet tlaand after MONDAY. la-W.l4m Ptsimvaca we take we followet— probabilities inteertainticw. IIbsen ever fur Coughs. lioursenesa, luflueti=u and Thefact ChM tins road tenni, the most direct and only ' tho Federal Allegheny is firstrecorded evidence have be designated ea artkloteleleeen. as . form his friends and the public generally, that he in the old or new fdund TILAINS vin [hi, to leave Street, "let. It the IW axed Inthetreatmentof the sick either the eututhauti ut a i.l your tlierry Pec- ~„g,11,1,,g linebetween Pittsbnrghawl Chien.is a follows: species St. stow the maeufactun: and sale sytuptonts Cold, a Depot. llxily,(Sunaktvs exesid,sl.)aa of sugar from the AntieLE 1 Las leased the pm:M..44(.3r of medicine, toral. it. use my practice and for that its Traitts make butter time, and of the production DEBTS. os school cunstaut family Deb.{ guarautee ran ," via llyear, listoes Allegheny at seen I OP PUBLIC ..00,1 variety of llarble Work, emit Dr. praluciug threeremedies—- m 7 Trains on FIRST TRAlN—emit sugar-cane so extensively planted in may cosstrat to supply rued i'"r Midway has the but ten yews has shown it to possess superior vinues 4,lls,ction+with other[toads, than can Junction at of 1. me State debta, Randy Renee tug rivirc ann. i;ther 2.30 t. n. Steubenville 3.05,(bmitkfast Cuehiss Chinese g me ode Monuments, Tablets and Gravestones, tcimot :II fur thetreatmentof these complaints. rent, States. asserted that the Inrevemus, or to meet expensee not Tombs knowntotheworldmltvlway'e only Le; ihaleby amy ton t S a. at..;) leaves Columbus at 10.50 and arrive. at Cin- the United It has been deflate orfailure. ' of variety Resolvent and lftguLators. These. Remedies aro not ec- KNIGHT. 31.1). TRAI, LEAVE. a fort but the aggregate amount ofsuch debts Cary and foam failed fu ciissksimn at e. Y. MIS train stops only at Pais June- only, probably be- provided tabliehed Each. they never yet Pittsburgh.l'lltathreh.. Crestline. Pt..._Warne• cinnati 2.40 cane will produce molasses erwtse contrated. by vh .the of one i 1d.., inasmuch as have A.B. 31.01ITLEY, Esq.. of Utica, N. Y., writive hire l'hil.idelphin..•ia. I , Creetline. Ft. Market, Cawbocton, Ihysiden dived ntlegat, whether " their In hatitful and 2.A0 LOU thin; Cadiz. Now Ehricharille. to make were and co oret special or combined cftleacy producing urowl your Pectoral tityaelf mud iu my ever riure you pa Eapoess, 1.00 r. 0. M. A. N.. on the Ilailmad. cause those who attempted sugar or acts ofthe general assembly, different perk& I facts establishing cram, WWII M.I I and Newark Stoat-mite and Indiana more they a - it. 1 hundredand fifty thousand 1 Centre Tablv. I beneficial reoults-hbut. are It. and believe it the boat meilichr. for it. pun., 11.00p.m.. /15r. L. j 10.30 P. M. j 5.30 A. m. Pa_si.ol3l learea Alleglouy nut well skilled in the method of producing of 11tne,Allan neverexceedseven ma, rler, they succeeded inrector. l'lvilutirlphia 7010 M.; SEAN/ND TRAIN—NaI. I the creation of Barcau I --as bare to all 011.5...•1.1 Mbar pot out. W ithalud coil I thoulilsoimer pay to )tail Train haves at A. Pittsburghat 0430,Colutnbus dollars. and money arleing from the from disease after all a [alio p I 3,00 r. d.. Steubenville Junction 2.40Y.. the below is well authenti- was °h- ingto ridding the body Cottle thanilii ithout . any other. retuoily." 9.40 n. M.. arrivingin Cr.:Alineat 0.17 .s. Buy!' fact mentioned • shall beapplied to theporters for which it health—end aklllful w.it,or and arrives at Cineinnati at 7.34 a. a, ,4lg at allA.sta- the cane as debts. Tops. j othermeth' inal treatment had failed--and the meet ,, W[I,IOVIMI IN Espnsta at 11.00 r. v.; Socond it:oll cared, is as much a product of orto debta to contracted, and to no other Stand of Me C1L0121 01)11:011; FLUF:NZA. Ilracit Catemo—Finn hon.