Lisgar Alumni ~ __-----.:1\., • _ •• _ ____ , " I 1.17 r rc 1 • I.lTT 1.I'Jr ____ I "r ~ I A II' I. r . I ~ • ~.- . I ..... .. ........... ~ ----- ................. ...,. Volume 4, Number 2 Lisgar Alumni Association Autumn 1987 Lisgar Hollywood Star Dies Amon~ Lisgar's illustrious detour to Hollywood where a created the Academy of Radio alumni, Lorne Hyman Greene series of celebrity interviews had Arts which graduated over 400 (1915-1987) was undoubtedly the been arranged to help sell Cana­ announcers during the years most world famous of all; he suc­ dian war bonds," (Tfie Ottawa 1946-53. Greene moved on to an cumbed to cancer last September Citizen September 12, 1987, p. actingcareer playing star roles 11th-- adamantly refusing any C2) on Broadwax in 1953-54 and at heroic hospital treatment to After the war, he started Stratford in 55; then he co­ prolong his life. From his humble Canada's first TV clinic and founded the Jupiter Theatre in home in Lebreton Flats of Ot­ Toronto. Starting in '59, NBC tawa, where his Russian parents launched the first TV western in settled as immigrants, to'his colour, Bonanza, and with the ranch-style mansion in Los An­ leading role, he acquired an alter geles' wealthy Brentwood sub­ ego portraying Ben Cartwright urb, he lived a very full life, . .. whose father-son relationship latterly so often in the public eye. was much like his own father's. After Lisgar and Queen's The shows and his popularity University, where he was active soared in the 1960's when Bo­ in stage shows, he had a brief nanza was screened worldwide. spell with theatres in New York Although patterned on earlier before joining the CBe as a radio cowboy series, Lome made his newcaster. "Still only 24, Lorne portrayal seem less violent and Green had a meteonc rise to more tolerant than most. prominence as the baritone Nonetheless, while earning backdrop to the early years of the his fame in Hollywood, Lome war. He narrated National Film Greene retained his Canadian Board efforts as well... [Then he] citizenship and welcomed op- left his eBe broadcast role in continued on page 2 1942 to join the army, but his (by Young Lome Greene at Lisgar now famous voice) took him on a Inside A Tribute to Lorne Greene By Sidney Katz It all began with our history -An Invitation to teacher, Mr. Blake, who was also Cap's Bar & Grill When a person achieves fame, in charge of the Historical Soci­ - New Executive inevitably a host of people come ety. Mr. Blake approached me forward with the claim that they With a suggestion: "Can you Takes the Reins were the ones that gave the ce­ please write a flay with a Cana­ -Current Events at lebrity his or her start. Well, in dian Historica theme that we can the case of my long-time friend, stage at our big annual meeting?" Lisgar Collegiate the late Lome Greene, I believe My first inclination was to reject - Members' Forum that I can validly claim that I put the proposal. After all, my a future star in orbit, and, it took knowledge of playwriting was -Alumni Association place- of all places- in the audito­ zilch and my enthusiasm for Committee rium of Lisgar Collegiate in the continued on page 3 1930's. Lisgar Alumni Newsletter page 2 An Invi ati n to Cap's ill Alumni Violinists By Sean Meehan I sold my interes t in Lick's intending to pursue another Play On In the summer of '72, fresh aspect ofthe restaurant business­ from an illustrious high school one that my days at Lisgar had These are some of the career, I consulted with every well prepared me for. In 1980 I recent achievements of Lisgar university in Ontario before opened Cap's Friendly Bar & graduates who were all once choosing to become a sales clerk Grill on Jarvis Street. violinists in the Lisgar Orches­ at George Richards King Size tra: Clothes. Anne MeRuer '72 was After one year in the real manager of the Kitchener Sym­ world I opted for early retire­ phony, and is now managing ment. The following six months I the Toronto Symphony Or­ spent travelling in Carribean and chestra. South America. Doug Briarley '72 is now a Upon returning to Canada, I professional violinist and free­ decided to go into the restaurant lances in Montreal and business with my sister while Toronto. continuing my education at the Tu Mach '87 is at the Uni­ University of Toronto in Eco­ versity of Ottawa and will play nomics and Commerce. at one of the Ottawa Music My sister and I spent our first Cap's has become a popular Club concerts at the Chateau six years in business experiment­ spot in Toronto and seven years Laurier this Fall. ing with a