R. H. CARR MRS. R. F. CARR T. E. CARR I GRIDER COAL SALES AGENCY, Inc. I Mine Agents OVER 3.000.000 TONS ANNUALLY BEST GRADES ALABAMA STEAM and I DOMESTIC COALS I R. H. CARR LUMBER CO. Railroad Fuel a Specialty 1414-18 American Trust Building JASPER, ALABAMA BIRMINGHAM. ALA. 1 "STRONG AS EVER FOR THE FRISCO " Dense Timbers-Car Decking-Siding-Finish-Framing CHAS. R. LONG, JR. RAILROAD. MATERIAL OUR SPECIALTY COMPANY LOUISVILLE CHICAGO C. W Booth & Co. "AB", THE NEW FREIGHT BRAKE-Through new features Railway Supplies ip 'design and mechanism, pro- RAILWAY EXCHXAGE BLDG. ;ides efficiency and economy CHICAGO, JLL. I heretofore impossible. THE NEW YORK AIR Manufacturers of BRAKE COMPANY Logan Iron and Steel Co. 420 Lexington Avenue All kinds of Railway and ln- Genuine Wrought Iron NEW YORK CITY dustrial Paints. Varnishes and Lacquers. WORKS: BURNHAM, PA. Plant-Watertown, N. Y. Magnus Company INCORPORATED JOURNAL BEARINGS and BRONZE ENGINE CASTINGS . .. December, 1934 Page 1 UHAS. K. SUHWEIZER GO. RUBBER & STEEL STAMPS BROOKSIDE-PRATT MINING CO. MA1 LI NG LIST! Producers of I Time Stamps-Daters-Self-lnkers STEAM AND DOMESTIC COAL I Pave the war a more -1" rM itmt Tle Hammers Mines on Frisoo, Southern and namer and addremen of Live proepecm. Stamp Pads-Numbering Machines I I. C. Railroads Get them from the orldnat compllen Comer Building of basic Itst informationvp to date 422 N. 3rd St. St. Louls, Mo. BIRMINGHAM. ALA. accurst-ranted ' I I Tell w .bout your buoiaear Well help YOU find the orwwch. No ob- I ligation for ~~nouitetionnerslce. CENTRAL BOARDING & SUPPLY COMPANY COMMISSARY CONTRACTORS P. J. ENOLJiXAN, President JOS. M. WDOWD, Supt., Sprlngdeld, Mo. 0. I. FITZGEUD, Vice-Pres. and Se'y GUY KRDSS, Supt., Bprlngfleld, 310. I CHAR. GRAY. Manager, Sprlngdefd, Mo. M. S. ENGLEIMAN, Vlce-Pres., Dallas, Tex. I General Officr: Rallway Erehan~eBldg KANSAS CITY MO Birnch Offices: ST. LOUIS, MO., SPRINGFIELD. MO.,"FT. WORTH, T~x.,DALLAS, TEX. Giveo counts and rlces on 8,000 Lines of guainess- how to t opecial lists by ter- line of rwiness. Auto lisu of all kin&. Shows you how to use tha mails to melt vow products and -icen. Write aoday. " HERCU LE s I I Your -Red Strand- j R.L.POLK&CO. WIRE ROPE Polk Bldg.-Detroit, MicL Made Only by Branch in Rinci: 71 Cities A. Leschen & Sons Rope Co. Fire Pail ST. LOUIS 1 Wing Ust Com ilerr Budncoa 8ptb Twgh Producers of &ect Mail ~d~enioing. Slroq SI and Barrel Durable- We Fill Yew Hospital ?rwerl~tlonr #nutbas The PRICHARD-BLATCHLEY NEW YORK DRUG cnlcrco COMPANY Equipment DENVER The Rexall Stare SAN FRANCISCO 8. W. Cor. :.:r,ln & Wall Phone 170 FT. SCOTT, KANS. Becomea - Much More QAdIeld 2870-287 1 BLUE PRINTING lii$maB I C. A. ROBERTS CO. I IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN "SHELBY" ART & DRAWING MATERIALS Seamless Steel Tubing ,, 11 10 Looust Street st. LOUIS. MO. CHICAGO , ST. LOUIS when DETROIT 1N31AV 9POLIS LAUNDERING--.--- 1169 Arcade Bldg. At Popular Prices From 2Mc Per Pound St. Louis, Mo. Up JEffernon 0414 Representing the 3'. & M. Co. BECHT LAUNDRY CO. is added to the water INTERURBAN OHATT GO. Writs today for prices and valuable Shippers of booklet on fire mtingd8hing Road Chatt Lumber Yard Chatt systems. Chatt Ballast 124 East First St. Ask for booklet 6155. SIGNAL, SERVICE PITTSBURG, KANSAS J SOLVAY SALES CORPORATION Alkalies and Chemical Prcducta CONTINENTAL TUWENTINE Manufocin~ud by & ROSIN CORP-9 'NC. r LIUREL KISS. and Power The Xolvay Process Cornpan?/ Man:rar .rrers of Service S Distil:o< Wood Turpentine 61 Broadway . New Yo& tea:n Steam Di::t;!led Pine Oil "Z KERITE'VN2k%EPCOMF'!!wwI- cm- su-- 1N-C I Wood Rmln ' 1 v 7 Y ROOM 83 y FRISCO BUILDING .... ST. LOUIS JOHN W. NOURSE, General Passenger Agent In Charge MARTHA C. MOORE, Editor DECEMBER, 1934 No. 12 Permission is given to reprint with or without credit, in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine. Contents of This Issue Pages Buffalo and Urhlana, Mo., Schools Tie for Frisco 1'rize ....................................................................3-4 agency wrlaugeri ........................................................................... 4 Traffic Department Appointments............ .. ......................... 5 "Popeye" Popularizes Spinach.................................................... 6 1935 Conventions ..........................................................................7 Help Fight Tuberculosis Meritorious Service ..................... ......................................... 7 The Honor Roll .......................................................................... 8 The Xmas seals placed on sale by the National. Stah and Local Tuber- In Memoriam ..................................................................................9 culosis Association of the United News of the Frisco Clubs States for 1934 depiot a reproduction of a little one-room cottage at Sara- The Merriment Paqe .................................................................. 14 nac Lake, N. Y., where the modern News from the Mechanical Department ........................... 