° d. & I. It. sugar alted, retmy the • given up ow beyond the power R. the treat- die., kr, phytrinte. bad the sick Senvanrco,- M. 1... 14.b.7.•. • pre. at 2.05 P. M. thirty trirel are bo- molasses, and a be'ter knowledge of ' purpose whatever. mull the mnndaiL—- Express In 31 Re 110 this route mines of Inaddition the m low as any other establishment Wert I means to eurn--and pronounced dreadful Itiveritca Arrec-1 will cheerfullycertify your Pechind IA Tots Pittsburgh: First linefrom Pittsburgh t,. which will, tq.,10,1 2. to above limited power the Which he Is offering been itirurablr. the Le.,t wr Tuuovon—From tll hours mad 50 ingthe'lllivildireet • meet (tithe plant, with improvements, contr-act debts to suppress of llis stock is now, and has reilenly pwictits for the cure -if Whooping Cugh, hours and 10 minute. Second Exprest ur and ratite, and In it may repel inr[1.510,4 loser. the mountidna. facts In the ar, clic,t bout,: eintmti and south western make State Ile is also Itathshy's Returthes therefore filed Croup, and the ileotitwc of children. We of yourfrit- Philmlelphiat First Express in 31 thvotouthern , experience, will probably rection, defend theState Inwar, or to redeem [tie prevent seleetal by hiumelL expremly for this market. are minutes. From appiiittnieuteand ausrlagentent, unsurpassed by aay Ara grow out of to Burial chiesen of mesh.] scienee--they have Levu -often tried"- tcrnity in tho :tooth approcinteyour chill and commend in 39 hours miuuter. of that , of the State: but the money arising prepared build Vaulta, enclose bar Lots with Mar- Ftwonl Express amls class root in the talon. ' -nil that, is desirable in the production outstanding indebtedness in line, in -never denied"—and ready -tube trhslogulu." your use-dicing to our pciiple. front Philadelphiais overtaken at Pitts- from o-mtracting ofnthdebt, shall be applied to the ble or Stone. and to execntemny other work his nre The Mail Train Train . , `common of life. the adjoining ruts,. CU, 1.10011 . burghby Espress, passengers by that utay necessary for width It or torepay each debts, and my of theCemeteries Pittsburgh. First and , connect at Newark with the Sandusky. Mansfield Cane.—Mt. purpose won reined, . RELIEF. A3loB LEE, En6., slnutzotnery, In., w Jan., '5.1, Pittsburgh. Train Chinese Sugar whatever. 11.17111 ai IliaxmiloN TO SUBWAY'S READY where goforward by First Express from k Newark I. for Mt. Vernon. Sandusky, Toledo and ,Pte Produce of the au- to 00 other purpore ltobert Galway. Esq., As a Speeial Remedy le to lw toed in all rase. lie ^Ihad a tedious Intluenzw which oninued me In doom 6 0.441.9. Turinfront Pittsburghbang a Train [orbs:al the extenlffre 3. Except Slove in action, Rm. T.ll. Lyman, Tito v. Chimp,. `- Layton, connected with Samos the debts Rpccitled. lionnui ls seised with the torturing pangs or parox. weeks, moos h:Twines without rlief, fluidly tried is overtaken at by I 4.4 11. of Louis, fur- of this debt whatever shall be created NVm. John Chlslett. P.TI. tasty took basineroc Cretelne Second Express. At COLUMBUS with Columbus, Viva 440 bulisna It. R. & Bro., St. ono and two article.no Juo. H. W. L. Esq., Yams of pain—no:natter what thecaw., of the may be, your Pectornl by the ode's-. of our der., moo. The first AllTrAkol mob. closet at Crestlltte for Coltuit- I gar refinery of Belcher or on Shoonherger, EN., Ilingwalt, i.fi‘ connections ' Urbono, Troy, Dellefustmine. to. anger and 1 by, behalfof the State. where it be o the Ready dose the In toy throat and longs: les than and Ft. Louis; at Port nom forest psterday samples of To of Esq., .1. 11. Hill, Kegs or may brand—an application retieved sureness , bus. Cincinnati, ItulLumpolls also. At XENIA the Dayton, us with 4.
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