variety of ventures. later is enjoyed by many regulars. Phong Mach '87 has been These included a remote summer I'm still running Cap's and awarded a scholarship by the lodge, concession stands in while the hours are long, I enjoy Toronto Conservatory. He re­ parks, an ice cream parlor and a the business very much. ceives free tuiHan and board greasy spoon. Through all of I would like to take this op­ for one year, and is studying these ventures my sister devel­ portunity to invite all ex-Lisgar­ under David Zafer. oped the concept for Lick's Ice ites to stop in at Cap's. On your Cream and Home-made Burgers. first visit present your Lisgar We wish them luck in their Lick's is now a popular fast food Alumni card and in the best of future endeavours. 1m chain in the Toronto area . I, on neighbourhood bar traditions, I the other hand, developed the wiHbuy you a drink on the idea that running fast food out­ house. lets was too much work. Cheers! II Lisgar Hollywood Lisgar Alumni Newsletter Sta ies continued from page 1 Editor The Lisgar Alumni Newsletter is portunities to return to Canada BRIAN MITCHELL a semi-annual newsletter of the and Ottawa. When Lisgar held its Contributors Lisgar Alumni Association. 140th reunion in 1984 he was DOUGARRAND Enquiries and comments are among the celebrities attending welcome. They can be sent to: JOHN DUNFIELD and just recently Friends of the Museum of Natural Sciences in BARBARA O'BRIEN Lisgar Alumni Association Ottawa presented him with an CATHY ULLRICH 29 Lisgar Street, award recognizing his special DAVID MACGOUGAN Ottawa, ON interest in wildlife. In latter years Typesetting and Layout K2P OB9 his love for nature and animals lMRANHAQ found expression in To the Wild Special thanks to the school for Country and Lorne Greene's Typing the use of their Macintosh Com­ New Wilderness. MARIENurr puter and Laser Printer and to Lorne is survived by his wife, student 1MRAN HAQ for his ex­ ROBBIE CLENDENNING the American actress Nancy pertise and assistance. Anne Deale (whom he married in the early 1960's), their daughter Gillian, and twin children from his first marriage. III Lisgar Alumni Newsletter page 3 The Lisgar Orchestra in 1932. Lorne Greene is standing third from the left in the second row. A Tribute to Lorne Greene continued from page 1 history was restrained. But I was dence of being both versatile and My response was, 'What chance no fool either. My history marks talented. He could sing, play the has a gifted playwright got when were rather on the borderline and violin and deliver lines like a his script is marred by an un­ realized that if I turned Mr. Blake young Richard Burton. talented cast?'" down my chance of improving Lorne reluctantly allowed However, the failure didn't my standing could be in himself to be conscripted into impede either of us in our future jeopardy. Feigning enthusiasm, I lead. He was no fool either. His careers. Lome-- as he was to fully told Mr. Blake, "I'd just love to marks in history were shakier demonstrate later-- was a dedi­ write an historical play!" than mine, and it would have cated, intelligent, gifted artist. He With much travail, I cranked been suicidal to antagonize Mr. was also a compassionate human out an epic, with a cast of thou­ Blake by refusing him. being who supported man y good sands, which covered the war In the haze of nostalgia for causes throughout his lifetime. with the Iroquois, the fall of Que­ those dear, golden halcyon days Lorne will be missed by millions bec, the War of 1812 and several at Lisgar, I wish I could report of people throughout the world other historical highlights. It also that our show was a smasheroo. who made him a star. He will be had dancing and mUSlC. When it It wasn't. To be utterly honest, it missed, even more, by the came to casting, I realized there was an unmitigated disaster. smaller group of people whose was only one person in Lisgar Lorne's explanation was, "What privilege it was to know him. III who could carry the lead. Even can you expect from a production then, Lome Greene showed evi- when the script was so lousy?" Lisgar Alumni Newsletter page 4 Inside Lisg~ar~~~ New Executive Takes the Reins Lisgar Notes tI The front office at Lisgar has acquired some new faces over the past year or so including three Music key administrators. In our last newsletter we The Lisgar Octet performed in the Ballroom of paid tribute to Principal Stephen Glavin and the West Brock of the Parliament Buildings on Octo­ other departing staff members.
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