15-18 treatment of tuberculosis began. The purchase of the Tuberculosis Assodation s'als to use on Xmas packages will help to conquer this deaded disease. BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS! I THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE The Frlsco Employes' Magazlne h a monthly publfcatlon devoted prlrnarlly cn the lnteresb ot the active and retlred employes of the Frlaeo Llnes I1 concalns stories, Items of cur- rent news, personal notes about employes and lhelr tamilles, artlcles dealing wlth varlous phases of rallrofld work, poenis. cartoons and notices regarding the service. Good clear photographs suItnble tor reproductton are especially deslred, and wI11 be returned only when requested. All cartoons and drawlngs must He in black Indla Ink. Employes are Invited to write arllcles lor the magazine. Contrlbutlons should be type- wrltten, on one slde of the sheet only, and should be addressed to the Edltor, F~lscoButldlns, St. Imls, >lo. Dlslrlbuted free among Frlsco Employee. To others, prlce 15 cenu a copy: subserlption 1 rate. $1.50 a sear. Adverilslng rate wU1 be made known upon appllcatlon. December, 1934 Page 3 Buffalo and Urbana, Mo., Schools Tie For Frisco Prize HE Fourth Annual Southwest and they use this method of disposing Fourtn L~vestoCK anow Mlssourl VocationaI Agricultural of the animals rather than shipping Sale One of TLivestock ,%ow and @ale was them to open market. These animals and Best held at the Union Stockyards, Spring. are sold at aaotion and usually bring fleld, Mo., on September 12-13, 1934, considerable prenvfum a b o v e the and all vocational agricuhral depart- market, especfally the prize animals. vocation.al teacher, Crane, Mo., presi- ments in the high schools of sout~h- The show and sale were worked out dent; Glenn E. Kwh, vocational teacher, Bolivar, Mo., secretary; west 'Missouri, northwest Arkansas, by officers of the Southwest Missouri northeast Oklahoma and southeast Vocational Teachers' Association as a Kennet% R. Elmore, vocational teach- Kansas were eligible to participate. means of closing up the year's work er. Marshfield, Mo., treasurer. The T.he Frisco agricultural department and of stimulating interest and en- newly elected officers for next year are: Eenneth R. Elmore, Marshfield, offered a plaque 'this year to the thusiasm among the boys, and be-' L. school winnliag the most points in the .tween the different vocational depart- president; T. Wright, Clever, Mo.. show. These points were based on ments. The success of the show and vice-president; R. C. Calvert, Pleas- winnings according to the placing, sale was manifest this year (by the ant Hill, secretary, and Darrall the blue ribbon or first prize counting large number of vocational schools Young, Pierce City, treasurer. 25 points, etc. The points were participating and by the fact that 92 The Union Stack Yards at Spring- totaled and at the end of the show the head of fat calves, 33 sheep and 98 field cooperates with the vocational school having (the largest number re- hogs were ebtered. teachers and studenltn la holding this 8&&&d&&d The officers of the assodation who event by turning back their commis- Pupils of the vocational agricultural were also managers of the show and sions =Ies the As- departments of Buffalo and Urbana, sale this year were: dohn =. Xirby, sodation for the purpose of defraying Mo., tied for first place, and the plaque the expense of the show, and furnish- was taken to lmth high schools by ing prizes and ribbons. The various Paul C. Potter during November and commission companies on the stock each school will retain possession of yards also contribute in cash to the the plaque tor six months. General above mentioned items of expense. assemblies were called at both schools There are over 100 schools in the and the president of the class at each district eligible to participate in .the received the plaque for the sohool. show and sale, but due to the fact This work in the high schools is that many of the boys have projects assuming proportions and each voca- other than livestock, only the small tional agricultural student has as part number having litestock were able of his school work a project of some to participate. Those schools having kind. The show is for the purpose livestock at the 1934 show and sale of bringing together the livestock were: Crane, Bolivar, Marshfield, owned by the boys of the various Urbana, Pleasant Hope, Wheatland. vocational agricultural clepa~tments Clever, Buffalo, Stockton, Ash Grove, wirth a view of comparing the animals, 1 Aurora, Liberal, Lockwood and Gol- and the boys' ability to grow out and I den City. fit the animal for the show. I An added feature this y8ar was a mhr hnl- -%:-I. in held the day fol- banquet held at the Frisco Bating limaxes the boys' i House in tlhe station at Springfield at thamt school year , which time over 100 students, teachers mnd business men were present. Mr. 'otter acted as toastmaster on this ,ccasion. Et is interesting to note the various Grand Champion fat hog, owned awd cd by Bill Num of the Bzcffalo School.
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